| TaNameSet (void) |
| Constructor for NameSet referring to the static SymbolTable. More...
| TaNameSet (const TaNameSet &rOtherSet) |
| Copy-constructor from other TaNameSet (incl attributes and symboltable) More...
| TaNameSet (const NameSet &rOtherSet) |
| Constructor from NameSet (sets default attributes, same symboltable) More...
| TaNameSet (const std::string &rFilename, const std::string &rLabel="") |
| Constructor from file. More...
virtual | ~TaNameSet (void) |
| Virtual destructor. More...
virtual TaNameSet & | Assign (const TBaseSet< Idx > &rSrc) |
| Relaxed assignment method (uses base class to maintain attributes) More...
TaNameSet & | operator= (const NameSet &rSrc) |
| Relaxed assignment operator (uses base class to maintain attributes) More...
virtual bool | Insert (const Idx &rIndex) |
| Add an element by index. More...
virtual bool | Insert (const Idx &rIndex, const Attr &rAttr) |
| Add an element by index incl. More...
virtual Idx | Insert (const std::string &rName) |
| Add an element by its symbolic name. More...
virtual Idx | Insert (const std::string &rName, const Attr &rAttr) |
| Add an element by its symbolic name. More...
virtual void | InsertSet (const NameSet &rOtherSet) |
| Inserts elements of rOtherSet. More...
virtual void | InsertSet (const TBaseSet< Idx > &rOtherSet) |
| Inserts all elements of rOtherSet. More...
virtual bool | Erase (const Idx &rIndex) |
| Delete element by index. More...
virtual bool | Erase (const std::string &rName) |
| Delete element by symbolic name. More...
virtual NameSet::Iterator | Erase (const Iterator &pos) |
| Delete element by iterator. More...
virtual void | EraseSet (const NameSet &rOtherSet) |
| Erase elements indicated by rOtherSet. More...
virtual void | EraseSet (const TBaseSet< Idx > &rOtherSet) |
| Erase elements specified by rOtherSet. More...
virtual void | RestrictSet (const NameSet &rOtherSet) |
| Restrict elements indicated by rOtherSet. More...
virtual void | RestrictSet (const TBaseSet< Idx > &rOtherSet) |
| Restrict to elements specified by rOtherSet. More...
virtual void | Attributes (const TBaseSet< Idx > &rOtherSet) |
| Set attributes. More...
std::string | Str (const Idx &rIndex) const |
| Return pretty printable symbolic name for index. More...
const Attr * | AttributeType (void) const |
| resolve ambiguities from attribute interface ("using" wont do the job) More...
Attr * | Attributep (const Idx &rElem) |
const Attr & | Attribute (const Idx &rElem) const |
void | Attribute (const Idx &rElem, const Attr &rAttr) |
void | Attribute (const Idx &rElem, const Type &rAttr) |
void | AttributeTry (const Idx &rElem, const Type &rAttr) |
| Attribute access. More...
| NameSet (void) |
| Constructor for NameSet referring to the static SymbolTable. More...
| NameSet (const NameSet &rOtherSet) |
| Copy-constructor from other NameSet. More...
| NameSet (const std::string &rFilename, const std::string &rLabel="") |
| Constructor from file. More...
virtual | ~NameSet (void) |
| Virtual destructor. More...
SymbolTable * | SymbolTablep (void) const |
| Get Pointer mpSymbolTable. More...
void | SymbolTablep (SymbolTable *pSymTab) |
| Set SymbolTable reference. More...
bool | Insert (const Idx &rIndex) |
| Add an element by index. More...
Idx | Insert (const std::string &rName) |
| Add an element by its symbolic name. More...
void | EraseSet (const NameSet &rOtherSet) |
| Erase elements specified by rOtherSet. More...
void | RestrictSet (const NameSet &rOtherSet) |
| Restrict to elements specified by rOtherSet. More...
void | SymbolicName (Idx index, const std::string &rName) |
| Set new name for existing index. More...
void | SymbolicName (const std::string &rName, const std::string &rNewName) |
| Set new name for existing name FAUDES_CHECKED checks if the specified name exists in NameSet. More...
std::string | SymbolicName (Idx index) const |
| Name lookup. More...
Idx | Index (const std::string &rName) const |
| Index lookup. More...
bool | Exists (const Idx &rIndex) const |
| Test existence of index. More...
bool | Exists (const std::string &rName) const |
| Test existence of name. More...
NameSet::Iterator | Find (const Idx &rIndex) const |
| Find iterator for index. More...
NameSet::Iterator | Find (const std::string &rName) const |
| Find iterator for name. More...
NameSet | operator+ (const NameSet &rOtherSet) const |
| Set union operator. More...
NameSet | operator- (const NameSet &rOtherSet) const |
| Set difference operator. More...
NameSet | operator* (const NameSet &rOtherSet) const |
| Set intersection operator. More...
bool | operator<= (const NameSet &rOtherSet) const |
| Test for subset
bool | operator>= (const NameSet &rOtherSet) const |
| Test for superset. More...
std::string | Str (const Idx &rIndex) const |
| Return pretty printable symbolic name for index. More...
| TBaseSet (void) |
| Constructor. More...
| TBaseSet (const TBaseSet &rOtherSet) |
| Copy-constructor. More...
| TBaseSet (const std::string &rFilename, const std::string &rLabel="BaseSet") |
| Constructor from file. More...
virtual | ~TBaseSet (void) |
| Virtual destructor. More...
const std::string & | Name (void) const |
| Return name of TBaseSet. More...
void | Name (const std::string &rName) |
| Set name of TBaseSet. More...
virtual void | Clear (void) |
| Clear all set. More...
Idx | Size (void) const |
| Get Size of TBaseSet. More...
bool | Empty (void) const |
| Test whether if the TBaseSet is Empty. More...
virtual std::string | Str (const Idx &rElem) const |
| Return pretty printable element. More...
Iterator | Begin (void) const |
| Iterator to the begin of set. More...
Iterator | End (void) const |
| Iterator to the end of set. More...
virtual bool | Valid (const Idx &rElem) const |
| Test validty of candidate element. More...
virtual bool | Erase (const Idx &rElem) |
| Erase element by reference. More...
virtual Iterator | Erase (const Iterator &pos) |
| Erase element by iterator. More...
virtual void | EraseSet (const TBaseSet &rOtherSet) |
| Erase elements given by other set. More...
virtual void | RestrictSet (const TBaseSet &rOtherSet) |
| Restrict elements given by other set. More...
virtual bool | Disjoint (const TBaseSet &rOtherSet) const |
| Test for this set to be disjoint witg other set. More...
virtual bool | Insert (const Idx &rElem) |
| Insert specified element. More...
virtual Iterator | Inject (const Iterator &pos, const Idx &rElem) |
| Insert specified element. More...
virtual void | Inject (const Idx &rElem) |
| Insert specified element. More...
virtual void | InsertSet (const TBaseSet &rOtherSet) |
| Insert elements given by rOtherSet. More...
bool | Exists (const Idx &rElem) const |
| Test existence of element. More...
Iterator | Find (const Idx &rElem) const |
| Find element and return iterator. More...
TBaseSet | operator+ (const TBaseSet &rOtherSet) const |
| Set union operator. More...
TBaseSet | operator- (const TBaseSet &rOtherSet) const |
| Set difference operator. More...
TBaseSet | operator* (const TBaseSet &rOtherSet) const |
| Set intersection operator. More...
bool | operator<= (const TBaseSet &rOtherSet) const |
| Test for subset
bool | operator>= (const TBaseSet &rOtherSet) const |
| Test for superset. More...
bool | operator< (const TBaseSet &rOtherSet) const |
| Order for sorting containers of TBaseSet. More...
void | DValid (const std::string &rMessage="") const |
| Some validation of deferred copy mechanism (provoke abort) More...
void | Detach (DetachMode flag=AttrIncl) const |
void | Lock (void) const |
| Detach and lock any further reallocation. More...
virtual bool | AttributeTest (const Type &rAttr) const |
| Attribute typeinfo. More...
virtual TBaseSet & | AssignWithoutAttributes (const TBaseSet &rSourceSet) |
| Attribute access. More...
virtual void | Attributes (const TBaseSet &rOtherSet) |
| Attributes access. More...
Idx | AttributesSize (void) const |
| Attribute access. More...
void | ClearAttributes (void) |
| Attribute access. More...
bool | EqualAttributes (const TBaseSet &rOtherSet) const |
| Attribute access. More...
virtual AttributeVoid * | Attributep (const Idx &rElem) |
| Attribute access. More...
virtual const AttributeVoid & | Attribute (const Idx &rElem) const |
| Attribute access. More...
virtual void | Attribute (const Idx &rElem, const Type &rAttr) |
| Attribute access. More...
virtual void | ClrAttribute (const Idx &rElem) |
| Attribute access. More...
virtual void | XElementTag (const std::string &rTag) |
| Configure the element name tag. More...
virtual const std::string & | TypeName (void) const |
| Get objects's type name. More...
virtual void | TypeName (const std::string &rType) |
| Overwrite faudes-type name. More...
Type & | operator= (const Type &rSrc) |
| Assign configurationdata from other object. More...
bool | operator== (const Type &rOther) const |
| Test equality of configuration data. More...
bool | operator!= (const Type &rOther) const |
| Test equality of configuration data. More...
| Type (void) |
| Constructor. More...
| Type (const Type &rType) |
| Copy constructor. More...
virtual | ~Type (void) |
| Destructor. More...
virtual Type * | New (void) const |
| Construct on heap. More...
virtual Type * | Copy (void) const |
| Construct on heap. More...
virtual const Type * | Cast (const Type *pOther) const |
| Cast other object to this type. More...
virtual Type & | Assign (const Type &rSrc) |
| Assign configuration data from other object. More...
Type & | operator= (const Type &rSrc) |
| Assign configurationdata from other object. More...
virtual bool | Equal (const Type &rOther) const |
| Test equality of configuration data. More...
bool | operator== (const Type &rOther) const |
| Test equality of configuration data. More...
bool | operator!= (const Type &rOther) const |
| Test equality of configuration data. More...
void | Write (const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write configuration data to console. More...
void | Write (const std::string &pFileName, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0, std::ios::openmode openmode=std::ios::out|std::ios::trunc) const |
| Write configuration data to a file. More...
void | Write (const std::string &pFileName, std::ios::openmode openmode) const |
| Write configuration data to a file. More...
void | Write (TokenWriter &rTw, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write configuration data to TokenWriter. More...
virtual void | XWrite (const std::string &pFileName, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write configuration data to an XML file. More...
void | XWrite (const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write configuration data in XML format to concole Note: this write function uses the virtual function DoXWrite(), to be reimplemented by derived classes. More...
void | XWrite (TokenWriter &rTw, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write configuration data in XML format to TokenWriter. More...
std::string | ToString (const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write configuration data to a string. More...
std::string | ToText (const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write configuration data to a formated string. More...
void | DWrite (const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write configuration data to console, debugging format. More...
void | DWrite (const std::string &pFileName, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0, std::ios::openmode openmode=std::ios::out|std::ios::trunc) const |
| Write configuration data to a file, debugging format. More...
void | DWrite (TokenWriter &rTw, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write configuration data in debug format to TokenWriter. More...
void | SWrite (TokenWriter &rTw) const |
| Write statistics comment to TokenWriter. More...
void | SWrite (void) const |
| Write statistics comment to console. More...
std::string | ToSText (void) const |
| Write statistics to a string. More...
void | Read (const std::string &rFileName, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) |
| Read configuration data from file with label specified. More...
void | FromString (const std::string &rString, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) |
| Read configuration data from a string. More...
void | Read (TokenReader &rTr, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) |
| Read configuration data from TokenReader with label sepcified. More...
| TAttrMap (TBaseSet< Idx, std::less< Idx > > *pBaseSetRef) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~TAttrMap (void) |
| Virtual destructor. More...
void | AssignWithAttributes (const TBaseSet< Idx, std::less< Idx > > &rSourceSet) |
| Copy from a TBaseSet to the associated TBaseSet, with attributes, provided that they can be casted accordingly. More...
const Attr * | AttributeType (void) const |
| Attribute typeinfo. More...
Attr * | Attributep (const Idx &rElem) |
| Get attribute reference by element. More...
const Attr & | Attribute (const Idx &rElem) const |
| Get attribute by element. More...
void | Attribute (const Idx &rElem, const Type &attr) |
| Set attribute. More...
void | Attribute (const Idx &rElem, const Attr &attr) |
| Set attribute. More...
void | AttributeTry (const Idx &rElem, const Type &attr) |
| Set attribute. More...
bool | Insert (const Idx &rElem) |
| Insert element. More...
bool | Insert (const Idx &rElem, const Attr &attr) |
| Insert element with attribute. More...
void | InsertSet (const TBaseSet< Idx, std::less< Idx > > &rOtherSet) |
| Inserts elements from rOtherSet. More...
bool | Erase (const Idx &rElem) |
| Erase Element (incl its attribute) More...
TBaseSet< Idx, std::less< Idx > >::Iterator | Erase (const typename TBaseSet< Idx, std::less< Idx > >::Iterator &pos) |
| Erase element by iterator (incl attribute) More...
void | EraseSet (const TBaseSet< Idx, std::less< Idx > > &rOtherSet) |
| Erase elements given by other set. More...
void | RestrictSet (const TBaseSet< Idx, std::less< Idx > > &rOtherSet) |
| Restrict to specified subset. More...