Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /** @file mtc_supcon.cpp
3 Supremal controllable sublanguage and controllablity
5 */
7 /* FAU Discrete Event Systems Library (libfaudes)
9  Copyright (C) 2008 Matthias Singer
10  Copyright (C) 2006 Bernd Opitz
11  Exclusive copyright is granted to Klaus Schmidt
13  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
14  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
15  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
16  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
18  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21  Lesser General Public License for more details.
23  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
24  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
25  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
28 #include "mtc_supcon.h"
29 #include "syn_include.h"
31 namespace faudes {
33 /*
34 ******************************
36 ******************************
37 */
40 // mtcSupConNB(rPlantGen, rSpecGen, rResGen)
41 void mtcSupConNB(const MtcSystem& rPlantGen, const MtcSystem& rSpecGen, MtcSystem& rResGen) {
42  // HELPERS:
43  std::map< std::pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx> rcmap;
45  mtcSupConNB(rPlantGen, rSpecGen, rcmap, rResGen);
46 }
49 // mtcSupConNB(rPlantGen, rSpecGen, rReverseCompositionMap, rResGen)
50 void mtcSupConNB(const MtcSystem& rPlantGen, const MtcSystem& rSpecGen,
51  std::map< std::pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx>& rCompositionMap, MtcSystem& rResGen) {
52  FD_DF("mtcSupConNB(" << &rPlantGen << "," << &rSpecGen << ")");
56  rResGen.Clear();
57  rResGen.Name("mtcSupConNB(("+rPlantGen.Name()+"),("+rSpecGen.Name()+"))");
58  rResGen.InjectAlphabet(rPlantGen.Alphabet());
60  rResGen.SetControllable(rPlantGen.ControllableEvents());
61  rResGen.SetForcible(rPlantGen.ForcibleEvents());
62  rResGen.ClrObservable(rPlantGen.UnobservableEvents());
64  // HELPERS:
66  // controllable events
67  const EventSet ualph = rPlantGen.UncontrollableEvents();
68  FD_DF("mtcSupConNB: controllable events: " << rPlantGen.ControllableEvents().ToString());
69  FD_DF("mtcSupConNB: uncontrollable events: " << ualph.ToString());
73  // alphabets must match
74  if (rPlantGen.Alphabet() != rSpecGen.Alphabet()) {
75  EventSet only_in_plant = rPlantGen.Alphabet() - rSpecGen.Alphabet();
76  EventSet only_in_spec = rSpecGen.Alphabet() - rPlantGen.Alphabet();
77  std::stringstream errstr;
78  errstr << "Alphabets of generators do not match. Only in plant: " << only_in_plant.ToString()
79  << ". Only in spec: " << only_in_spec.ToString() << ".";
80  throw Exception("mtcSupConNB", errstr.str(), 500);
81  }
83  // plant and spec must be deterministic
84  bool plant_det = rPlantGen.IsDeterministic();
85  bool spec_det = rSpecGen.IsDeterministic();
87  if ((plant_det == false) && (spec_det == true)) {
88  std::stringstream errstr;
89  errstr << "Plant generator must be deterministic, "
90  << "but is nondeterministic";
91  throw Exception("mtcSupConNB", errstr.str(), 501);
92  }
93  else if ((plant_det == true) && (spec_det == false)) {
94  std::stringstream errstr;
95  errstr << "Spec generator must be deterministic, "
96  << "but is nondeterministic";
97  throw Exception("mtcSupConNB", errstr.str(), 503);
98  }
99  else if ((plant_det == false) && (spec_det == false)) {
100  std::stringstream errstr;
101  errstr << "Plant and spec generator must be deterministic, "
102  << "but both are nondeterministic";
103  throw Exception("mtcSupConNB", errstr.str(), 504);
104  }
106  // ALGORITHM:
108  mtcSupConParallel(rPlantGen, rSpecGen, ualph, rCompositionMap, rResGen);
109  FD_DF("mtcSupConNB: mtcSupConParallel passed...");
111  // make resulting generator trim until it's fully controllable
112  while (1) {
113  if(rResGen.Empty()) break;
114  Idx state_num = rResGen.Size();
115  mtcSupConUnchecked(rPlantGen, rPlantGen.ControllableEvents(), rResGen);
116  rResGen.StronglyTrim();
117  if(rResGen.Size() == state_num) break;
118  FD_DF("mtcSupConNB: rResGen.Size() = " << ToStringInteger(rResGen.Size()) << ", state_num = " << ToStringInteger(state_num));
119  }
121  // restrict composition map
122  std::map< std::pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx>::iterator rcmapit = rCompositionMap.begin();
123  for(; rcmapit != rCompositionMap.end(); rcmapit++)
124  if(!rResGen.ExistsState(rcmapit->second)) rCompositionMap.erase(rcmapit++);
127 }
129 // mtcSupConClosed(rPlantGen, rSpecGen, rResGen)
130 void mtcSupConClosed(const MtcSystem& rPlantGen, const MtcSystem& rSpecGen, MtcSystem& rResGen) {
131  // HELPERS:
132  std::map< std::pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx> rcmap;
134  // ALGORITHM:
135  mtcSupConClosed(rPlantGen, rSpecGen, rcmap, rResGen);
136 }
139 // mtcSupConClosed(rPlantGen, rSpecGen, rCompositionMap, rResGen)
140 void mtcSupConClosed(const MtcSystem& rPlantGen, const MtcSystem& rSpecGen,
141  std::map< std::pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx>& rCompositionMap, MtcSystem& rResGen) {
142  FD_DF("mtcSupConClosed(" << &rPlantGen << "," << &rSpecGen << ")");
145  rResGen.Clear();
146  rResGen.Name("mtcSupConClosed(("+rPlantGen.Name()+"),("+rSpecGen.Name()+"))");
148  rResGen.InjectAlphabet(rPlantGen.Alphabet());
150  rResGen.SetControllable(rPlantGen.ControllableEvents());
151  rResGen.SetForcible(rPlantGen.ForcibleEvents());
152  rResGen.ClrObservable(rPlantGen.UnobservableEvents());
154  // HELPERS:
156  // controllable events
157  const EventSet ualph = rPlantGen.UncontrollableEvents();
158  FD_DF("mtcSupConClosed: controllable events: " << rPlantGen.ControllableEvents().ToString());
159  FD_DF("mtcSupConClosed: uncontrollable events: " << ualph.ToString());
163  // alphabets must match
164  if (rPlantGen.Alphabet() != rSpecGen.Alphabet()) {
165  EventSet only_in_plant = rPlantGen.Alphabet() - rSpecGen.Alphabet();
166  EventSet only_in_spec = rSpecGen.Alphabet() - rPlantGen.Alphabet();
167  std::stringstream errstr;
168  errstr << "Alphabets of generators do not match. Only in plant: "
169  << only_in_plant.ToString() << ". Only in spec: "
170  << only_in_spec.ToString() << ".";
171  throw Exception("mtcSupConClosed", errstr.str(), 500);
172  }
174  // plant and spec must be deterministic
175  bool plant_det = rPlantGen.IsDeterministic();
176  bool spec_det = rSpecGen.IsDeterministic();
178  if ((plant_det == false) && (spec_det == true)) {
179  std::stringstream errstr;
180  errstr << "Plant generator must be deterministic, " << "but is nondeterministic";
181  throw Exception("mtcSupConClosed", errstr.str(), 501);
182  }
183  else if ((plant_det == true) && (spec_det == false)) {
184  std::stringstream errstr;
185  errstr << "Spec generator must be deterministic, " << "but is nondeterministic";
186  throw Exception("mtcSupConClosed", errstr.str(), 503);
187  }
188  else if ((plant_det == false) && (spec_det == false)) {
189  std::stringstream errstr;
190  errstr << "Plant and spec generator must be deterministic, "
191  << "but both are nondeterministic";
192  throw Exception("mtcSupCon", errstr.str(), 504);
193  }
195  // ALGORITHM:
197  // parallel composition
198  mtcSupConParallel(rPlantGen, rSpecGen, ualph, rCompositionMap, rResGen);
199  // make resulting generator controllable
200  mtcSupConUnchecked(rPlantGen, rPlantGen.ControllableEvents(), rResGen);
202  // restrict composition map
203  std::map< std::pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx>::iterator rcmapit = rCompositionMap.begin();
204  for(; rcmapit != rCompositionMap.end(); rcmapit++)
205  if(!rResGen.ExistsState(rcmapit->second)) rCompositionMap.erase(rcmapit++);
208 }
212 /*
213 ********************************************
214 * Fast parallel composition for mtcSupCon *
215 ********************************************
216 */
219 // mtcSupConParallel(rPlantGen, rSpecGen, rUAlph, rReverseCompositionMap, rResGen)
220 void mtcSupConParallel(const MtcSystem& rPlantGen, const MtcSystem& rSpecGen, const EventSet& rUAlph,
221  std::map< std::pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx>& rReverseCompositionMap, MtcSystem& rResGen) {
222  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel(" << &rPlantGen << "," << &rSpecGen << ")");
224  // HELPERS:
226  // todo stack
227  std::stack< std::pair<Idx,Idx> > todo;
228  // set of forbidden states
229  StateSet forbidden;
230  // actual pair, new pair
231  std::pair<Idx,Idx> currentstates, newstates;
232  // other stuff
233  Idx tmpstate;
234  std::map< std::pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx>::iterator rcmapit;
235  StateSet::Iterator lit1, lit2;
236  TransSet::Iterator titg, titg_end, tith, tith_end;
238  // Prepare
239  rResGen.ClearStates();
241  // ALGORITHM:
242  if (rPlantGen.InitStatesEmpty()) {
243  FD_DF("SupconParallel: plant got no initial states. "
244  << "parallel composition contains empty language.");
245  return;
246  }
248  if (rSpecGen.InitStatesEmpty()) {
249  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: spec got no initial states. "
250  << "parallel composition contains empty language.");
251  return;
252  }
253  ColorSet plantColors = rPlantGen.Colors();
254  ColorSet specColors = rSpecGen.Colors();
255  // create initial state
256  currentstates = std::make_pair(*rPlantGen.InitStatesBegin(), *rSpecGen.InitStatesBegin());
257  todo.push(currentstates);
258  ColorSet ComposedSet;
259  ComposedColorSet(rPlantGen, currentstates.first, plantColors, rSpecGen, currentstates.second,
260  specColors, ComposedSet);
261  if (! ComposedSet.Empty() ) {
262  Idx StateIndex = rResGen.InsInitState();
263  rReverseCompositionMap[currentstates] = StateIndex;
264  rResGen.InsColors(StateIndex, ComposedSet);
265  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: NEW IMSTATE: (" << rPlantGen.SStr(currentstates.first)
266  << "|" << rSpecGen.SStr(currentstates.second) << ") -> " << rReverseCompositionMap[currentstates]);
267  }
268  else {
269  rReverseCompositionMap[currentstates] = rResGen.InsInitState();
270  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: NEW ISTATE: (" << rPlantGen.SStr(currentstates.first)
271  << "|" << rSpecGen.SStr(currentstates.second) << ") -> " << rReverseCompositionMap[currentstates]);
272  }
274  // first do parallel composition of allowed states
275  // by deleting forbidden states on the fly.
276  // this creates an accessible new generator
277  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: *** processing reachable states ***");
278  while (! todo.empty()) {
279  // get next reachable pair of states from todo stack
280  currentstates =;
281  todo.pop();
282  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: todo pop: (" << rPlantGen.SStr(currentstates.first)
283  << "|" << rSpecGen.SStr(currentstates.second) << ") -> " << rReverseCompositionMap[currentstates]);
285  titg = rPlantGen.TransRelBegin(currentstates.first);
286  titg_end = rPlantGen.TransRelEnd(currentstates.first);
287  tith = rSpecGen.TransRelBegin(currentstates.second);
288  tith_end = rSpecGen.TransRelEnd(currentstates.second);
291  // print all transitions of current states
292  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: transitions from current states:");
293  for (;titg != titg_end; ++titg) {
294  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: g: " << rPlantGen.SStr(titg->X1) << "-" << rPlantGen.EStr(titg->Ev)
295  << "-" << rPlantGen.SStr(titg->X2));
296  }
297  for (;tith != tith_end; ++tith) {
298  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: h: " << rSpecGen.SStr(tith->X1) << "-" << rSpecGen.EStr(tith->Ev)
299  << "-" << rSpecGen.SStr(tith->X2));
300  }
301  titg = rPlantGen.TransRelBegin(currentstates.first);
302  tith = rSpecGen.TransRelBegin(currentstates.second);
303 #endif
304  // process all h transitions while there could be matching g transitions
305  while ((tith != tith_end) && (titg != titg_end)) {
306  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: actual g-transition: " << rPlantGen.SStr(titg->X1)
307  << "-" << rPlantGen.EStr(titg->Ev) << "-" << rPlantGen.SStr(titg->X2));
308  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: actual h-transition: " << rSpecGen.SStr(tith->X1)
309  << "-" << rSpecGen.EStr(tith->Ev) << "-" << rSpecGen.SStr(tith->X2));
310  // execute common events
311  if (titg->Ev == tith->Ev) {
312  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: executing common event "
313  << rPlantGen.EStr(titg->Ev));
314  newstates = std::make_pair(titg->X2, tith->X2);
315  rcmapit = rReverseCompositionMap.find(newstates);
316  // add to todo list if state is new
317  if (rcmapit == rReverseCompositionMap.end()) {
318  todo.push(newstates);
319  // if colored state
320  ComposedColorSet(rPlantGen, newstates.first, plantColors, rSpecGen, newstates.second,
321  specColors, ComposedSet);
322  if(!ComposedSet.Empty() ) {
323  tmpstate = rResGen.InsState();
324  rResGen.InsColors(tmpstate, ComposedSet);
325  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: NEW MSTATE: ("
326  << rPlantGen.SStr(newstates.first) << "|"
327  << rSpecGen.SStr(newstates.second) << ") -> " << tmpstate);
328  }
329  // if "normal" state
330  else {
331  tmpstate = rResGen.InsState();
332  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: NEW STATE: ("
333  << rPlantGen.SStr(newstates.first) << "|"
334  << rSpecGen.SStr(newstates.second) << ") -> " << tmpstate);
335  }
336  rReverseCompositionMap[newstates] = tmpstate;
337  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: todo push: (" << rPlantGen.SStr(newstates.first)
338  << "|" << rSpecGen.SStr(newstates.second) << ") -> " << tmpstate);
339  }
340  // if state already exists
341  else {
342  tmpstate = rcmapit->second;
343  }
344  // if successor state not in forbidden set add transition
345  if (! forbidden.Exists(tmpstate)) {
346  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: ADDING TRANSITION "
347  << rPlantGen.SStr(rReverseCompositionMap[currentstates]) << "-" << rPlantGen.EStr(titg->Ev)
348  << "-" << rPlantGen.SStr(tmpstate));
349  rResGen.SetTransition(rReverseCompositionMap[currentstates], titg->Ev, tmpstate);
350  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: incrementing g transrel");
351  ++titg;
352  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: incrementing h transrel");
353  ++tith;
354  }
355  // if successor state in forbidden and event uncontrollable
356  // delete state
357  else if (rUAlph.Exists(titg->Ev)) {
358  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: successor " << rSpecGen.SStr(tmpstate)
359  << "in forbidden and common event " << rSpecGen.EStr(titg->Ev)
360  << " uncontrollable:");
361  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: forbidden insert" << rPlantGen.SStr(tmpstate));
362  forbidden.Insert(tmpstate);
364  // do not end while loops here for detecting all h transitions
365  // not in g
366  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: incrementing g transrel (FAUDES_CHECKED)");
367  ++titg;
368  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: incrementing h transrel (FAUDES_CHECKED)");
369  ++tith;
370 #else
371  // exit all loops
372  titg = titg_end;
373  tith = tith_end;
374 #endif
375  }
376  // else if successor state in forbidden and event controllable
377  else {
378  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: incrementing g transrel");
379  ++titg;
380  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: incrementing h transrel");
381  ++tith;
382  }
383  }
384  // if g got some more transitions try to resync events
385  else if (titg->Ev < tith->Ev) {
386  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: asynchronous execution of event "
387  << rPlantGen.EStr(titg->Ev) << " in g while " << rSpecGen.EStr(tith->Ev)
388  << " in h");
389  // if uncontrollable transition leaves specification
390  // delete state from res and put into forbiddenset
391  if (rUAlph.Exists(titg->Ev)) {
392  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: asynchronous event " << rPlantGen.EStr(titg->Ev)
393  << " in g is uncontrollable");
394  tmpstate = rReverseCompositionMap[currentstates];
395  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: forbidden insert" << rPlantGen.SStr(tmpstate));
396  forbidden.Insert(tmpstate);
397  // exit all loops
398  titg = titg_end;
399  tith = tith_end;
400  break;
401  }
402  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: incrementing g transrel");
403  ++titg;
404  } // if specification leaves plant model emit warning
405  else {
407 // FD_WARN("mtcSupConParallel: transition " << rSpecGen.SStr(tith->X1)
408 // << "-" << rSpecGen.EStr(tith->Ev) << "-" << rSpecGen.SStr(tith->X2)
409 // << " in specification h not found in g");
410 #endif
411  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: incrementing h transrel");
412  ++tith;
413  }
414  }
415  if (rResGen.InitStates().Empty()) {
416  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: rResGen has no initial states... (2)");
417  }
419  // if g got some more transitions not in h
420  while (titg != titg_end) {
421  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: asynchronous execution of event "
422  << rPlantGen.EStr(titg->Ev) << " in g at end of h");
423  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: actual g-transition: " << rPlantGen.SStr(titg->X1)
424  << "-" << rPlantGen.EStr(titg->Ev) << "-" << rPlantGen.SStr(titg->X2));
425  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: actual h-transition: end");
426  // if uncontrollable transition leaves specification
427  if (rUAlph.Exists(titg->Ev)) {
428  tmpstate = rReverseCompositionMap[currentstates];
429  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: asynchron executed uncontrollable end "
430  << "event " << rPlantGen.EStr(titg->Ev) << " leaves specification:");
431  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: forbidden insert" << rPlantGen.SStr(tmpstate));
432  forbidden.Insert(tmpstate);
433  // exit this loop
434  // if FAUDES_CHECKED not defined this means exiting all loops
435  break;
436  }
437  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: incrementing g transrel");
438  ++titg;
439  }
441  // if h got some more transitions not in g
442 // while (tith != tith_end) {
443 // FD_WARN("mtcSupConParallel: transition " << rSpecGen.SStr(tith->X1) << "-"
444 // << rSpecGen.EStr(tith->Ev) << "-" << rSpecGen.SStr(tith->X2)
445 // << "in specification h not found in g");
446 // FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: incrementing h transrel");
447 // ++tith;
448 // }
449 #endif
450  }
451  FD_DF("mtcSupConParallel: deleting forbidden states...");
452  // remove forbidden states from stateset
453  rResGen.DelStates(forbidden);
454 }
456 /*
457 *****************************************
458 * mtcSupConUnchecked: REAL SUPCON FUNCTION *
459 *****************************************
460 */
463 // mtcSupConUnchecked(rPlantGen, rSpecGen, rCAlph)
464 void mtcSupConUnchecked(const MtcSystem& rPlantGen, const EventSet& rCAlph, MtcSystem& rSpecGen) {
466  FD_DF("mtcSupConUnchecked(" << &rSpecGen << "," << &rPlantGen << ")");
468  // HELPERS:
470  // forbiden states
471  StateSet forbidden;
472  // todo stack
473  std::stack<Idx> todog, todoh;
474  // set of already discovered states
475  StateSet discovered;
476  // reverse sorted transition relation build on the fly
477  TransSetX2EvX1 rtransrel;
480  // ALGORITHM:
482  // bail out if there is no initial state
483  // if (rPlantGen.InitStatesEmpty() || rSpecGen.InitStatesEmpty());
485  // push combined initial state on todo stack
486  todog.push(*rPlantGen.InitStatesBegin());
487  todoh.push(*rSpecGen.InitStatesBegin());
488  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: todo push: (" << rPlantGen.SStr(*rPlantGen.InitStatesBegin()) << "|"
489  << rSpecGen.SStr(*rSpecGen.InitStatesBegin()) << ")");
491  // process todo stack
492  while (! todog.empty()) {
493  // get top elements from todo stack
494  Idx currentg =;
495  Idx currenth =;
496  todog.pop();
497  todoh.pop();
498  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: todo pop: (" << rPlantGen.SStr(currentg) << "|"
499  << rSpecGen.SStr(currenth) << ")");
502  TransSet::Iterator _titg, _tith;
503  // print all transitions of current states
504  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: transitions from current states:");
505  for (_titg = rPlantGen.TransRelBegin(currentg); _titg != rPlantGen.TransRelEnd(currentg); ++_titg)
506  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: g: " << rPlantGen.SStr(_titg->X1) << "-"
507  << rPlantGen.EStr(_titg->Ev) << "-" << rPlantGen.SStr(_titg->X2));
508  for (_tith = rSpecGen.TransRelBegin(currenth); _tith != rSpecGen.TransRelEnd(currenth); ++_tith)
509  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: h: " << rSpecGen.SStr(_tith->X1) << "-"
510  << rSpecGen.EStr(_tith->Ev) << "-" << rSpecGen.SStr(_tith->X2));
511 #endif
513  // process all h transitions while there could be matching g transitions
514  TransSet::Iterator titg = rPlantGen.TransRelBegin(currentg);
515  TransSet::Iterator titg_end = rPlantGen.TransRelEnd(currentg);
516  TransSet::Iterator tith = rSpecGen.TransRelBegin(currenth);
517  TransSet::Iterator tith_end = rSpecGen.TransRelEnd(currenth);
518  while ((tith != tith_end) && (titg != titg_end)) {
519  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: actual g-transition: " << rPlantGen.SStr(titg->X1)
520  << "-" << rPlantGen.EStr(titg->Ev) << "-" << rPlantGen.SStr(titg->X2));
521  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: actual h-transition: " << rSpecGen.SStr(tith->X1)
522  << "-" << rSpecGen.EStr(tith->Ev) << "-" << rSpecGen.SStr(tith->X2));
523  // execute common events
524  if (titg->Ev == tith->Ev) {
525  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: executing common event " << rPlantGen.EStr(titg->Ev));
526  // add to todo list if state is undiscovered
527  if (! discovered.Exists(currenth)) {
528  todog.push(titg->X2);
529  todoh.push(tith->X2);
530  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: todo push: (" << rPlantGen.SStr(titg->X2) << "|"
531  << rSpecGen.SStr(tith->X2) << ")");
532  }
533  // if h successor state not in forbidden set add transition to rtransrel
534  if (! forbidden.Exists(tith->X2)) {
535  rtransrel.Insert(*tith);
536  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: incrementing g transrel");
537  ++titg;
538  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: incrementing h transrel");
539  ++tith;
540  }
541  // if successor state is forbidden and event uncontrollable
542  else if (!rCAlph.Exists(titg->Ev)) {
543  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: successor state " << rSpecGen.SStr(tith->X2) <<
544  " forbidden and event " << rPlantGen.EStr(titg->Ev) << " uncontrollable:");
545  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: TraverseUncontrollableBackwards(" << rSpecGen.SStr(currenth) << ")");
546  TraverseUncontrollableBackwards(rCAlph, rtransrel, forbidden, currenth);
548  // just increment transrel iterators to find all h transitions not in g
549  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: incrementing g transrel (FAUDES_CHECKED)");
550  ++titg;
551  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: incrementing h transrel (FAUDES_CHECKED)");
552  ++tith;
553 #else
554  // exit all loops
555  titg = titg_end;
556  tith = tith_end;
557 #endif
558  break;
559  }
560  // else if successor state in forbidden and event controllable
561  else {
562  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: incrementing g transrel");
563  ++titg;
564  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: incrementing h transrel");
565  ++tith;
566  }
567  }
568  // if g got some more transitions try to resync events
569  else if (titg->Ev < tith->Ev) {
570  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: asynchronous execution of event "
571  << rPlantGen.EStr(titg->Ev) << " in g while " << rSpecGen.EStr(tith->Ev)
572  << " in h");
573  // if uncontrollable transition leaves specification
574  // delete state from rResGen and put into forbiddenset
575  if (!rCAlph.Exists(titg->Ev)) {
576  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: asynchronous event " << rPlantGen.EStr(titg->Ev)
577  << " in g is uncontrollable");
578  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: TraverseUncontrollableBackwards(" << rSpecGen.SStr(currenth) << ")");
579  TraverseUncontrollableBackwards(rCAlph, rtransrel, forbidden, currenth);
580  // exit all loops over g transrel
581  titg = titg_end;
582  break;
583  }
584  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: incrementing g transrel");
585  ++titg;
586  }
587  // if specification leaves plant model emit warning
588  else {
590  FD_WARN("mtcSupCon: transition " << rSpecGen.SStr(tith->X1) << "-"
591  << rSpecGen.EStr(tith->Ev) << "-" << rSpecGen.SStr(tith->X2)
592  << "in specification h not found in g");
593 #endif
594  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: incrementing h transrel");
595  ++tith;
596  }
597  }
598  // process other transitions not in h
599  while (titg != titg_end) {
600  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: asynchronous execution of event "
601  << rPlantGen.EStr(titg->Ev) << " in g at end of h");
602  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: actual g-transition: " << rPlantGen.SStr(titg->X1)
603  << "-" << rPlantGen.EStr(titg->Ev) << "-" << rPlantGen.SStr(titg->X2));
604  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: actual h-transition: end");
605  // if uncontrollable transition leaves specification
606  if (!rCAlph.Exists(titg->Ev)) {
607  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: asynchronous execution of uncontrollable event "
608  << rPlantGen.EStr(titg->Ev) << " in g");
609  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: TraverseUncontrollableBackwards(" << rPlantGen.SStr(currenth) << ")");
610  TraverseUncontrollableBackwards(rCAlph, rtransrel, forbidden, currenth);
611  // exit this loop
612  break;
613  }
614  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: incrementing g transrel");
615  ++titg;
616  }
618  // process other transitions not in g
619  while (tith != tith_end) {
620  FD_WARN("mtcSupCon: transition " << rSpecGen.SStr(tith->X1) << "-"
621  << rSpecGen.EStr(tith->Ev) << "-" << rSpecGen.SStr(tith->X2)
622  << "in specification h not found in g");
623  FD_DF("mtcSupCon: incrementing h transrel");
624  ++tith;
625  }
626 #endif
627  discovered.Insert(currenth);
628  }
630  // compute complete set of forbidden states
631  forbidden = rSpecGen.States() - ( discovered - forbidden );
633  // remove forbidden states from stateset
634  rSpecGen.DelStates(forbidden);
635 }
640 } // namespace faudes
#define FD_WARN(message)
Debug: always report warnings.
#define FD_DF(message)
Debug: optional report on user functions.
Container for colors: this is a NameSet with its own static symboltable.
Definition: mtc_colorset.h:41
Faudes exception class.
Set of indices.
Definition: cfl_indexset.h:78
Idx Insert(void)
Insert new index to set.
Set of indices with symbolic names.
Definition: cfl_nameset.h:69
bool Exists(const Idx &rIndex) const
Test existence of index.
Set of Transitions.
Definition: cfl_transset.h:242
bool Insert(const Transition &rTransition)
Add a Transition.
TBaseSet< Transition, TransSort::X1EvX2 >::Iterator Iterator
Iterator on transition.
Definition: cfl_transset.h:273
Idx InsState(void)
Add new anonymous state to generator.
virtual void Clear(void)
Clear generator data.
const TaStateSet< StateAttr > & States(void) const
Return reference to state set.
const TaEventSet< EventAttr > & Alphabet(void) const
Return const reference to alphabet.
bool SetTransition(Idx x1, Idx ev, Idx x2)
Add a transition to generator by indices.
void InjectAlphabet(const EventSet &rNewalphabet)
Set mpAlphabet without consistency check.
void ClrObservable(Idx index)
Mark event unobservable (by index)
EventSet UncontrollableEvents(void) const
Get EventSet with uncontrollable events.
EventSet ControllableEvents(void) const
Get EventSet with controllable events.
void SetControllable(Idx index)
Mark event controllable (by index)
EventSet ForcibleEvents(void) const
Get EventSet with forcible events.
void SetForcible(Idx index)
Mark event forcible (by index)
EventSet UnobservableEvents(void) const
Get EventSet with unobservable events.
Allows to create colored marking generators (CMGs) as the common five tupel consisting of alphabet,...
Definition: mtc_generator.h:53
void InsColors(Idx stateIndex, const ColorSet &rColors)
Insert multiple colors from a color set into an existing state.
void Colors(ColorSet &rColors) const
Insert all colors used in the generator to a given ColorSet.
bool StronglyTrim(void)
Make generator strongly trim.
std::string ToString(const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const
Write configuration data to a string.
Definition: cfl_types.cpp:169
StateSet::Iterator InitStatesBegin(void) const
Iterator to Begin() of mInitStates.
bool InitStatesEmpty(void) const
Check if set of initial states are empty.
const StateSet & InitStates(void) const
Const ref to initial states.
TransSet::Iterator TransRelBegin(void) const
Iterator to Begin() of transition relation.
void ClearStates(void)
Clear all states and transitions, maintain alphabet.
bool ExistsState(Idx index) const
Test existence of state in state set.
void Name(const std::string &rName)
Set the generator's name.
void DelStates(const StateSet &rDelStates)
Delete a set of states Cleans mpStates, mInitStates, mMarkedStates, mpTransrel, and mpStateSymboltabl...
TransSet::Iterator TransRelEnd(void) const
Iterator to End() of transition relation.
bool IsDeterministic(void) const
Check if generator is deterministic.
std::string EStr(Idx index) const
Pretty printable event name for index (eg for debugging).
bool Empty(void) const
Check if generator is empty (no states)
Idx InsInitState(void)
Create new anonymous state and set as initial state.
Idx Size(void) const
Get generator size (number of states)
std::string SStr(Idx index) const
Return pretty printable state name for index (eg for debugging)
bool Empty(void) const
Test whether if the TBaseSet is Empty.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1833
bool Exists(const T &rElem) const
Test existence of element.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:2124
void mtcSupConNB(const MtcSystem &rPlantGen, const MtcSystem &rSpecGen, MtcSystem &rResGen)
Nonblocking Supremal Controllable Sublanguage (wrapper function)
Definition: mtc_supcon.cpp:41
void mtcSupConClosed(const MtcSystem &rPlantGen, const MtcSystem &rSpecGen, MtcSystem &rResGen)
Supremal Controllable Sublanguage (wrapper function)
Definition: mtc_supcon.cpp:130
Supremal controllable sublanguage and controllablity.
libFAUDES resides within the namespace faudes.
uint32_t Idx
Type definition for index type (allways 32bit)
void ComposedColorSet(const MtcSystem &rGen1, const Idx sidx1, ColorSet &rColors1, const MtcSystem &rGen2, const Idx sidx2, ColorSet &rColors2, ColorSet &composedSet)
Compose the color set for a state combined from two states in two distinct automata.
void mtcSupConUnchecked(const MtcSystem &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, MtcSystem &rSpecGen)
Supremal Controllable Sublangauge (Real SupCon function; unchecked)
Definition: mtc_supcon.cpp:464
void mtcSupConParallel(const MtcSystem &rPlantGen, const MtcSystem &rSpecGen, const EventSet &rUAlph, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, MtcSystem &rResGen)
Fast parallel composition for computation for the mtcSupConNB.
Definition: mtc_supcon.cpp:220
std::string ToStringInteger(Int number)
integer to string
Definition: cfl_utils.cpp:43
void TraverseUncontrollableBackwards(const EventSet &rCAlph, TransSetX2EvX1 &rtransrel, StateSet &rCriticalStates, Idx current)
Helper function for IsControllable.
Definition: syn_supcon.cpp:847
Includes all header files of the synthesis plug-in.

libFAUDES 2.32f --- 2024.12.22 --- c++ api documentaion by doxygen