Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /** @file cfl_graphfncts.cpp Operations on (directed) graphs. */
3 /* FAU Discrete Event Systems Library (libfaudes)
5  Copyright (C) 2009 Thomas Moor, Klaus Schmidt, Sebastian Perk
6  Exclusive copyright is granted to Klaus Schmidt
8  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  Lesser General Public License for more details.
18  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
23 #include "cfl_graphfncts.h"
26 namespace faudes {
28 /*
29 **********************************************************************
30 **********************************************************************
31 **********************************************************************
33 Search for strongly connected ycless components (SCC)
35 **********************************************************************
36 **********************************************************************
37 **********************************************************************
38 */
40 // Filter class for SCC search: statics
44 // Filter class for SCC search: destructor
46  if(mpStatesAvoid) delete mpStatesAvoid;
48  if(mpEventsAvoid) delete mpEventsAvoid;
49 }
51 // Filter class for SCC search: constructors
53  mMode(0x00),
54  pStatesAvoid(&msEmptyStates),
55  pStatesRequire(&msEmptyStates),
56  pEventsAvoid(&msEmptyEvents),
57  mpStatesAvoid(0),
58  mpStatesRequire(0),
59  mpEventsAvoid(0)
60 {}
63 // Filter class for SCC search: constructors
65  mMode(rSrc.mMode),
66  pStatesAvoid(rSrc.pStatesAvoid),
67  pStatesRequire(rSrc.pStatesRequire),
68  pEventsAvoid(rSrc.pEventsAvoid),
69  mpStatesAvoid(0),
70  mpStatesRequire(0),
71  mpEventsAvoid(0)
72 {}
75 // Filter class for SCC search: constructors
76 SccFilter::SccFilter(int mode, const EventSet& rEventsAvoid) :
77  mMode(mode),
78  pStatesAvoid(&msEmptyStates),
79  pStatesRequire(&msEmptyStates),
80  pEventsAvoid(&msEmptyEvents),
81  mpStatesAvoid(0),
82  mpStatesRequire(0),
83  mpEventsAvoid(0)
84 {
85  // no special states
87  // use events for avoid
89  // record
90  pEventsAvoid=&rEventsAvoid;
91 }
94 // Filter class for SCC search: constructors
95 SccFilter::SccFilter(int mode, const StateSet& rStatesAvoidRequire) :
96  mMode(mode),
97  pStatesAvoid(&msEmptyStates),
98  pStatesRequire(&msEmptyStates),
99  pEventsAvoid(&msEmptyEvents),
100  mpStatesAvoid(0),
101  mpStatesRequire(0),
102  mpEventsAvoid(0)
103 {
104  // no special events
105  mMode &= ~FmEventsAvoid;
106  // use states for require
107  if(mMode & FmStatesRequire)
108  pStatesRequire=&rStatesAvoidRequire;
109  // use states for avoid
110  if(mMode & FmStatesAvoid)
111  pStatesAvoid=&rStatesAvoidRequire;
112 }
114 // Filter class for SCC search: constructors
115 SccFilter::SccFilter(int mode, const StateSet& rStatesAvoid, const StateSet& rStatesRequire):
116  mMode(mode),
117  pStatesAvoid(&msEmptyStates),
118  pStatesRequire(&msEmptyStates),
119  pEventsAvoid(&msEmptyEvents),
120  mpStatesAvoid(0),
121  mpStatesRequire(0),
122  mpEventsAvoid(0)
123 {
124  // no special events
125  mMode &= ~FmEventsAvoid;
126  // but special states
128  mMode |= FmStatesAvoid;
129  // set internal pointers
130  pStatesAvoid=&rStatesAvoid;
131  pStatesRequire=&rStatesRequire;
132 }
135 // Filter class for SCC search: constructors
136 SccFilter::SccFilter(int mode, const Generator& rGen) :
137  mMode(mode),
138  pStatesAvoid(&msEmptyStates),
139  pStatesRequire(&msEmptyStates),
140  pEventsAvoid(&msEmptyEvents),
141  mpStatesAvoid(0),
142  mpStatesRequire(0),
143  mpEventsAvoid(0)
144 {
145  // sets all empty by default
147  // ignore livelocks ==> require at least one marked state
148  if(mode & FmIgnoreLiveLocks) {
151  }
152  // livelocks only ==> avoid marked states
153  if(mode & FmLiveLocksOnly) {
154  pStatesAvoid=&rGen.MarkedStates();
155  mMode |= FmStatesAvoid;
156  }
157  // accessible only ==> deal with this in api wrappers
158  if(mode & FmIgnoreUnaccessible) {
159  (void) mode;
160  }
161 }
164 // Filter class for SCC search: clear
165 void SccFilter::Clear(void) {
166  if(mpStatesAvoid) delete mpStatesAvoid;
167  if(mpStatesRequire) delete mpStatesRequire;
168  if(mpEventsAvoid) delete mpEventsAvoid;
169  mpStatesAvoid=0;
170  mpStatesRequire=0;
171  mpEventsAvoid=0;
172  mMode=0x00;
176 }
178 // Filter class for SCC search: edit
179 void SccFilter::StatesAvoid(const StateSet& rStatesAvoid) {
180  if(mpStatesAvoid) delete mpStatesAvoid;
181  mpStatesAvoid=0;
182  mMode |= FmStatesAvoid;
183  pStatesAvoid=&rStatesAvoid;
184 }
186 // Filter class for SCC search: edit
187 void SccFilter::StatesRequire(const StateSet& rStatesRequire) {
188  if(mpStatesRequire) delete mpStatesRequire;
189  mpStatesRequire=0;
191  pStatesRequire=&rStatesRequire;
192 }
194 // Filter class for SCC search: edit
195 void SccFilter::MergeStatesAvoid(const StateSet& rStatesAvoid) {
197  mpStatesAvoid->InsertSet(rStatesAvoid);
198  mpStatesAvoid->Name("StatesAvoid");
200 }
202 // Filter class for SCC search: edit
203 void SccFilter::EventsAvoid(const EventSet& rEventsAvoid) {
204  if(mpEventsAvoid) delete mpEventsAvoid;
205  mpEventsAvoid=0;
206  mMode |= FmEventsAvoid;
207  pEventsAvoid=&rEventsAvoid;
208 }
210 // Filter class for SCC search: edit
211 void SccFilter::IgnoreTrivial(bool flag) {
213  if(flag) mMode |= FmIgnoreTrivial;
214 }
216 // Filter class for SCC search: edit
217 void SccFilter::FindFirst(bool flag) {
218  mMode &= ~FmFindFirst;
219  if(flag) mMode |= FmFindFirst;
220 }
225 // Recursive function to search for SCCs.
226 // The algorithm is a variation of the one prsented in
227 // -- Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman: The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms
229  const Idx vState, // Current state under investigation
230  int& vRcount, // Depth count of recursion
231  const Generator& rGen, // Graph to inspect
232  const SccFilter& rFilter, // Filter to ignore transitions with specified events
233  StateSet& rTodo, // States not dealt with so far
234  std::stack<Idx>& rStack, // Stack of currently considered states
235  StateSet& rStackStates, // Stack contents as set
236  std::map<const Idx, int>& rDfn, // Map assigning to each state its depth-first count
237  std::map<const Idx, int>& rLowLnk, // Map assigning to each state its LOWLINK Number
238  std::list<StateSet>& rSccList, // Record result: list of SCCs
239  StateSet& rRoots) // Record result: one state per SCC
240 {
241  FD_DF("SerchScc: -- recursive search from state "<< vState << " at level " << vRcount << " --");
242  // local variables (expensive for recursion)
243  TransSet::Iterator tit;
244  Idx ls;
245  bool fl;
246  // Take current state from todo list
247  rTodo.Erase(vState);
248  // Ignore filter: avoid states
249  if(rFilter.mMode & SccFilter::FmStatesAvoid)
250  if(rFilter.pStatesAvoid->Exists(vState)) return;
251  // Ignore filter: break recursion on find first
252  if(rFilter.mMode & SccFilter::FmFindFirst)
253  if(!rSccList.empty()) return;
254  // Record depth-first level for current state and initialise low-link level
255  rDfn[vState]=vRcount;
256  rLowLnk[vState]=vRcount;
257  // Increment depth-first level
258  vRcount++;
259  // Push state on stack;
260  rStack.push(vState);
261  rStackStates.Insert(vState);
262  /*
263  std::list<Idx>::iterator vsit = --rStack.end();
264  */
265  // Investigate successor states "L[state]"
266  tit=rGen.TransRelBegin(vState);
267  for(; tit != rGen.TransRelEnd(); ++tit) {
268  if(tit->X1!=vState) break;
269  // Sucessor to investigate
270  ls=tit->X2;
271  // Ignore avoid: avoid states
272  if(rFilter.mMode & SccFilter::FmStatesAvoid)
273  if(rFilter.pStatesAvoid->Exists(ls)) continue;
274  // Ignore filter: avoid events
275  if(rFilter.mMode & SccFilter::FmEventsAvoid)
276  if(rFilter.pEventsAvoid->Exists(tit->Ev)) continue;
277  // Successors that are on the todo list get ...
278  if(rTodo.Exists(ls)) {
279  // ... searched recursively, and ...
280  SearchScc(ls, vRcount, rGen, rFilter, rTodo, rStack, rStackStates, rDfn, rLowLnk, rSccList, rRoots);
281  // ... the current low-link gets updated to the new minimum.
282  if(rLowLnk[ls]<rLowLnk[vState]) rLowLnk[vState]=rLowLnk[ls];
283  }
284  // Successors that are not on the todo list ...
285  else {
286  // ... if they have a lower deph-first level ...
287  if(rDfn[ls]<rDfn[vState])
288  // ... and if they are on the stack at all ...
289  if(rStackStates.Exists(ls))
290  // ... set the current low-link to the new minimum
291  if(rDfn[ls]<rLowLnk[vState]) rLowLnk[vState]=rDfn[ls];
292  }
293  }//end for: iterate successors
295  // If the current state is the root of a SCC, record the result
296  if(rLowLnk[vState]==rDfn[vState]) {
297  // Retrieve SCC from stack
298  FD_DF("SearchScc: retrieving SCC from stack, root " << vState);
299  rSccList.push_back(StateSet());
300  rRoots.Insert(vState);
301  do {
302  // Pop top of stack
304  rStackStates.Erase(ls);
305  rStack.pop();
306  // Record
307  rSccList.back().Insert(ls);
308  } while(ls!=vState);
309  // Invalidate for missed requirements
310  fl=false;
311  // .. required states.
312  if(rFilter.mMode & SccFilter::FmStatesRequire)
313  if(((*rFilter.pStatesRequire) * rSccList.back()).Empty())
314  fl=true;
315  // .. ignore trivial (singleton without relevant selfloop)
316  if(rFilter.mMode & SccFilter::FmIgnoreTrivial) {
317  if((!fl) && (rSccList.back().Size()==1)) {
318  fl=true;
319  tit = rGen.TransRelBegin(vState);
320  for(; tit != rGen.TransRelEnd(); ++tit) {
321  if(tit->X1!=vState) break;
322  // no self loop
323  if(tit->X2!=vState) continue;
324  // avoid event self loop does not qualify
325  if(rFilter.mMode & SccFilter::FmEventsAvoid)
326  if(rFilter.pEventsAvoid->Exists(tit->Ev))
327  continue;
328  // found relevant selfloop
329  fl=false;
330  break;
331  }
332  }
333  }
334  // Invalidate result
335  if(fl) {
337  FD_DF("SearchScc: invalidate scc for filter condition");
338 #endif
339  rSccList.pop_back();
340  rRoots.Erase(vState);
341  }
342  }
343 }
346 // ComputeScc(Generator, SccList, Roots)
348  const Generator& rGen,
349  const SccFilter& rFilter,
350  std::list<StateSet>& rSccList,
351  StateSet& rRoots)
352 {
353  FD_DF("CompteScc(" << rGen.Name() << ")");
355  // inititalize results:
356  rRoots.Clear();
357  rSccList.clear();
359  // initialize counter for depthfirstnumbers(DFN):
360  int count=1;
362  // provide local variables
363  std::stack<Idx> stack;
364  StateSet stackstates;
365  StateSet todostates;
366  std::map<const Idx, int> dfn;
367  std::map<const Idx, int> lowlnk;
369  // initialise todo list
370  if(rFilter.Mode() & SccFilter::FmIgnoreUnaccessible)
371  todostates=rGen.AccessibleSet();
372  else
373  todostates=rGen.States();
374  if(rFilter.Mode() & SccFilter::FmStatesAvoid)
375  todostates = todostates - rFilter.StatesAvoid();
377  // each recursion level keeps transition iterators
378  rGen.TransRel().Lock();
380  // start recursive depth-first search for Scc's:
381  while(!todostates.Empty()) {
382  SearchScc(*todostates.Begin(), count, rGen, rFilter, todostates, stack, stackstates,
383  dfn, lowlnk,rSccList, rRoots);
384  }
386  // done
387  return !rSccList.empty();
388 }
390 // ComputeScc(Generator, SccList, Roots)
392  const Generator& rGen,
393  std::list<StateSet>& rSccList,
394  StateSet& rRoots)
395 {
396  FD_DF("CompteScc(" << rGen.Name() << ") [std]");
398  // dummy
399  const static SccFilter msFilter = SccFilter();
401  // doit
402  return ComputeScc(rGen,msFilter,rSccList,rRoots);
403 }
406 // ComputeScc(Generator, Filter, q0, Scc)
408  const Generator& rGen,
409  const SccFilter& rFilter,
410  Idx q0,
411  StateSet& rScc)
412 {
413  FD_DF("ComputeScc(" << rGen.Name() << ")");
415  // inititalize result
416  rScc.Clear();
418  // initialize counter for depthfirstnumbers:
419  int count=1;
421  // provide local variables
422  std::stack<Idx> stack;
423  StateSet stackstates;
424  StateSet todostates;
425  std::map<const Idx, int> dfn;
426  std::map<const Idx, int> lowlnk;
427  std::list<StateSet> scclist;
428  StateSet roots;
430  // initialise todo list
431  if(rFilter.Mode() & SccFilter::FmIgnoreUnaccessible)
432  todostates=rGen.AccessibleSet();
433  else
434  todostates=rGen.States();
435  if(rFilter.Mode() & SccFilter::FmStatesAvoid)
436  todostates = todostates - rFilter.StatesAvoid();
438  // copy and edit the filter
439  SccFilter filter(rFilter);
440  filter.FindFirst(true);
441  StateSet reqstate;
442  reqstate.Insert(q0);
443  filter.StatesRequire(reqstate);
445  // each recursion level keeps transition iterators
446  rGen.TransRel().Lock();
448  // start recursive depth-first search for Scc's:
449  while(!todostates.Empty()) {
450  SearchScc(*todostates.Begin(), count, rGen, filter, todostates, stack, stackstates,
451  dfn, lowlnk, scclist, roots);
452  }
454  // copy (!) result
455  if(!scclist.empty()) rScc=*scclist.begin();
457  // done
458  return !rScc.Empty();
459 }
462 // ComputeScc(Generator, Filter, Scc)
464  const Generator& rGen,
465  const SccFilter& rFilter,
466  StateSet& rScc)
467 {
468  FD_DF("ComputeScc(" << rGen.Name() << ")");
470  // inititalize result
471  rScc.Clear();
473  // initialize counter for depthfirstnumbers:
474  int count=1;
476  // provide local variables
477  std::stack<Idx> stack;
478  StateSet stackstates;
479  StateSet todostates;
480  std::map<const Idx, int> dfn;
481  std::map<const Idx, int> lowlnk;
482  std::list<StateSet> scclist;
483  StateSet roots;
485  // initialise todo list
486  if(rFilter.Mode() & SccFilter::FmIgnoreUnaccessible)
487  todostates=rGen.AccessibleSet();
488  else
489  todostates=rGen.States();
490  if(rFilter.Mode() & SccFilter::FmStatesAvoid)
491  todostates = todostates - rFilter.StatesAvoid();
493  // copy and edit the filter
494  SccFilter filter(rFilter);
495  filter.FindFirst(true);
497  // each recursion level keeps transition iterators
498  rGen.TransRel().Lock();
500  // start recursive depth-first search for Scc's:
501  while(!todostates.Empty()) {
502  SearchScc(*todostates.Begin(), count, rGen, filter, todostates, stack, stackstates,
503  dfn, lowlnk, scclist, roots);
504  }
506  // copy (!) result
507  if(!scclist.empty()) rScc=*scclist.begin();
509  // done
510  return !rScc.Empty();
511 }
513 // HasScc(Generator, Filter)
514 bool HasScc(
515  const Generator& rGen,
516  const SccFilter& rFilter)
517 {
518  FD_DF("HasScc(" << rGen.Name() << ") [boolean only]");
520  // initialize counter for depthfirstnumbers:
521  int count=1;
523  // provide local variables
524  std::stack<Idx> stack;
525  StateSet stackstates;
526  StateSet todostates;
527  std::map<const Idx, int> dfn;
528  std::map<const Idx, int> lowlnk;
529  std::list<StateSet> scclist;
530  StateSet roots;
532  // initialise todo list
533  if(rFilter.Mode() & SccFilter::FmIgnoreUnaccessible)
534  todostates=rGen.AccessibleSet();
535  else
536  todostates=rGen.States();
537  if(rFilter.Mode() & SccFilter::FmStatesAvoid)
538  todostates = todostates - rFilter.StatesAvoid();
540  // copy and edit the filter
541  SccFilter filter(rFilter);
542  filter.FindFirst(true);
544  // each recursion level keeps transition iterators
545  rGen.TransRel().Lock();
547  // start recursive depth-first search for Scc's:
548  while(!todostates.Empty()) {
549  SearchScc(*todostates.Begin(), count, rGen, filter, todostates, stack, stackstates,
550  dfn, lowlnk, scclist, roots);
551  }
553  // done
554  return !scclist.empty();
556 }
559 // RTI wrapper
561  const Generator& rGen,
562  SccFilter& rFilter,
563  StateSet& rScc
564 ) {
565  // find first
566  rFilter.FindFirst(true);
567  bool res = ComputeScc(rGen,rFilter,rScc);
568  // fix filter
569  if(res) rFilter.MergeStatesAvoid(rScc);
570  rFilter.FindFirst(false);
571  // done
572  return res;
573 }
577 /*
579 // WriteStateSets(rStateSets)
580 // Write set of StateSet's to console.
581 void WriteStateSets(
582  const std::set<StateSet>& rStateSets)
583 {
584  FD_DF("WriteStateSets()");
585  std::cout<<std::endl;
586  if(rStateSets.empty()) {
587  std::cout<<"WriteStateSets: Set of state sets is empty."<<std::endl;
588  FD_DF("WriteStateSets: Set of state sets is empty.");
589  return;
590  }
591  std::cout<<">WriteStateSets: Set of state sets begin:"<< std::endl;
592  std::set<StateSet>::iterator StateSetit = rStateSets.begin();
593  std::set<StateSet>::iterator StateSetit_end = rStateSets.end();
594  for (; StateSetit != StateSetit_end; ++StateSetit) {
595  std::cout<<std::endl<<" >> State set begin:"<< std::endl;
596  StateSet::Iterator sit = StateSetit->Begin();
597  StateSet::Iterator sit_end = StateSetit->End();
598  for (; sit != sit_end; ++sit) {
599  std::cout<<" >> "<<*sit<<std::endl;
600  }
601  std::cout<<" >> State set end."<< std::endl;
602  }
603  std::cout<<std::endl<<">WriteStateSets: Set of state sets end."<<std::endl;
604 }
606 // WriteStateSets(rGen,rStateSets)
607 // Write set of StateSet's to console.
608 // Use rGen for symbolic state names
609 void WriteStateSets(
610  const Generator& rGen,
611  const std::set<StateSet>& rStateSets)
612 {
613  FD_DF("WriteStateSets()");
614  std::cout<<std::endl;
615  if(rStateSets.empty()) {
616  std::cout<<"WriteStateSets: Set of state sets is empty."<<std::endl;
617  FD_DF("WriteStateSets: Set of state sets is empty.");
618  return;
619  }
620  std::cout<<">WriteStateSets: Set of state sets begin:"<< std::endl;
621  std::set<StateSet>::iterator StateSetit = rStateSets.begin();
622  std::set<StateSet>::iterator StateSetit_end = rStateSets.end();
623  for (; StateSetit != StateSetit_end; ++StateSetit) {
624  std::cout<<std::endl<<" >> State set begin:"<< std::endl;
625  std::cout<<" "<<rGen.StateSetToString(*StateSetit)<<std::endl;
626  std::cout<<" >> State set end."<< std::endl;
627  }
628  std::cout<<std::endl<<">WriteStateSets: Set of state sets end."<<std::endl;
629 }
631 */
633 }//namespace faudes
#define FD_DF(message)
Debug: optional report on user functions.
Operations on (directed) graphs.
Set of indices.
Definition: cfl_indexset.h:78
Idx Insert(void)
Insert new index to set.
Set of indices with symbolic names.
Definition: cfl_nameset.h:69
bool Exists(const Idx &rIndex) const
Test existence of index.
Filter for strictly connected components (SCC) search/compute routines.
void EventsAvoid(const EventSet &rEventsAvoid)
Edit filter (RTI): set avoid events.
static const StateSet msEmptyStates
Static emptysets.
EventSet * mpEventsAvoid
const StateSet & StatesAvoid(void) const
Member access.
const StateSet & StatesRequire(void) const
Member access.
void MergeStatesAvoid(const StateSet &rStatesAvoid)
Edit filter (RTI): avoid states.
void Clear(void)
Edit filter (RTI): no filter.
int Mode(void) const
Member access.
static const EventSet msEmptyEvents
StateSet * mpStatesAvoid
Local sets (optional)
const EventSet * pEventsAvoid
Events to avoid (if flag EventssAvoid is set)
Constructor (no filter)
int mMode
Flag, combining bit masks from Mode.
const StateSet * pStatesAvoid
States to avoid (if flag StatesAvoid is set)
const StateSet * pStatesRequire
States to require (if flag StatesRequire is set)
StateSet * mpStatesRequire
void IgnoreTrivial(bool flag)
Edit filter (RTI): ignore trivial.
void FindFirst(bool flag)
Edit filter (RTI): find first.
TBaseSet< Transition, TransSort::X1EvX2 >::Iterator Iterator
Iterator on transition.
Definition: cfl_transset.h:273
Base class of all FAUDES generators.
const TransSet & TransRel(void) const
Return reference to transition relation.
const StateSet & MarkedStates(void) const
Return const ref of marked states.
TransSet::Iterator TransRelBegin(void) const
Iterator to Begin() of transition relation.
StateSet AccessibleSet(void) const
Compute set of accessible states.
void Name(const std::string &rName)
Set the generator's name.
TransSet::Iterator TransRelEnd(void) const
Iterator to End() of transition relation.
const StateSet & States(void) const
Return reference to state set.
void Lock(void) const
Detach and lock any further reallocation.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1471
bool Empty(void) const
Test whether if the TBaseSet is Empty.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1833
bool Exists(const T &rElem) const
Test existence of element.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:2124
IndexSet StateSet
Definition: cfl_indexset.h:273
virtual void Clear(void)
Clear all set.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1911
virtual void InsertSet(const TBaseSet &rOtherSet)
Insert elements given by rOtherSet.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1996
Iterator Begin(void) const
Iterator to the begin of set.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1900
NameSet EventSet
Convenience typedef for plain event sets.
Definition: cfl_nameset.h:533
virtual bool Erase(const T &rElem)
Erase element by reference.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:2028
const std::string & Name(void) const
Return name of TBaseSet.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1764
bool ComputeNextScc(const Generator &rGen, SccFilter &rFilter, StateSet &rScc)
Compute next SCC.
bool ComputeScc(const Generator &rGen, const SccFilter &rFilter, std::list< StateSet > &rSccList, StateSet &rRoots)
Compute strongly connected components (SCC)
bool HasScc(const Generator &rGen, const SccFilter &rFilter)
Test for strongly connected components (SCC)
libFAUDES resides within the namespace faudes.
uint32_t Idx
Type definition for index type (allways 32bit)
void SearchScc(const Idx vState, int &vRcount, const Generator &rGen, const SccFilter &rFilter, StateSet &rTodo, std::stack< Idx > &rStack, StateSet &rStackStates, std::map< const Idx, int > &rDfn, std::map< const Idx, int > &rLowLnk, std::list< StateSet > &rSccList, StateSet &rRoots)
Search for strongly connected components (SCC).

libFAUDES 2.32f --- 2024.12.22 --- c++ api documentaion by doxygen