Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /** @file hio_plant.cpp Generator with I/O-plant attributes */
3 /* Hierarchical IO Systems Plug-In for FAU Discrete Event Systems Library (libfaudes)
5  Copyright (C) 2006 Sebastian Perk
6  Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas Moor
7  Copyright (C) 2006 Klaus Schmidt
9 */
11 #include "hio_plant.h"
13 namespace faudes {
15 // IsHioPlantForm()
16 bool IsHioPlantForm(HioPlant& rHioPlant,
17  StateSet& rQYpYe,
18  StateSet& rQUp,
19  StateSet& rQUe,
20  EventSet& rErrEvSet,
21  TransSet& rErrTrSet,
22  StateSet& rErrStSet,
23  std::string& rReportStr)
24  {
25  FD_DF("IsHioPlantForm("<< rHioPlant.Name() << ",...)");
27  // prepare results
28  rQYpYe.Clear();
29  rQUp.Clear();
30  rQUe.Clear();
32  rErrEvSet.Clear();
33  rErrEvSet.Name("rErrEvSet");
35  rErrTrSet.Clear();
36  rErrTrSet.Name("rErrTrSet");
38  rErrStSet.Clear();
39  rErrStSet.Name("rErrStSet");
41  // used to locally store error states/transitions on each condition
42  StateSet locErrStSet;
43  TransSet locErrTrSet;
45  rReportStr.clear();
47  // meant to be set false on violation of any condition:
48  bool finalResult = true;
49  // used to locally store result on each condition
50  bool localResult = true;
52  // helpers
54  EventSet yp = rHioPlant.YpEvents();
55  EventSet up = rHioPlant.UpEvents();
56  EventSet ye = rHioPlant.YeEvents();
57  EventSet ue = rHioPlant.UeEvents();
59  StateSet initStates = rHioPlant.InitStates();
60  StateSet accessibleStates = rHioPlant.AccessibleSet();
62  EventSet::Iterator evit;
63  StateSet::Iterator sit;
66  // Info string header
67  rReportStr.append("#########################################################\n");
68  rReportStr.append("########## IsHioPlantForm("+rHioPlant.Name()+",...) - test results:\n");
70  /**************************** Precondition: determinism ***********************/
71  // HioPlant must be deterministic
72  if(!rHioPlant.IsDeterministic()){
73  rReportStr.append("##### fail: generator is not deterministic!\n");
74  if(initStates.Size()>1) {
75  rErrStSet = initStates;
76  rReportStr.append("##### (amongst others, there is more than one initial state)\n");
77  }
78  finalResult = false;
79  }
81  rReportStr.append("#####\n");
83  // test all conditions verifying I/O-plant form:
85  /**************************** Condition (i) ***********************/
86  localResult = true;
87  rReportStr.append("########## Condition (i):\n");
89  //YP, UP, YE, UE nonempty?
90  if (yp.Empty()) {
91  rReportStr.append("##### fail: empty YP alphabet.\n");
92  localResult=false;
93  finalResult = false;
94  }
95  if (up.Empty()) {
96  rReportStr.append("##### fail: empty UP alphabet.\n");
97  localResult=false;
98  finalResult = false;
99  }
100  if (ye.Empty()) {
101  rReportStr.append("##### fail: empty YE alphabet.\n");
102  localResult=false;
103  finalResult = false;
104  }
105  if (ue.Empty()) {
106  rReportStr.append("##### fail: empty UE alphabet.\n");
107  localResult=false;
108  finalResult = false;
109  }
111  // check for disjoint eventsets YP, YE, UP, UE and for
112  // YP u YE u UP u UE == Sigma, ie unique HioEventFlags.
113  // note: testing disjoint P- and E-Alphabet is sufficient
114  // as properties U and Y are exclusive by construction.
116  rErrEvSet=(rHioPlant.PEvents()*rHioPlant.EEvents()) + (rHioPlant.Alphabet()-rHioPlant.PEvents()-rHioPlant.EEvents());
118  // In case of failing condition (i) further inspection is omitted, as too many consecutive faults are expected.
119  if(!rErrEvSet.Empty()){
120  rReportStr.append("##### fail: found events with missing or ambiguous attribute, see rErrEvSet:\n");
121  rReportStr.append(rErrEvSet.ToString()+"\n");
122  rReportStr.append("##### Condition (i) failed.\n");
123  rReportStr.append("########## Termination due to crucial failure. ##########\n");
124  rReportStr.append("#########################################################\n");
125  return false;
126  }
127  if(localResult) rReportStr.append("##### Condition (i) passed.\n");
128  else rReportStr.append("##### Condition (i) failed.\n");
129  rReportStr.append("#####\n");
130  /*************************** Condition (i) finished *****************************/
133  /*************************** Condition (ii) ***********************/
134  localResult = true;
135  rReportStr.append("########## Condition (ii):\n");
137  // check if in states QYpYe, QUp and QUe only Y-, UP- and UE-events are active, respectively.
138  for(sit = accessibleStates.Begin(); sit != accessibleStates.End(); ++sit) {
140  bool isY = false;
141  bool isUp = false;
142  bool isUe = false;
143  bool goodState = true;
145  EventSet activeEv = rHioPlant.ActiveEventSet(*sit);
147  if(activeEv.Empty()) {
148  //deadlocks are always QYpYe -states
149  rQYpYe.Insert(*sit);
150  rHioPlant.SetQYpYe(*sit);
151  }
152  else {
154  // get attribute of first event and compare with remaining events
155  evit = activeEv.Begin();
156  isY = rHioPlant.IsY(*evit);
157  isUp = rHioPlant.IsUp(*evit);
158  isUe = rHioPlant.IsUe(*evit);
160  for(; evit != activeEv.End(); evit++) {
161  if( (isY && !rHioPlant.IsY(*evit)) ||
162  (isUp && !rHioPlant.IsUp(*evit)) ||
163  (isUe && !rHioPlant.IsUe(*evit)) ) {
164  goodState = false;
165  localResult = false;
166  finalResult = false;
167  // add state to error set, go to next state
168  locErrStSet.Insert(*sit);
169  rErrStSet.Insert(*sit);
170  break; // leave loop over active events
171  }
172  }
174  activeEv.Clear();
176  if(!goodState) continue; // if undecidable go on with next state
178  // set state attribute
179  if(isY) {
180  rQYpYe.Insert(*sit);
181  rHioPlant.SetQYpYe(*sit);
182  }
183  else if(isUp) {
184  rQUp.Insert(*sit);
185  rHioPlant.SetQUp(*sit);
186  }
187  else if(isUe){
188  rQUe.Insert(*sit);
189  rHioPlant.SetQUe(*sit);
190  }
191  }
192  }
194  if(localResult) rReportStr.append("##### Condition (ii) passed.\n");
195  // In case of failing condition (ii) further inspection is omitted, as too many consecutive faults are expected.
196  else {
197  rReportStr.append("##### fail: found states with undecidable attribute:\n");
198  rReportStr.append(locErrStSet.ToString()+"\n");
199  locErrStSet.Clear();
200  rReportStr.append("##### Condition (ii) failed.\n");
201  rReportStr.append("########## Termination due to crucial failure. ##########\n");
202  rReportStr.append("###################### No success. ######################\n");
203  rReportStr.append("#########################################################\n");
204  return false;
205  }
206  rReportStr.append("#####\n");
207  /*************************** Condition (ii) finished ****************************/
210  /*************************** Condition (iii) **********************/
211  localResult = true;
212  rReportStr.append("########## Condition (iii):\n");
214  //check if the initial state is a QYpYe-state
215  if(!(initStates <= rQYpYe)) {
216  rReportStr.append("##### fail: some init state(s) is (are) not a QYpYe-state:\n");
217  locErrStSet=initStates-rQYpYe;
218  rErrStSet.InsertSet(locErrStSet);
219  rReportStr.append(locErrStSet.ToString()+"\n");
220  locErrStSet.Clear();
221  localResult = false;
222  finalResult = false;
223  }
224  if(localResult) rReportStr.append("##### Condition (iii) passed.\n");
225  else rReportStr.append("##### Condition (iii) failed.\n");
226  rReportStr.append("#####\n");
228  /*************************** Condition (iii) finished ***************************/
231  /*************************** Condition (iv) ***********************/
232  localResult = true;
233  rReportStr.append("########## Condition (iv):\n");
235  // YP-events have to lead to a QUp-state, while a YE-events
236  // have to lead to a QUe-state.
237  for(sit = rQYpYe.Begin(); sit != rQYpYe.End(); ++sit) {
238  for(tit = rHioPlant.TransRelBegin(*sit); tit != rHioPlant.TransRelEnd(*sit); ++tit) {
239  // YP-event to QUp-state, YE-event to QUe-state
240  if( (rHioPlant.IsYp(tit->Ev) && !(rQUp.Exists(tit->X2) || rQUe.Exists(tit->X2)))) {
241  // add transition to error transition set
242  rErrTrSet.Insert(*tit);
243  locErrTrSet.Insert(*tit);
244  finalResult = false;
245  localResult = false;
246  }
247  }
248  }
250  if(localResult) rReportStr.append("##### Condition (iv) passed.\n");
251  else {
252  rReportStr.append("##### fail: found YP- or YE-transitions leading to wrong states:\n");
253  rReportStr.append(locErrTrSet.ToString()+"\n");
254  locErrTrSet.Clear();
255  rReportStr.append("##### Condition (iv) failed.\n");
256  }
257  rReportStr.append("#####\n");
258  /*************************** Condition (iv) finished ****************************/
261  /*************************** Condition (v) ************************/
262  localResult = true;
263  rReportStr.append("########## Condition (v):\n");
265  // UP-events have to lead to a QYpYe-state
266  for(sit = rQUp.Begin(); sit != rQUp.End(); ++sit) {
267  for(tit = rHioPlant.TransRelBegin(*sit); tit != rHioPlant.TransRelEnd(*sit); ++tit) {
268  if(!rQYpYe.Exists(tit->X2)) {
269  rErrTrSet.Insert(*tit);
270  locErrTrSet.Insert(*tit);
271  finalResult = false;
272  localResult = false;
273  }
274  }
275  }
277  if(localResult) rReportStr.append("##### Condition (v) passed.\n");
278  else {
279  rReportStr.append("##### fail: found UP-transitions leading to wrong states:\n");
280  rReportStr.append(locErrTrSet.ToString()+"\n");
281  locErrTrSet.Clear();
282  rReportStr.append("##### Condition (v) failed.\n");
283  }
284  rReportStr.append("#####\n");
285  /*************************** Condition (v) finished *****************************/
288  /*************************** Condition (vi) ***********************/
289  localResult = true;
290  rReportStr.append("########## Condition (vi):\n");
292  // UE-events have to lead to a QYpYe-state
293  for(sit = rQUe.Begin(); sit != rQUe.End(); ++sit) {
294  for(tit = rHioPlant.TransRelBegin(*sit); tit != rHioPlant.TransRelEnd(*sit); ++tit) {
295  if(!rQYpYe.Exists(tit->X2)) {
296  rErrTrSet.Insert(*tit);
297  locErrTrSet.Insert(*tit);
298  finalResult = false;
299  localResult = false;
300  }
301  }
302  }
304  if(localResult) rReportStr.append("##### Condition (vi) passed.\n");
305  else {
306  rReportStr.append("##### fail: found UE-transitions leading to wrong states:\n");
307  rReportStr.append(locErrTrSet.ToString()+"\n");
308  locErrTrSet.Clear();
309  rReportStr.append("##### Condition (vi) failed.\n");
310  }
311  rReportStr.append("#####\n");
312  /*************************** Condition (vi) finished ****************************/
315  /*************************** Condition (vii) **********************/
316  localResult = true;
317  rReportStr.append("########## Condition (vii):\n");
319  // UP must be free in QUp-states
320  for(sit = rQUp.Begin(); sit != rQUp.End(); ++sit) {
322  if(!(up <= rHioPlant.ActiveEventSet(*sit))) {
323  rErrStSet.Insert(*sit);
324  locErrStSet.Insert(*sit);
325  finalResult = false;
326  localResult = false;
327  }
328  }
330  if(localResult) rReportStr.append("##### Condition (vii) passed.\n");
331  else {
332  rReportStr.append("##### fail: found QUp-states with inactive UP-events:\n");
333  rReportStr.append(locErrStSet.ToString()+"\n");
334  locErrStSet.Clear();
335  rReportStr.append("##### Condition (vii) failed.\n");
336  }
337  rReportStr.append("#####\n");
338  /*************************** Condition (vii) finished ***************************/
341  /*************************** Condition (viii) **********************/
342  localResult = true;
343  rReportStr.append("########## Condition (viii):\n");
345  // UE must be free in QUe-states
346  for(sit = rQUe.Begin(); sit != rQUe.End(); ++sit) {
348  if(!(ue <= rHioPlant.ActiveEventSet(*sit))) {
349  rErrStSet.Insert(*sit);
350  locErrStSet.Insert(*sit);
351  finalResult = false;
352  localResult = false;
353  }
354  }
356  if(localResult) rReportStr.append("##### Condition (viii) passed.\n");
357  else {
358  rReportStr.append("##### fail: found QUe-states with inactive UE-events:\n");
359  rReportStr.append(locErrStSet.ToString()+"\n");
360  locErrStSet.Clear();
361  rReportStr.append("##### Condition (viii) failed.\n");
362  }
363  rReportStr.append("#####\n");
364  /*************************** Condition (vii) finished ***************************/
366  //###### Condition ix is outdated since we introduced marking!!!
367  // /*************************** Condition (ix) ***********************/
368  // localResult = true;
369  // rReportStr.append("########## Condition (ix):\n");
371  // // Qm==Q?
372  // if(!(accessibleStates<=rHioPlant.MarkedStates())) {
373  // finalResult = false;
374  // localResult = false;
375  // }
377  // if(localResult) rReportStr.append("##### Condition (ix) passed.\n");
378  // else {
379  // rReportStr.append("##### fail: not all accessible states are marked:\n");
380  // locErrStSet = accessibleStates - rHioPlant.MarkedStates();
381  // rErrStSet.InsertSet(locErrStSet);
382  // rReportStr.append(locErrStSet.ToString()+"\n");
383  // locErrStSet.Clear();
384  // rReportStr.append("##### Condition (ix) failed.\n");
385  // }
386  // rReportStr.append("#####\n");
387  // /*************************** Condition (ix) finished ****************************/
390  /*************************** Condition (x) ************************/
391  rReportStr.append("########## Condition (x):\n");
393  // make accessible if necessary
394  if(!rHioPlant.IsAccessible()) {
395  rHioPlant.Accessible();
396  rReportStr.append("##### warning: non-accessible states have been removed.\n");
397  rReportStr.append("##### Condition (x) repaired.\n");
398  }
399  else rReportStr.append("##### Condition (x) passed.\n");
400  /*************************** Condition (x) finished *****************************/
404  /*************************** Final Result ************************/
406  rReportStr.append("##################### Final result: #####################\n");
407  if(finalResult) {
408  rReportStr.append("############## Generator is in HioPlantForm. ##############\n");
409  rReportStr.append("#########################################################\n");
410  return true;
411  }
412  else {
413  rReportStr.append("############ Generator is NOT in HioPlantForm. ###########\n");
414  rReportStr.append("#########################################################\n");
415  return false;
416  }
418 }// END OF IsHioPlantForm()
421 //IsHioPlantForm wrapper functions
422 bool IsHioPlantForm(HioPlant& rHioPlant, std::string& rReportStr)
423 {
424  StateSet QYpYe, QUp, QUe;
425  EventSet ErrEvSet;
426  TransSet ErrTrSet;
427  StateSet ErrStSet;
429  return IsHioPlantForm(rHioPlant, QYpYe, QUp, QUe, ErrEvSet, ErrTrSet, ErrStSet,rReportStr);
430 }
432 // rti function interface
433 bool IsHioPlantForm(HioPlant& rHioPlant)
434 {
435  StateSet QYpYe, QUp, QUe;
436  EventSet ErrEvSet;
437  TransSet ErrTrSet;
438  StateSet ErrStSet;
439  std::string ReportStr;
441  return IsHioPlantForm(rHioPlant, QYpYe, QUp, QUe, ErrEvSet, ErrTrSet, ErrStSet,ReportStr);
442 }
444 // rti function interface
445 void HioStatePartition(HioPlant& rHioPlant) {
446  IsHioPlantForm(rHioPlant);
447 }
449 } // end namespace
#define FD_DF(message)
Debug: optional report on user functions.
Set of indices.
Definition: cfl_indexset.h:78
Idx Insert(void)
Insert new index to set.
Set of indices with symbolic names.
Definition: cfl_nameset.h:69
bool IsUp(Idx index) const
Is event Up-event(by index)
Definition: hio_plant.h:1095
void SetQYpYe(Idx index)
Mark state as QYpYe-state (by index)
Definition: hio_plant.h:1317
EventSet EEvents(void) const
Get EventSet with E-events.
Definition: hio_plant.h:1300
bool IsUe(Idx index) const
Is event Ue-event (by index)
Definition: hio_plant.h:1229
bool IsY(Idx index) const
Is event Y-event? (by index)
Definition: hio_plant.h:949
void SetQUe(Idx index)
Mark state as QUe-state (by index)
Definition: hio_plant.h:1480
EventSet UeEvents(void) const
Get EventSet with Ue-events.
Definition: hio_plant.h:1252
EventSet UpEvents(void) const
Get EventSet with Up-events.
Definition: hio_plant.h:1118
bool IsYp(Idx index) const
Is event Yp-event(by index)
Definition: hio_plant.h:1083
EventSet PEvents(void) const
Get EventSet with P-events.
Definition: hio_plant.h:1289
void SetQUp(Idx index)
Mark state as QUp-state (by index)
Definition: hio_plant.h:1398
EventSet YpEvents(void) const
Get EventSet with Yp-events.
Definition: hio_plant.h:1107
EventSet YeEvents(void) const
Get EventSet with Ye-events.
Definition: hio_plant.h:1241
bool Insert(const Transition &rTransition)
Add a Transition.
TBaseSet< Transition, TransSort::X1EvX2 >::Iterator Iterator
Iterator on transition.
Definition: cfl_transset.h:273
const TaEventSet< EventAttr > & Alphabet(void) const
Return const reference to alphabet.
std::string ToString(const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const
Write configuration data to a string.
Definition: cfl_types.cpp:169
EventSet ActiveEventSet(Idx x1) const
Return active event set at state x1.
const StateSet & InitStates(void) const
Const ref to initial states.
TransSet::Iterator TransRelBegin(void) const
Iterator to Begin() of transition relation.
bool Accessible(void)
Make generator accessible.
bool IsAccessible(void) const
Check if generator is accessible.
StateSet AccessibleSet(void) const
Compute set of accessible states.
void Name(const std::string &rName)
Set the generator's name.
TransSet::Iterator TransRelEnd(void) const
Iterator to End() of transition relation.
bool IsDeterministic(void) const
Check if generator is deterministic.
bool Empty(void) const
Test whether if the TBaseSet is Empty.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1833
bool Exists(const T &rElem) const
Test existence of element.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:2124
virtual void Clear(void)
Clear all set.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1911
Iterator End(void) const
Iterator to the end of set.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1905
virtual void InsertSet(const TBaseSet &rOtherSet)
Insert elements given by rOtherSet.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1996
Iterator Begin(void) const
Iterator to the begin of set.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1900
const std::string & Name(void) const
Return name of TBaseSet.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1764
Idx Size(void) const
Get Size of TBaseSet.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1828
Generator with I/O-plant attributes.
libFAUDES resides within the namespace faudes.
void HioStatePartition(HioConstraint &rHioConstraint)
Function definition for run-time interface.
bool IsHioPlantForm(HioPlant &rHioPlant, StateSet &rQYpYe, StateSet &rQUp, StateSet &rQUe, EventSet &rErrEvSet, TransSet &rErrTrSet, StateSet &rErrStSet, std::string &rReportStr)
IsHioPlantForm: check if rHioPlant is in I/O-plant form and assign state attributes.
Definition: hio_plant.cpp:16

libFAUDES 2.32f --- 2024.12.22 --- c++ api documentaion by doxygen