
Detailed Description

This module collects all tutorials.

The tutorials are seen as a pragmatic introduction to supplement the doxygen generated html documentaion of class and function definitions. Plug-Ins are meant to contribute additional tutorials to illustrate their intended usage.

To compile the tutorials call make with target "tutorial" in the "libfaudes" directory of the source tree:

$ make tutorial


file  1_generator.cpp
 Tutorial, Generator methods.
file  2_containers.cpp
 Tutorial, container classes.
file  3_functions.cpp
 Tutorial, operations on genarators.
file  4_cgenerator.cpp
 Tutorial, generator with controllability attributes.
file  5_attributes.cpp
 Tutorial, attributes.
file  6_algorithm.cpp
 Tutorial, implementing generator algorithms.
file  7_interface.cpp
 Tutorial, runtime interface.
file  syn_1_simple.cpp
 Tutorial, std monolitic synthesis.
file  syn_2_omega.cpp
 Synthesis for omega languages.
file  syn_3_reduction.cpp
 Tutorial, std monolitic synthesis.
file  syn_6_compsynth.cpp
 Test case and demo for compositional synthesis algorithm:
file  syn_7_compsynth.cpp
 Test case for compositional synthesis algorithm: Abfuellanlage.
file  op_ex_bisim.cpp
 Tutorial, computation of the coarsest quasi-congruence.
file  op_ex_mc.cpp
 Tutorial to demonstarte the verification of mutual controllability.
file  op_ex_synthesis.cpp
 Tutorial, synthesis of natural projections with certain properties.
file  op_ex_verification.cpp
 Tutorial, verification of properties of natural projections.
file  syn_1_simple.cpp
 Tutorial, std monolitic synthesis.
file  diag_1_eventdiagnosis.cpp
 Demonstrate diagnoser structure and methods for std event diagnosability.
file  diag_2_languagediagnosis.cpp
 Illustrate diagnosability with respect to a specification language.
file  diag_3_modulardiagnosis.cpp
 Illustrate modular diagnosability test and synthesis.
file  diag_4_decentralizeddiagnosis.cpp
 Illustrate decentralized diagnosability test and synthesis.
file  hio_1_introduction.cpp
 Tutorial, simple i/o-based controller synthesis.
file  hio_2_hiogenerators.cpp
 Tutorial, i/o system generator classes.
file  hio_3_hiofunctions.cpp
 Tutorial, functions provided by hiosys plugin.
file  hio_4_transport_unit.cpp
 Tutorial, transport chain example for hiosys plugin.
file  hio_5_conveyor_belts.cpp
 Tutorial, conveyor belt chain example for hiosys plugin.
file  ios_1_system.cpp

file  ios_2_synthesis.cpp

file  mtc_1_generators.cpp
 Tutorial, MtcSystem methods.
file  mtc_2_functions.cpp
 Tutorial, MtcSystem functions eg parallel, project etc.
file  mtc_3_observer.cpp
 Tutorial, MtcSystem observer computation.
file  con_1_simple.cpp
 Tutorial, coordination control.
file  con_2_simple.cpp
 Tutorial, coordination control for prefix-closed languages.
file  tp_1_tgenerator.cpp

file  tp_2_constraints.cpp
 Tutorial, class faudes::TimeConstraint.
file  tp_3_parallel.cpp
 Tutorial, timed parallel composition.
file  exefaudes.cpp
 Example application for executor class

file  simfaudes.cpp
 Simple simulator application for faudes generators

file  iobridge.cpp
 Test utility for IO devices.
file  iomonitor.cpp
 Test utility for IO devices.
file  lbp_1_extension.cpp
 Registering a lua script with the libFAUDES run-time interface.
file  luafaudes.cpp
 Simple Lua stand-alone interpreter for lua/faudes.
file  hyb_1_hautomata.cpp

file  hyb_2_reachability.cpp

file  hyb_5_controlB.cpp

file  hyb_6_robotex.cpp

file  pex_tutorial.cpp


libFAUDES 2.32f --- 2024.12.22 --- c++ api documentaion by doxygen