libFAUDES resides within the namespace faudes.
class | TaGenerator |
| Generator with specified attribute types. More...
class | AttributeVoid |
| Minimal Attribute. More...
class | AttributeFlags |
| Boolean flags Attribute. More...
class | TAttrMap |
| Attribute interface for TBaseSet. More...
class | TBaseSet |
| STL style set template. More...
class | vBaseVector |
| Vector bass class. More...
class | TBaseVector |
| Vector template. More...
class | BisimulationCTA |
| The Bisimulation class The following class implements a basic normal bisimulation partition algorithms and derives a class for partitioning w.r.t. delayed bisimulation and weak bisimulation . All these algorithms are introduced in "Computing Maximal Weak and Other Bisimulations" from Alexandre Boulgakov et. al. (2016). The utilised normal bisimulation algorithm originates from the "change tracking algorithm" from Stefan Blom and Simona Orzan (see ref. of cited paper). Besides, the current paper uses topological sorted states to avoid computing saturated transitions explicitly when computing delayed and weak bisimulation. More...
class | AbstractBisimulationCTA |
| The DelayedBisimulation class Derived from Bisimulation class. We implement the "two-pass change-tracking" algorithm from the cited paper. More...
class | TopoSort |
| The TopoSort class perform a topological sort on states of a given automaton. if s1 is before s2 in the sort then there is no path from s2 to s1. The algorithm can be found in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting under depth-first search, which is considered as first invented by R. Tarjan in 1976. More...
struct | Pnode |
class | Bisimulation |
class | AttributeCFlags |
| Attribute class to model event controllability properties. More...
class | TcGenerator |
| Generator with controllability attributes. More...
class | Integer |
| Elementary type. More...
class | String |
| Elementary type. More...
class | Boolean |
| Elementary type. More...
class | Exception |
| Faudes exception class. More...
class | Parameter |
| Structure to model a parameter type within the Signature of a Function. More...
class | Signature |
| Signature of a Function. More...
class | FunctionDefinition |
| A FunctionDefinition defines the interface to a faudes-function. More...
class | Function |
| A faudes-function hosts parameter values of some faudes type and provides a method to perform an operation on the specified paramters, e.g. More...
class | vGenerator |
| Base class of all FAUDES generators. More...
class | SccFilter |
| Filter for strictly connected components (SCC) search/compute routines. More...
class | TaIndexSet |
| Set of indices with attributes. More...
class | IndexSet |
| Set of indices. More...
class | TaNameSet |
| Set of indices with symbolic names and attributes. More...
class | NameSet |
| Set of indices with symbolic names. More...
class | OPState |
class | ProductCompositionMap |
| Rti-wrapper for composition maps. More...
struct | TGraph |
| Graph data structure for transitionrelation – EXPERIMENTAL. More...
struct | TNode |
| A node represents the edges related to one individual vertex. More...
struct | graph_iterator_t |
| An iterator over the map of all nodes is interpreted as a state incl. More...
struct | node_iterator_t |
| An iterator over the set of edges related to one vertex is interpreted as a transition. More...
struct | node_entry_t |
| A node-entry represents one edge. More...
struct | TGraph< Idx, Idx > |
| Specialisation of the graph template to provide convenience methods addressing the intended ussage. More...
class | TypeRegistry |
| The TypeRegistry registers faudes-types. More...
class | AutoRegisterType |
| Auto register faudes-type with specified type name. More...
class | AutoRegisterXElementTag |
class | FunctionRegistry |
| The FunctionRegistry registers faudes-functions. More...
class | Hopcroft |
class | SymbolSet |
| Set of symbols. More...
class | SymbolTable |
| A SymbolTable associates sybolic names with indices. More...
class | Token |
| Tokens model atomic data for stream IO. More...
class | TokenReader |
| A TokenReader reads sequential tokens from a file or string. More...
class | TokenWriter |
| A TokenWriter writes sequential tokens to a file, a string or stdout. More...
class | Transition |
| Triple (X1,Ev,X2) to represent current state, event and next state. More...
class | TransSort |
| Alternative ordering of Transitions. More...
class | TTransSet |
| Set of Transitions. More...
class | TaTransSet |
| Set of Transitions with attributes. More...
class | Type |
| Base class of all libFAUDES objects that participate in the run-time interface. More...
class | Documentation |
| faudes type implementation macros, overall More...
class | TypeDefinition |
| A TypeDefinition defines a faudes-type in that it specifies a faudes-type name to identify the type and a method NewObject() to instantiate objects of the respective type. More...
class | ConsoleOut |
| Console Out. More...
class | ObjectCount |
| Debugging counter. More...
class | ComSyn |
class | SmallSize |
class | SNOState |
struct | ReductionStateInfo |
| Data structure for identifying states in the same coset for supervisor reduction. More...
class | SOE |
class | MCtrlPattern |
class | OPSState |
class | EventRelabelMap |
| Rti convenience wrapper for relabeling maps. More...
class | AttributeDiagnoserState |
| Implements state estimates for the current status of the generator. More...
class | AttributeFailureEvents |
| Stores the failure and indicator events for a particular failure type. More...
class | AttributeFailureTypeMap |
| Partitions the failure and indicator events. More...
class | DiagLabelSet |
| Implements the label representation for state estimates. More...
struct | CoVerifierState |
class | TdiagGenerator |
| Provides the structure and methods to build and handle diagnosers. More...
struct | VerifierState |
class | HioEventFlags |
| Event attributes for hierarchical discrete event systems with inputs and outputs. More...
class | HioStateFlags |
| State attributes for hierarchical discrete event systems with inputs and outputs. More...
class | THioConstraint |
| Generator with I/O-constraint attributes. More...
class | THioController |
| Generator with I/O-controller attributes. More...
class | THioEnvironment |
| Generator with I/O-environment attributes. More...
class | HioModule |
| Recurring structure in hierarchies designed according to the I/O based DES framework. More...
class | THioPlant |
| Generator with I/O-plant attributes. More...
class | AttributeIosEvent |
| Attributes for events in DES with in- and outputs. More...
class | AttributeIosState |
| Attributes for states in DESs with in- and outputs. More...
class | TioGenerator |
| Generator with I/O-system attributes. More...
class | AttributeColoredState |
| State attributes for multitasking automata. More...
class | ColorSet |
| Container for colors: this is a NameSet with its own static symboltable. More...
class | TmtcGenerator |
| Allows to create colored marking generators (CMGs) as the common five tupel consisting of alphabet, stateset, transition relation, initial states, marked states, and attributes for state and event properties. More...
class | adjlist |
class | AttributeTimedTrans |
| Transition Attribute with guard and resets. More...
class | AttributeTimedState |
| State attribute with invariant. More...
class | AttributeTimedGlobal |
| Globat attribute with clockset. More...
class | TtGenerator |
| Generator with timing extensions. More...
class | ClockSet |
| Container class to model a set of clocks. More...
class | ElemConstraint |
| Model of an elementary clock constraint formula. More...
class | TimeConstraint |
| A TimeConstraint is a set of elementary clock constraints. More...
class | Time |
| Type to represent time. More...
class | TimeInterval |
| Model of a time interval. More...
class | DiscreteDensityFunction |
| Density Function. More...
class | SampledDensityFunction |
class | DeviceExecutor |
| Executer with IO device to handle external/physical events. More...
class | TimedEvent |
| Global Tyoedefs. More...
class | Executor |
| An Executor is a timed generator that maintains a current state. More...
class | LoggingExecutor |
| Executor with logging facilities. More...
class | ParallelExecutor |
| Synchronized parallel execution of TimedGenerators. More...
class | ProposingExecutor |
| Executer that proposes which transition to execute. More...
class | SimEventCondition |
| Defining data of event based simulation condition. More...
class | SimStateCondition |
| Defining data of state based simulation condition. More...
class | AttributeSimCondition |
| Attribute for a simulation condition. More...
class | SimConditionSet |
| Set of simulation named conditions. More...
class | SimPriorityEventAttribute |
| Defining data to prioritise events. More...
class | SimStochasticEventAttribute |
| Defining data of stochastic behaviour. More...
class | SimEventAttribute |
| Attribute for an event in the context of simulation. More...
class | mbDevice |
| Processimage synchronisation via Modbus/TCP. More...
class | AttributeSignalOutput |
| Configuration of a signal based output mapping. More...
class | AttributeSignalInput |
| Configuration of a signal based input mapping. More...
class | AttributeSignalEvent |
| Configuration of a signal based input or output. More...
class | sDevice |
| An sDevice implements signal based semantics for faudes events. More...
class | SimplenetAddress |
| Simplenet node address. More...
class | AttributeSimplenetOutput |
| Configuration of a network output mapping. More...
class | AttributeSimplenetInput |
| Configuration of a network input mapping. More...
class | AttributeSimplenetEvent |
| Configuration of a networked input or output. More...
class | nDevice |
| An nDevice implements networked IO via a simple TCP/IP protocol. More...
class | AttributeDeviceEvent |
| Attribute for the configuration of a input or output mapping. More...
class | vDevice |
| Virtual base class to define the interface for event io. More...
class | xDevice |
| Container of devices. More...
struct | swig_cast_info |
struct | swig_type_info |
struct | swig_lua_userdata |
class | LuaFunctionDefinition |
| A LuaFunctionDefinition is derived from FunctionDefinition to define a faudes-function by a Lua script. More...
class | LuaState |
| Wrapper class to maintain a Lua state. More...
class | LuaFunction |
| A LuaFunction is a faudes-function that executes a luafaudes script. More...
class | LbdAbstraction |
class | AttributeLhaTrans |
| Linear hybrid automata transition attribute with guard and resets. More...
class | AttributeLhaState |
| Linear hybrid automata state attribute with invariant, rates and optional initial state constraint. More...
class | AttributeLhaGlobal |
| Linear hybrid automata globat attribute to specify the overall state space. More...
class | pdata_t |
| user data type for polyhedra More...
class | rdata_t |
| user data type for reset relation (fake faudes type) More...
class | Experiment |
| Finite fragment of a computation tree. More...
class | CompatibleStates |
| Abstract dynamics operator, i.e., some set of states, that knows where it eveolves when it next triggers an event. More...
class | DesCompatibleStates |
class | LhaCompatibleStates |
class | TlhaGenerator |
| Generator with linear hybrid automata extensions. More...
class | Scalar |
| Base type for dense maths. More...
class | Matrix |
| Matrix of scalars. More...
class | Vector |
| Vector of scalars. More...
class | Polyhedron |
| Polyhedron in R^n. More...
class | LinearRelation |
| Linear relation on R^n. More...
class | HybridStateSet |
| Set of states in an hybrid automata. More...
typedef unsigned long int | fType |
| Convenience typdef flag data. More...
typedef TaNameSet< AttributeCFlags > | Alphabet |
| Convenience typedef for event sets with controllability attributes. More...
typedef TBaseVector< Alphabet > | AlphaberVector |
| Convenience typedef. More...
typedef TaNameSet< AttributeCFlags > | cEventSet |
| Compatibility: pre 2.20b used cEventSet as C++ class name. More...
typedef TBaseVector< cEventSet > | cEventSetVector |
typedef TcGenerator< AttributeVoid, AttributeVoid, AttributeCFlags, AttributeVoid > | System |
| Convenience typedef for std System. More...
typedef TBaseVector< System > | SystemVector |
| Convenience typedef for vectors of systems. More...
typedef TcGenerator< AttributeVoid, AttributeVoid, AttributeCFlags, AttributeVoid > | cGenerator |
| Compatibility: pre 2.20b used cGenerator as C++ class name. More...
typedef TBaseVector< cGenerator > | cGeneratorVector |
typedef std::set< std::pair< Idx, Idx > > | SetX1Ev |
typedef uint32_t | Idx |
| Type definition for index type (allways 32bit) More...
typedef long int | Int |
| Type definition for integer type (let target system decide, minimum 32bit) More...
typedef double | Float |
| Type definition for real type. More...
typedef TBaseVector< Integer > | IntegerVector |
typedef vGenerator | Generator |
| Plain generator, api typedef for generator with no attributes. More...
typedef TBaseVector< Generator > | GeneratorVector |
| Convenience typedef for vectors og generators. More...
typedef IndexSet | StateSet |
typedef TBaseVector< IndexSet > | IndexSetVector |
| Convenience typedef for vectors og generators. More...
template<class Attr > |
using | TaStateSet = TaIndexSet< Attr > |
| Convenience Macro (pre C++11) More...
typedef NameSet | EventSet |
| Convenience typedef for plain event sets. More...
typedef TBaseVector< EventSet > | EventSetVector |
typedef TNode< Idx, Idx > | Node |
typedef TGraph< Idx, Idx > | Graph |
typedef TTransSet< TransSort::X1EvX2 > | TransSet |
| Type definition for default sorted TTransSet. More...
typedef TTransSet< TransSort::X1EvX2 > | TransSetX1EvX2 |
| Type definition for default sorted TTransSet. More...
typedef TTransSet< TransSort::EvX1X2 > | TransSetEvX1X2 |
| Type definition for ev, x1, x2 sorted TTransSet. More...
typedef TTransSet< TransSort::EvX2X1 > | TransSetEvX2X1 |
| Type definition for ev, x2, x1 sorted TTransSet. More...
typedef TTransSet< TransSort::X2EvX1 > | TransSetX2EvX1 |
| Type definition for x2, ev, x1 sorted TTransSet. More...
typedef TTransSet< TransSort::X2X1Ev > | TransSetX2X1Ev |
| Type definition for x2, x1, ev sorted TTransSet. More...
typedef TTransSet< TransSort::X1X2Ev > | TransSetX1X2Ev |
| Type definition for x1, x2, ev sorted TTransSet. More...
typedef TdiagGenerator< AttributeFailureTypeMap, AttributeDiagnoserState, AttributeCFlags, AttributeVoid > | Diagnoser |
typedef TdiagGenerator< AttributeFailureTypeMap, AttributeDiagnoserState, AttributeCFlags, AttributeVoid > | diagGenerator |
| Compatibility: pre 2.20b used diagGenerator as C++ class name. More...
typedef THioConstraint< AttributeVoid, HioStateFlags, HioEventFlags, AttributeVoid > | HioConstraint |
typedef THioController< AttributeVoid, HioStateFlags, HioEventFlags, AttributeVoid > | HioController |
typedef THioEnvironment< AttributeVoid, HioStateFlags, HioEventFlags, AttributeVoid > | HioEnvironment |
typedef THioPlant< AttributeVoid, HioStateFlags, HioEventFlags, AttributeVoid > | HioPlant |
typedef TaNameSet< AttributeIosEvent > | IosEventSet |
typedef TaIndexSet< AttributeIosState > | IosStateSet |
typedef TioGenerator< AttributeVoid, AttributeIosState, AttributeIosEvent, AttributeVoid > | IoSystem |
typedef TmtcGenerator< AttributeVoid, AttributeColoredState, AttributeCFlags, AttributeVoid > | MtcSystem |
typedef TmtcGenerator< AttributeVoid, AttributeColoredState, AttributeCFlags, AttributeVoid > | mtcGenerator |
| Compatibility: pre 2.20b used mtcGenerator as C++ class name. More...
typedef TtGenerator< AttributeTimedGlobal, AttributeTimedState, AttributeCFlags, AttributeTimedTrans > | TimedGenerator |
| Convenience typedef for std TimedGenerator. More...
typedef TtGenerator< AttributeTimedGlobal, AttributeTimedState, AttributeCFlags, AttributeTimedTrans > | tGenerator |
| Compatibility: pre 2.20b used tGenerator as C++ class name. More...
typedef TaNameSet< SimEventAttribute > | sEventSet |
| Typedef for events with simulation attributes. More...
typedef void *(* | swig_converter_func) (void *, int *) |
typedef struct swig_type_info *(* | swig_dycast_func) (void **) |
typedef struct faudes::swig_cast_info | swig_cast_info |
typedef struct faudes::swig_type_info | swig_type_info |
typedef TlhaGenerator< AttributeLhaGlobal, AttributeLhaState, AttributeCFlags, AttributeLhaTrans > | LinearHybridAutomaton |
| Convenience typedef for std lhaGenerator. More...
typedef TaTransSet< AttributeLhaTrans > | LhaTransSet |
typedef TaIndexSet< AttributeLhaState > | LhaStateSet |
template<class T , class Cmp > |
void | SetUnion (const TBaseSet< T, Cmp > &rSetA, const TBaseSet< T, Cmp > &rSetB, TBaseSet< T, Cmp > &rRes) |
template<class T , class Cmp > |
void | SetIntersection (const TBaseSet< T, Cmp > &rSetA, const TBaseSet< T, Cmp > &rSetB, TBaseSet< T, Cmp > &rRes) |
template<class T , class Cmp > |
void | SetDifference (const TBaseSet< T, Cmp > &rSetA, const TBaseSet< T, Cmp > &rSetB, TBaseSet< T, Cmp > &rRes) |
template<class T , class Cmp > |
bool | SetEquality (const TBaseSet< T, Cmp > &rSetA, const TBaseSet< T, Cmp > &rSetB) |
template<class T , class Cmp > |
bool | SetInclusion (const TBaseSet< T, Cmp > &rSetA, const TBaseSet< T, Cmp > &rSetB) |
bool | topoSort (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rEvs, std::list< Idx > &result) |
| topoSort wrapper for topological sortation rEvs is the set of events which will be considered while sorting More...
void | ExtendTransRel (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rSilent, const Idx &rFlag) |
| ExtendTransRel perform transition saturation w.r.t. silent evs. Two different saturation modes are set depending on flag value. More...
void | InstallSelfloops (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rEvs) |
| InstallSelfloops install selfloops on all states of given event set. intended to install silent event selfloops for saturation. More...
void | ComputeBisimulationCTA (const Generator &rGen, std::list< StateSet > &rResult) |
| ComputeBisimulationCTA basic bisimulation partition algorithm based on change-tracking algorithm. More...
void | ComputeBisimulationCTA (const Generator &rGen, std::list< StateSet > &rResult, const std::vector< StateSet > &rPrePartition) |
| ComputeBisimulationCTA basic bisimulation partition algorithm under prepartition based on change-tracking algorithm. More...
void | ComputeDelayedBisimulationCTA (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rSilent, std::list< StateSet > &rResult) |
void | ComputeBisimulationCTA (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rSilent, std::list< StateSet > &rResult, const std::vector< StateSet > &rPrePartition) |
void | ComputeWeakBisimulationCTA (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rSilent, std::list< StateSet > &rResult) |
| ComputeWeakBisimulationCTA weak bisimulation (aka observation eq) partition based on change-tracking algorithm and topo sort. More...
void | ComputeWeakBisimulation (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rSilent, std::list< StateSet > &rResult, const std::vector< StateSet > &rPrePartition) |
void | ComputeAbstractBisimulationSatCTA (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rSilent, std::list< StateSet > &rResult, const Idx &rFlag, const std::vector< StateSet > &rPrePartition) |
| ComputeAbstractBisimulationSatCTA saturation and change-tracking based partition algorithm for either delayed or weak bisimulation. This function is intended to be invoked by ComputeDelayedBisimulation_Sat or ComputeWeakBisimulation_Sat, not for direct external usage. More...
void | ComputeDelayedBisimulationSatCTA (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rSilent, std::list< StateSet > &rResult) |
| ComputeDelayedBisimulationSatCTA delayed bisimulation partition based on change-tracking algorithm and saturation. More...
void | ComputeWeakBisimulationSatCTA (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rSilent, std::list< StateSet > &rResult) |
| ComputeWeakBisimulationSatCTA weak bisimulation (aka observation eq) partition based on change-tracking algorithm and saturation. More...
void | ComputeDelayedBisimulationSatCTA (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rSilent, std::list< StateSet > &rResult, const std::vector< StateSet > &rPrePartition) |
void | ComputeWeakBisimulationSatCTA (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rSilent, std::list< StateSet > &rResult, const std::vector< StateSet > &rPrePartition) |
FAUDES_API void | FactorTauLoops (Generator &rGen, const Idx &rSilent) |
| FactorTauLoops merge silent loop and then remove silent self loops. More...
FAUDES_API void | ComputeBisimulationCTA (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rSilent, std::list< StateSet > &rResult) |
| ComputeBisimulationCTA bisimulation partition based on change-tracking algorithm and topo sort. More...
FAUDES_API void | ComputeDelayedBisimulationCTA (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rSilent, std::list< StateSet > &rResult, const std::vector< StateSet > &rPrePartition) |
| ComputeDelayedBisimulationCTA delayed bisimulation partition under prepartition based on change-tracking algorithm and topo sort. More...
FAUDES_API void | ComputeWeakBisimulationCTA (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rSilent, std::list< StateSet > &rResult, const std::vector< StateSet > &rPrePartition) |
| ComputeWeakBisimulationCTA weak bisimulation (aka observation eq) partition under prepartition based on change-tracking algorithm and topo sort. More...
FAUDES_API void | ComputeComputeWeakBisimulationSatCTA (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rSilent, std::list< StateSet > &rResult, const std::vector< StateSet > &rPrePartition) |
| ComputeComputeWeakBisimulationSatCTA weak bisimulation partition under prepartition based on change-tracking algorithm and saturation. More...
void | ComputeBisimulation (const Generator &rGenOrig, map< Idx, Idx > &rMapStateToPartition) |
| Computation of the coarsest bisimulation relation for a specified generator. More...
void | ComputeBisimulation (const Generator &rGenOrig, map< Idx, Idx > &rMapStateToPartition, Generator &rGenPart) |
| Computation of the coarsest bisimulation relation for a specified generator. More...
void | ComputeBisimulation (const Generator &rGenOrig, std::list< StateSet > &rPartitions) |
| Computation of the coarsest bisimulation relation for a specified generator. More...
FAUDES_API void | ComputeBisimulation (const Generator &rGenOrig, std::map< Idx, Idx > &rMapStateToPartition) |
| Computation of the coarsest bisimulation relation for a specified generator. More...
FAUDES_API void | ComputeBisimulation (const Generator &rGenOrig, std::map< Idx, Idx > &rMapStateToPartition, Generator &rGenPart) |
| Computation of the coarsest bisimulation relation for a specified generator. More...
void | AppendOmegaTermination (Generator &rGen) |
void | MergeEquivalenceClasses (Generator &rGen, TransSetX2EvX1 &rRevTrans, const std::list< StateSet > &rClasses) |
void | ObservationEquivalentQuotient (Generator &g, const EventSet &silent) |
void | IncomingTransSet (const Generator &rGen, const TransSetX2EvX1 &rRTrans, const EventSet &silent, const Idx &state, SetX1Ev &result) |
void | ActiveNonTauEvs (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &silent, const Idx &state, EventSet &result) |
std::map< SetX1Ev, StateSet > | IncomingEquivalentClasses (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &silent) |
void | ActiveEventsRule (Generator &g, const EventSet &silent) |
void | EnabledContinuationRule (Generator &g, const EventSet &silent) |
void | RemoveTauSelfloops (Generator &g, const EventSet &silent) |
void | MergeSilentLoops (Generator &g, const EventSet &silent) |
void | RemoveNonCoaccessibleOut (Generator &g) |
void | BlockingSilentEvent (Generator &g, const EventSet &silent) |
void | MergeNonCoaccessible (Generator &g) |
void | OnlySilentIncoming (Generator &g, const EventSet &silent) |
void | OnlySilentOutgoing (Generator &g, const EventSet &silent) |
EventSet | HidePriviateEvs (Generator &rGen, EventSet &silent) |
void | RemoveTauLoops (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &silent) |
| Remove all silent loops in a given automaton. More...
void | ConflictEquivalentAbstractionOnce (Generator &rGen, EventSet &silent) |
void | ConflictEquivalentAbstractionLoop (vGenerator &rGen, EventSet &rSilentEvents) |
void | ConflictEquivalentAbstraction (vGenerator &rGen, EventSet &rSilentEvents) |
| Conflict equivalent abstraction. More...
bool | IsNonconflicting (const GeneratorVector &rGenVec) |
| Test for conflicts. More...
bool | IsNonblocking (const GeneratorVector &rGvec) |
void | UniqueInit (Generator &rGen) |
| Make initial states unique. More...
void | UniqueInit (const Generator &rGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Make initial states unique. More...
void | Deterministic (const Generator &rGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Make generator deterministic. More...
void | aDeterministic (const Generator &rGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Make generator deterministic. More...
void | Deterministic (const Generator &rGen, std::map< Idx, StateSet > &rEntryStatesMap, Generator &rResGen) |
| Make generator deterministic. More...
void | Deterministic (const Generator &rGen, std::vector< StateSet > &rPowerStates, std::vector< Idx > &rDetStates, Generator &rResGen) |
| Make generator deterministic. More...
long int | IntegerSum (const Integer &arg1, const Integer &arg2) |
long int | IntegerSum (const IntegerVector &intvect) |
bool | IsAccessible (const vGenerator &rGen) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
bool | IsCoaccessible (const vGenerator &rGen) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
bool | IsTrim (const vGenerator &rGen) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
bool | IsOmegaTrim (const vGenerator &rGen) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
bool | IsComplete (const vGenerator &rGen) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
bool | IsComplete (const vGenerator &rGen, const StateSet &rStateSet) |
bool | IsComplete (const vGenerator &rGen, const EventSet &rSigmaO) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
bool | IsDeterministic (const vGenerator &rGen) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | Accessible (vGenerator &rGen) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | Accessible (const vGenerator &rGen, vGenerator &rRes) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | Coaccessible (vGenerator &rGen) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | Coaccessible (const vGenerator &rGen, vGenerator &rRes) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | Complete (vGenerator &rGen) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | Complete (const vGenerator &rGen, vGenerator &rRes) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | Complete (vGenerator &rGen, const EventSet &rSigmaO) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | Complete (const vGenerator &rGen, const EventSet &rSigmaO, vGenerator &rRes) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | Trim (vGenerator &rGen) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | Trim (const vGenerator &rGen, vGenerator &rRes) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | OmegaTrim (vGenerator &rGen) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | OmegaTrim (const vGenerator &rGen, vGenerator &rRes) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | MarkAllStates (vGenerator &rGen) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | AlphabetExtract (const vGenerator &rGen, EventSet &rRes) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | SetIntersection (const GeneratorVector &rGenVec, EventSet &rRes) |
| RTI convenience function. More...
void | SetUnion (const GeneratorVector &rGenVec, EventSet &rRes) |
| RTI convenience function. More...
void | SetIntersection (const vGenerator &rGenA, const vGenerator &rGenB, EventSet &rRes) |
| RTI convenience function. More...
void | SetUnion (const vGenerator &rGenA, const vGenerator &rGenB, EventSet &rRes) |
| RTI convenience function. More...
void | SetDifference (const vGenerator &rGenA, const vGenerator &rGenB, EventSet &rRes) |
| RTI convenience function. More...
void | SearchScc (const Idx vState, int &vRcount, const Generator &rGen, const SccFilter &rFilter, StateSet &rTodo, std::stack< Idx > &rStack, StateSet &rStackStates, std::map< const Idx, int > &rDfn, std::map< const Idx, int > &rLowLnk, std::list< StateSet > &rSccList, StateSet &rRoots) |
| Search for strongly connected components (SCC). More...
bool | ComputeScc (const Generator &rGen, const SccFilter &rFilter, std::list< StateSet > &rSccList, StateSet &rRoots) |
| Compute strongly connected components (SCC) More...
bool | ComputeScc (const Generator &rGen, std::list< StateSet > &rSccList, StateSet &rRoots) |
| Compute strongly connected components (SCC) More...
bool | ComputeScc (const Generator &rGen, const SccFilter &rFilter, Idx q0, StateSet &rScc) |
| Compute strongly connected component (SCC) More...
bool | ComputeScc (const Generator &rGen, const SccFilter &rFilter, StateSet &rScc) |
| Compute one strongly connected component (SCC) More...
bool | HasScc (const Generator &rGen, const SccFilter &rFilter) |
| Test for strongly connected components (SCC) More...
bool | ComputeNextScc (const Generator &rGen, SccFilter &rFilter, StateSet &rScc) |
| Compute next SCC. More...
StateSet | LowExitStates (const Generator &rLowGen, const EventSet &rHighAlph, const std::map< Idx, StateSet > &rEntryStatesMap, const TransSetX2EvX1 &rLowRevTransRel, Idx highState) |
| LowExitStates return-copy function: More...
void | LowExitStates (const EventSet &rHighAlph, const std::map< Idx, StateSet > &rEntryStatesMap, const TransSetX2EvX1 &rLowRevTransRel, Idx highState, StateSet &rLowExitStates) |
| LowExitStates call-by-reference function: More...
EventSet | ReachableEvents (const Generator &rLowGen, const EventSet &rHighAlph, Idx lowState) |
| ReachableEvents return-copy function: More...
void | ReachableEvents (const Generator &rLowGen, const EventSet &rHighAlph, Idx lowState, EventSet &rReachableEvents) |
| ReachableEvents call-by-reference function: More...
void | LocalCoaccessibleReach (const TransSetX2EvX1 &rRevTransRel, const EventSet &rHighAlph, Idx lowState, StateSet &rCoaccessibleReach) |
| Compute the coaccessible reach for a local automaton. More...
void | LocalAccessibleReach (const Generator &rLowGen, const EventSet &rHighAlph, Idx lowState, StateSet &rAccessibleReach) |
| Compute the accessible reach for a local automaton. More...
void | SetIntersection (const EventSetVector &rSetVec, EventSet &rRes) |
void | SetUnion (const EventSetVector &rSetVec, EventSet &rRes) |
void | aOmegaProduct (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, Generator &rResGen) |
| Product composition for Buechi automata. More...
void | OmegaProduct (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, Generator &rResGen) |
| Product composition for Buechi automata. More...
void | aOmegaParallel (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, Generator &rResGen) |
| Parallel composition with relaxed acceptance condition. More...
void | OmegaParallel (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, Generator &rResGen) |
| Parallel composition with relaxed acceptance condition. More...
void | OmegaClosure (Generator &rGen) |
| Topological closure. More...
bool | IsOmegaClosed (const Generator &rGen) |
| Test for topologically closed omega language. More...
void | Parallel (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, Generator &rResGen) |
| Parallel composition. More...
void | aParallel (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, Generator &rResGen) |
| Parallel composition. More...
void | aParallel (const GeneratorVector &rGenVec, Generator &rResGen) |
| Parallel composition. More...
void | aParallel (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, ProductCompositionMap &rCompositionMap, Generator &rResGen) |
| Parallel composition. More...
void | Parallel (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, ProductCompositionMap &rCompositionMap, Generator &rResGen) |
| Parallel composition. More...
void | Parallel (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, ProductCompositionMap &rCompositionMap, StateSet &rMark1, StateSet &rMark2, Generator &rResGen) |
| Parallel composition. More...
void | Parallel (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rCompositionMap, Generator &rResGen) |
| Parallel composition. More...
void | Product (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, Generator &rResGen) |
| Product composition. More...
void | aProduct (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, Generator &rResGen) |
| Product composition. More...
void | aProduct (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, ProductCompositionMap &rCompositionMap, Generator &rResGen) |
| Product composition. More...
void | Product (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rCompositionMap, StateSet &rMark1, StateSet &rMark2, Generator &rResGen) |
| Product composition. More...
void | Product (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rCompositionMap, Generator &rResGen) |
| Product composition. More...
void | SetComposedStateNames (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, const std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rCompositionMap, Generator &rGen12) |
| Helper: uses composition map to track state names in a paralell composition. More...
void | CompositionMap1 (const std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rCompositionMap, std::map< Idx, Idx > &rCompositionMap1) |
void | CompositionMap2 (const std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rCompositionMap, std::map< Idx, Idx > &rCompositionMap2) |
void | ProjectNonDet_opitz (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet) |
void | ProjectNonDet_ref (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet) |
void | ProjectNonDet_graph (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet) |
void | ProjectNonDet_simple (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet) |
void | ProjectNonDet_barthel (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet) |
void | ProjectNonDet_fbr (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet) |
void | ProjectNonDet_scc (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet) |
void | ProjectNonDet (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet) |
| Language projection. More...
void | ProjectNonDetScc (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet) |
| Language projection. More...
void | Project (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet, Generator &rResGen) |
| Deterministic projection. More...
void | aProjectNonDet (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet) |
| Language projection. More...
void | aProject (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet, Generator &rResGen) |
| Deterministic projection. More...
void | Project (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet, std::map< Idx, StateSet > &rEntryStatesMap, Generator &rResGen) |
| Deterministic projection. More...
void | InvProject (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet) |
| Inverse projection. More...
void | aInvProject (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet) |
| Inverse projection. More...
void | aInvProject (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet, Generator &rResGen) |
| Inverse projection. More...
void | CreateEntryStatesMap (const std::map< StateSet, Idx > &rRevEntryStatesMap, std::map< Idx, StateSet > &rEntryStatesMap) |
void | LoadRegistry (const std::string &rPath="") |
| Load all registered types and functions. More...
void | SaveRegistry (const std::string &rPath="") |
| Dump all registered types and functions. More...
void | ClearRegistry (void) |
| Clear all registry. More...
Type * | NewFaudesObject (const std::string &rTypeName) |
| Instantiate faudes typed objects by type name. More...
Function * | NewFaudesFunction (const std::string &rFunctName) |
| Instantiate faudes function objects by function name. More...
const std::string & | FaudesTypeName (const Type &rObject) |
| Query type name. More...
bool | FaudesTypeTest (const std::string &rTypeName, const Type &rObject) |
| Test type compatibility. More...
const std::string & | FaudesFunctionName (const Function &rObject) |
FAUDES_API const std::string & | FaudesFunctionName (const Type &rObject) |
| Query function name. More...
void | LanguageUnionNonDet (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, Generator &rResGen) |
| Language union, nondeterministic version. More...
void | LanguageUnion (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, Generator &rResGen) |
| Language union, deterministic version. More...
void | LanguageUnion (const GeneratorVector &rGenVec, Generator &rResGen) |
| Language union. More...
void | LanguageIntersection (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, Generator &rResGen) |
| Language intersection. More...
void | LanguageIntersection (const GeneratorVector &rGenVec, Generator &rResGen) |
| Language intersection. More...
bool | EmptyLanguageIntersection (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2) |
| Test for empty language intersection (same as Disjoind()). More...
bool | LanguageDisjoint (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2) |
| Test whether two languages are disjoint. More...
void | Automaton (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rAlphabet) |
| Convert generator to automaton wrt specified alphabet. More...
void | Automaton (Generator &rGen) |
| Convert generator to automaton. More...
void | LanguageComplement (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rAlphabet) |
| Language complement wrt specified alphabet. More...
void | LanguageComplement (Generator &rGen) |
| Language complement. More...
void | LanguageComplement (const Generator &rGen, Generator &rRes) |
| Language Complement (uniform API wrapper). More...
void | LanguageComplement (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rSigma, Generator &rRes) |
| Language Complement (uniform API wrapper). More...
void | LanguageDifference (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, Generator &rResGen) |
| Language difference (set-theoretic difference). More...
void | LanguageConcatenateNonDet (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, Generator &rResGen) |
| Language concatenation, nondeterministic version. More...
void | LanguageConcatenate (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, Generator &rResGen) |
| Language concatenation, deterministic version. More...
void | FullLanguage (const EventSet &rAlphabet, Generator &rResGen) |
| Full Language, L(G)=Lm(G)=Sigma*. More...
void | AlphabetLanguage (const EventSet &rAlphabet, Generator &rResGen) |
| Alphabet Language, L(G)=Lm(G)=Sigma. More...
void | EmptyStringLanguage (const EventSet &rAlphabet, Generator &rResGen) |
| Empty string language, L(G)=Lm(G)={epsilon}. More...
void | EmptyLanguage (const EventSet &rAlphabet, Generator &rResGen) |
| Empty language Lm(G)={}. More...
bool | IsEmptyLanguage (const Generator &rGen) |
| Test for Empty language Lm(G)=={}. More...
bool | LanguageInclusion (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2) |
| Test language inclusion, Lm1<=Lm2. More...
bool | LanguageEquality (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2) |
| Language equality, Lm1==Lm2. More...
void | KleeneClosure (Generator &rGen) |
| Kleene Closure. More...
void | KleeneClosure (const Generator &rGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Kleene Closure. More...
void | KleeneClosureNonDet (Generator &rGen) |
| Kleene Closure, nondeterministic version. More...
void | PrefixClosure (Generator &rGen) |
| Prefix Closure. More...
bool | IsPrefixClosed (const Generator &rGen) |
| Test for prefix closed marked language. More...
bool | IsNonblocking (const Generator &rGen) |
| Test for nonblocking generator. More...
bool | IsNonblocking (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2) |
| Test for nonblocking marked languages. More...
void | SelfLoop (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rAlphabet) |
| Self-loop all states. More...
void | SelfLoopMarkedStates (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rAlphabet) |
| Self-loop all marked states. More...
void | SelfLoop (Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rAlphabet, const StateSet &rStates) |
| Self-loop specified states. More...
void | StateMin_org (const Generator &rGen, Generator &rResGen, std::vector< StateSet > &rSubsets, std::vector< Idx > &rNewIndices) |
void | StateMin (const Generator &rGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| State set minimization. More...
void | StateMin (const Generator &rGen, Generator &rResGen, std::vector< StateSet > &rSubsets, std::vector< Idx > &rNewIndices) |
| State set minimization. More...
void | aStateMin (const Generator &rGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| State set minimization. More...
void | aStateMin (Generator &rGen) |
| State set minimization. More...
std::string | ToStringInteger (Int number) |
| integer to string More...
std::string | ToStringInteger16 (Int number) |
| integer to string base 16 More...
std::string | ToStringFloat (Float number) |
| float to string More...
std::string | ExpandString (const std::string &rString, unsigned int len) |
| Fill string with spaces up to a given length if length of the string is smaller than given length parameter. More...
std::string | CollapsString (const std::string &rString, unsigned int len=FD_MAXCONTAINERNAME) |
| Limit length of string, return head and tail of string. More...
Idx | ToIdx (const std::string &rString) |
| Convert a string to Idx. More...
std::string | StringSubstitute (const std::string &rString, const std::string &rFrom, const std::string &rTo) |
| Substitute globally in string. More...
std::string | VersionString () |
| Return FAUDES_VERSION as std::string. More...
std::string | PluginsString () |
| Return FAUDES_PLUGINS as std::string. More...
std::string | ContributorsString () |
| Return contributors as std::string. More...
void | ProcessDot (const std::string &rDotFile, const std::string &rOutFile, const std::string &rOutFormat="", const std::string &rDotExec="dot") |
| Convenience function: process dot file to graphics output. More...
std::string | CreateTempFile (void) |
| Create a temp file, length 0. More...
std::string | ExtractDirectory (const std::string &rFullPath) |
| Extract directory from (full) path; i.e., remove the last separator and anything thereafer. More...
std::string | ExtractFilename (const std::string &rFullName) |
| Extract file name from full path. More...
std::string | ExtractBasename (const std::string &rFullName) |
| Extract file basename from full path. More...
std::string | ExtractSuffix (const std::string &rFullName) |
| Extract extension from full path, i.e. More...
std::string | PrependPath (const std::string &rLeft, const std::string &rRight) |
| Prepend one path before another. More...
bool | DirectoryExists (const std::string &rDirectory) |
| Test existence of directory. More...
std::set< std::string > | ReadDirectory (const std::string &rDirectory) |
| Read the contents of the specified directors. More...
bool | FileExists (const std::string &rFilename) |
| Test existence of file. More...
bool | FileDelete (const std::string &rFilename) |
| Delete file. More...
bool | FileCopy (const std::string &rFromFile, const std::string &rToFile) |
| Copy file. More...
void | ExitFunction (void) |
std::string | TestProtocol (const std::string &rSource) |
| Test Protocol. More...
void | TestProtocol (const std::string &rMessage, const Type &rData, bool core=false) |
| Test Protocol. More...
void | TestProtocol (const std::string &rMessage, bool data) |
| Test Protocol. More...
void | TestProtocol (const std::string &rMessage, long int data) |
| Test Protocol. More...
void | TestProtocol (const std::string &rMessage, const std::string &data) |
| Test Protocol. More...
bool | TestProtocol (void) |
| Test Protocol. More...
void | LoopCallback (bool pBreak(void)) |
void | LoopCallback (void) |
| Algorithm loop callback. More...
FAUDES_API const std::string & | PathSeparator (void) |
| Std dir-separator. More...
FAUDES_API void | LoopCallback (bool(*pBreakFnct)(void)) |
| Algorithm loop callback. More...
void | TransSpec (const GeneratorVector &rSpecGenVec, const EventSet &rGUncAlph, GeneratorVector &rResGenVec) |
| translate specification into plant More...
void | ComputeWSOE (const Generator &rGenOrig, const EventSet &rConAlph, const EventSet &rLocAlph, std::map< Idx, Idx > &rMapStateToPartition, Generator &rResGen) |
| weak synthesis obeservation equivalence [not implemented] More...
void | GlobalSelfloop (GeneratorVector &rGenVec) |
| remove the events from the entire buffer which have only selfloop transitions More...
void | LocalSelfloop (Generator &rGen, EventSet &rLocAlph) |
| remove the events from a generator which have only selfloop transitions More...
void | MakeDistinguisher (Generator &AbstGen, std::map< Idx, Idx > &rMapStateToPartition, Generator &OrigGen, std::map< Idx, std::vector< Idx > > &rMapOldToNew) |
| make a distinguisher and a map for solving nondeterminism and rewrite abstracted automaton More...
void | Splitter (const std::map< Idx, std::vector< Idx > > &rMapOldToNew, EventSet &rConAlph, GeneratorVector &rGenVec, std::map< Idx, Idx > &rMapEventsToPlant, GeneratorVector &rDisGenVec, GeneratorVector &rSupGenVec) |
| update the generators in synthesis-buffer and in supervisor with new events More...
void | SelectSubsystem_V1 (GeneratorVector &rGenVec, Generator &rResGen) |
| heuristic: vorious approaches to select subsystem from synthesis-buffer then compose them and remove them from buffer. More...
void | SelectSubsystem_V2 (GeneratorVector &rGenVec, Generator &rResGen) |
void | ComputeHSupConNB (const Generator &rOrigGen, const EventSet &rConAlph, const EventSet &rLocAlph, Generator &rHSupGen) |
| halbway-synthesis More...
void | SingleTransSpec (const Generator &rSpecGen, const EventSet &rUncAlph, Generator &rResGen) |
void | SplittGen (Generator &rGen, Idx parent, const std::vector< Idx > &kids) |
| subfunction for Splitter: splitt the events in a generator More...
bool | BiggerMax (std::vector< GeneratorVector::Position > &rCandidate, GeneratorVector &rGenVec) |
void | H_tocollect (StateSet &rBlockingstates, const TransSetX2EvX1 &rRtrel, const EventSet &rLouc, const EventSet &rShuc, TransSetX2EvX1 &rToredirect) |
void | ControlProblemConsistencyCheck (const GeneratorVector &rPlantGenVec, const EventSet &rConAlph, const GeneratorVector &rSpecGenVec) |
| Compositional synthesis. More...
void | CompositionalSynthesisUnchecked (const GeneratorVector &rPlantGenVec, const EventSet &rConAlph, const GeneratorVector &rSpecGenVec, std::map< Idx, Idx > &rMapEventsToPlant, GeneratorVector &rDisGenVec, GeneratorVector &rSupGenVec) |
| Compositional synthesis. More...
void | CompositionalSynthesis (const GeneratorVector &rPlantGenVec, const EventSet &rConAlph, const GeneratorVector &rSpecGenVec, std::map< Idx, Idx > &rMapEventsToPlant, GeneratorVector &rDisGenVec, GeneratorVector &rSupGenVec) |
| Compositional synthesis. More...
bool | IsRelativelyMarked (const Generator &rGenPlant, const Generator &rGenCand) |
| Test for relative marking. More...
bool | IsRelativelyPrefixClosed (const Generator &rGenPlant, const Generator &rGenCand) |
| Test for relative prefix-closedness. More...
void | SupRelativelyPrefixClosed (const Generator &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Supremal Relatively Closed Sublanguage. More...
void | SupRelativelyPrefixClosedUnchecked (const Generator &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSpecGen, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rCompositionMap, Generator &rResGen) |
| Supremal Relatively Closed Sublanguage (internal function) More...
bool | IsRelativelyOmegaMarked (const Generator &rGenPlant, const Generator &rGenCand) |
| Test for relative marking, omega langauges. More...
bool | IsRelativelyOmegaClosed (const Generator &rGenPlant, const Generator &rGenCand) |
| Test for relative closedness, omega languages. More...
bool | IsRelativelyOmegaClosedUnchecked (const Generator &rGenPlant, const Generator &rGenCand) |
| Test for relative closedness, omega languages. More...
bool | IsStdSynthesisConsistentUnchecked (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rPlant0Gen) |
bool | IsStdSynthesisConsistent (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rPlant0Gen) |
| Test consistency of an abstractions w.r.t. More...
bool | IsStdSynthesisConsistent (const System &rPlantGen, const Generator &rPlant0Gen) |
| Test consistency of an abstraction w.r.t standard synthesis. More...
void | SupConClosedUnchecked (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, Generator &rSupCandGen) |
| Supremal Controllable Sublangauge (internal function) More...
bool | IsControllableUnchecked (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen, StateSet &rCriticalStates) |
| Controllability (internal function) More...
void | SupConProduct (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, Generator &rResGen) |
| Parallel composition optimized for the purpose of SupCon (internal function) More...
void | SupConNBUnchecked (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, Generator &rResGen) |
| Nonblocking Supremal Controllable Sublanguage (internal function) More...
void | ControlProblemConsistencyCheck (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen) |
| Consistency check for controlproblem input data. More...
void | ControlProblemConsistencyCheck (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const EventSet &rOAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen) |
| Consistency check for controlproblem input data. More...
bool | IsControllable (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rSupCandGen) |
| Test controllability. More...
bool | IsControllable (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rSupCandGen, StateSet &rCriticalStates) |
| Test controllability. More...
void | SupConNB (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Nonblocking Supremal Controllable Sublanguage. More...
void | SupConClosed (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Supremal Controllable and Closed Sublanguage. More...
void | SupConClosed (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, Generator &rResGen) |
| Supremal Controllable and Closed Sublanguage. More...
void | TraverseUncontrollableBackwards (const EventSet &rCAlph, TransSetX2EvX1 &rtransrel, StateSet &rCriticalStates, Idx current) |
| Helper function for IsControllable. More...
bool | IsControllable (const System &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSupCandGen) |
| Test controllability. More...
void | SupConNB (const System &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Nonblocking Supremal Controllable Sublanguage. More...
void | SupConClosed (const System &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Supremal Controllable and Closed Sublanguage. More...
void | NormalityConsistencyCheck (const Generator &rL, const EventSet &rOAlph, const Generator &rK) |
| NormalityConsistencyCheck: Consistency check for normality input data. More...
bool | IsNormal (const Generator &rL, const EventSet &rOAlph, const Generator &rK) |
| IsNormal: checks normality of a language K generated by rK wrt a language L generated by rL and the subset of observable events rOAlph. More...
bool | IsNormal (const System &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSupCandGen) |
| IsNormal wrapper. More...
void | ConcatenateFullLanguage (Generator &rGen) |
| ConcatenateFullLanguage: concatenate Sigma* to language marked by rGen. More...
bool | SupNorm (const Generator &rL, const EventSet &rOAlph, const Generator &rK, Generator &rResult) |
| SupNorm: compute supremal normal sublanguage. More...
bool | SupNormClosed (const Generator &rL, const EventSet &rOAlph, const Generator &rK, Generator &rResult) |
| SupNormClosed - compute supremal normal and closed sublanguage. More...
void | SupConNormClosed (const Generator &rL, const EventSet &rCAlph, const EventSet &rOAlph, const Generator &rK, Generator &rResult) |
| SupConNormClosed: compute supremal controllable, normal and closed sublanguage. More...
void | SupConNormNB (const Generator &rL, const EventSet &rCAlph, const EventSet &rOAlph, const Generator &rK, Generator &rResult) |
| SupConNormNB: compute supremal controllable and normal sublanguage. More...
bool | SupPrefixClosed (const Generator &rK, Generator &rResult) |
| SupPrefixClosed: supremal closed sublanguage of K by cancelling all tranistions leading to a non-marked state. More...
void | SupConNormClosedUnchecked (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const EventSet &rOAlph, Generator &rObserverGen, Generator &rSupCandGen) |
| Supremal Normal Controllable Sublangauge (internal function) More...
void | SupNorm (const System &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| rti wrapper More...
void | SupNormClosed (const System &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| rti wrapper More...
void | SupConNormClosed (const System &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| rti wrapper More...
void | SupConNormNB (const System &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| rti wrapper More...
bool | TestMergibility (Idx stateI, Idx stateJ, std::vector< std::set< Idx > > &rWaitList, Idx cNode, const System &rSupGen, const std::map< Idx, ReductionStateInfo > &rSupStateInfo, const std::map< Idx, Idx > &rState2Class, const std::vector< StateSet > &rClass2States) |
bool | SupReduce (const System &rPlantGen, const System &rSupGen, System &rReducedSup) |
| Supervisor Reduction algorithm. More...
void | ComputeSynthObsEquiv (const Generator &rGenOrig, const EventSet &rConAlph, const EventSet &rLocAlph, std::map< Idx, Idx > &rMapStateToPartition, Generator &rResGen) |
| Synthesis-observation equivalence. More...
void | SupTconUnchecked (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const EventSet &rFAlph, const EventSet &rPAlph, const EventSet &rCPAlph, Generator &rSupCandGen) |
void | SupTconNBUnchecked (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const EventSet &rFAlph, const EventSet &rPAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rCompositionMap, Generator &rResGen) |
void | SupTconNB (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const EventSet &rFAlph, const EventSet &rPAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Nonblocking Supremal TDES-Controllable Sublanguage. More...
void | SupTconNB (const System &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Nonblocking Supremal TDES-Controllable Sublanguage. More...
bool | IsOmegaControllable (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rSupCandGen) |
| Test omega controllability. More...
bool | IsOmegaControllable (const System &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSupCandGen) |
| Test omega-controllability. More...
void | SupConCmplClosed (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Supremal controllable and complete sublanguage. More...
void | SupConCmplClosed (const System &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Supremal controllable and complete sublanguage. More...
void | SupConCmplNB (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Supremal controllable and complete sublanguage. More...
void | SupConCmplNB (const System &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Supremal controllable and complete sublanguage. More...
void | SupConNormCmplNB (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const EventSet &rOAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Supremal controllable, normal and complete sublanguage. More...
void | SupConNormCmplNB (const System &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| rti wrapper More...
bool | OmegaControlledLiveness (Generator &rSupCandGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const StateSet &rPlantMarking) |
bool | OmegaControlledLiveness (Generator &rSupCandGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const StateSet &rPlantMarking, std::map< Idx, EventSet > &rFeedbackMap) |
bool | OmegaControlledLiveness (Generator &rSupCandGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const StateSet &rPlantMarking, std::map< Idx, Idx > &rControllerStatesMap, std::map< Idx, EventSet > &rFeedbackMap) |
void | OmegaSupConProduct (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen, std::map< OPSState, Idx > &rProductCompositionMap, Generator &rResGen) |
void | OmegaSupConNBUnchecked (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen, StateSet &rPlantMarking, Generator &rResGen) |
void | OmegaSupConNormNBUnchecked (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const EventSet &rOAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen, StateSet &rPlantMarking, std::map< Idx, Idx > &rObserverStateMap, std::map< Idx, EventSet > &rFeedbackMap, Generator &rResGen) |
void | OmegaSupConNB (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Omega-synthesis. More...
void | OmegaSupConNB (const System &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Omega-synthesis. More...
void | OmegaConNB (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Omega-synthesis. More...
void | OmegaConNB (const System &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Omega-synthesis. More...
void | OmegaSupConNormNB (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, const EventSet &rOAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Omega-synthesis for partial observation (experimental!) More...
void | OmegaSupConNormNB (const System &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Omega-synthesis for partial observation. More...
void | OmegaConNormNB (const Generator &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rOAlph, const EventSet &rCAlph, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Omega-synthesis for partial observation (experimental!) More...
void | OmegaConNormNB (const System &rPlantGen, const Generator &rSpecGen, Generator &rResGen) |
| Omega-synthesis for partial observation (experimental!) More...
bool | IsMutuallyControllable (const System &rGen1, const System &rGen2) |
| Verification of mutual controllability. More...
bool | IsMutuallyControllable (const System &rGen1, const System &rGen2, StateSet &rForbidden1, StateSet &rForbidden2) |
| Verification of mutual controllability. More...
void | IsMutuallyControllable (const System &rGen1, const System &rGen2, bool &rRes) |
| RTI wrapper. More...
void | calculateDynamicSystemClosedObs (const Generator &rGen, EventSet &rHighAlph, Generator &rGenDyn) |
| Computation of the dynamic system for Delta_sigma (reachable states after the occurrence of one high-level event). More...
void | calculateDynamicSystemObs (const Generator &rGen, EventSet &rHighAlph, Generator &rGenDyn) |
| Computation of the dynamic system for Delta_obs (local reachability of a marked state). More...
void | calculateDynamicSystemMSA (const Generator &rGen, EventSet &rHighAlph, Generator &rGenDyn) |
| Computation of the dynamic system for Delta_msa (local fulfillment of the msa-observer property). More...
bool | recursiveCheckMSAForward (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rHighAlph, Idx currentState, StateSet &rDoneStates) |
| Check if the msa-observer conditions is fulfilled for a given state. More...
bool | recursiveCheckMSABackward (const Generator &rGen, const TransSetX2EvX1 &rRevTransSet, const EventSet &rHighAlph, Idx currentState, StateSet &rDoneStates) |
| Check if the msa-observer conditions is fulfilled for a given state. More...
void | calculateDynamicSystemLCC (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rControllableEvents, const EventSet &rHighAlph, Generator &rGenDyn) |
| Computation of the dynamic system for Delta_lcc (fulfillment of the local control consistency property). More...
void | recursiveCheckLCC (const TransSetX2EvX1 &rRevTransSet, const EventSet &rControllableEvents, const EventSet &rHighAlph, Idx currentState, StateSet &rDoneStates) |
| Find states that fulfill the lcc condition. More...
Idx | calcClosedObserver (const Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph) |
| L(G)-observer computation by adding events to the high-level alphabet. More...
Int | calcNaturalObserver (const Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph) |
| Lm(G)-observer computation by adding events to the high-level alphabet. More...
Int | calcNaturalObserverLCC (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph) |
| Lm(G)-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC) by adding events to the high-level alphabet. More...
Int | calcMSAObserver (const Generator &rGen, EventSet &rHighAlph) |
| MSA-observer computation by adding events to the high-level alphabet. More...
Int | calcMSAObserverLCC (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph) |
| MSA-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC) by adding events to the high-level alphabet. More...
void | ExtendHighAlphabet (const Generator &rGen, EventSet &rHighAlph, map< Idx, Idx > &rMapStateToPartition) |
| Extension of the high-level alphabet to achieve the Lm-observer property. More...
bool | CheckSplit (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rSplitAlphabet, const vector< pair< StateSet, Idx > > &rNondeterministicStates, Idx entryState) |
void | calcAbstAlphClosed (System &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| L(G)-observer computation. More...
void | calcAbstAlphClosed (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| L(G)-observer computation. More...
void | calcAbstAlphClosed (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans) |
| L(G)-observer computation. More...
void | calcAbstAlphObs (System &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| Lm-observer computation. More...
void | calcAbstAlphObs (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| Lm-observer computation. More...
void | calcAbstAlphObs (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans) |
| Lm-observer computation. More...
void | calcAbstAlphMSA (System &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| MSA-observer computation. More...
void | calcAbstAlphMSA (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| MSA-observer computation. More...
void | calcAbstAlphMSA (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans) |
| MSA-observer computation. More...
void | backwardReachabilityObsOCC (const TransSetX2EvX1 &rTransSetX2EvX1, const EventSet &rControllableEvents, const EventSet &rHighAlph, Idx exitState, Idx currentState, bool controllablePath, map< Idx, map< Idx, bool > > &rExitLocalStatesMap, StateSet &rDoneStates) |
void | calcAbstAlphObsLCC (System &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| Lm-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC). More...
void | calcAbstAlphObsLCC (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans) |
| Lm-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC). More...
void | calcAbstAlphMSALCC (System &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| MSA-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC). More...
void | calcAbstAlphMSALCC (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans) |
| MSA-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC). More...
bool | relabel (Generator &rGenRelabel, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, map< Idx, Idx > &rMapStateToPartition, map< Transition, Transition > &rMapChangedTransReverse, map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans, map< Idx, EventSet > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| Relabeling algorithm for the computation of an Lm-observer. More...
void | insertRelabeledEvents (System &rGenPlant, const map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents, Alphabet &rNewEvents) |
| Convenience function for relabeling events in a given generator. More...
void | insertRelabeledEvents (Generator &rGenPlant, const map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents, EventSet &rNewEvents) |
| Convenience function for relabeling events in a given generator. More...
void | insertRelabeledEvents (System &rGenPlant, const map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| Convenience function for relabeling events in a given generator. More...
void | insertRelabeledEvents (Generator &rGenPlant, const map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| Convenience function for relabeling events in a given generator. More...
void | calcAbstAlphObs (System &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, EventRelabelMap &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| Rti convenience wrapper. More...
void | insertRelabeledEvents (Generator &rGenPlant, const EventRelabelMap &rMapRelabeledEvents, EventSet &rNewEvents) |
| Rti convenience wrapper. More...
void | insertRelabeledEvents (Generator &rGenPlant, const EventRelabelMap &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| Rti convenience wrapper. More...
FAUDES_API void | ExtendHighAlphabet (const Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, std::map< Idx, Idx > &rMapStateToPartition) |
| Extension of the high-level alphabet to achieve the Lm-observer property. More...
FAUDES_API bool | CheckSplit (const Generator &rGenObs, const EventSet &rSplitAlphabet, const std::vector< std::pair< StateSet, Idx > > &rNondeterministicStates, Idx entryState) |
| Check if the current alphabet splits all local automata with nondeterminims or unobservable transitions. More...
FAUDES_API void | calcAbstAlphClosed (System &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| L(G)-observer computation. More...
FAUDES_API void | calcAbstAlphClosed (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| L(G)-observer computation. More...
FAUDES_API void | calcAbstAlphClosed (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, std::map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans) |
| L(G)-observer computation. More...
FAUDES_API void | calcAbstAlphObs (System &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| Lm-observer computation. More...
FAUDES_API void | calcAbstAlphObs (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| Lm-observer computation. More...
FAUDES_API void | calcAbstAlphObs (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, std::map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans) |
| Lm-observer computation. More...
FAUDES_API void | calcAbstAlphMSA (System &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| MSA-observer computation. More...
void | calcAbstAlphMSA (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| MSA-observer computation. More...
FAUDES_API void | calcAbstAlphMSA (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, std::map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans) |
| MSA-observer computation. More...
FAUDES_API void | calcAbstAlphObsLCC (System &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| Lm-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC). More...
FAUDES_API void | calcAbstAlphObsLCC (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, std::map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans) |
| Lm-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC). More...
FAUDES_API void | calcAbstAlphMSALCC (System &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| MSA-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC). More...
FAUDES_API void | calcAbstAlphMSALCC (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, std::map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans) |
| MSA-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC). More...
bool | relabel (Generator &rGenRelabel, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, std::map< Idx, Idx > &rMapStateToPartition, std::map< Transition, Transition > &rMapChangedTransReverse, std::map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans, std::map< Idx, EventSet > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| Relabeling algorithm for the computation of an Lm-observer. More...
FAUDES_API void | insertRelabeledEvents (System &rGenPlant, const std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents, Alphabet &rNewEvents) |
| Convenience function for relabeling events in a given generator. More...
FAUDES_API void | insertRelabeledEvents (Generator &rGenPlant, const std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents, EventSet &rNewEvents) |
| Convenience function for relabeling events in a given generator. More...
FAUDES_API void | insertRelabeledEvents (System &rGenPlant, const std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| Convenience function for relabeling events in a given generator. More...
void | insertRelabeledEvents (Generator &rGenPlant, const std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| Convenience function for relabeling events in a given generator. More...
bool | IsObs (const Generator &rLowGen, const EventSet &rHighAlph) |
| Verification of the natural observer property. More...
bool | IsMSA (const Generator &rLowGen, const EventSet &rHighAlph) |
| Verification of the MSA observer property. More...
bool | IsOCC (const System &rLowGen, const EventSet &rHighAlph) |
| Verification of output control consistency (OCC). More...
bool | IsOCC (const Generator &rLowGen, const EventSet &rControllableEvents, const EventSet &rHighAlph) |
| Verification of output control consistency (OCC). More...
bool | backwardVerificationOCC (const Generator &rLowGen, const EventSet &rControllableEvents, const EventSet &rHighAlph, Idx currentState) |
| Function that supports the verification of output control consistency (OCC). More...
bool | IsLCC (const System &rLowGen, const EventSet &rHighAlph) |
| Verification of local control consistency (LCC). More...
bool | IsLCC (const Generator &rLowGen, const EventSet &rControllableEvents, const EventSet &rHighAlph) |
| Verification of local control consistency (LCC). More...
FAUDES_API void | backwardVerificationLCC (const TransSetX2EvX1 &rTransSetX2EvX1, const EventSet &rControllableEvents, const EventSet &rHighAlph, Idx exitState, Idx currentState, bool controllablePath, std::map< Idx, bool > &rLocalStatesMap, StateSet &rDoneStates) |
| Function that supports the verification of local control consistency (LCC). More...
bool | LocalObservationConsistency (const System &rPlantGen, const System &rSpecGen, const EventSet &rHighAlph, const EventSet &rObsAlph) |
| Supervisor Reduction algorithm. More...
bool | IsCoDiagnosable (const System &rGen, const Generator &rSpec, const vector< const EventSet * > &rAlphabets, std::string &rReportString) |
bool | DecentralizedDiagnoser (const System &rGen, const Generator &rSpec, const std::vector< const EventSet * > &rAlphabets, std::vector< Diagnoser * > &rDiags, std::string &rReportString) |
| Computes decentralized diagnosers for multiple local sites. More...
bool | IsCoDiagnosable (const System &rGen, const Generator &rSpec, const EventSetVector &rAlphabets) |
| Function definition for run-time interface. More...
bool | DecentralizedDiagnoser (const System &rGen, const Generator &rSpec, const EventSetVector &rAlphabets, GeneratorVector &rDiags) |
| Function definition for run-time interface. More...
void | DecentralizedModularDiagnoser (const SystemVector &rGens, const Generator &rSpec, GeneratorVector &rDiags) |
| Function definition for run-time interface. More...
void | cParallel (const std::vector< const System * > &rGens, System &rResGen) |
| Parallel composition of multiple generators. More...
bool | IsEventDiagnosable (const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap, string &rReportString) |
bool | IsEventDiagnosable (const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap) |
| Function definition for run-time interface. More...
bool | IsIndicatorEventDiagnosable (const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap, string &rReportString) |
bool | IsIndicatorEventDiagnosable (const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap) |
| Function definition for run-time interface. More...
bool | MeetsDiagnosabilityAssumptions (const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap, string &rReportString) |
void | ConvertParallelCompositionMap (const map< pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, map< Idx, pair< Idx, Idx > > &rCompositionMap) |
bool | IsLive (const System &rGen, string &rReport) |
bool | CycleOfUnobsEvents (const System &rGen, string &rReport) |
bool | FailuresUnobservable (const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap, string &rReport) |
bool | ExistsCycle (const System &rGen, string &rReport) |
bool | ExistsCycleSearch (const System &rGen, StateSet &rTodo, Idx currState, StateSet statesOnPath, string &rReport) |
void | CycleStartStates (const System &rGen, StateSet &rCycleOrigins) |
| Find all start/end states of cycles of unobservable events in a generator. More...
void | CycleStartStatesSearch (const System &rGen, StateSet &rTodo, Idx currState, StateSet statesOnPath, StateSet &rCycleOriginStates) |
| Auxiliary function for CycleStartStates(). More...
bool | ExistsViolatingCyclesInGd (System &rGd, const Diagnoser &rGobs, map< pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, const string &rFailureType, string &rReportString) |
void | ComputeGobs (const System &rOrigGen, const string &rFailureType, const EventSet &rFailureEvents, Diagnoser &rGobs) |
void | ComputeGobs (const System &rOrigGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rAttrFTMap, Diagnoser &rGobs) |
| Compute G_o for a given generator with a given failure partition (according to Jiang). More...
void | ComputeGd (const Diagnoser &rGobs, map< pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, System &rGd) |
void | TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGd (System &rGd, const Diagnoser &rGobs, const Idx rFailureType, const EventSet &rIndicatorEvents, const map< pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap) |
void | TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGdRecursive (System &rGd, const Diagnoser &rGobs, const Idx rFailureType, const EventSet &rIndicatorEvents, map< Idx, pair< Idx, Idx > > &rCompositionMap, Idx state, StateSet &rStatesDone) |
void | ComputeReachability (const System &rGen, const EventSet &rUnobsEvents, const EventSet &rFailures, Idx State, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rAttrFTMap, map< Idx, multimap< Idx, DiagLabelSet > > &rReachabilityMap) |
void | ComputeReachabilityRecursive (const System &rGen, const EventSet &rUnobsEvents, const EventSet &rFailures, Idx State, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rAttrFTMap, map< Idx, multimap< Idx, DiagLabelSet > > &rReachabilityMap, const DiagLabelSet FToccurred) |
TransSet | ActiveBackwardTransSet (const System &rGen, Idx state) |
| Obtain all transitions from other states into a given state of a generator. More...
void | EventDiagnoser (const System &rOrigGen, const map< string, EventSet > &rFailureTypeMap, Diagnoser &rDiagGen) |
void | LabelPropagation (const DiagLabelSet &lastLabel, const DiagLabelSet &failureTypes, DiagLabelSet &newLabel) |
| Generate a new label. More...
void | LabelCorrection (const multimap< Idx, DiagLabelSet > &mm, AttributeDiagnoserState &attr) |
FAUDES_API void | ConvertParallelCompositionMap (const std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, std::map< Idx, std::pair< Idx, Idx > > &rCompositionMap) |
| Convert the reverse composition map of Parallel() by switching first and second entry. More...
FAUDES_API bool | IsLive (const System &rGen, std::string &rReport) |
| Test if a generator is live. More...
FAUDES_API bool | CycleOfUnobsEvents (const System &rGen, std::string &rReport) |
| Test if there exist any cycles of unobservable events in a generator. More...
FAUDES_API bool | FailuresUnobservable (const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap, std::string &rReport) |
| Check if all failure events are unobservable events in a generator's alphabet. More...
FAUDES_API bool | ExistsCycle (const System &rGen, std::string &rReport) |
| Test if there exist any cycles in a generator. More...
FAUDES_API bool | ExistsCycleSearch (const System &rGen, StateSet &rTodo, Idx currState, StateSet statesOnPath, std::string &rReport) |
| Auxiliary function for ExistsCycle(const System&, std::string&). More...
FAUDES_API bool | ExistsViolatingCyclesInGd (System &rGd, const Diagnoser &rGobs, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, const std::string &rFailureType, std::string &rReportString) |
| Remove states with same failure labels from rGd and from rReverseCompositionMap and perform cycle detection. More...
FAUDES_API void | ComputeGobs (const System &rOrigGen, const std::string &rFailureType, const EventSet &rFailureEvents, Diagnoser &rGobs) |
| Compute G_o for a single failure type of a generator. More...
FAUDES_API void | ComputeGd (const Diagnoser &rGobs, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, System &rGd) |
| Compute the diagnosability testing generator G_d as a parallel composition of G_o with itself (according to Jiang). More...
FAUDES_API void | TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGd (System &rGd, const Diagnoser &rGobs, const Idx rFailureType, const EventSet &rIndicatorEvents, const std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap) |
| Extract all traces of a generator G_d that start with an indicator event that follows a failure event of a certain failure type. More...
FAUDES_API void | TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGdRecursive (System &rGd, const Diagnoser &rGobs, const Idx rFailureType, const EventSet &rIndicatorEvents, std::map< Idx, std::pair< Idx, Idx > > &rCompositionMap, Idx state, StateSet &rStatesDone) |
| Auxiliary function for TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGd(). More...
FAUDES_API void | ComputeReachability (const System &rGen, const EventSet &rUnobsEvents, const EventSet &rFailures, Idx State, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rAttrFTMap, std::map< Idx, std::multimap< Idx, DiagLabelSet > > &rReachabilityMap) |
| Compute the reachability from a given generator state through a trace that consists of arbitrarily many unobservable events followed by one observable event. More...
FAUDES_API void | ComputeReachabilityRecursive (const System &rGen, const EventSet &rUnobsEvents, const EventSet &rFailures, Idx State, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rAttrFTMap, std::map< Idx, std::multimap< Idx, DiagLabelSet > > &rReachabilityMap, const DiagLabelSet FToccurred) |
| Auxiliary function for ComputeReachability(const System&, const EventSet&, const EventSet&, Idx, const AttributeFailureTypeMap&, std::map<Idx,std::multimap<Idx,DiagLabelSet>>&). More...
FAUDES_API void | EventDiagnoser (const System &rOrigGen, const std::map< std::string, EventSet > &rFailureTypeMap, Diagnoser &rDiagGen) |
| Compute a standard diagnoser from an input generator and a failure partition. More...
FAUDES_API void | LabelCorrection (const std::multimap< Idx, DiagLabelSet > &mm, AttributeDiagnoserState &attr) |
| Perform label correction on propagated failure type labels. More...
bool | IsLanguageDiagnosable (const System &rGen, const System &rSpec) |
| Function definition for run-time interface. More...
void | ComputeGobs (const System &rGenMarkedNonSpecBehaviour, Diagnoser &rGobs) |
| Compute G_o for a generator that marks the faulty behaviour of a plant. More...
void | ComputeReachability (const System &rGen, const EventSet &rUnobsEvents, Idx State, map< Idx, multimap< Idx, DiagLabelSet > > &rReachabilityMap) |
void | ComputeReachabilityRecursive (const System &rGen, const EventSet &rUnobsEvents, Idx State, StateSet done, map< Idx, multimap< Idx, DiagLabelSet > > &rReachabilityMap) |
bool | IsLanguageDiagnosable (const System &rGen, const System rSpec, std::string &rReportString) |
| Test function to verify language-diagnosability. More...
bool | rec_ComputeLoopPreservingObserver (const System &rGen, const EventSet &rInitialHighAlph, EventSet &rHighAlph, const std::vector< Idx > &rDdffVector, Idx numberEvents, Idx currentNumberEvents, Idx currentLocation, EventSet chosenEvents) |
| rec_ComputeLoopPreservingObserver(rGen, rInitialHighAlph, rHighAlph, rDdffVector, numberEvents, currentNumberEvents, currentLocation, hosenEvents) More...
FAUDES_API void | ComputeReachability (const System &rGen, const EventSet &rUnobsEvents, Idx State, std::map< Idx, std::multimap< Idx, DiagLabelSet > > &rReachabilityMap) |
| Compute the reachability from a state of a generator that marks its faulty behaviour. More...
void | ComputeReachabilityRecursive (const System &rGen, const EventSet &rUnobsEvents, Idx State, StateSet done, std::map< Idx, std::multimap< Idx, DiagLabelSet > > &rReachabilityMap) |
| Auxiliary function for ComputeReachability(const System&, const EventSet&, Idx State, std::map<Idx,std::multimap< Idx,DiagLabelSet> >&). More...
bool | IsModularDiagnosable (const SystemVector &rGsubs, const GeneratorVector &rKsubs, string &rReportString) |
bool | IsModularDiagnosable (const vector< const System * > &rGSubs, const vector< const Generator * > &rKSubs, std::string &rReportString) |
bool | ModularDiagnoser (const SystemVector &rGsubs, const GeneratorVector &rKsubs, GeneratorVector &rDiagSubs, string &rReportString) |
bool | ModularDiagnoser (const std::vector< const System * > &rGsubs, const std::vector< const Generator * > &rKsubs, std::vector< Diagnoser * > &rDiagsubs, std::string &rReportString) |
| Checks modular diagnosability for a system G (which consists of the subsystems rGsubs) with respect to the specification K (consisting of local specifications rKsubs) and the local abstraction alphabets rHighAlphSubs. More...
bool | IsModularDiagnosable (const SystemVector &rGsubs, const GeneratorVector &rKsubs) |
| Function definition for run-time interface. More...
bool | ModularDiagnoser (const SystemVector &rGsubs, const GeneratorVector &rKsubs, GeneratorVector &rDiagsubs) |
| Function definition for run-time interface. More...
void | cParallel (const vector< System > &rGens, System &rResGen) |
FAUDES_API bool | IsModularDiagnosable (const std::vector< const System * > &rGsubs, const std::vector< const Generator * > &rKsubs, std::string &rReportString) |
| Checks modular diagnosability for a system G (which consists of the subsystems rGsubs) with respect to the specification K (consisting of local specifications rKsubs) and the local abstraction alphabets rHighAlphSubs. More...
void | cParallel (const std::vector< System > &rGens, System &rResGen) |
| Parallel composition of multiple generators. More...
bool | IsHioConstraintForm (HioConstraint &rHioConstraint, StateSet &rQY, StateSet &rQU, EventSet &rErrEvSet, TransSet &rErrTrSet, StateSet &rErrStSet, std::string &rReportStr) |
| IsHioConstraintForm: check if rHioConstraint is in I/O-constraint form and assign state attributes. More...
bool | IsHioConstraintForm (HioConstraint &rHioConstraint, std::string &rReportStr) |
| IsHioConstraintForm: check if rHioConstraint is in I/O-constraint form and assign state attributes. More...
bool | IsHioConstraintForm (HioConstraint &rHioConstraint) |
| IsHioConstraintForm: check if rHioConstraint is in I/O-constraint form and assign state attributes. More...
void | HioStatePartition (HioConstraint &rConstraint) |
| Function definition for run-time interface. More...
bool | IsHioControllerForm (HioController &rHioController, StateSet &rQUc, StateSet &rQYP, StateSet &rQUp, StateSet &rQYcUp, EventSet &rErrEvSet, TransSet &rErrTrSet, StateSet &rErrStSet, std::string &rReportStr) |
| IsHioControllerForm: check if rHioController is in I/O-controller form and assign state attributes. More...
bool | IsHioControllerForm (HioController &rHioController, std::string &rReportStr) |
| IsHioControllerForm: check if rHioController is in I/O-controller form and assign state attributes. More...
bool | IsHioControllerForm (HioController &rHioController) |
| IsHioControllerForm: check if rHioController is in I/O-controller form and assign state attributes. More...
void | HioStatePartition (HioController &rController) |
| Function definition for run-time interface. More...
bool | IsHioEnvironmentForm (HioEnvironment &rHioEnvironment, StateSet &rQYe, StateSet &rQUe, StateSet &rQUl, StateSet &rQYlUe, EventSet &rErrEvSet, TransSet &rErrTrSet, StateSet &rErrStSet, std::string &rReportStr) |
| IsHioEnvironmentForm: check if rHioEnvironment is in I/O-environment form and assign state attributes. More...
bool | IsHioEnvironmentForm (HioEnvironment &rHioEnvironment, std::string &rReportStr) |
| IsHioEnvironmentForm: check if rHioEnvironment is in I/O-environment form and assign state attributes. More...
bool | IsHioEnvironmentForm (HioEnvironment &rHioEnvironment) |
| IsHioEnvironmentForm: check if rHioEnvironment is in I/O-environment form and assign state attributes. More...
void | HioStatePartition (HioEnvironment &rEnvironment) |
| Function definition for run-time interface. More...
bool | SupNormSP (Generator &rL, const EventSet &rOAlph, const Generator &rK, Generator &rResult) |
bool | CompleteSynth (const Generator &rPlant, const EventSet rCAlph, const Generator &rSpec, Generator &rClosedLoop) |
| CompleteSynth: compute supremal complete and controllable (and closed) sublanguage. More...
bool | NormalCompleteSynth (Generator &rPlant, const EventSet &rCAlph, const EventSet &rOAlph, const Generator &rSpec, Generator &rClosedLoop) |
| NormalCompleteSynth: compute normal, complete and controllable (and closed) sublanguage. More...
bool | NormalCompleteSynthNB (Generator &rPlant, const EventSet &rCAlph, const EventSet &rOAlph, const Generator &rSpec, Generator &rClosedLoop) |
| NormalCompleteSynthNB: compute normal, complete, controllable and nonblocking sublanguage. More...
Generator | HioSortCL (const EventSet &rYc, const EventSet &rUc, const EventSet &rYp, const EventSet &rUp, const EventSet &rYe, const EventSet &rUe) |
| IoSortCL: returns IO-sorting structure required for closed loops. More...
void | HioFreeInput (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rInput, const EventSet &rOutput, Generator &rResGen, const std::string &rErrState1, const std::string &rErrState2, Idx &rErrState1Idx, Idx &rErrState2Idx) |
| HioFreeInput: extend generator by obviously missing input transitions. More...
void | HioFreeInput (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rInput, const EventSet &rOutput, Generator &rResGen, const std::string &rErrState1, const std::string &rErrState2) |
| HioFreeInput: extend generator by obviously missing input transitions. More...
void | HioFreeInput (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rInput, const EventSet &rOutput, Generator &rResGen) |
| HioFreeInput: extend generator by obviously missing input transitions. More...
void | HioFreeInput (const HioPlant &rPlant, HioPlant &rResPlant) |
| HioFreeInput: extend HioPlant by obviously missing input transitions. More...
void | HioFreeInput (const HioController &rController, HioController &rResController) |
| HioFreeInput: extend HioController by obviously missing input transitions. More...
void | HioFreeInput (const HioEnvironment &rEnvironment, HioEnvironment &rResEnvironment) |
| HioFreeInput: extend HioEnvironment by obviously missing input transitions. More...
void | HioFreeInput (const HioConstraint &rConstraint, HioConstraint &rResConstraint) |
| HioFreeInput: extend HioConstraint by obviously missing input transitions. More...
void | HioFreeInput (HioPlant &rPlant) |
| HioFreeInput: convenience interface to faudes::HioFreeInput(const HioPlant&, HioPlant) More...
void | HioFreeInput (HioController &rController) |
| HioFreeInput: convenience interface to faudes::HioFreeInput(const HioController&, HioController) More...
void | HioFreeInput (HioEnvironment &rEnvironment) |
| HioFreeInput: convenience interface to faudes::HioFreeInput(const HioEnvironment&, HioEnvironment) More...
void | HioFreeInput (HioConstraint &rConstraint) |
| HioFreeInput: convenience interface to faudes::HioFreeInput(const HioConstraint&, HioConstraint) More...
void | MarkHioShuffle (const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, const std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, Generator &rShuffle) |
| MarkHioShuffle: marking rule for HioShuffle() in case of marked parameters rGen1 and rGen2 - UNDER CONSTRUCTION. More...
void | MarkAlternationAB (const EventSet rAset, const EventSet rBset, Generator &rAltAB) |
| MarkAlternationAB: returns Generator marking the alternation of Aset-transitions with Bset-transitions. More...
void | HioShuffleUnchecked (const Generator &rPlantA, const Generator &rPlantB, const EventSet &rYp, const EventSet &rUp, const EventSet &rYe, const EventSet &rUe, Generator &rIOShuffAB) |
| HioShuffleUnchecked: IO-shuffle of rPlantA and rPlantB according to definition, no parameter check. More...
void | HioShuffle (const Generator &rPlantA, const Generator &rPlantB, const EventSet &rYp, const EventSet &rUp, const EventSet &rYe, const EventSet &rUe, Generator &rIOShuffAB) |
| HioShuffle: IO-shuffle of rPlantA and rPlantB according to definition. More...
void | HioShuffle (const HioPlant &rPlantA, const HioPlant &rPlantB, HioPlant &rIOShuffAB) |
| HioShuffle: IO-shuffle of rPlantA and rPlantB according to definition. More...
void | CheapAltAnB (const EventSet rAset, const EventSet rBset, const int Depth, Generator &rAltAnB) |
| CheapAltAnB: returns Generator of the following specification: "After a maximum of n (=depth) pairs of
A-transitions, a B-transition has to occur!". More...
void | CheapAltAB (const EventSet rAset, const EventSet rBset, const int Depth, Generator &rAltAB) |
| CheapAltAB: returns Generator of the following specification: "After a maximum of n (=depth) pairs of
A-transitions, a B-transition has to occur and vice-versa!". More...
void | HioShuffleTU (const Generator &rPlantA, const Generator &rPlantB, const EventSet &rYp, const EventSet &rUp, const EventSet &rYe, const EventSet &rUe, const int Depth, Generator &rIOShuffAB) |
| HioShuffleTU: IO-shuffle of rPlantA and rPlantB according to definition with additional forced alternation of depth Depth (see CheapAltAB()) between A- and B-events. More...
void | SearchYclessScc (const Idx state, int &rcount, const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rYc, const bool UnMarkedOnly, StateSet &rNewStates, std::stack< Idx > &rSTACK, StateSet &rStackStates, std::map< const Idx, int > &rDFN, std::map< const Idx, int > &rLOWLINK, std::set< StateSet > &rSccSet, StateSet &rRoots) |
| SearchYclessSCC: Search for strongly connected ycless components (YC-less SCC's). More...
bool | YclessScc (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rYc, std::set< StateSet > &rSccSet, StateSet &rRoots) |
| YclessSCC: Search for strongly connected ycless components (YC-less SCC's) - convenience api. More...
bool | YclessUnmarkedScc (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rYc, std::set< StateSet > &rSccSet, StateSet &rRoots) |
| YclessUnmarkedSCC: Search for strongly connected ycless components (YC-less SCC's) consisting of unmarked states only. More...
bool | YclessScc (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rYc, std::set< StateSet > &rSccSet) |
bool | IsYcLive (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rYc) |
| IsYcLive: This function checks if generator is Yc-live. More...
void | WriteStateSets (const std::set< StateSet > &rStateSets) |
| WriteStateSets: Write set of StateSet's to console (indeces). More...
void | WriteStateSets (const Generator &rGen, const std::set< StateSet > &rStateSets) |
| WriteStateSets: Write set of StateSet's to console (symbolic state names taken from rGen). More...
void | SccEntries (const Generator &rGen, const std::set< StateSet > &rSccSet, StateSet &rEntryStates, TransSetX2EvX1 &rEntryTransSet) |
| SCCEntries: figure entry states and entry transitions of strongly connected components rSccSet of rGen. More...
void | CloneScc (Generator &rGen, const StateSet &rScc, std::set< StateSet > &rSccSet, const Idx EntryState, StateSet &rEntryStates, TransSetX2EvX1 &rEntryTransSet) |
| cloneSCC: makes a copy (clone) of strongly connected component (rSCC) of the generator and moves all transitions leading to some entry state EntryState of this SCC to the copy of EntryState. More...
void | CloneUnMarkedScc (Generator &rGen, const StateSet &rScc, const Idx EntryState, const StateSet &rEntryStates, TransSetX2EvX1 &rEntryTransSet) |
| CloneUnMarkedSCC: makes a copy (clone) of strongly connected unmarked component (rSCC) of rGen. More...
void | YcAcyclic (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rYc, Generator &rResGen) |
| YcAcyclic: Computes the supremal(?) Yc-acyclic sublanguage of L(Gen). More...
void | ConstrSynth_Beta (Generator &rPlant, const EventSet &rYp, const EventSet &rUp, const Generator &rLocConstr, Generator &rOpConstraint) |
| ConstrSynth_Beta: compute operator constraint Sp for plant under environment constraint Sl such that plant is complete & Yp-live wrt both constraints - Beta Version. More...
void | HioSynthUnchecked (const Generator &rPlant, const Generator &rSpec, const Generator &rConstr, const Generator &rLocConstr, const EventSet &rYc, const EventSet &rUc, const EventSet &rYp, const EventSet &rUp, const EventSet &rYel, const EventSet &rUel, Generator &rController) |
| HioSynthUnchecked: I/O controller synthesis procedure, no parameter check. More...
void | HioSynth (const Generator &rPlant, const Generator &rSpec, const Generator &rConstr, const Generator &rLocConstr, const EventSet &rYc, const EventSet &rUc, const EventSet &rYp, const EventSet &rUp, const EventSet &rYel, const EventSet &rUel, Generator &rController) |
| HioSynthUnchecked: I/O controller synthesis procedure. More...
void | HioSynthMonolithic (const HioPlant &rPlant, const HioPlant &rSpec, const HioConstraint &rSc, const HioConstraint &rSp, const HioConstraint &rSe, HioController &rController) |
| HioSynthMonolithic: I/O controller synthesis procedure for monolithic plant. More...
void | HioSynthHierarchical (const HioPlant &rHioShuffle, const HioEnvironment &rEnvironment, const HioPlant &rSpec, const Generator &rIntConstr, const HioConstraint &rSc, const HioConstraint &rSl, HioController &rController) |
| HioSynthHierarchical: I/O controller synthesis procedure for I/O-shuffle of i plants and their interaction via an I/O environment. More...
void | HioShuffle_Musunoi (const HioPlant &rPlantA, const HioPlant &rPlantB, int depth, Generator &rIOShuffAB) |
void | HioSynth_Musunoi (const Generator &rPlant, const HioPlant &rSpec, const Generator &rConstr, const Generator &rLocConstr, const EventSet &rYp, const EventSet &rUp, Generator &rController) |
FAUDES_API bool | YclessSCC (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rYc, std::set< StateSet > &rSccSet) |
| YclessSCC: Search for strongly connected ycless components (YC-less SCC's) - convenience api. More...
void | AdjustHioController (const HioController &rHioController, const HioModule *rHioModule1, const HioModule *rHioModule2, HioController &rResEnv) |
void | GroupHioModules (const std::vector< HioModule * > &rChildren, HioModule &rParentModule) |
| GroupHioModules: This function groups two or more HioModules to a new HioModule. More...
void | CreateSpec (int mType[5], HioPlant &rHioSpec, Generator &constrP, Generator &constrE) |
| This function creates new specification given by the type ("xxxxx") Note: The core of this function is a template specification model (SpecCB12.gen). More...
void | CreateConstraint (int mType[5], Generator &constrP, Generator &constrE) |
| This function creates constraints which describe the condition of completeness and Yp-liveness of a Specification. More...
bool | IsHioPlantForm (HioPlant &rHioPlant, StateSet &rQYpYe, StateSet &rQUp, StateSet &rQUe, EventSet &rErrEvSet, TransSet &rErrTrSet, StateSet &rErrStSet, std::string &rReportStr) |
| IsHioPlantForm: check if rHioPlant is in I/O-plant form and assign state attributes. More...
bool | IsHioPlantForm (HioPlant &rHioPlant, std::string &rReportStr) |
| IsHioPlantForm: check if rHioPlant is in I/O-plant form and assign state attributes. More...
bool | IsHioPlantForm (HioPlant &rHioPlant) |
| IsHioPlantForm: check if rHioPlant is in I/O-plant form and assign state attributes. More...
void | HioStatePartition (HioPlant &rPlant) |
| Function definition for run-time interface. More...
bool | IsIoSystem (const IoSystem &rIoSystem, StateSet &rQU, StateSet &rQY, StateSet &rQErr) |
| Test whether the system satisfies basic I/O conditions. More...
bool | IsIoSystem (IoSystem &rIoSystem) |
| Test whether the system satisfies the IO conditions. More...
void | IoStatePartition (IoSystem &rIoSystem) |
| Construct io state partition. More...
bool | IsInputLocallyFree (IoSystem &rIoSystem) |
| Test whether the system has a locally free input. More...
bool | IsInputLocallyFree (const IoSystem &rIoSystem, StateSet &rQErr) |
| Test whether the system has a locally free input. More...
bool | IsInputOmegaFree (IoSystem &rIoSystem) |
| Test whether the system behaviour has exhibits a free input. More...
bool | IsInputOmegaFree (const IoSystem &rIoSystem, StateSet &rQErr) |
| Test whether the system behaviour exhibits a free input. More...
void | IoFreeInput (IoSystem &rIoSystem) |
| Enable all input events for each input state. More...
void | IoFreeInput (Generator &rIoSystem, const EventSet &rUAlph) |
| Enable all input events for each input state. More...
void | RemoveIoDummyStates (IoSystem &rIoSystem) |
| Remove dummy states. More...
void | IoSynthesisNB (const IoSystem &rPlant, const Generator &rSpec, IoSystem &rSup) |
| IO system synthesis. More...
void | IoSynthesis (const IoSystem &rPlant, const Generator &rSpec, IoSystem &rSup) |
| IO system synthesis. More...
bool | IsStronglyCoaccessible (const MtcSystem &rGen) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
bool | IsStronglyTrim (const MtcSystem &rGen) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | StronglyCoaccessible (MtcSystem &rGen) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | StronglyCoaccessible (const MtcSystem &rGen, MtcSystem &rRes) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | StronglyTrim (MtcSystem &rGen) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
void | StronglyTrim (const MtcSystem &rGen, MtcSystem &rRes) |
| RTI wrapper function. More...
Idx | calcNaturalObserver (const MtcSystem &rGen, EventSet &rHighAlph) |
| Calculate a colored natural observer by extending a given high-level alphabet. More...
void | calcAbstAlphObs (MtcSystem &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| Lm-observer computation. More...
void | calcAbstAlphObs (MtcSystem &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| Lm-observer computation. More...
void | calcAbstAlphObs (MtcSystem &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans) |
| Lm-observer computation. More...
void | calculateDynamicSystemObs (const MtcSystem &rGen, EventSet &rHighAlph, Generator &rGenDyn) |
| Computation of the dynamic system for an Lm-observer. More...
void | calcAbstAlphObs (MtcSystem &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| Lm-observer computation. More...
FAUDES_API void | calcAbstAlphObs (MtcSystem &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents) |
| Lm-observer computation. More...
FAUDES_API void | calcAbstAlphObs (MtcSystem &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, std::map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans) |
| Lm-observer computation. More...
bool | IsMtcObs (const MtcSystem &rLowGen, const EventSet &rHighAlph) |
| Verification of the observer property. More...
void | mtcParallel (const MtcSystem &rGen1, const MtcSystem &rGen2, MtcSystem &rResGen) |
| Parallel composition of two colored marking generators, controllability status is observed. More...
void | mtcParallel (const MtcSystem &rGen1, const MtcSystem &rGen2, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, MtcSystem &rResGen) |
| Parallel composition of two MtcSystems. More...
void | ComposedColorSet (const MtcSystem &rGen1, const Idx stdidx1, ColorSet &colors1, const MtcSystem &rGen2, const Idx stdidx2, ColorSet &colors2, ColorSet &composedSet) |
| Compose the color set for a state combined from two states in two distinct automata. More...
void | mtcUniqueInit (MtcSystem &rGen) |
void | mtcDeterministic (const MtcSystem &rGen, MtcSystem &rResGen) |
| Make generator deterministic. More...
void | mtcDeterministic (const MtcSystem &rGen, std::map< Idx, StateSet > &rEntryStatesMap, MtcSystem &rResGen) |
| Make generator deterministic. More...
void | mtcDeterministic (const MtcSystem &rGen, std::vector< StateSet > &rPowerStates, std::vector< Idx > &rDetStates, MtcSystem &rResGen) |
| Make generator deterministic. More...
void | mtcProjectNonDet (MtcSystem &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet) |
| Project generator to alphabet rProjectAlphabet. More...
void | mtcProjectNonDet (const MtcSystem &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet, MtcSystem &rResGen) |
| Project generator to alphabet rProjectAlphabet. More...
void | mtcProject (const MtcSystem &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet, MtcSystem &rResGen) |
| Minimized Deterministic projection. More...
void | mtcProject (const MtcSystem &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet, std::map< Idx, StateSet > &rEntryStatesMap, MtcSystem &rResGen) |
| Minimized Deterministic projection. More...
void | mtcInvProject (MtcSystem &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet) |
| Inverse projection. More...
void | mtcInvProject (const MtcSystem &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet, MtcSystem &rResGen) |
| RTI wrapper. More...
void | SearchScc (const Idx state, int &rCount, const Generator &rGen, StateSet &rNewStates, std::stack< Idx > &rSTACK, StateSet &rStackStates, std::map< const Idx, int > &rDFN, std::map< const Idx, int > &rLOWLINK, std::set< StateSet > &rSccSet, StateSet &rRoots) |
| Search for strongly connected components (SCC)*** This function partitions the stateset of a generator into equivalence classes such that states x1 and x2 are equivalent iff there is a path from x1 to x2 AND a path from x2 to x1. More...
bool | ComputeSCC (const Generator &rGen, std::set< StateSet > &rSccSet, StateSet &rRoots) |
| Computes the strongly connected components (SCCs) of an automaton. More...
void | ColoredSCC (MtcSystem &rGen, ColorSet &rColors, std::set< StateSet > &rColoredSCCs) |
| Compute all strongly connected components (SCCs) in a colored marking generator (CMG) that are marked with a given set of colors. More...
bool | CheckRedundantColor (MtcSystem rGen, Idx redundantColor) |
| Check if a color in a colored marking generator is redundant for the supervisor synthesis. More...
void | OptimalColorSet (const MtcSystem &rGen, ColorSet &rOptimalColors, EventSet &rHighAlph) |
| Compute an optimal subset of the colors that should be removed. More...
void | rec_OptimalColorSet (const MtcSystem &rGen, const std::vector< Idx > &rColorVector, Idx colorNumber, ColorSet &rOptimalColors, Idx &rOptimalNumberStates, Idx &rOptimalNumberColors, const EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rOptimalHighAlph) |
| Recursively find an optimal set of colors to be removed. More...
void | mtcStateMin (MtcSystem &rGen, MtcSystem &rResGen) |
| State Minimization This function implements the (n*log n) set partitioning algorithm by John E. More...
void | mtcStateMin (MtcSystem &rGen, MtcSystem &rResGen, std::vector< StateSet > &rSubsets, std::vector< Idx > &rNewIndices) |
| State Minimization This function implements the (n*log n) set partitioning algorithm by John E. More...
void | mtcStateMin (const MtcSystem &rGen, MtcSystem &rResGen) |
| RTI wrapper. More...
void | mtcSupConNB (const MtcSystem &rPlantGen, const MtcSystem &rSpecGen, MtcSystem &rResGen) |
| Nonblocking Supremal Controllable Sublanguage (wrapper function) More...
void | mtcSupConNB (const MtcSystem &rPlantGen, const MtcSystem &rSpecGen, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, MtcSystem &rResGen) |
| Nonblocking Supremal Controllable Sublanguage. More...
void | mtcSupConClosed (const MtcSystem &rPlantGen, const MtcSystem &rSpecGen, MtcSystem &rResGen) |
| Supremal Controllable Sublanguage (wrapper function) More...
void | mtcSupConClosed (const MtcSystem &rPlantGen, const MtcSystem &rSpecGen, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, MtcSystem &rResGen) |
| Supremal Controllable Sublanguage. More...
void | mtcSupConParallel (const MtcSystem &rPlantGen, const MtcSystem &rSpecGen, const EventSet &rUAlph, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, MtcSystem &rResGen) |
| Fast parallel composition for computation for the mtcSupConNB. More...
void | mtcSupConUnchecked (const MtcSystem &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, MtcSystem &rSupGen) |
| Supremal Controllable Sublangauge (Real SupCon function; unchecked) More...
bool | ccTrim (const Generator &gen, Generator &trimGen) |
| A more efficient Trim() operation. More...
bool | IsConditionalClosed (const GeneratorVector &specVect, const Generator &pk, const GeneratorVector &genVect, const Generator &gk) |
| Conditionalclosedness Checking Algorithm. More...
bool | IsConditionalControllable (const GeneratorVector &specVect, const Generator &pk, const GeneratorVector &genVect, const Generator &gk, const EventSet &ACntrl) |
| Conditionalcontrollability Checking Algorithm. More...
bool | IsConditionalDecomposable (const Generator &gen, const EventSetVector &ee, const EventSet &ek, Generator &proof) |
| Conditionaldecomposability Checking Algorithm. More...
bool | IsCD (const Generator &gen, const EventSetVector &ee, const EventSet &ek, const EventSet &unionset, Generator &proof) |
void | ConDecExtension (const Generator &gen, const EventSetVector &rAlphabets, EventSet &ek) |
| Conditionaldecomposability Extension Algorithm. More...
void | CDExt (const Generator &gen, const EventSetVector &ee, const EventSet &unionset, EventSet &ek) |
Generator | ComputeTildeG (const EventSet &unionset, const EventSetVector &ee, const EventSet &ek, const Generator &gen) |
bool | isExtendedEk (const Generator &tildeGen, const Generator &rGen, EventSet &ek) |
bool | SupConditionalControllable (const Generator &gen, const GeneratorVector &genVector, const EventSet &ACntrl, const EventSet &InitEk, GeneratorVector &supVector, Generator &Coord) |
| Conditionalcontrollability Checking Algorithm. More...
template<class GlobalAttr1 , class StateAttr1 , class EventAttr1 , class TransAttr1 , class GlobalAttr2 , class StateAttr2 , class EventAttr2 , class TransAttr2 , class GlobalAttrR , class StateAttrR , class EventAttrR , class TransAttrR > |
void | TParallel (const TGEN1 &rGen1, const TGEN2 &rGen2, TGENR &rResGen) |
| Parallel composition of timed generators. More...
template<class GlobalAttr1 , class StateAttr1 , class EventAttr1 , class TransAttr1 , class GlobalAttr2 , class StateAttr2 , class EventAttr2 , class TransAttr2 , class GlobalAttrR , class StateAttrR , class EventAttrR , class TransAttrR > |
void | TParallel (const TGEN1 &rGen1, const TGEN2 &rGen2, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, TGENR &rResGen) |
| Parallel composition of timed generators. More...
void | ran_plant_seeds (long x) |
| Use this function to set the state of all the random number generator streams by "planting" a sequence of states (seeds), one per stream, with all states dictated by the state of the default stream. More...
void | ran_put_seed (long seed) |
| Put a seed. More...
void | ran_select_stream (int index) |
| Use this function to set the current random number generator stream – that stream from which the next random number will come. More...
void | ran_init (long seed) |
| Initialize random generator. More...
double | ran (void) |
| Run random generator Random Number Generator (for more details see "Random Number Generators: Good Ones Are Hard To Find" Steve Park and Keith Miller Communications of the ACM, October 1988) More...
double | ran_uniform (double a, double b) |
| Sample a random variable uniformly on interval [a;b) Distribution: f(t) dt= {1/(b-a)} dt for t, a <=t< b, else 0. More...
long | ran_uniform_int (long a, long b) |
| Sample a discrete random variable uniformly on interval [a;b) Distribution: p(n) = 1/(b-a-1) More...
double | ran_exponential (double mu) |
| Sample a random variable exponentially Distribution: f(t) dt = 1/mu exp(-t/mu) dt for t>=0. More...
double | ran_exponential (double mu, Time::Type tossLB, Time::Type tossUB) |
| Sample a random variable exponentially on a restricted interval Distribution: f(t) dt = 1/mu exp(-t/mu) dt for t>=0. More...
double | ran_gauss (double mu, double sigma, Time::Type tossLB, Time::Type tossUB) |
| Sample a random variable gaussian distributed on a restricted interval Distribution: f(t) = 1 / sqrt(2 pi sigma^2) * exp( -1/2 ((t-mu)/sigma)^2) for t>=0. More...
double | ran_gaussian_cdf_P (double x) |
| Help function: calculate gaussian CDF using an approximation from Abromowitz and Stegun: Handbook of Mathematical Functions. More...
void * | SDeviceSynchro (void *arg) |
int | syncSend (int dest, const char *data, int len, int flag) |
void * | NDeviceListen (void *arg) |
int | faudes_print (lua_State *L) |
void | faudes_print_register (lua_State *L) |
void | faudes_hook (lua_State *L, lua_Debug *ar) |
void | faudes_hook_register (lua_State *L) |
void | faudes_initialize (lua_State *pL) |
int | faudes_loadext (lua_State *pL, const char *filename) |
int | faudes_loaddefext (lua_State *pL, const char *arg0) |
char ** | faudes_complete (lua_State *pL, const char *text, int start, int end) |
void * | SwigCastPtr (void *ptr, swig_type_info *from, swig_type_info *ty) |
swig_lua_userdata * | SwigUserData (lua_State *L, int index) |
std::string | MangleString (const std::string &str) |
FAUDES_API void | faudes_throw_exception (const std::string &msg) |
FAUDES_API void | faudes_dict_insert_topic (const std::string &topic, const std::string &text) |
FAUDES_API void | faudes_dict_insert_entry (const std::string &topic, const std::string &key, const std::string &entry) |
FAUDES_API void | faudes_mute (bool on) |
FAUDES_API void | faudes_console (const std::string &message) |
FAUDES_API void | faudes_debug (const std::string &message) |
void | TimeInvariantAbstraction (const Experiment &exp, Generator &res) |
void | TimeVariantAbstraction (const Experiment &exp, Generator &res) |
Parma_Polyhedra_Library::C_Polyhedron & | UserData (const Polyhedron &fpoly) |
| convert a faudes style polyhedron "A x <= B" to a PPL polyhedron, and keep the conversion result in the UserData entry More...
void | PolyFinalise (const Polyhedron &fpoly) |
| convert PPL polyhedron back to faudes data structures; this is required if we manipulate a polyhedron and like to access it from libFAUDES More...
Parma_Polyhedra_Library::C_Polyhedron & | UserData (const LinearRelation &frelation) |
| convert a faudes style linear relation "A' x' + A x <= B" to a PPL polyhedron, and keep the conversion result in the UserData entry More...
void | PolyDWrite (const Polyhedron &fpoly) |
| poly dump More...
void | PolyCopy (const Polyhedron &src, Polyhedron &dst) |
| copy method More...
void | PolyIntersection (const Polyhedron &poly, Polyhedron &res) |
| intersection More...
bool | PolyIsEmpty (const Polyhedron &poly) |
| test emptyness More...
bool | PolyInclusion (const Polyhedron &poly, const Polyhedron &other) |
| inclusion More...
void | PolyScratch (void) |
| scratch More...
void | PolyLinearRelation (const LinearRelation &reset, Polyhedron &poly) |
| apply reset relation A'x' + Ax <= B More...
void | PolyTimeElapse (const Polyhedron &rate, Polyhedron &poly) |
| time elapse More...
void | LhaReach (const LinearHybridAutomaton &lha, const HybridStateSet &states, std::map< Idx, HybridStateSet * > &ostates, int *pCnt=NULL) |
| compute sets of reachable state per successor event More...
void | AlternativeAccessible (Generator &rGen) |
| Alternative accessibility algorithm. More...
void | DecentralizedModularDiagnoser (const std::vector< const System * > &rGens, const Generator &rSpec, std::vector< Diagnoser * > &rDiags, std::string &rReportString) |
| Function that computes decentralized diagnosers for the respective subsystems of a composed (modular) system. More...
FAUDES_API bool | ModularDiagnoser (const SystemVector &rGsubs, const GeneratorVector &rKsubs, GeneratorVector &rDiagSubs, std::string &rReportString) |
| Function that computes diagnosers for the respective subsystems of a composed system. More...
FAUDES_API bool | IsCoDiagnosable (const System &rGen, const Generator &rSpec, const std::vector< const EventSet * > &rAlphabets, std::string &rReportString) |
| Checks co-diagnosability for a system G with respect to the specification K and the local observation alphabets rAlphabets. More...
void | EventDiagnoser (const System &rOrigGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rAttrFTMap, Diagnoser &rDiagGen) |
| Compute a standard diagnoser from an input generator and a failure partition. More...
void | LanguageDiagnoser (const System &rGen, const System &rSpec, Diagnoser &rDiagGen) |
| Compute a standard diagnoser from an input generator and a specification. More...
FAUDES_API bool | IsEventDiagnosable (const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap, std::string &rReportString) |
| Test a system's diagnosability with respect to a given failure partition. More...
FAUDES_API bool | IsIndicatorEventDiagnosable (const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap, std::string &rReportString) |
| Test a system's I-diagnosability with respect to a given failure partition. More...
FAUDES_API bool | MeetsDiagnosabilityAssumptions (const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap, std::string &rReportString) |
| Check if a generator meets the general assumptions of diagnosability as required by IsDiagnosable(const System&, const AttributeFailureTypeMap&, std::string&) and IsIndicatorDiagnosable(const System&, const AttributeFailureTypeMap&, std::string&). More...
bool | IsLoopPreservingObserver (const System &rGen, const EventSet &rHighAlph) |
| Verifies a loop-preserving observer. More...
void | LoopPreservingObserver (const System &rGen, const EventSet &rInitialHighAlph, EventSet &rHighAlph) |
| Computes a loop-preserving observer with minimal state size of the abstraction. More...
FAUDES_API bool | IsLanguageDiagnosableX (const System &rGen, const System &rSpec, std::string &rReportString) |
| Tests a system's diagnosability with respect to a given specification. More...
FAUDES_API bool | IsModularDiagnosable (const SystemVector &rGsubs, const GeneratorVector &rKsubs, std::string &rReportString) |
| Checks modular diagnosability for a system G (which consists of the subsystems rGsubs) with respect to the specification K (consisting of local specifications rKsubs) and the local abstraction alphabets rHighAlphSubs. More...
libFAUDES resides within the namespace faudes.
Plug-Ins may use the same namespace.
◆ AlphaberVector
◆ cEventSet
Compatibility: pre 2.20b used cEventSet as C++ class name.
Definition at line 252 of file cfl_cgenerator.h.
◆ cEventSetVector
◆ cGenerator
Compatibility: pre 2.20b used cGenerator as C++ class name.
Definition at line 931 of file cfl_cgenerator.h.
◆ cGeneratorVector
◆ diagGenerator
Compatibility: pre 2.20b used diagGenerator as C++ class name.
Definition at line 202 of file diag_generator.h.
◆ Diagnoser
◆ Float
◆ fType
◆ Graph
◆ HioConstraint
◆ HioController
◆ HioEnvironment
◆ HioPlant
◆ Idx
◆ Int
Type definition for integer type (let target system decide, minimum 32bit)
Definition at line 47 of file cfl_definitions.h.
◆ IntegerVector
◆ IosEventSet
◆ IosStateSet
◆ IoSystem
◆ LhaStateSet
◆ LhaTransSet
◆ LinearHybridAutomaton
◆ mtcGenerator
Compatibility: pre 2.20b used mtcGenerator as C++ class name.
Definition at line 753 of file mtc_generator.h.
◆ MtcSystem
◆ Node
◆ SetX1Ev
◆ swig_cast_info
◆ swig_converter_func
typedef void*(* faudes::swig_converter_func) (void *, int *) |
◆ swig_dycast_func
◆ swig_type_info
◆ tGenerator
Compatibility: pre 2.20b used tGenerator as C++ class name.
Definition at line 782 of file tp_tgenerator.h.
◆ TimedGenerator
Convenience typedef for std TimedGenerator.
Definition at line 777 of file tp_tgenerator.h.
◆ VerifierStateLabel
◆ ActiveBackwardTransSet()
Obtain all transitions from other states into a given state of a generator.
- Parameters
rGen | A generator. |
state | A state from the generators state set. |
- Returns
- A transition set.
Definition at line 802 of file diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp.
◆ ActiveEventsRule()
◆ ActiveNonTauEvs()
◆ AdjustHioController()
◆ aParallel()
Parallel composition.
See also aParallel(const Generator&, const Generator&, Generator&). This version takes a vector of generators as argument to perform a synchronous composition of multiple generators. The implementation calls the std aParallel multiple times, future implementations may explore the overall reachable state set.
- Parameters
rGenVec | Vector of input generators |
rResGen | Reference to resulting composition generator |
Definition at line 87 of file cfl_parallel.cpp.
◆ AppendOmegaTermination()
void faudes::AppendOmegaTermination |
( |
Generator & |
rGen | ) |
◆ backwardReachabilityObsOCC()
void faudes::backwardReachabilityObsOCC |
( |
const TransSetX2EvX1 & |
rTransSetX2EvX1, |
const EventSet & |
rControllableEvents, |
const EventSet & |
rHighAlph, |
Idx |
exitState, |
Idx |
currentState, |
bool |
controllablePath, |
map< Idx, map< Idx, bool > > & |
rExitLocalStatesMap, |
StateSet & |
rDoneStates |
) |
| |
◆ backwardVerificationLCC()
Function that supports the verification of local control consistency (LCC).
This function performs a recursive backward reachability to find if from a state where an uncontrollable high-level event is possible, another state is only reachable by local strings that contaion at least one controllable event. If this is the case, LCC is violated.
- Parameters
rTransSetX2EvX1 | reverse transition relation of the input generator |
rControllableEvents | set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | High level alphabet |
exitState | start state for backward reachability |
currentState | current state for backward reachability |
controllablePath | false if at least one uncontrollable path to the currentState exists |
rLocalStatesMap | map for states and their controllability property |
rDoneStates | states that have already been visited |
◆ backwardVerificationOCC()
Function that supports the verification of output control consistency (OCC).
This function performs a backward reachability to find if an uncontrollable high-level event is preemted by an uncontrollable low-level event. If this is the case, OCC is violated.
- Parameters
rLowGen | Input generator |
rControllableEvents | set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | High level alphabet |
currentState | start state for backward reachability |
- Returns
- true if no controllable low-level event has been found
Definition at line 120 of file op_obserververification.cpp.
◆ BiggerMax()
◆ BlockingSilentEvent()
◆ calcAbstAlphClosed() [1/4]
L(G)-observer computation.
This function is called by calcAbstAlphClosed(System& rGenObs, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, map<Idx, set<Idx> >& rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an L(G)-observer for the prefix-closed language of the resulting generator. This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. C. Wong and W. M. Wonham, "On the Computation of Observers in Discrete Event Systems," Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 55-107, 2004.
the alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs rGenObs must be a deterministic generator no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapRelabeledEvents | Maps the original events to sets of newly introduced events (accumulatoive, call clear before) |
Definition at line 678 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphClosed() [2/4]
L(G)-observer computation.
This function is called by void calcAbstAlphClosed(Generator& rGenObs, EventSet& rControllableEvents, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, map<Idx, set<Idx> >& rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an Lm-observer for the prefix-closed language of the resulting generator. This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. C. Wong and W. M. Wonham, "On the Computation of Observers in Discrete Event Systems," Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 55-107, 2004.
The alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs. rGenObs must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapChangedTrans | Maps the original relabeled transitions to the new events |
Definition at line 701 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphClosed() [3/4]
L(G)-observer computation.
This function is called by calcAbstAlphClosed(System& rGenObs, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, map<Idx, set<Idx> >& rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an L(G)-observer for the prefix-closed language of the resulting generator. This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. C. Wong and W. M. Wonham, "On the Computation of Observers in Discrete Event Systems," Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 55-107, 2004.
the alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs rGenObs must be a deterministic generator no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapRelabeledEvents | Maps the original events to sets of newly introduced events (accumulatoive, call clear before) |
Definition at line 678 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphClosed() [4/4]
L(G)-observer computation.
This function is called by void calcAbstAlphClosed(Generator& rGenObs, EventSet& rControllableEvents, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, map<Idx, set<Idx> >& rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an Lm-observer for the prefix-closed language of the resulting generator. This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. C. Wong and W. M. Wonham, "On the Computation of Observers in Discrete Event Systems," Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 55-107, 2004.
The alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs. rGenObs must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapChangedTrans | Maps the original relabeled transitions to the new events |
Definition at line 701 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphMSA() [1/4]
MSA-observer computation.
This function is called by calcAbstAlphMSA(System& rGenObs, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, map<Idx, set<Idx> >& rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an MSA-observer for the language marked by the resulting generator. This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. Schmidt and Th. Moor, "Marked String Accepting Observers for the Hierarchical and Decentralized Control of Discrete Event Systems," Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 2006.
the alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs rGenObs must be a deterministic generator no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapRelabeledEvents | Maps the original events to sets of newly introduced events (accumulatoive, call clear before) |
Definition at line 836 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphMSA() [2/4]
MSA-observer computation.
This function is called by void calcAbstAlphMSA(Generator& rGenObs, EventSet& rControllableEvents, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, map<Idx, set<Idx> >& rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an MSA-observer for the language marked by the resulting generator. This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. Schmidt and Th. Moor, "Marked String Accepting Observers for the Hierarchical and Decentralized Control of Discrete Event Systems," Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 2006.
The alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs. rGenObs must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapChangedTrans | Maps the original relabeled transitions to the new events |
Definition at line 859 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphMSA() [3/4]
MSA-observer computation.
This function is called by calcAbstAlphMSA(System& rGenObs, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, map<Idx, set<Idx> >& rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an MSA-observer for the language marked by the resulting generator. This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. Schmidt and Th. Moor, "Marked String Accepting Observers for the Hierarchical and Decentralized Control of Discrete Event Systems," Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 2006.
the alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs rGenObs must be a deterministic generator no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapRelabeledEvents | Maps the original events to sets of newly introduced events (accumulatoive, call clear before) |
Definition at line 836 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphMSA() [4/4]
MSA-observer computation.
This function is called by void calcAbstAlphMSA(Generator& rGenObs, EventSet& rControllableEvents, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, map<Idx, set<Idx> >& rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an MSA-observer for the language marked by the resulting generator. This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. Schmidt and Th. Moor, "Marked String Accepting Observers for the Hierarchical and Decentralized Control of Discrete Event Systems," Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 2006.
The alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs. rGenObs must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapChangedTrans | Maps the original relabeled transitions to the new events |
Definition at line 859 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphMSALCC() [1/2]
MSA-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC).
This function is called by calcAbstAlphMSALCC(System& rGenObs, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, map<Idx,set<Idx > > & rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an MSA-observer for the language marked by the resulting generator and at the same time fulfills the local control consistency condition (LCC). This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. Schmidt and C. Breindl, "On Maximal Permissiveness of Hierarchical and Modular Supervisory Control Approaches for Discrete Event Systems, Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 2008. with an extension to LCC as indicated in K. Schmidt and C. Breindl, "On Maximal Permissiveness of Hierarchical and Modular Supervisory
Control Approaches for Discrete Event Systems," Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 2008.
The alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs. rGenObs must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapChangedTrans | Maps the original relabeled transitions to the new events |
Definition at line 1272 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphMSALCC() [2/2]
MSA-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC).
This function is called by calcAbstAlphMSALCC(System& rGenObs, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, map<Idx,set<Idx > > & rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an MSA-observer for the language marked by the resulting generator and at the same time fulfills the local control consistency condition (LCC). This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. Schmidt and C. Breindl, "On Maximal Permissiveness of Hierarchical and Modular Supervisory Control Approaches for Discrete Event Systems, Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 2008. with an extension to LCC as indicated in K. Schmidt and C. Breindl, "On Maximal Permissiveness of Hierarchical and Modular Supervisory
Control Approaches for Discrete Event Systems," Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 2008.
The alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs. rGenObs must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapChangedTrans | Maps the original relabeled transitions to the new events |
Definition at line 1272 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphObs() [1/9]
Lm-observer computation.
This function is called by calcAbstAlphObs(System& rGenObs, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, map<Idx, set<Idx> >& rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an Lm-observer for the language marked by the resulting generator. This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. C. Wong and W. M. Wonham, "On the Computation of Observers in Discrete Event Systems," Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 55-107, 2004.
the alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs rGenObs must be a deterministic generator no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapRelabeledEvents | Maps the original events to sets of newly introduced events (accumulatoive, call clear before) |
Definition at line 757 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphObs() [2/9]
Lm-observer computation.
This function is called by void calcAbstAlphObs(Generator& rGenObs, EventSet& rControllableEvents, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, map<Idx, set<Idx> >& rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an Lm-observer for the language marked by the resulting generator. This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. C. Wong and W. M. Wonham, "On the Computation of Observers in Discrete Event Systems," Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 55-107, 2004.
The alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs. rGenObs must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapChangedTrans | Maps the original relabeled transitions to the new events |
Definition at line 780 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphObs() [3/9]
Lm-observer computation.
This function is called by calcAbstAlphObs(System& rGenObs, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, map<Idx, set<Idx> >& rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an Lm-observer for the language marked by the resulting generator. This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. C. Wong and W. M. Wonham, "On the Computation of Observers in Discrete Event Systems," Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 55-107, 2004.
the alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs rGenObs must be a deterministic generator no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapRelabeledEvents | Maps the original events to sets of newly introduced events (accumulatoive, call clear before) |
Definition at line 757 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphObs() [4/9]
Lm-observer computation.
This function is called by void calcAbstAlphObs(Generator& rGenObs, EventSet& rControllableEvents, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, map<Idx, set<Idx> >& rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an Lm-observer for the language marked by the resulting generator. This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. C. Wong and W. M. Wonham, "On the Computation of Observers in Discrete Event Systems," Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 55-107, 2004.
The alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs. rGenObs must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapChangedTrans | Maps the original relabeled transitions to the new events |
Definition at line 780 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphObs() [5/9]
Lm-observer computation.
This function is called by calcAbstAlphObs(System& rGenObs, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, std::map<Idx, std::set<Idx> >& rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an Lm-observer for the language marked by the resulting generator. This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. C. Wong and W. M. Wonham, "On the Computation of Observers in Discrete Event Systems," Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 55-107, 2004.
the alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs rGenObs must be a deterministic generator no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapRelabeledEvents | Maps the original events to sets of newly introduced events (accumulatoive, call clear before) |
Definition at line 71 of file mtc_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphObs() [6/9]
Lm-observer computation.
This function is called by void calcAbstAlphObs(Generator& rGenObs, EventSet& rControllableEvents, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, std::map<Idx, std::set<Idx> >& rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an Lm-observer for the language marked by the resulting generator. This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. C. Wong and W. M. Wonham, "On the Computation of Observers in Discrete Event Systems," Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 55-107, 2004.
The alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs. rGenObs must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapChangedTrans | Maps the original relabeled transitions to the new events |
Definition at line 94 of file mtc_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphObs() [7/9]
Lm-observer computation.
This function is called by calcAbstAlphObs(System& rGenObs, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, std::map<Idx, std::set<Idx> >& rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an Lm-observer for the language marked by the resulting generator. This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. C. Wong and W. M. Wonham, "On the Computation of Observers in Discrete Event Systems," Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 55-107, 2004.
the alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs rGenObs must be a deterministic generator no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapRelabeledEvents | Maps the original events to sets of newly introduced events (accumulatoive, call clear before) |
Definition at line 71 of file mtc_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphObs() [8/9]
Lm-observer computation.
This function is called by void calcAbstAlphObs(Generator& rGenObs, EventSet& rControllableEvents, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, std::map<Idx, std::set<Idx> >& rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an Lm-observer for the language marked by the resulting generator. This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. C. Wong and W. M. Wonham, "On the Computation of Observers in Discrete Event Systems," Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 55-107, 2004.
The alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs. rGenObs must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapChangedTrans | Maps the original relabeled transitions to the new events |
Definition at line 94 of file mtc_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphObs() [9/9]
◆ calcAbstAlphObsLCC() [1/2]
Lm-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC).
This function is called by calcAbstAlphObsLCC(System& rGenObs, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, map<Idx,set<Idx > > & rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an Lm-observer for the language marked by the resulting generator and at the same time fulfills the local control consistency condition (LCC). This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. C. Wong and W. M. Wonham, "On the Computation of Observers in Discrete Event Systems," Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 55-107, 2004. with an extension to LCC as indicated in K. Schmidt and C. Breindl, "On Maximal Permissiveness of Hierarchical and Modular Supervisory
Control Approaches for Discrete Event Systems," Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 2008.
The alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs. rGenObs must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapChangedTrans | Maps the original relabeled transitions to the new events |
Definition at line 1198 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calcAbstAlphObsLCC() [2/2]
Lm-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC).
This function is called by calcAbstAlphObsLCC(System& rGenObs, EventSet& rHighAlph, EventSet& rNewHighAlph, map<Idx,set<Idx > > & rMapRelabeledEvents). It modifies a given generator and an associated natural projection such that the resulting natural projection is an Lm-observer for the language marked by the resulting generator and at the same time fulfills the local control consistency condition (LCC). This function evaluates the observer algorithm as described in K. C. Wong and W. M. Wonham, "On the Computation of Observers in Discrete Event Systems," Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 55-107, 2004. with an extension to LCC as indicated in K. Schmidt and C. Breindl, "On Maximal Permissiveness of Hierarchical and Modular Supervisory
Control Approaches for Discrete Event Systems," Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 2008.
The alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenObs. rGenObs must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Initial abstraction alphabet |
rNewHighAlph | Modified abstraction alphabet such that the abstraction is an Lm-observer |
rMapChangedTrans | Maps the original relabeled transitions to the new events |
Definition at line 1198 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calculateDynamicSystemClosedObs()
Computation of the dynamic system for Delta_sigma (reachable states after the occurrence of one high-level event).
This function computes the part of the dynamic system that is needed for evaluating the observer algorithm for closed languages.
The alphabet rHighAlph has to be a subset of the alphabet of rGen. rGen must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGen | Generator for which the dynamic system is computed |
rHighAlph | Abstraction alphabet |
rGenDyn | Generator representing the dynamic system |
Definition at line 46 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calculateDynamicSystemLCC()
Computation of the dynamic system for Delta_lcc (fulfillment of the local control consistency property).
This function computes the part of the dynamic system that is needed for evaluating the observer algorithm for local control consistency
The alphabet rHighAlph has to be a subset of the alphabet of rGen. rGen must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGen | Generator for which the dynamic system is computed |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Abstraction alphabet |
rGenDyn | Generator representing the dynamic system |
Definition at line 303 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calculateDynamicSystemMSA()
Computation of the dynamic system for Delta_msa (local fulfillment of the msa-observer property).
This function computes the part of the dynamic system that is needed for evaluating the observer algorithm for msa-observers.
The alphabet rHighAlph has to be a subset of the alphabet of rGen. rGen must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGen | Generator for which the dynamic system is computed |
rHighAlph | Abstraction alphabet |
rGenDyn | Generator representing the dynamic system |
Definition at line 195 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calculateDynamicSystemObs() [1/2]
Computation of the dynamic system for Delta_obs (local reachability of a marked state).
This function computes the part of the dynamic system that is needed for evaluating the observer algorithm for marked languages.
The alphabet rHighAlph has to be a subset of the alphabet of rGen. rGen must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGen | Generator for which the dynamic system is computed |
rHighAlph | Abstraction alphabet |
rGenDyn | Generator representing the dynamic system |
Definition at line 159 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ calculateDynamicSystemObs() [2/2]
Computation of the dynamic system for an Lm-observer.
This function computes the dynamic system that is needed for evaluating the observer algorithm.
The alphabet rHighAlph has to be a subset of the alphabet of rGen. rGen must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGen | Generator for which the dynamic system is computed |
rHighAlph | Abstraction alphabet |
rGenDyn | Generator representing the dynamic system |
Definition at line 138 of file mtc_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ CDExt()
◆ CheckSplit() [1/2]
bool faudes::CheckSplit |
( |
const Generator & |
rGen, |
const EventSet & |
rSplitAlphabet, |
const vector< pair< StateSet, Idx > > & |
rNondeterministicStates, |
Idx |
entryState |
) |
| |
◆ CheckSplit() [2/2]
Check if the current alphabet splits all local automata with nondeterminims or unobservable transitions.
This algorithm verifies if nondetermisisms or unobservable transitions are resolved if the given events in are added to the high-level alphabet. The function is called by ExtendHighAlphabet,
The alphabet rHighAlph has to be a subset of the alphabet of rGenObs. rGenObs must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenObs | Low-level generator. It is modified by the algorithm by relabeling transitions and events |
rSplitAlphabet | Reference to the current alphabet for splitting verification |
rNondeterministicStates | vector with states where nondeterminism has to be resolved and the related event |
entryState | current state that is investigated |
◆ CollapsString()
Limit length of string, return head and tail of string.
- Parameters
rString | string |
len | Maximum number of charakters in string (approx) |
- Returns
- Collapsed string
Definition at line 91 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ ComposedColorSet()
Compose the color set for a state combined from two states in two distinct automata.
- Parameters
rGen1 | First MtcSystem for parallel composition |
stdidx1 | Index to first MtcSystem's current state |
colors1 | Color set of first MtcSystem |
rGen2 | Second MtcSystem for parallel composition |
stdidx2 | Index to second MtcSystem's current state |
colors2 | Color set of second MtcSystem |
composedSet | Color set where composition colors will be inserted |
- Exceptions
Exception |
- Index not member of set (id 200)
- Index not found in set (id 201)
Definition at line 213 of file mtc_parallel.cpp.
◆ CompositionalSynthesisUnchecked()
◆ CompositionMap1()
void faudes::CompositionMap1 |
( |
const std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > & |
rCompositionMap, |
std::map< Idx, Idx > & |
rCompositionMap1 |
) |
| |
◆ CompositionMap2()
void faudes::CompositionMap2 |
( |
const std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > & |
rCompositionMap, |
std::map< Idx, Idx > & |
rCompositionMap2 |
) |
| |
◆ ComputeAbstractBisimulationSatCTA()
void faudes::ComputeAbstractBisimulationSatCTA |
( |
const Generator & |
rGen, |
const EventSet & |
rSilent, |
std::list< StateSet > & |
rResult, |
const Idx & |
rFlag, |
const std::vector< StateSet > & |
rPrePartition |
) |
| |
ComputeAbstractBisimulationSatCTA saturation and change-tracking based partition algorithm for either delayed or weak bisimulation. This function is intended to be invoked by ComputeDelayedBisimulation_Sat or ComputeWeakBisimulation_Sat, not for direct external usage.
- Parameters
rGen | input gen |
rSilent | silent event set (contains either 0 or 1 event) |
rResult | state partition without trivial classes |
rFlag | rFlag == 1: dalayed bisimulation; rFlag == 2: weak bisimulation |
rPrePartition | prepartition (trivial classes MUST be included) |
Definition at line 983 of file cfl_bisimcta.cpp.
◆ ComputeBisimulationCTA() [1/4]
ComputeBisimulationCTA bisimulation partition based on change-tracking algorithm and topo sort.
- Parameters
rGen | input gen |
rSilent | silent event set (contains either 0 or 1 event) |
rResult | state partition without trivial classes |
◆ ComputeBisimulationCTA() [2/4]
void faudes::ComputeBisimulationCTA |
( |
const Generator & |
rGen, |
const EventSet & |
rSilent, |
std::list< StateSet > & |
rResult, |
const std::vector< StateSet > & |
rPrePartition |
) |
| |
◆ ComputeBisimulationCTA() [3/4]
ComputeBisimulationCTA basic bisimulation partition algorithm based on change-tracking algorithm.
- Parameters
rGen | input gen |
rResult | state partition without trivial classes |
Definition at line 924 of file cfl_bisimcta.cpp.
◆ ComputeBisimulationCTA() [4/4]
ComputeBisimulationCTA basic bisimulation partition algorithm under prepartition based on change-tracking algorithm.
- Parameters
rGen | input gen |
rResult | state partition without trivial classes |
rPrePartition | prepartition (trivial classes MUST be included) |
Definition at line 930 of file cfl_bisimcta.cpp.
◆ ComputeComputeWeakBisimulationSatCTA()
ComputeComputeWeakBisimulationSatCTA weak bisimulation partition under prepartition based on change-tracking algorithm and saturation.
- Parameters
rGen | input gen |
rSilent | silent event set (contains either 0 or 1 event) |
rResult | state partition without trivial classes |
rPrePartition | prepartition (trivial classes MUST be included) |
◆ ComputeDelayedBisimulationCTA() [1/2]
void faudes::ComputeDelayedBisimulationCTA |
( |
const Generator & |
rGen, |
const EventSet & |
rSilent, |
std::list< StateSet > & |
rResult |
) |
| |
◆ ComputeDelayedBisimulationCTA() [2/2]
ComputeDelayedBisimulationCTA delayed bisimulation partition under prepartition based on change-tracking algorithm and topo sort.
ComputeDelayedBisimulationCTA delayed bisimulation partition under prepartition based on change-tracking algorithm and saturation.
- Parameters
rGen | input gen |
rSilent | silent event set (contains either 0 or 1 event) |
rResult | state partition without trivial classes |
rPrePartition | prepartition (trivial classes MUST be included) |
◆ ComputeDelayedBisimulationSatCTA() [1/2]
ComputeDelayedBisimulationSatCTA delayed bisimulation partition based on change-tracking algorithm and saturation.
- Parameters
rGen | input gen |
rSilent | silent event set (contains either 0 or 1 event) |
rResult | state partition without trivial classes |
Definition at line 999 of file cfl_bisimcta.cpp.
◆ ComputeDelayedBisimulationSatCTA() [2/2]
void faudes::ComputeDelayedBisimulationSatCTA |
( |
const Generator & |
rGen, |
const EventSet & |
rSilent, |
std::list< StateSet > & |
rResult, |
const std::vector< StateSet > & |
rPrePartition |
) |
| |
◆ ComputeGd() [1/2]
◆ ComputeGd() [2/2]
Compute the diagnosability testing generator G_d as a parallel composition of G_o with itself (according to Jiang).
- Parameters
rGobs | Input diagnoser G_o. |
rReverseCompositionMap | Output variable containing the mapping of G_o states and G_d states (generated by Parallel()). |
rGd | Output variable for G_d. |
◆ ComputeGobs() [1/4]
Compute G_o for a generator that marks the faulty behaviour of a plant.
Every specification violation will be labelled with label "F". - Parameters
rGenMarkedNonSpecBehaviour | Input generator that specifies specification violations by marked states. |
rGobs | Output variable for G_o. |
Definition at line 27 of file diag_languagediagnosis.cpp.
◆ ComputeGobs() [2/4]
Compute G_o for a given generator with a given failure partition (according to Jiang).
- Parameters
rOrigGen | Input generator, which is a model of the original plant containing the relevant failures events. |
rAttrFTMap | Failure partition. |
rGobs | Output variable for G_o. |
- Exceptions
Exception |
- Input generator has no unique initial state (id 301).
Definition at line 431 of file diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp.
◆ ComputeGobs() [3/4]
Compute G_o for a single failure type of a generator.
- Parameters
rOrigGen | Input generator, which is a model of the original plant containing the relevant failures events. |
rFailureType | Failure type name. |
rFailureEvents | Failure events belonging to the failure type. |
rGobs | Output variable for G_o. |
◆ ComputeGobs() [4/4]
void faudes::ComputeGobs |
( |
const System & |
rOrigGen, |
const string & |
rFailureType, |
const EventSet & |
rFailureEvents, |
Diagnoser & |
rGobs |
) |
| |
◆ ComputeHSupConNB()
- Parameters
rOrigGen | the resulting composed new generator from synthesis-buffer |
rConAlph | controllable events |
rLocAlph | local events |
rHSupGen | the resulting generator after halbway-synthesis |
Definition at line 1225 of file syn_compsyn.cpp.
◆ ComputeReachability() [1/4]
◆ ComputeReachability() [2/4]
Compute the reachability from a given generator state through a trace that consists of arbitrarily many unobservable events followed by one observable event.
- Parameters
rGen | Input generator. |
rUnobsEvents | Unobservable events in the generators alphabet. |
rFailures | Unobservable failure events in the generators alphabet. |
State | A state of the generators state set. |
rAttrFTMap | Failure partition. |
rReachabilityMap | Output variable for the reachability. Maps occurring observable events to the reachable generator states and the corresponding failure types that occurred within the unobservable part of the trace. |
◆ ComputeReachability() [3/4]
◆ ComputeReachability() [4/4]
Compute the reachability from a state of a generator that marks its faulty behaviour.
States are said to be reachable if they can be reached through a trace that consists of arbitrarily many unobservable events followed by one observable event. - Parameters
rGen | Input generator. |
rUnobsEvents | Unobservable events in the generators alphabet. |
State | A state of the generators state set. |
rReachabilityMap | Output variable for the reachability. Maps occurring observable events to the reachable generator states and a label that contains information about specification violations. |
◆ ComputeReachabilityRecursive() [1/4]
◆ ComputeReachabilityRecursive() [2/4]
Auxiliary function for ComputeReachability(const System&, const EventSet&, const EventSet&, Idx, const AttributeFailureTypeMap&, std::map<Idx,std::multimap<Idx,DiagLabelSet>>&).
Is recursively called for every occurring state on the trace (that consists of arbitrarily many unobservable events followed by one observable event). - Parameters
rGen | Input generator. |
rUnobsEvents | Unobservable events in the generators alphabet. |
rFailures | Unobservable failure events in the generators alphabet. |
State | The current state within the trace. |
rAttrFTMap | Failure partition. |
rReachabilityMap | Output variable for the reachability. Maps occurring observable events to the reachable generator states and the coresponing failure types that occurred within the unobservable part of the trace. |
FToccurred | Collects occurring failure types. |
◆ ComputeReachabilityRecursive() [3/4]
◆ ComputeReachabilityRecursive() [4/4]
Auxiliary function for ComputeReachability(const System&, const EventSet&, Idx State, std::map<Idx,std::multimap< Idx,DiagLabelSet> >&).
Is recursively called for every occurring state on the trace (that consists of arbitrarily many unobservable events followed by one observable event). - Parameters
rGen | Input generator. |
rUnobsEvents | Unobservable events in the generators alphabet. |
State | The current state within the trace. |
done | Progress. |
rReachabilityMap | Output variable for the reachability. Maps occurring observable events to the reachable generator states and a label that contains information about specification violations. |
◆ ComputeTildeG()
◆ ComputeWeakBisimulation()
void faudes::ComputeWeakBisimulation |
( |
const Generator & |
rGen, |
const EventSet & |
rSilent, |
std::list< StateSet > & |
rResult, |
const std::vector< StateSet > & |
rPrePartition |
) |
| |
◆ ComputeWeakBisimulationCTA() [1/2]
ComputeWeakBisimulationCTA weak bisimulation (aka observation eq) partition based on change-tracking algorithm and topo sort.
- Parameters
rGen | input gen |
rSilent | silent event set (contains either 0 or 1 event) |
rResult | state partition without trivial classes |
Definition at line 960 of file cfl_bisimcta.cpp.
◆ ComputeWeakBisimulationCTA() [2/2]
ComputeWeakBisimulationCTA weak bisimulation (aka observation eq) partition under prepartition based on change-tracking algorithm and topo sort.
- Parameters
rGen | input gen |
rSilent | silent event set (contains either 0 or 1 event) |
rResult | state partition without trivial classes |
rPrePartition | prepartition (trivial classes MUST be included) |
◆ ComputeWeakBisimulationSatCTA() [1/2]
ComputeWeakBisimulationSatCTA weak bisimulation (aka observation eq) partition based on change-tracking algorithm and saturation.
- Parameters
rGen | input gen |
rSilent | silent event set (contains either 0 or 1 event) |
rResult | state partition without trivial classes |
Definition at line 1004 of file cfl_bisimcta.cpp.
◆ ComputeWeakBisimulationSatCTA() [2/2]
void faudes::ComputeWeakBisimulationSatCTA |
( |
const Generator & |
rGen, |
const EventSet & |
rSilent, |
std::list< StateSet > & |
rResult, |
const std::vector< StateSet > & |
rPrePartition |
) |
| |
◆ ComputeWSOE()
weak synthesis obeservation equivalence [not implemented]
- Parameters
rGenOrig | original generator |
rConAlph | controllable events |
rLocAlph | local events |
rMapStateToPartition | map state to equivalent class |
rResGen | the quotient automaton |
◆ ConcatenateFullLanguage()
ConcatenateFullLanguage: concatenate Sigma* to language marked by rGen.
Less expensive than using LanguageConcatenate() to concatenate Sigma*, as no additional nondeterminism is caused. Used in SupNorm(). Method: Transitions starting from marked states are erased. Remaining accessible marked states are provided with Sigma-selfloops. Determinism: Result can only become nondeterministic when a parameter is nondeterministic.
- Parameters
rGen | generator marking the language to be concatenated with Sigma* |
Definition at line 153 of file syn_supnorm.cpp.
◆ ConflictEquivalentAbstractionLoop()
void faudes::ConflictEquivalentAbstractionLoop |
( |
vGenerator & |
rGen, |
EventSet & |
rSilentEvents |
) |
| |
◆ ConflictEquivalentAbstractionOnce()
void faudes::ConflictEquivalentAbstractionOnce |
( |
Generator & |
rGen, |
EventSet & |
silent |
) |
| |
◆ ContributorsString()
FAUDES_API std::string faudes::ContributorsString |
( |
| ) |
Return contributors as std::string.
- Returns
- std::string
Definition at line 141 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ ControlProblemConsistencyCheck() [1/3]
Consistency check for controlproblem input data.
Tests whether alphabets match and generators are deterministic.
- Parameters
rPlantGen | Plant generator |
rCAlph | Controllable events |
rOAlph | Observable events |
rSpecGen | Specification generator |
- Exceptions
Exception |
- lphabets of generators don't match (id 100)
- plant generator nondeterministic (id 201)
- specification generator nondeterministic (id 203)
- plant and spec generator nondeterministic (id 204)
Definition at line 691 of file syn_supcon.cpp.
◆ ControlProblemConsistencyCheck() [2/3]
Consistency check for controlproblem input data.
Tests whether alphabets match and generators are deterministic.
- Parameters
rPlantGen | Plant generator |
rCAlph | Controllable events |
rSpecGen | Specification generator |
- Exceptions
Exception |
- lphabets of generators don't match (id 100)
- plant generator nondeterministic (id 201)
- specification generator nondeterministic (id 203)
- plant and spec generator nondeterministic (id 204)
Definition at line 634 of file syn_supcon.cpp.
◆ ControlProblemConsistencyCheck() [3/3]
Compositional synthesis.
Text consistency of input-data fro compositional synthesis; through exception on error.
- Parameters
rPlantGenVec | Plant components (must be deterministic) |
rConAlph | Overall set of controllable events |
rSpecGenVec | Specification components (must be deterministic) |
Definition at line 1301 of file syn_compsyn.cpp.
◆ ConvertParallelCompositionMap() [1/2]
void faudes::ConvertParallelCompositionMap |
( |
const map< pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > & |
rReverseCompositionMap, |
map< Idx, pair< Idx, Idx > > & |
rCompositionMap |
) |
| |
◆ ConvertParallelCompositionMap() [2/2]
FAUDES_API void faudes::ConvertParallelCompositionMap |
( |
const std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > & |
rReverseCompositionMap, |
std::map< Idx, std::pair< Idx, Idx > > & |
rCompositionMap |
) |
| |
Convert the reverse composition map of Parallel() by switching first and second entry.
- Parameters
rReverseCompositionMap | Input map as generated by Parallel(). |
rCompositionMap | Converted map. |
◆ cParallel() [1/3]
void faudes::cParallel |
( |
const std::vector< const System * > & |
rGens, |
System & |
rResGen |
) |
| |
Parallel composition of multiple generators.
- Parameters
rGens | STL-vector of generators. |
rResGen | Output variable for the resulting product generator. |
◆ cParallel() [2/3]
void faudes::cParallel |
( |
const std::vector< System > & |
rGens, |
System & |
rResGen |
) |
| |
Parallel composition of multiple generators.
- Parameters
rGens | STL-vector of generators. |
rResGen | Output variable for the resulting product generator. |
◆ cParallel() [3/3]
void faudes::cParallel |
( |
const vector< System > & |
rGens, |
System & |
rResGen |
) |
| |
◆ CreateConstraint()
This function creates constraints which describe the condition of completeness and Yp-liveness of a Specification.
The implementation follows the same algorithm as the CreateSpec() function, and has the same limitation: it is only for use with a specific model
- Parameters
mType | By the type we specify type of the specification to build constraint for |
constrP | Generator to the resulting operator constraint for the specification |
constrE | Generator to the resulting environment constraint for the specification |
Definition at line 1810 of file hio_module.cpp.
◆ CreateEntryStatesMap()
void faudes::CreateEntryStatesMap |
( |
const std::map< StateSet, Idx > & |
rRevEntryStatesMap, |
std::map< Idx, StateSet > & |
rEntryStatesMap |
) |
| |
◆ CreateSpec()
This function creates new specification given by the type ("xxxxx") Note: The core of this function is a template specification model (SpecCB12.gen).
Based on this model are the specifications created, by simply adding corresponding states and transitions. Hence, for different models, this function can not be used directly, but can serve as an example.
- Parameters
mType | By the type we specify the desired behaviour we want to model |
rHioSpec | HioPlant reference to the resulting specification (result) |
constrP | Generator to the resulting operator constraint for the specification |
constrE | Generator to the resulting environment constraint for the specification |
Definition at line 1120 of file hio_module.cpp.
◆ CreateTempFile()
FAUDES_API std::string faudes::CreateTempFile |
( |
void |
| ) |
Create a temp file, length 0.
- Returns
- Name of temp file
Definition at line 205 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ CycleOfUnobsEvents() [1/2]
FAUDES_API bool faudes::CycleOfUnobsEvents |
( |
const System & |
rGen, |
std::string & |
rReport |
) |
| |
Test if there exist any cycles of unobservable events in a generator.
- Parameters
rGen | Input generator. |
rReport | User-readable information of violating condition (in case of positive test result). |
- Returns
- True if there exists a cycle of unobservable events.
◆ CycleOfUnobsEvents() [2/2]
bool faudes::CycleOfUnobsEvents |
( |
const System & |
rGen, |
string & |
rReport |
) |
| |
◆ CycleStartStates()
Find all start/end states of cycles of unobservable events in a generator.
- Parameters
rGen | Input generator. |
rCycleOrigins | Output variable for the states that have been found. |
Definition at line 334 of file diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp.
◆ CycleStartStatesSearch()
Auxiliary function for CycleStartStates().
Parses through the active event set of the current state and checks whether any of the successor states already occurred on the path to current state (then a cycle is found). - Parameters
rGen | Input generator. |
rTodo | States that remain to be processed. |
currState | The current state. |
statesOnPath | States that occurred on the path. |
rCycleOriginStates | Output variable for the states that have been found. |
Definition at line 354 of file diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp.
◆ DecentralizedDiagnoser()
◆ DecentralizedModularDiagnoser()
◆ Deterministic() [1/2]
Make generator deterministic.
Constructs a deterministic generator while preserving the generated and marked languages. See Deterministic(const Generator&,Generator& rResGen) for the intended api. This version provides as a second parameter the resulting map from new states to their respective original state set. It is used as a so called "entry state map" for deterministic projected generators.
- Parameters
rGen | Reference to generator |
rEntryStatesMap | Entry state map |
rResGen | Reference to resulting deterministic generator |
Definition at line 96 of file cfl_determin.cpp.
◆ Deterministic() [2/2]
Make generator deterministic.
Constructs a deterministic generator while preserving the generated and marked languages. See Deterministic(const Generator&,Generator& rResGen) for the intended api. This version provides as second and third parameters the correspondence between new states and the original state sets. in vectors
- Parameters
rGen | Reference to generator |
rPowerStates | Vector that holds the power states |
rDetStates | Vector that holds the corresponding deterministic states |
rResGen | Reference to resulting deterministic generator |
Definition at line 113 of file cfl_determin.cpp.
◆ DirectoryExists()
FAUDES_API bool faudes::DirectoryExists |
( |
const std::string & |
rDirectory | ) |
Test existence of directory.
- Parameters
rDirectory | Name of file to test |
- Returns
- True <> can open directory for reading
Definition at line 332 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ EnabledContinuationRule()
◆ EventDiagnoser() [1/2]
void faudes::EventDiagnoser |
( |
const System & |
rOrigGen, |
const map< string, EventSet > & |
rFailureTypeMap, |
Diagnoser & |
rDiagGen |
) |
| |
◆ EventDiagnoser() [2/2]
Compute a standard diagnoser from an input generator and a failure partition.
- Parameters
rOrigGen | Input plant including failure events. |
rFailureTypeMap | Failure partition: maps failure type names to failure events. |
rDiagGen | Diagnoser generator for output. |
◆ ExistsCycle() [1/2]
FAUDES_API bool faudes::ExistsCycle |
( |
const System & |
rGen, |
std::string & |
rReport |
) |
| |
Test if there exist any cycles in a generator.
- Parameters
rGen | Input generator. |
rReport | User-readable information of violating condition (in case of positive test result). |
- Returns
- True if there exists a cycle.
◆ ExistsCycle() [2/2]
bool faudes::ExistsCycle |
( |
const System & |
rGen, |
string & |
rReport |
) |
| |
◆ ExistsCycleSearch() [1/2]
Auxiliary function for ExistsCycle(const System&, std::string&).
Starting from a state currState, this function makes a depth-first-search through the generator rGen. - Parameters
rGen | Input generator. |
rTodo | States to process. |
currState | Current state. |
statesOnPath | States that occurred on the way to current state. |
rReport | User-readable information of violating condition (in case of negative test result). |
- Returns
- True if a cycle is found.
◆ ExistsCycleSearch() [2/2]
bool faudes::ExistsCycleSearch |
( |
const System & |
rGen, |
StateSet & |
rTodo, |
Idx |
currState, |
StateSet |
statesOnPath, |
string & |
rReport |
) |
| |
◆ ExistsViolatingCyclesInGd() [1/2]
bool faudes::ExistsViolatingCyclesInGd |
( |
System & |
rGd, |
const Diagnoser & |
rGobs, |
map< pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > & |
rReverseCompositionMap, |
const string & |
rFailureType, |
string & |
rReportString |
) |
| |
◆ ExistsViolatingCyclesInGd() [2/2]
FAUDES_API bool faudes::ExistsViolatingCyclesInGd |
( |
System & |
rGd, |
const Diagnoser & |
rGobs, |
std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > & |
rReverseCompositionMap, |
const std::string & |
rFailureType, |
std::string & |
rReportString |
) |
| |
Remove states with same failure labels from rGd and from rReverseCompositionMap and perform cycle detection.
- Parameters
rGd | Input diagnoser generator. |
rGobs | Generator G_o to look up failure labels.
rReverseCompositionMap | Mapping of G_d states with G_o states. |
rFailureType | The considered failure type. |
rReportString | User-readable information of violating condition (in case of negative test result). |
- Returns
- True if violating cycles exist.
◆ ExitFunction()
void faudes::ExitFunction |
( |
void |
| ) |
◆ ExpandString()
FAUDES_API std::string faudes::ExpandString |
( |
const std::string & |
rString, |
unsigned int |
len |
) |
| |
Fill string with spaces up to a given length if length of the string is smaller than given length parameter.
- Parameters
rString | string |
len | Minimum number of charakters in string |
- Returns
- Expanded string
Definition at line 80 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ ExtendTransRel()
ExtendTransRel perform transition saturation w.r.t. silent evs. Two different saturation modes are set depending on flag value.
- Parameters
rGen | input gen |
rSilent | silent event set (contains either 0 or 1 event) |
rFlag | flag for saturation mode – rFlag == 1: delayed transition (half-saturated); rFlag == 2: observed transition (full-saturated) |
Definition at line 308 of file cfl_bisimcta.cpp.
◆ ExtractBasename()
FAUDES_API std::string faudes::ExtractBasename |
( |
const std::string & |
rFullName | ) |
Extract file basename from full path.
This version also removes the last suffix.
- Parameters
rFullName | Full path of file eg "/home/friend/data/generator.gen" |
- Returns
- Filename "generator"
Definition at line 274 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ ExtractDirectory()
FAUDES_API std::string faudes::ExtractDirectory |
( |
const std::string & |
rFullPath | ) |
Extract directory from (full) path; i.e., remove the last separator and anything thereafer.
- Parameters
rFullPath | Full name of file eg (1) "/home/friend/data/generator.gen" Full name of file eg (2) "C:\data\project\generator.gen" |
- Returns
- Directory eg (1) "/home/friend/data" Directory eg (2) "C:\data\project"
Definition at line 256 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ ExtractFilename()
FAUDES_API std::string faudes::ExtractFilename |
( |
const std::string & |
rFullName | ) |
Extract file name from full path.
- Parameters
rFullName | Full path of file eg "/home/friend/data/generator.gen" |
- Returns
- Filename "generator.gen"
Definition at line 265 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ ExtractSuffix()
FAUDES_API std::string faudes::ExtractSuffix |
( |
const std::string & |
rFullName | ) |
Extract extension from full path, i.e.
ontain the last suffix.
- Parameters
rFullName | Full path of file eg "/home/friend/data/generator.gen" |
- Returns
- Extension "gen"
Definition at line 288 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ FactorTauLoops()
FactorTauLoops merge silent loop and then remove silent self loops.
- Parameters
rGen | input generator |
rSilent | silent event |
◆ FailuresUnobservable() [1/2]
Check if all failure events are unobservable events in a generator's alphabet.
- Parameters
rGen | Input generator, is a model of the original plant containing the relevant failures events. |
rFailureTypeMap | Failure partition: maps failure type names to failure events and indicator events.
rReport | User-readable information of violating condition (in case of negative result). |
- Returns
- True if all failures events are unobservable.
◆ FailuresUnobservable() [2/2]
◆ faudes_complete()
FAUDES_API char ** faudes::faudes_complete |
( |
lua_State * |
pL, |
const char * |
text, |
int |
start, |
int |
end |
) |
| |
◆ faudes_console()
FAUDES_API void faudes::faudes_console |
( |
const std::string & |
message | ) |
◆ faudes_debug()
FAUDES_API void faudes::faudes_debug |
( |
const std::string & |
message | ) |
◆ faudes_dict_insert_entry()
FAUDES_API void faudes::faudes_dict_insert_entry |
( |
const std::string & |
topic, |
const std::string & |
key, |
const std::string & |
entry |
) |
| |
◆ faudes_dict_insert_topic()
FAUDES_API void faudes::faudes_dict_insert_topic |
( |
const std::string & |
topic, |
const std::string & |
text |
) |
| |
◆ faudes_hook()
void faudes::faudes_hook |
( |
lua_State * |
L, |
lua_Debug * |
ar |
) |
| |
◆ faudes_hook_register()
FAUDES_API void faudes::faudes_hook_register |
( |
lua_State * |
L | ) |
◆ faudes_initialize()
FAUDES_API void faudes::faudes_initialize |
( |
lua_State * |
pL | ) |
◆ faudes_loaddefext()
int FAUDES_API faudes::faudes_loaddefext |
( |
lua_State * |
pL, |
const char * |
arg0 |
) |
| |
◆ faudes_loadext()
int FAUDES_API faudes::faudes_loadext |
( |
lua_State * |
pL, |
const char * |
filename |
) |
| |
◆ faudes_mute()
◆ faudes_print()
int faudes::faudes_print |
( |
lua_State * |
L | ) |
◆ faudes_print_register()
FAUDES_API void faudes::faudes_print_register |
( |
lua_State * |
L | ) |
◆ faudes_throw_exception()
FAUDES_API void faudes::faudes_throw_exception |
( |
const std::string & |
msg | ) |
◆ FaudesFunctionName()
const std::string& faudes::FaudesFunctionName |
( |
const Function & |
rObject | ) |
◆ FileCopy()
FAUDES_API bool faudes::FileCopy |
( |
const std::string & |
rFromFile, |
const std::string & |
rToFile |
) |
| |
Copy file.
- Parameters
rFromFile | Name of source file |
rToFile | Name of dest file |
- Returns
- True <> operation ok
Definition at line 397 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ FileDelete()
FAUDES_API bool faudes::FileDelete |
( |
const std::string & |
rFilename | ) |
Delete file.
- Parameters
rFilename | Name of file to delete |
- Returns
- True <> could delete the file
Definition at line 392 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ FileExists()
FAUDES_API bool faudes::FileExists |
( |
const std::string & |
rFilename | ) |
Test existence of file.
- Parameters
rFilename | Name of file to test |
- Returns
- True <> can open file for reading
Definition at line 385 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ GlobalSelfloop()
remove the events from the entire buffer which have only selfloop transitions
- Parameters
Definition at line 673 of file syn_compsyn.cpp.
◆ GroupHioModules()
void faudes::GroupHioModules |
( |
const std::vector< HioModule * > & |
rChildren, |
HioModule & |
rParentModule |
) |
| |
GroupHioModules: This function groups two or more HioModules to a new HioModule.
The new HioModule represents the uncontrolled behaviour of the composed HioModules.
- Parameters
rChildren | vector of HioModules to group |
rParentModule | resulting HioModule |
Definition at line 1093 of file hio_module.cpp.
◆ H_tocollect()
◆ HidePriviateEvs()
◆ HioShuffle_Musunoi()
◆ HioStatePartition() [1/4]
◆ HioStatePartition() [2/4]
◆ HioStatePartition() [3/4]
◆ HioStatePartition() [4/4]
◆ HioSynth_Musunoi()
◆ IncomingEquivalentClasses()
◆ IncomingTransSet()
◆ insertRelabeledEvents() [1/10]
◆ insertRelabeledEvents() [2/10]
◆ insertRelabeledEvents() [3/10]
void faudes::insertRelabeledEvents |
( |
Generator & |
rGenPlant, |
const std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > & |
rMapRelabeledEvents |
) |
| |
◆ insertRelabeledEvents() [4/10]
void faudes::insertRelabeledEvents |
( |
Generator & |
rGenPlant, |
const std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > & |
rMapRelabeledEvents, |
EventSet & |
rNewEvents |
) |
| |
Convenience function for relabeling events in a given generator.
This function inserts new events and respective transitions given by a relableing map into a given generator.
Technical note: Recording of new events includes attributes, provided that the third parameter has a compatible attribute type.
There are no restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenPlant | Plant component automaton |
rMapRelabeledEvents | Maps the original events to sets of newly introduced events |
rNewEvents | Returns the newly inserted events (accumulative, call clear before) |
Definition at line 1871 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ insertRelabeledEvents() [5/10]
void faudes::insertRelabeledEvents |
( |
Generator & |
rGenPlant, |
const std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > & |
rMapRelabeledEvents |
) |
| |
◆ insertRelabeledEvents() [6/10]
Convenience function for relabeling events in a given generator.
This function inserts new events and respective transitions given by a relableing map into a given generator.
Technical note: Recording of new events includes attributes, provided that the third parameter has a compatible attribute type.
There are no restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenPlant | Plant component automaton |
rMapRelabeledEvents | Maps the original events to sets of newly introduced events |
rNewEvents | Returns the newly inserted events (accumulative, call clear before) |
Definition at line 1871 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ insertRelabeledEvents() [7/10]
void faudes::insertRelabeledEvents |
( |
System & |
rGenPlant, |
const std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > & |
rMapRelabeledEvents |
) |
| |
◆ insertRelabeledEvents() [8/10]
void faudes::insertRelabeledEvents |
( |
System & |
rGenPlant, |
const std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > & |
rMapRelabeledEvents, |
Alphabet & |
rNewEvents |
) |
| |
Convenience function for relabeling events in a given generator.
This function inserts new events and respective transitions given by a relableing map into a given generator. The function is used to adjust plant components to the relableing from another plant component.
Technical note: This version records newly inserted events incl. their respective controllability attribute in the third parameter. T
There are no restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenPlant | Plant component automaton |
rMapRelabeledEvents | Maps the original events to sets of newly introduced events |
rNewEvents | Returns the newly inserted events (accumulative, call clear before) |
Definition at line 1848 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ insertRelabeledEvents() [9/10]
FAUDES_API void faudes::insertRelabeledEvents |
( |
System & |
rGenPlant, |
const std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > & |
rMapRelabeledEvents |
) |
| |
◆ insertRelabeledEvents() [10/10]
FAUDES_API void faudes::insertRelabeledEvents |
( |
System & |
rGenPlant, |
const std::map< Idx, std::set< Idx > > & |
rMapRelabeledEvents, |
Alphabet & |
rNewEvents |
) |
| |
Convenience function for relabeling events in a given generator.
This function inserts new events and respective transitions given by a relableing map into a given generator. The function is used to adjust plant components to the relableing from another plant component.
Technical note: This version records newly inserted events incl. their respective controllability attribute in the third parameter. T
There are no restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenPlant | Plant component automaton |
rMapRelabeledEvents | Maps the original events to sets of newly introduced events |
rNewEvents | Returns the newly inserted events (accumulative, call clear before) |
Definition at line 1848 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ InstallSelfloops()
InstallSelfloops install selfloops on all states of given event set. intended to install silent event selfloops for saturation.
- Parameters
rGen | input gen |
rEvs | events which will be installed as selfloops |
Definition at line 357 of file cfl_bisimcta.cpp.
◆ IntegerSum() [1/2]
◆ IntegerSum() [2/2]
◆ IoStatePartition()
◆ IoSynthesis()
IO system synthesis.
This method esentially is a wrapper for SupConComplete(), which implements a synthesis procedure to compute the supremal controllable and complete sublanguage for a given plant and specification. Input events are regarded controllable. marking is ignored, i.e., synthesis refers to the generated langugaes rather than the the marked languages. For a version thet refers to Buchi acceptance condition, see IoSynthesisNB(const IoSystem&, const Generator&, IoSystem&).
The resulting supervisor is an IO System with the plant input events as outputs and vice versa.
Note that this routine does not test whether the plant has a locally free input U, nor does it ensure that the resulting supervisor has a free input Y.
- Parameters
rPlant | IO-System - plant model |
rSpec | Generator - specification |
rSup | IO-System - supervisor |
- Exceptions
Exception |
- Any exceptions passed on from SupConComplete
Definition at line 420 of file ios_algorithms.cpp.
◆ IoSynthesisNB()
IO system synthesis.
This method esentially is a wrapper for SupConOmegaNB(), which implements a synthesis procedure to compute the supremal omega-controllable. sublanguage for a given plant and specification. Input events are regarded controllable. In contrast to IoSynthesis(const IoSystem&, const Generator&, IoSystem&), this procedure refers to the Bucji acceptance condition and ensures a omega-nonblocking closed-loop behaviour.
The resulting supervisor is an IO System with the plant input events as outputs and vice versa.
Note that this routine does not test whether the plant has a locally free input U, nor does it ensure that the resulting supervisor has a free input Y.
- Parameters
rPlant | IO-System - plant model |
rSpec | Generator - specification |
rSup | IO-System - supervisor |
- Exceptions
Exception |
- Any exceptions passed on from SupConOmegaNB
Definition at line 406 of file ios_algorithms.cpp.
◆ IsCD()
◆ IsCoDiagnosable() [1/2]
◆ IsCoDiagnosable() [2/2]
bool faudes::IsCoDiagnosable |
( |
const System & |
rGen, |
const Generator & |
rSpec, |
const vector< const EventSet * > & |
rAlphabets, |
std::string & |
rReportString |
) |
| |
◆ IsComplete()
◆ IsControllableUnchecked()
Controllability (internal function)
Checks if language of specification h is controllable with respect to language of generator g. Only for deterministic plant + spec. Controllable event set has to be given as parameter.
This internal function performs no consistency test of the given parameter.
- Parameters
rPlantGen | Plant generator |
rCAlph | Controllable events |
rSpecGen | Specification generator |
rCriticalStates | Set of critical states |
- Exceptions
Exception |
- alphabets of generators don't match (id 100)
- plant generator nondeterministic (id 201)
- specification generator nondeterministic (id 203)
- plant & spec generator nondeterministic (id 204)
- Returns
- true / false
Definition at line 243 of file syn_supcon.cpp.
◆ IsEventDiagnosable() [1/2]
◆ IsEventDiagnosable() [2/2]
◆ isExtendedEk()
◆ IsHioConstraintForm() [1/3]
IsHioConstraintForm: check if rHioConstraint is in I/O-constraint form and assign state attributes.
This function tests if rHioConstraint meets the I/O-constraint form that has been formally defined by S.Perk. If so, then the alphabet of and the language marked by rHioConstraint formally describe an I/O constraint. During the test, the HioStateFlags are set according to the active event set or the respective state, for example: The QY flag is assigned to a state if its active eventset is a subset of the Y-Alphabet. The assignment of HioStateFlags is complete only if IsHioConstraintForm() returns true. Method: all conditions of the formal I/O-constraint form definition are checked individually. If crucial conditions are violated, the test of remaining conditions is omitted.
- Parameters
- Returns
- true if rHioConstraint is in I/O-constraint form
Definition at line 362 of file hio_constraint.cpp.
◆ IsHioConstraintForm() [2/3]
IsHioConstraintForm: check if rHioConstraint is in I/O-constraint form and assign state attributes.
This function tests if rHioConstraint meets the I/O-constraint form that has been formally defined by S.Perk. If so, then the alphabet of and the language marked by rHioConstraint formally describe an I/O constraint. During the test, the HioStateFlags are set according to the active event set or the respective state, for example: The QY flag is assigned to a state if its active eventset is a subset of the Y-Alphabet. The assignment of HioStateFlags is complete only if IsHioConstraintForm() returns true. Method: all conditions in the formal I/O-constraint form definition are checked individually. If crucial conditions are violated, the test of remaining conditions is omitted.
- Parameters
rHioConstraint | HioConstraint to check, HioStateFlags are set |
rQY | State set containing all QY states |
rQU | State set containing all QU states |
rErrEvSet | Event set for possible 'bad' events |
rErrTrSet | Event set for possible 'bad' transition relations |
rErrStSet | Event set for possible 'bad' states |
rReportStr | Information about test results |
- Returns
- true if rHioConstraint is in I/O-constraint form
Definition at line 16 of file hio_constraint.cpp.
◆ IsHioConstraintForm() [3/3]
IsHioConstraintForm: check if rHioConstraint is in I/O-constraint form and assign state attributes.
This function tests if rHioConstraint meets the I/O-constraint form that has been formally defined by S.Perk. If so, then the alphabet of and the language marked by rHioConstraint formally describe an I/O constraint. During the test, the HioStateFlags are set according to the active event set or the respective state, for example: The QY flag is assigned to a state if its active eventset is a subset of the Y-Alphabet. The assignment of HioStateFlags is complete only if IsHioConstraintForm() returns true. Method: all conditions in the formal I/O-constraint form definition are checked individually. If crucial conditions are violated, the test of remaining conditions is omitted.
- Parameters
rHioConstraint | HioConstraint to check, HioStateFlags are set |
rReportStr | Information about test results |
- Returns
- true if rHioConstraint is in I/O-constraint form
Definition at line 352 of file hio_constraint.cpp.
◆ IsHioControllerForm() [1/3]
IsHioControllerForm: check if rHioController is in I/O-controller form and assign state attributes.
This function tests if rHioController meets the I/O-controller form that has been formally defined by S.Perk. If so, then the alphabet of and the language marked by rHioController formally describe an I/O controller. During the test, the HioStateFlags are set according to the active event set or the respective state, for example: The QYcUp flag is assigned to a state if its active eventset is a subset of the union of the YC- and the UP-Alphabet. The assignment of HioStateFlags is complete only if IsHioControllerForm() returns true. Method: all conditions of the formal I/O-controller form definition are checked individually. If crucial conditions are violated, the test of remaining conditions is omitted.
- Parameters
- Returns
- true if rHioController is in I/O-controller form
Definition at line 490 of file hio_controller.cpp.
◆ IsHioControllerForm() [2/3]
IsHioControllerForm: check if rHioController is in I/O-controller form and assign state attributes.
This function tests if rHioController meets the I/O-controller form that has been formally defined by S.Perk. If so, then the alphabet of and the language marked by rHioController formally describe an I/O controller. During the test, the HioStateFlags are set according to the active event set or the respective state, for example: The QYcUp flag is assigned to a state if its active eventset is a subset of the union of the YC- and the UP-Alphabet. The assignment of HioStateFlags is complete only if IsHioControllerForm() returns true. Method: all conditions in the formal I/O-controller form definition are checked individually. If crucial conditions are violated, the test of remaining conditions is omitted.
- Parameters
rHioController | HioController to check, HioStateFlags are set |
rQUc | State set containing all QUc states |
rQYP | State set containing all QYP states |
rQUp | State set containing all QUp states |
rQYcUp | State set containing all QYcUp states |
rErrEvSet | Event set for possible 'bad' events |
rErrTrSet | Event set for possible 'bad' transition relations |
rErrStSet | Event set for possible 'bad' states |
rReportStr | Information about test results |
- Returns
- true if rHioController is in I/O-controller form
Definition at line 16 of file hio_controller.cpp.
◆ IsHioControllerForm() [3/3]
IsHioControllerForm: check if rHioController is in I/O-controller form and assign state attributes.
This function tests if rHioController meets the I/O-controller form that has been formally defined by S.Perk. If so, then the alphabet of and the language marked by rHioController formally describe an I/O controller. During the test, the HioStateFlags are set according to the active event set or the respective state, for example: The QYcUp flag is assigned to a state if its active eventset is a subset of the union of the YC- and the UP-Alphabet. The assignment of HioStateFlags is complete only if IsHioControllerForm() returns true. Method: all conditions in the formal I/O-controller form definition are checked individually. If crucial conditions are violated, the test of remaining conditions is omitted.
- Parameters
rHioController | HioController to check, HioStateFlags are set |
rReportStr | Information about test results |
- Returns
- true if rHioController is in I/O-controller form
Definition at line 480 of file hio_controller.cpp.
◆ IsHioEnvironmentForm() [1/3]
IsHioEnvironmentForm: check if rHioEnvironment is in I/O-environment form and assign state attributes.
This function tests if rHioEnvironment meets the I/O-environment form that has been formally defined by S.Perk. If so, then the alphabet of and the language marked by rHioEnvironment formally describe an I/O environment. During the test, the HioStateFlags are set according to the active event set or the respective state, for example: The QYlUe flag is assigned to a state if its active eventset is a subset of the union of the YL- and the UE-Alphabet. The assignment of HioStateFlags is complete only if IsHioEnvironmentForm() returns true. Method: all conditions of the formal I/O-environment form definition are checked individually. If crucial conditions are violated, the test of remaining conditions is omitted.
- Parameters
- Returns
- true if rHioEnvironment is in I/O-environment form
Definition at line 493 of file hio_environment.cpp.
◆ IsHioEnvironmentForm() [2/3]
IsHioEnvironmentForm: check if rHioEnvironment is in I/O-environment form and assign state attributes.
This function tests if rHioEnvironment meets the I/O-environment form that has been formally defined by S.Perk. If so, then the alphabet of and the language marked by rHioEnvironment formally describe an I/O environment. During the test, the HioStateFlags are set according to the active event set or the respective state, for example: The QYlUe flag is assigned to a state if its active eventset is a subset of the union of the YL- and the UE-Alphabet. The assignment of HioStateFlags is complete only if IsHioEnvironmentForm() returns true. Method: all conditions in the formal I/O-environment form definition are checked individually. If crucial conditions are violated, the test of remaining conditions is omitted.
- Parameters
rHioEnvironment | HioEnvironment to check, HioStateFlags are set |
rQYe | State set containing all QYe states |
rQUe | State set containing all QUe states |
rQUl | State set containing all QUl states |
rQYlUe | State set containing all QYlUe states |
rErrEvSet | Event set for possible 'bad' events |
rErrTrSet | Event set for possible 'bad' transition relations |
rErrStSet | Event set for possible 'bad' states |
rReportStr | Information about test results |
- Returns
- true if rHioEnvironment is in I/O-environment form
Definition at line 16 of file hio_environment.cpp.
◆ IsHioEnvironmentForm() [3/3]
IsHioEnvironmentForm: check if rHioEnvironment is in I/O-environment form and assign state attributes.
This function tests if rHioEnvironment meets the I/O-environment form that has been formally defined by S.Perk. If so, then the alphabet of and the language marked by rHioEnvironment formally describe an I/O environment. During the test, the HioStateFlags are set according to the active event set or the respective state, for example: The QYlUe flag is assigned to a state if its active eventset is a subset of the union of the YL- and the UE-Alphabet. The assignment of HioStateFlags is complete only if IsHioEnvironmentForm() returns true. Method: all conditions in the formal I/O-environment form definition are checked individually. If crucial conditions are violated, the test of remaining conditions is omitted.
- Parameters
rHioEnvironment | HioEnvironment to check, HioStateFlags are set |
rReportStr | Information about test results |
- Returns
- true if rHioEnvironment is in I/O-environment form
Definition at line 482 of file hio_environment.cpp.
◆ IsHioPlantForm() [1/3]
IsHioPlantForm: check if rHioPlant is in I/O-plant form and assign state attributes.
Function definition for run-time interface.
This function tests if rHioPlant meets the I/O-plant form that has been formally defined by S.Perk. If so, then the alphabet of and the language marked by rHioPlant formally describe an I/O plant. During the test, the HioStateFlags are set according to the active event set or the respective state, for example: The QYpYe flag is assigned to a state if its active eventset is a subset of the union of the YP- and the YE-Alphabet. The assignment of HioStateFlags is complete only if IsHioPlantForm() returns true. Method: all conditions of the formal I/O-plant form definition are checked individually. If crucial conditions are violated, the test of remaining conditions is omitted.
- Parameters
- Returns
- true if rHioPlant is in I/O-plant form
Definition at line 433 of file hio_plant.cpp.
◆ IsHioPlantForm() [2/3]
IsHioPlantForm: check if rHioPlant is in I/O-plant form and assign state attributes.
Function definition for run-time interface.
This function tests if rHioPlant meets the I/O-plant form that has been formally defined by S.Perk. If so, then the alphabet of and the language marked by rHioPlant formally describe an I/O plant. During the test, the HioStateFlags are set according to the active event set or the respective state, for example: The QYpYe flag is assigned to a state if its active even set is a subset of the union of the YP- and the YE-Alphabet. The assignment of HioStateFlags is complete only if IsHioPlantForm() returns true. Method: all conditions in the formal I/O-plant form definition are checked individually. If crucial conditions are violated, the test of remaining conditions is omitted.
- Parameters
rHioPlant | HioPlant to check, HioStateFlags are set |
rQYpYe | State set containing all QYpYe states |
rQUp | State set containing all QUp states |
rQUe | State set containing all QUe states |
rErrEvSet | Event set for possible 'bad' events |
rErrTrSet | Event set for possible 'bad' transition relations |
rErrStSet | Event set for possible 'bad' states |
rReportStr | Information about test results |
- Returns
- true if rHioPlant is in I/O-plant form
Definition at line 16 of file hio_plant.cpp.
◆ IsHioPlantForm() [3/3]
IsHioPlantForm: check if rHioPlant is in I/O-plant form and assign state attributes.
Function definition for run-time interface.
This function tests if rHioPlant meets the I/O-plant form that has been formally defined by S.Perk. If so, then the alphabet of and the language marked by rHioPlant formally describe an I/O plant. During the test, the HioStateFlags are set according to the active event set or the respective state, for example: The QYpYe flag is assigned to a state if its active even set is a subset of the union of the YP- and the YE-Alphabet. The assignment of HioStateFlags is complete only if IsHioPlantForm() returns true. Method: all conditions in the formal I/O-plant form definition are checked individually. If crucial conditions are violated, the test of remaining conditions is omitted.
- Parameters
rHioPlant | HioPlant to check, HioStateFlags are set |
rReportStr | Information about test results |
- Returns
- true if rHioPlant is in I/O-plant form
Definition at line 422 of file hio_plant.cpp.
◆ IsIndicatorEventDiagnosable() [1/2]
◆ IsIndicatorEventDiagnosable() [2/2]
◆ IsLanguageDiagnosable() [1/2]
◆ IsLanguageDiagnosable() [2/2]
FAUDES_API bool faudes::IsLanguageDiagnosable |
( |
const System & |
rGen, |
const System |
rSpec, |
std::string & |
rReportString |
) |
| |
◆ IsLCC()
Verification of local control consistency (LCC).
For verifying if a natural projection fulfills the local control consistency condition, a backward reachability is conducted. If starting from a state, where an uncontrollable high-level event is feasible, at least one local state cannot be reached by an uncontrollable path, LCC is violated.
- Parameters
rLowGen | Input generator |
rControllableEvents | set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | High level alphabet |
- Returns
- true if LCC holds
Definition at line 316 of file op_obserververification.cpp.
◆ IsLive() [1/2]
Test if a generator is live.
- Parameters
rGen | Input generator. |
rReport | User-readable information of violating condition (in case of negative result). |
- Returns
- True if generator is live.
◆ IsLive() [2/2]
bool faudes::IsLive |
( |
const System & |
rGen, |
string & |
rReport |
) |
| |
◆ IsModularDiagnosable() [1/3]
◆ IsModularDiagnosable() [2/3]
◆ IsModularDiagnosable() [3/3]
bool faudes::IsModularDiagnosable |
( |
const vector< const System * > & |
rGSubs, |
const vector< const Generator * > & |
rKSubs, |
std::string & |
rReportString |
) |
| |
◆ IsMtcObs()
Verification of the observer property.
For verifying if a natural projection has the observer property, one step in the observer algorithm is evaluated. If the resulting generator equals the input generator, then the natural projection on the abstraction alphabet is an observer.
- Parameters
rLowGen | Input generator |
rHighAlph | High level alphabet |
- Returns
- true if the observer property holds
Definition at line 39 of file mtc_obserververification.cpp.
◆ IsMutuallyControllable() [1/2]
◆ IsMutuallyControllable() [2/2]
Verification of mutual controllability.
This function checks if two generators are mutually controllable w.r.t. each other. Additionally, this function provides the states where mutual controllability fails in case the condition is violated.
- Parameters
rGen1 | Generator 1 |
rGen2 | Generator 2 |
rForbidden1 | Forbidden states in Generator 1 |
rForbidden2 | Forbidden states in Generator 2 |
- Returns
- True if mutual controllability is fulfilled
Definition at line 43 of file op_mc.cpp.
◆ IsNonblocking()
◆ IsNormal()
IsNormal wrapper.
Wrapper for convenient access via the run-time interface.
Definition at line 147 of file syn_supnorm.cpp.
◆ IsOCC()
Verification of output control consistency (OCC).
For verifying if a natural projection fulfills the output control consistency condition, a backward reachability is conducted. If starting from a state, where an uncontrollable high-level event is feasible, a controllable event can be reached on a local backward path, OCC is violated.
- Parameters
rLowGen | Input generator |
rControllableEvents | set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | High level alphabet |
- Returns
- true if OCC holds
Definition at line 93 of file op_obserververification.cpp.
◆ IsRelativelyOmegaClosedUnchecked()
◆ IsStdSynthesisConsistentUnchecked()
bool faudes::IsStdSynthesisConsistentUnchecked |
( |
const Generator & |
rPlantGen, |
const EventSet & |
rCAlph, |
const Generator & |
rPlant0Gen |
) |
| |
◆ LabelCorrection() [1/2]
◆ LabelCorrection() [2/2]
Perform label correction on propagated failure type labels.
- Parameters
mm | Propagated absolute failure type labels for a diagnoser state. |
attr | Output variable for the diagnoser state attribute. |
◆ LabelPropagation()
Generate a new label.
From the last label and the failure types that occurred on the way, the new label is generated. - Parameters
lastLabel | Diagnoser label of state estimate. |
failureTypes | Failure types that occurred. |
newLabel | Output variable for the new label. |
Definition at line 1020 of file diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp.
◆ LanguageIntersection()
Language intersection.
See also LanguageUnion(const Generator&, const Generator&, Generator&); This version takes a vector of generators as argument to perform the intersection for multiple languages. The implementation calls the std intersection multiple times, future implementations may do better.
- Parameters
rGenVec | Vector of input generators |
rResGen | Reference to resulting generator |
Definition at line 205 of file cfl_regular.cpp.
◆ LanguageUnion()
◆ LhaReach()
◆ LocalAccessibleReach()
Compute the accessible reach for a local automaton.
- Parameters
rLowGen | Low level generator |
rHighAlph | High level alphabet |
lowState | Low level entry state |
rAccessibleReach | Result |
Definition at line 161 of file cfl_localgen.cpp.
◆ LocalCoaccessibleReach()
Compute the coaccessible reach for a local automaton.
- Parameters
rRevTransRel | Reverse sorted transition relation |
rHighAlph | High level alphabet |
lowState | Low level exit state |
rCoaccessibleReach | Result |
Definition at line 129 of file cfl_localgen.cpp.
◆ LocalObservationConsistency()
Supervisor Reduction algorithm.
Computes a reduced supervisor from a given potentially non-reduced supervisor and the plant. This algorithm implements the results obtained in
R. Su and W. M. Wonham. Supervisor Reduction for Discrete-Event Systems. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems vol. 14, no. 1, January 2004.
Both, plant and supervisor MUST be deterministic and share the same alphabet!!!
- Parameters
rPlantGen | Plant generator |
rSpecGen | Specification generator |
rHighAlph | high-level alphabet |
rObsAlph | observable alphabet |
- Returns
- True if a reduction was achieved
- Exceptions
Exception |
- alphabets of generators don't match (id 100)
- plant nondeterministic (id 201)
- supervisor nondeterministic (id 203)
- plant and supervisor nondeterministic (id 204)
Definition at line 40 of file obs_local_observation_consistency.cpp.
◆ LocalSelfloop()
remove the events from a generator which have only selfloop transitions
- Parameters
rGen | generator which is to be abstracted |
rLocAlph | local events |
Definition at line 725 of file syn_compsyn.cpp.
◆ LoopCallback() [1/3]
void faudes::LoopCallback |
( |
bool |
pBreakvoid | ) |
◆ LoopCallback() [2/3]
FAUDES_API void faudes::LoopCallback |
( |
bool(*)(void) |
pBreakFnct | ) |
Algorithm loop callback.
Set a callback function for libFAUDES algorithms. Applications are meant to use this interface to terminate an algorithm on user request. libFAUDES algorithms are meant to throw an execption when the callback function returns true. See also void LoopCallback(void).
- Parameters
◆ LoopCallback() [3/3]
Algorithm loop callback.
Calls the loop callback function and throws an exception if it returns true.
- Exceptions
Break | on appliation request (id 110) |
Definition at line 640 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ LowExitStates() [1/2]
LowExitStates call-by-reference function:
Compute the low level exit states for a corresponding hi level state
- Parameters
rHighAlph | High level events |
rEntryStatesMap | Entry states map (see CreateEntryStatesMap(resmap)) |
rLowRevTransRel | Reverse sorted low level transition relation |
highState | Hi level state for which to compute low level exit states |
rLowExitStates | Reference to StateSet for low level exit states (result) |
- Exceptions
Exception | Hi level state not found in entry states map (with FAUDES_CHECKED) |
Definition at line 40 of file cfl_localgen.cpp.
◆ LowExitStates() [2/2]
LowExitStates return-copy function:
Wrapper for the corresponding call-by-reference function. Creates new StateSet, calls function and returns StateSet containing low level exit states.
- Parameters
rLowGen | Low level generator (just needed for determining statetable) |
rHighAlph | High level events |
rEntryStatesMap | Entry states map (see CreateEntryStatesMap(resmap)) |
rLowRevTransRel | Reverse sorted low level transition relation |
highState | Hi level state for which to compute low level exit states |
- Exceptions
Exception | Hi level state not found in entry states map (with FAUDES_CHECKED) (id 502) |
Definition at line 27 of file cfl_localgen.cpp.
◆ MakeDistinguisher()
void faudes::MakeDistinguisher |
( |
Generator & |
AbstGen, |
std::map< Idx, Idx > & |
rMapStateToPartition, |
Generator & |
OrigGen, |
std::map< Idx, std::vector< Idx > > & |
rMapOldToNew |
) |
| |
make a distinguisher and a map for solving nondeterminism and rewrite abstracted automaton
- Parameters
AbstGen | the abstracted generator |
rMapStateToPartition | map state to equivalent class |
OrigGen | the non-abstracted generator (after halbway-synthesis bevor abstraction) |
rMapOldToNew | map the replaced events to new events |
Definition at line 753 of file syn_compsyn.cpp.
◆ MangleString()
std::string faudes::MangleString |
( |
const std::string & |
str | ) |
◆ MeetsDiagnosabilityAssumptions()
◆ MergeEquivalenceClasses()
◆ MergeNonCoaccessible()
void faudes::MergeNonCoaccessible |
( |
Generator & |
g | ) |
◆ MergeSilentLoops()
◆ ModularDiagnoser() [1/2]
◆ ModularDiagnoser() [2/2]
◆ mtcDeterministic() [1/2]
Make generator deterministic.
(function wrapper)
The second parameter is an empty std::map<Idx,StateSet> which holds all the pairs of new states and their respective power states set. This is used as a so called "entry state map" for deterministic projected generators.
- Parameters
rGen | Reference to generator |
rEntryStatesMap | Entry state map |
rResGen | Reference to resulting deterministic generator |
Definition at line 82 of file mtc_project.cpp.
◆ mtcDeterministic() [2/2]
Make generator deterministic.
(real function)
Second and third parameter hold the subsets + deterministic states in vectors
The multiway merge algorithm is based on a propsal in "Ted Leslie, Efficient Approaches to Subset Construction,
Computer Science, University of Waterloo, 1995"
- Parameters
rGen | Reference to generator |
rPowerStates | Vector that holds the power states |
rDetStates | Vector that holds the corresponding deterministic states |
rResGen | Reference to resulting deterministic generator |
Definition at line 99 of file mtc_project.cpp.
◆ mtcInvProject()
◆ mtcParallel()
Parallel composition of two MtcSystems.
- Parameters
rGen1 | First MtcSystem for parallel composition |
rGen2 | Second MtcSystem for parallel composition |
rReverseCompositionMap | |
rResGen | Generator in which the result of the parallel composition is saved |
Definition at line 58 of file mtc_parallel.cpp.
◆ mtcProject()
Minimized Deterministic projection.
Does not modify generator. Calls project, determine and statemin. See functions for details.
- Parameters
rGen | Reference to generator |
rProjectAlphabet | Projection alphabet |
rEntryStatesMap | Reference to entry states map, see Deterministic(..) (result) |
rResGen | Reference to resulting deterministic generator (result) |
Definition at line 453 of file mtc_project.cpp.
◆ mtcStateMin() [1/3]
◆ mtcStateMin() [2/3]
State Minimization This function implements the (n*log n) set partitioning algorithm by John E.
Hopcroft extended to colored marking. Given generator will be made accessible before computing minimized generator.
- Parameters
rGen | MtcSystem |
rResGen | Minimized MtcSystem (result) |
- Exceptions
Exception |
- Input automaton nondeterministic (id 505)
Definition at line 32 of file mtc_statemin.cpp.
◆ mtcStateMin() [3/3]
State Minimization This function implements the (n*log n) set partitioning algorithm by John E.
Hopcroft extended to colored marking. Given generator will be made accessible before computing minimized generator.
- Parameters
rGen | MtcSystem |
rResGen | Minimized MtcSystem (result) |
rSubsets | Vector of subsets that will be constructed during running the algorithm (optional parameter) |
rNewIndices | Vector of new state indices corresponding to the subsets (optional parameter) |
- Exceptions
Exception |
- Input automaton nondeterministic (id 505)
Definition at line 39 of file mtc_statemin.cpp.
◆ mtcSupConClosed()
Supremal Controllable Sublanguage.
Only for deterministic plant + spec. Throws exception if plant or spec is nondeterministic.
Real mtcSupCon function
Finds the "largest" sublanguage of h for that language of g is controllable with respect to h. Differing from theory the marked language of h may not be a sublanguage of g but both must share the same alphabet.
See "C.G CASSANDRAS AND S. LAFORTUNE. Introduction to Discrete Event
Systems. Kluwer, 1999." for base algorithm.
This version creates a "reverse composition map" given as reference parameter.
- Parameters
rPlantGen | Plant MtcSystem |
rSpecGen | Specification MtcSystem |
rReverseCompositionMap | std::map< std::pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx> as in the parallel composition function |
rResGen | Reference to resulting MtcSystem, the minimal restrictive supervisor |
- Exceptions
Exception |
- Alphabets of generators don't match (id 500)
- plant nondeterministic (id 501)
- spec nondeterministic (id 503)
- plant and spec nondeterministic (id 504)
Definition at line 140 of file mtc_supcon.cpp.
◆ mtcSupConNB()
Nonblocking Supremal Controllable Sublanguage.
Only for deterministic plant + spec. Throws exception if plant or spec is nondeterministic.
Real mtcSupConNB function
Finds the "largest" sublanguage of h for that language of g is controllable with respect to h. Differing from theory the marked language of h may not be a sublanguage of g but both must share the same alphabet.
See "C.G CASSANDRAS AND S. LAFORTUNE. Introduction to Discrete Event
Systems. Kluwer, 1999." for base algorithm.
This version creates a "reverse composition map" given as reference parameter.
- Parameters
rPlantGen | Plant MtcSystem |
rSpecGen | Specification MtcSystem |
rReverseCompositionMap | std::map< std::pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx> as in the parallel composition function |
rResGen | Reference to resulting MtcSystem, the minimal restrictive nonblocking supervisor |
- Exceptions
Exception |
- Alphabets of generators don't match (id 500)
- plant nondeterministic (id 501)
- spec nondeterministic (id 503)
- plant and spec nondeterministic (id 504)
Definition at line 50 of file mtc_supcon.cpp.
◆ mtcSupConParallel()
Fast parallel composition for computation for the mtcSupConNB.
Composition stops at transition paths that leave the specification by uncontrollable events in plant.
- Parameters
rPlantGen | Plant MtcSystem |
rSpecGen | Specification MtcSystem |
rUAlph | Uncontrollable Events |
rReverseCompositionMap | std::map< std::pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx> as in the parallel composition function |
rResGen | Reference to resulting MtcSystem, the less restrictive supervisor |
Definition at line 220 of file mtc_supcon.cpp.
◆ mtcSupConUnchecked()
Supremal Controllable Sublangauge (Real SupCon function; unchecked)
Both, plant and spec MUST be deterministic and share the same alphabet!!!
Most likely will result in blocking states.
- Parameters
rPlantGen | Plant generator |
rCAlph | Controllable events |
rSupGen | Specification generator |
- Exceptions
Exception |
- Alphabets of generators don't match (id 500)
- Plant generator nondeterministic (id 501)
- Specification generator nondeterministic (id 503)
- Plant & Spec generator nondeterministic (id 504)
Definition at line 464 of file mtc_supcon.cpp.
◆ mtcUniqueInit()
void faudes::mtcUniqueInit |
( |
MtcSystem & |
rGen | ) |
◆ NDeviceListen()
void * faudes::NDeviceListen |
( |
void * |
arg | ) |
◆ NormalityConsistencyCheck()
NormalityConsistencyCheck: Consistency check for normality input data.
Used e.g. in IsNormal(), and SupNorm(). See exceptions.
- Parameters
rL | generator of language L |
rOAlph | observable alphabet |
rK | generator of language K |
- Exceptions
Exception |
- nondeterministic parameter(s) (id: 101)
- rOAlph not subset of rL.Alphabet() (id: 100)
- Alphabets of generators don't match (id: 100)
- K is not subset of L (id 0)
Definition at line 45 of file syn_supnorm.cpp.
◆ ObservationEquivalentQuotient()
void faudes::ObservationEquivalentQuotient |
( |
Generator & |
g, |
const EventSet & |
silent |
) |
| |
◆ OmegaControlledLiveness() [1/3]
◆ OmegaControlledLiveness() [2/3]
◆ OmegaControlledLiveness() [3/3]
◆ OmegaSupConNBUnchecked()
◆ OmegaSupConNormNBUnchecked()
◆ OmegaSupConProduct()
◆ OnlySilentIncoming()
◆ OnlySilentOutgoing()
◆ Parallel() [1/2]
Parallel composition.
See Parallel(const Generator&, const Generator&, Generator&). This version fills a composition map to map pairs of old states to new states. It also returns the sets of states marked w.r.t. the argument generators.
- Parameters
rGen1 | First generator |
rGen2 | Second generator |
rCompositionMap | Composition map (map< pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx>) |
rMark2 | States maked in first generator |
rMark1 | States maked in second generator |
rResGen | Reference to resulting parallel composition generator |
Definition at line 170 of file cfl_parallel.cpp.
◆ Parallel() [2/2]
Parallel composition.
See Parallel(const Generator&, const Generator&, Generator&). This version fills a composition map to map pairs of old states to new states.
- Parameters
rGen1 | First generator |
rGen2 | Second generator |
rCompositionMap | Composition map (map< pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx>) |
rResGen | Reference to resulting parallel composition generator |
Definition at line 213 of file cfl_parallel.cpp.
◆ PathSeparator()
FAUDES_API const std::string& faudes::PathSeparator |
( |
void |
| ) |
Std dir-separator.
- Returns
- Separator as one-char string
◆ PluginsString()
Return FAUDES_PLUGINS as std::string.
- Returns
- std::string with FAUDES_VERSION
Definition at line 136 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ PolyScratch()
void faudes::PolyScratch |
( |
void |
| ) |
◆ PrependPath()
FAUDES_API std::string faudes::PrependPath |
( |
const std::string & |
rLeft, |
const std::string & |
rRight |
) |
| |
Prepend one path before another.
Specifically, insert a path seperator if necessary.
- Parameters
rLeft | Directory eg "/home/friend/data" |
rRight | File eg "generator.gen" |
- Returns
- Path eg "/home/friend/data/generator.gen"
Definition at line 303 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ ProcessDot()
FAUDES_API void faudes::ProcessDot |
( |
const std::string & |
rDotFile, |
const std::string & |
rOutFile, |
const std::string & |
rOutFormat = "" , |
const std::string & |
rDotExec = "dot" |
) |
| |
Convenience function: process dot file to graphics output.
If no output format is given, try to guess from filename extension.
- Parameters
rDotFile | name of dot file |
rOutFile | name of graphics file |
rOutFormat | graphics format eg "png", "jpg" |
rDotExec | path/name of executable |
- Exceptions
Exception |
- error in systemcall (id 3)
- unkown format (id 3)
Definition at line 148 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ Product() [1/2]
Product composition.
See Product(const Generator&, const Generator&, Generator&). This version fills given composition map to map pairs of old states to new states.
- Parameters
rGen1 | First generator |
rGen2 | Second generator |
rCompositionMap | Composition map (map< pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx>) |
rResGen | Reference to resulting product composition generator |
Definition at line 518 of file cfl_parallel.cpp.
◆ Product() [2/2]
Product composition.
See Product(const Generator&, const Generator&, Generator&). This version fills given composition map to map pairs of old states to new states. It also returns the sets of states marked w.r.t. the argument generators.
- Parameters
rGen1 | First generator |
rGen2 | Second generator |
rCompositionMap | Composition map (map< pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx>) |
rMark2 | States maked in first generator |
rMark1 | States maked in second generator |
rResGen | Reference to resulting product composition generator |
Definition at line 493 of file cfl_parallel.cpp.
◆ Project()
Deterministic projection.
Projects the generated and marked languages to a subalphabet of the original alphabet, and subsequently calls Deterministic to construct a deterministic minimal realisation of the result. The input generator does not need to be deterministic.
- Parameters
rGen | Reference to generator |
rProjectAlphabet | Projection alphabet |
rEntryStatesMap | Reference to entry states map, see Deterministic(..) (result) |
rResGen | Reference to resulting deterministic generator (result) |
Definition at line 1437 of file cfl_project.cpp.
◆ ProjectNonDet_barthel()
void faudes::ProjectNonDet_barthel |
( |
Generator & |
rGen, |
const EventSet & |
rProjectAlphabet |
) |
| |
◆ ProjectNonDet_fbr()
void faudes::ProjectNonDet_fbr |
( |
Generator & |
rGen, |
const EventSet & |
rProjectAlphabet |
) |
| |
◆ ProjectNonDet_graph()
void faudes::ProjectNonDet_graph |
( |
Generator & |
rGen, |
const EventSet & |
rProjectAlphabet |
) |
| |
◆ ProjectNonDet_opitz()
void faudes::ProjectNonDet_opitz |
( |
Generator & |
rGen, |
const EventSet & |
rProjectAlphabet |
) |
| |
◆ ProjectNonDet_ref()
void faudes::ProjectNonDet_ref |
( |
Generator & |
rGen, |
const EventSet & |
rProjectAlphabet |
) |
| |
◆ ProjectNonDet_scc()
void faudes::ProjectNonDet_scc |
( |
Generator & |
rGen, |
const EventSet & |
rProjectAlphabet |
) |
| |
◆ ProjectNonDet_simple()
void faudes::ProjectNonDet_simple |
( |
Generator & |
rGen, |
const EventSet & |
rProjectAlphabet |
) |
| |
◆ ReachableEvents() [1/2]
ReachableEvents return-copy function:
Wrapper for the corresponding call-by-reference function. Creates new EventSet, calls function and returns EventSet containing the reachable hi level events.
- Parameters
rLowGen | Low level generator |
rHighAlph | High level alphabet |
lowState | Low level state |
Definition at line 76 of file cfl_localgen.cpp.
◆ ReachableEvents() [2/2]
ReachableEvents call-by-reference function:
Compute the set of hi level events which can be reached from a low level state. Resulting set will be cleared first.
- Parameters
rLowGen | Low level generator |
rHighAlph | High level alphabet |
lowState | Low level state |
rReachableEvents | Reference to EventSet which will contain the reachable high level events (result) |
Definition at line 88 of file cfl_localgen.cpp.
◆ ReadDirectory()
FAUDES_API std::set< std::string > faudes::ReadDirectory |
( |
const std::string & |
rDirectory | ) |
Read the contents of the specified directors.
- Parameters
rDirectory | Directory eg "/home/friend/data" |
- Returns
- List of files, e.g. "gen1.gen gen2.gen data subdir"
Definition at line 348 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ rec_ComputeLoopPreservingObserver()
FAUDES_API bool faudes::rec_ComputeLoopPreservingObserver |
( |
const System & |
rGen, |
const EventSet & |
rInitialHighAlph, |
EventSet & |
rHighAlph, |
const std::vector< Idx > & |
rDiffVector, |
Idx |
numberEvents, |
Idx |
currentNumberEvents, |
Idx |
currentLocation, |
EventSet |
chosenEvents |
) |
| |
rec_ComputeLoopPreservingObserver(rGen, rInitialHighAlph, rHighAlph, rDdffVector, numberEvents, currentNumberEvents, currentLocation, hosenEvents)
Definition at line 715 of file diag_languagediagnosis.cpp.
◆ rec_OptimalColorSet()
Recursively find an optimal set of colors to be removed.
This function recursively enumerates all possible subsets of colors that can be removed without affecting supervisor synthesis and remembers the color set that leads to the smallest hierarchical abstraction. It is called by the function OptimalColorSet.
- Parameters
rGen | input colored marking generator |
rColorVector | set of colors of the generator (ordered!) |
colorNumber | number of colors currently removed |
rOptimalColors | current optimal set of colors |
rOptimalNumberStates | current optimal number of states |
rOptimalNumberColors | size of the optimal color set |
rHighAlph | initial high-level alphabet |
rOptimalHighAlph | optimal high-level alphabet |
Definition at line 289 of file mtc_redundantcolors.cpp.
◆ recursiveCheckLCC()
Find states that fulfill the lcc condition.
This function performs a backward reachability computation to determine states where the lcc condition is fulfilled
The alphabet rHighAlph has to be a subset of the alphabet of rGen. rGen must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rRevTransSet | Reversely ordered transition relation |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Abstraction alphabet |
currentState | Index of the start state of the backward reachability computation |
rDoneStates | Set of already investigated states |
Definition at line 387 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ recursiveCheckMSABackward()
Check if the msa-observer conditions is fulfilled for a given state.
This function performs a backward reachability computation to determine if the msa-observer condition is fulfilled for a given state.
The alphabet rHighAlph has to be a subset of the alphabet of rGen. rGen must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGen | Generator for which the dynamic system is computed |
rRevTransSet | Reversely ordered transition relation |
rHighAlph | Abstraction alphabet |
currentState | Index of the state to be checked |
rDoneStates | Set of already investigated states |
- Returns
- True if the condition is fulfilled, false otherwise
Definition at line 278 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ recursiveCheckMSAForward()
Check if the msa-observer conditions is fulfilled for a given state.
This function performs a forward reachability computation to determine if the msa-observer condition is fulfilled for a given state.
The alphabet rHighAlph has to be a subset of the alphabet of rGen. rGen must be a deterministic generator. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGen | Generator for which the dynamic system is computed |
rHighAlph | Abstraction alphabet |
currentState | Index of the state to be checked |
rDoneStates | Set of already investigated states |
- Returns
- True if the condition is fulfilled, false otherwise
Definition at line 252 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ relabel() [1/2]
bool faudes::relabel |
( |
Generator & |
rGenRelabel, |
EventSet & |
rControllableEvents, |
EventSet & |
rHighAlph, |
std::map< Idx, Idx > & |
rMapStateToPartition, |
std::map< Transition, Transition > & |
rMapChangedTransReverse, |
std::map< Transition, Idx > & |
rMapChangedTrans, |
std::map< Idx, EventSet > & |
rMapRelabeledEvents |
) |
| |
Relabeling algorithm for the computation of an Lm-observer.
This function checks the termination criterion of the observer algorithm. If required, transitions of the input generator are relabeled.
The alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenRelabel. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenRelabel | Generator whose transitions are modified |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Abstraction alphabet |
rMapStateToPartition | Maps each state of rGenRelabel to an equivalence class |
rMapChangedTransReverse | Maps the relabeled transitions to the original transitions |
rMapChangedTrans | Maps the the modified original transitions to its new events |
rMapRelabeledEvents | Maps the original events to the set of new events they were relabeled with |
Definition at line 1463 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ relabel() [2/2]
bool faudes::relabel |
( |
Generator & |
rGenRelabel, |
EventSet & |
rControllableEvents, |
EventSet & |
rHighAlph, |
std::map< Idx, Idx > & |
rMapStateToPartition, |
std::map< Transition, Transition > & |
rMapChangedTransReverse, |
std::map< Transition, Idx > & |
rMapChangedTrans, |
std::map< Idx, EventSet > & |
rMapRelabeledEvents |
) |
| |
Relabeling algorithm for the computation of an Lm-observer.
This function checks the termination criterion of the observer algorithm. If required, transitions of the input generator are relabeled.
The alphabets rHighAlph and rControllableEvents have to be subsets of the alphabet of rGenRelabel. There are no further restrictions on parameters.
- Parameters
rGenRelabel | Generator whose transitions are modified |
rControllableEvents | Set of controllable events |
rHighAlph | Abstraction alphabet |
rMapStateToPartition | Maps each state of rGenRelabel to an equivalence class |
rMapChangedTransReverse | Maps the relabeled transitions to the original transitions |
rMapChangedTrans | Maps the the modified original transitions to its new events |
rMapRelabeledEvents | Maps the original events to the set of new events they were relabeled with |
Definition at line 1463 of file op_observercomputation.cpp.
◆ RemoveNonCoaccessibleOut()
void faudes::RemoveNonCoaccessibleOut |
( |
Generator & |
g | ) |
◆ RemoveTauLoops()
Remove all silent loops in a given automaton.
This function is considered as an API not only for its general operational meaning, but most importantly due to the prerequisite for topological sort. - Parameters
rGen | input generator |
silent | silent alphabet, contains at most one event |
Definition at line 563 of file cfl_conflequiv.cpp.
◆ RemoveTauSelfloops()
◆ SDeviceSynchro()
void * faudes::SDeviceSynchro |
( |
void * |
arg | ) |
◆ SearchScc() [1/2]
FAUDES_API void faudes::SearchScc |
( |
const Idx |
state, |
int & |
rCount, |
const Generator & |
rGen, |
StateSet & |
rNewStates, |
std::stack< Idx > & |
StateSet & |
rStackStates, |
std::map< const Idx, int > & |
rDFN, |
std::map< const Idx, int > & |
std::set< StateSet > & |
rSccSet, |
StateSet & |
rRoots |
) |
| |
Search for strongly connected components (SCC)*** This function partitions the stateset of a generator into equivalence classes such that states x1 and x2 are equivalent iff there is a path from x1 to x2 AND a path from x2 to x1.
This function implements the algorithm based on a depth first search presented in: -Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman: The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms-
Most of the comments in this function have been literally taken from this book!
- Parameters
state | State, from which the current recursion is started. |
rCount | denotes the current depth of the recursion. |
rGen | Generator under investigation |
rNewStates | Set of states that up to now were not found by the depth first search |
rSTACK | stack of state indices |
rStackStates | set of states whose indices are on STACK. |
rDFN | map assigning to each state its Depth-First Number |
rLOWLINK | map assigning to each state its LOWLINK Number |
rSccSet | result - the set of strongly connected components |
rRoots | result - the set of states that each are root of some SCC. |
Definition at line 33 of file mtc_redundantcolors.cpp.
◆ SearchScc() [2/2]
FAUDES_API void faudes::SearchScc |
( |
const Idx |
vState, |
int & |
vRcount, |
const Generator & |
rGen, |
const SccFilter & |
rFilter, |
StateSet & |
rTodo, |
std::stack< Idx > & |
rStack, |
StateSet & |
rStackStates, |
std::map< const Idx, int > & |
rDfn, |
std::map< const Idx, int > & |
rLowLnk, |
std::list< StateSet > & |
rSccList, |
StateSet & |
rRoots |
) |
| |
Search for strongly connected components (SCC).
This function partitions the stateset of a generator into equivalent classes such that states x1 and x2 are equivalent iff there is a path from x1 to x2 AND a path from x2 to x1.
This function implements the algorithm based on a recursive depth first search presented in:
– Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman: The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms –
While the original algorithm works on a directed graph, this implementation adds some features that refer to transition systems and allow to filter SCCs on the run. The filter condition is specified by the SccFilter parameter rFilter.
Note: this version is derived from earlier implementations used in various plug-ins; in due course, this version will replace earlier versions.
Note: Due to the recursive implementation, this function requires a stack size proportional to the largest SCC. We have experienced typical default configurations to be good for a depth of about 80000 (Mac OSX 10.6, Debian 7.4). For SCCs exceeding the default stack size, you may adjust the operating system parameters accordingly. On Unix/Linux/MacOsX this is done by the shell command "ulimit -s hard". A future revision of SearchSCC() may be re-designed to circumvent this inconvenient issue.
Note: for a convenience API see also ComputeScc()
- Parameters
vState | State, from which the current recursion is started. |
vRcount | Denotes the current depth of the recursion. |
rGen | Transition system to investigate |
rFilter | Filter out specified transitions |
rTodo | Set of states that up to now were not found by the depth first search. |
rStack | Stack of states to represent current path. |
rStackStates | Set of states that are in rStack |
rDfn | Map assigning to each state idx its Depth-First Number. |
rLowLnk | Map assigning to each state its LOWLINK Number. |
rSccList | Set SCCs (accumulative result). |
rRoots | Set of states that each are root of some SCC (accumulative result). |
Definition at line 228 of file cfl_graphfncts.cpp.
◆ SelectSubsystem_V1()
heuristic: vorious approaches to select subsystem from synthesis-buffer then compose them and remove them from buffer.
- determine subsystem
- parallel composition for subsystem
- delete subsystem from "GenVec"
- Parameters
rGenVec | synthesis-buffer |
rResGen | the composed new generator |
Definition at line 1032 of file syn_compsyn.cpp.
◆ SelectSubsystem_V2()
◆ SetComposedStateNames()
Helper: uses composition map to track state names in a paralell composition.
Purely cosmetic.
- Parameters
rGen1 | First generator |
rGen2 | Second generator |
rCompositionMap | Composition map (map< pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx>) |
rGen12 | Reference to resulting parallel composition generator |
Definition at line 654 of file cfl_parallel.cpp.
◆ SetDifference()
◆ SetIntersection() [1/2]
◆ SetIntersection() [2/2]
◆ SetUnion() [1/2]
◆ SetUnion() [2/2]
◆ SingleTransSpec()
◆ Splitter()
update the generators in synthesis-buffer and in supervisor with new events
- Parameters
rMapOldToNew | map the replaced events to new events |
rConAlph | controllable events |
rGenVec | synthesis-buffer |
rMapEventsToPlant | map the events in supervisor to plant |
rDisGenVec | distinguisher generator-vector |
rSupGenVec | supervisor generator-vector |
Definition at line 898 of file syn_compsyn.cpp.
◆ SplittGen()
void faudes::SplittGen |
( |
Generator & |
rGen, |
Idx |
parent, |
const std::vector< Idx > & |
kids |
) |
| |
subfunction for Splitter: splitt the events in a generator
- Parameters
rGen | a generator |
parent | primal event |
kids | new events |
Definition at line 856 of file syn_compsyn.cpp.
◆ StateMin()
State set minimization.
This function implements the (n*log n) set partitioning algorithm by John E. Hopcroft. Given generator will be made accessible before computing minimized generator. See also StateMin(Generator&,Generator&).
- Parameters
rGen | Generator |
rResGen | Minimized generator (result) |
rSubsets | Vector of subsets that will be constructed during running the algorithm (optional parameter) |
rNewIndices | Vector of new state indices corresponding to the subsets (optional parameter) |
- Exceptions
Exception | Input automaton nondeterministic (id 101) |
Definition at line 620 of file cfl_statemin.cpp.
◆ StateMin_org()
◆ StringSubstitute()
FAUDES_API std::string faudes::StringSubstitute |
( |
const std::string & |
rString, |
const std::string & |
rFrom, |
const std::string & |
rTo |
) |
| |
Substitute globally in string.
- Parameters
rString | Source string to substitute |
rFrom | String to match |
rTo | Replacement to fill in |
- Returns
- Result string
Definition at line 111 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ SupConClosed()
Supremal Controllable and Closed Sublanguage.
Implementation of SupConClosed.
See "C.G CASSANDRAS AND S. LAFORTUNE. Introduction to Discrete Event
Systems. Kluwer, 1999." for base algorithm.
This version sets up a "composition map" provided as a reference parameter. The map is restricted such that its range matches the resulting supervisor.
- Parameters
rPlantGen | Plant Generator |
rCAlph | Controllable events |
rSpecGen | Specification Generator |
rReverseCompositionMap | std::map< std::pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx> as in the parallel composition function |
rResGen | Reference to resulting Generator, the minimal restrictive supervisor |
- Exceptions
Exception |
- alphabets of generators don't match (id 100)
- plant nondeterministic (id 201)
- spec nondeterministic (id 203)
- plant and spec nondeterministic (id 204)
Definition at line 793 of file syn_supcon.cpp.
◆ SupConClosedUnchecked()
Supremal Controllable Sublangauge (internal function)
Indentifies and deletes "critical" states in the supervisor candidate, in order to achieve controllability. This version of SupConClosed performs no consistency test of the given parameter. In order to obtain indeed the supremal sublanguage, the state space of the candidate must be rich enough to discriminate plant states. This can be done by e.g. setting up the candidate SupConParallel.
In general, the result is blocking.
- Parameters
rPlantGen | Plant generator |
rCAlph | Controllable events |
rSupCandGen | Supervisor candidate generator |
Definition at line 57 of file syn_supcon.cpp.
◆ SupConNBUnchecked()
Nonblocking Supremal Controllable Sublanguage (internal function)
This version of SupConNB performs no consistency test of the given parameter. It set's up a "composition map" as in the parallel composition, however, the map may still contain states that have been removed from the result to obtain controllability.
- Parameters
rPlantGen | Plant Generator |
rCAlph | Controllable events |
rSpecGen | Specification Generator |
rReverseCompositionMap | std::map< std::pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx> as in the parallel composition function |
rResGen | Reference to resulting System, the minimal restrictive nonblocking supervisor |
- Exceptions
Exception |
- alphabets of generators don't match (id 100)
- plant nondeterministic (id 201)
- spec nondeterministic (id 203)
- plant and spec nondeterministic (id 204)
Definition at line 586 of file syn_supcon.cpp.
◆ SupConNormClosed()
◆ SupConNormClosedUnchecked()
Supremal Normal Controllable Sublangauge (internal function)
Indentifies and deletes conflicting transitions to obtain a controllable and prefix-normal sublanguage. This function is a bit experimental it depends on various unverified preconditions and conjectures – use only after careful code-review. The completely independent implementation SupNormConClosed should be fine
- controllabel events as specified explicitly must be a subset of the observable events
- L(H) <= L(G)
- stateset of H must be sufficiently rich to discriminate states in G (e.g. initialise by H:=H' x G)
- H_obs must be "a" observer automaton for H w.r.t. observable events (e.g. initialize with p_inv p H)
- Parameters
rPlantGen | Plant generator G |
rCAlph | Controllable events |
rOAlph | Observable events |
rObserverGen | Observer H_obs |
rSupCandGen | Closed-loop candidate H |
Definition at line 480 of file syn_supnorm.cpp.
◆ SupConNormNB()
◆ SupConProduct()
Parallel composition optimized for the purpose of SupCon (internal function)
Composition stops at transition paths that violate the specification by uncontrollable plant transitions.
This internal function performs no consistency test of the given parameter. It set's up a "composition map" as in the product composition, however, the map may still contain states that have been removed from the result to obtain controllability.
- Parameters
rPlantGen | Plant Generator |
rCAlph | Uncontrollable Events |
rSpecGen | Specification Generator |
rReverseCompositionMap | std::map< std::pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx> as in the parallel composition function |
rResGen | Reference to resulting Generator, the less restrictive supervisor |
Definition at line 386 of file syn_supcon.cpp.
◆ SupNorm()
◆ SupNormClosed()
◆ SupNormSP()
◆ SupPrefixClosed()
SupPrefixClosed: supremal closed sublanguage of K by cancelling all tranistions leading to a non-marked state.
Returns false on empty result. todo: implement test routines, verify correctness
- Parameters
rK | marks the (not necessarily closed) language K=Lm(rK) |
rResult | generates and marks the supremal closed sublanguage, where L(rResult)=Lm(rResult) |
- Returns
- true for nonempty result
- Exceptions
Definition at line 419 of file syn_supnorm.cpp.
◆ SupRelativelyPrefixClosedUnchecked()
Supremal Relatively Closed Sublanguage (internal function)
This version of SupRelativelyPrefixClosed performs no consistency test of the given parameter. It set's up a "composition map" as in the parallel composition, however, the map may still contain states that have been removed from the result to obtain controllability.
Parameter restrictions: both generators must be deterministic and have the same alphabet.
- Parameters
rPlantGen | Plant G |
rSpecGen | Specification Generator E |
rCompositionMap | Record parallel composition state mapping |
rResGen | Reference to resulting Generator, |
Definition at line 292 of file syn_functions.cpp.
◆ SupTconNBUnchecked()
◆ SupTconUnchecked()
◆ SwigCastPtr()
◆ SwigUserData()
◆ syncSend()
int faudes::syncSend |
( |
int |
dest, |
const char * |
data, |
int |
len, |
int |
flag |
) |
| |
◆ TestMergibility()
bool faudes::TestMergibility |
( |
Idx |
stateI, |
Idx |
stateJ, |
std::vector< std::set< Idx > > & |
rWaitList, |
Idx |
cNode, |
const System & |
rSupGen, |
const std::map< Idx, ReductionStateInfo > & |
rSupStateInfo, |
const std::map< Idx, Idx > & |
rState2Class, |
const std::vector< StateSet > & |
rClass2States |
) |
| |
◆ TestProtocol() [1/6]
FAUDES_API void faudes::TestProtocol |
( |
const std::string & |
rMessage, |
bool |
data |
) |
| |
◆ TestProtocol() [2/6]
FAUDES_API void faudes::TestProtocol |
( |
const std::string & |
rMessage, |
const std::string & |
data |
) |
| |
◆ TestProtocol() [3/6]
FAUDES_API void faudes::TestProtocol |
( |
const std::string & |
rMessage, |
const Type & |
rData, |
bool |
core = false |
) |
| |
Test Protocol.
This function dumps the specified data to the protocol file for the purpose of later comparison with a refernce value. If the protocol file has not been set up, this function does nothing; see also TestProtocol(const std::string&.
- Parameters
rMessage | Informal identifyer of the test |
rData | Formal result of the test case |
core | Whether to record full token io or statistics only. |
Definition at line 543 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ TestProtocol() [4/6]
FAUDES_API void faudes::TestProtocol |
( |
const std::string & |
rMessage, |
long int |
data |
) |
| |
◆ TestProtocol() [5/6]
FAUDES_API std::string faudes::TestProtocol |
( |
const std::string & |
rSource | ) |
Test Protocol.
Sets the filename for the test protocol by
- removing any path specififucation,
- replacing "." by "_",
- appending ".prot", and finaly
- prepending "tmp_". The function returns the filename except for the "tmp_" prefix. The latter is considered the nominal protocol output (aka reference protocol).
Note: only the first invocation of this functions actually sets the protocol file. Further invocations are ignored, but can be used to query the reference protocol.
- Parameters
rSource | Source file to protocol |
- Returns
- Filename with nominal protocol.
Definition at line 518 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ TestProtocol() [6/6]
Test Protocol.
Perform a comparison of the recent protocol file and the corresponding reference. Returns true if the test passes.
Note: this function closes the current protocol.
- Returns
- True <=> test past
Definition at line 567 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ TimeInvariantAbstraction()
◆ TimeVariantAbstraction()
◆ ToIdx()
Convert a string to Idx.
- Parameters
- Returns
- Idx
- Exceptions
Definition at line 100 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ topoSort()
topoSort wrapper for topological sortation rEvs is the set of events which will be considered while sorting
Definition at line 419 of file cfl_bisimcta.cpp.
◆ ToStringFloat()
float to string
- Parameters
- Returns
- string
Definition at line 64 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ ToStringInteger()
integer to string
- Parameters
- Returns
- string
Definition at line 43 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ ToStringInteger16()
integer to string base 16
- Parameters
- Returns
- string
Definition at line 54 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ TransSpec()
translate specification into plant
- Parameters
rSpecGenVec | specification generator-vector |
rGUncAlph | global uncontrollable events |
rResGenVec | synthesis-buffer |
Definition at line 649 of file syn_compsyn.cpp.
◆ TraverseUncontrollableBackwards()
Helper function for IsControllable.
The state given as "current" is considered critical. Itself and all uncontrollable predecessor states are added to the set "rCriticalStates".
- Parameters
rCAlph | Set of controllable events |
rtransrel | Reverse sorted transition relation |
rCriticalStates | Set of critical states in composition generator |
current | Current state |
Definition at line 847 of file syn_supcon.cpp.
◆ TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGd() [1/2]
void faudes::TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGd |
( |
System & |
rGd, |
const Diagnoser & |
rGobs, |
const Idx |
rFailureType, |
const EventSet & |
rIndicatorEvents, |
const map< pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > & |
rReverseCompositionMap |
) |
| |
◆ TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGd() [2/2]
Extract all traces of a generator G_d that start with an indicator event that follows a failure event of a certain failure type.
- Parameters
rGd | Input generator G_d which will be prunded. |
rGobs | Generator G_o (containing failure label information). |
rFailureType | Failure type index. |
rIndicatorEvents | Set of indicator events. |
rReverseCompositionMap | Mapping of G_d states with G_o states. |
◆ TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGdRecursive() [1/2]
void faudes::TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGdRecursive |
( |
System & |
rGd, |
const Diagnoser & |
rGobs, |
const Idx |
rFailureType, |
const EventSet & |
rIndicatorEvents, |
map< Idx, pair< Idx, Idx > > & |
rCompositionMap, |
Idx |
state, |
StateSet & |
rStatesDone |
) |
| |
◆ TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGdRecursive() [2/2]
Auxiliary function for TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGd().
Parse through active transition set of the current state and delete transitions if occurring event is not an indicator event or there did not occur a failure before the indicator. - Parameters
rGd | Input generator G_d which will be pruned. |
rGobs | Generator G_o (containing failure label information). |
rFailureType | Failure type index. |
rIndicatorEvents | Set of indicator events. |
rCompositionMap | Inverted mapping of G_d states with G_o states. |
state | Current state. |
rStatesDone | States that have been processed already. |
◆ UserData() [1/2]
Parma_Polyhedra_Library::C_Polyhedron& faudes::UserData |
( |
const LinearRelation & |
frelation | ) |
convert a faudes style linear relation "A' x' + A x <= B" to a PPL polyhedron, and keep the conversion result in the UserData entry
Definition at line 119 of file hyb_compute.cpp.
◆ UserData() [2/2]
Parma_Polyhedra_Library::C_Polyhedron& faudes::UserData |
( |
const Polyhedron & |
fpoly | ) |
convert a faudes style polyhedron "A x <= B" to a PPL polyhedron, and keep the conversion result in the UserData entry
Definition at line 22 of file hyb_compute.cpp.
◆ VersionString()
Return FAUDES_VERSION as std::string.
- Returns
- std::string with FAUDES_VERSION
Definition at line 131 of file cfl_utils.cpp.
◆ YclessScc()
◆ faudes_lastline
◆ gBreakFnct
bool(* faudes::gBreakFnct) (void)=0 |
( |
void |
| ) |
static |
◆ gRti1RegisterSignalDeviceEventSet
◆ gRti1XElementTagSignalDeviceEventSet
◆ gRtiRegisterDeviceContainer
◆ gRtiRegisterSimplenetDevice
◆ gRtiRegisterSpiDevice
◆ gTestProtocolFr
std::string faudes::gTestProtocolFr |
◆ gTestProtocolTw
◆ ran_initialized
int faudes::ran_initialized = 0 |
static |
◆ ran_seed
◆ ran_stream
int faudes::ran_stream = 0 |
static |
◆ TcGenerator< AttributeVoid, AttributeVoid, AttributeCFlags, AttributeVoid >
libFAUDES 2.32f
--- 2024.12.22
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