Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /** @file diag_decentralizeddiagnosis.cpp Functions to test decentralized diagnosability and compute diagnosers.
2 */
4 /*
6 Copyright Tobias Barthel, Klaus Schmidt, Thomas Moor
8 */
13 using namespace std;
15 namespace faudes {
17 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
18 // Functions for decentralized diagnosability (co-diagnosability)
19 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
23 // IsCoDiagnosable()
24 bool IsCoDiagnosable(const System& rGen, const Generator& rSpec, const vector<const EventSet*>& rAlphabets, std::string& rReportString) {
26  FD_DD("IsCoDiagnosable()");
28  // clear report
29  rReportString.clear();
30  EventSet obsEvents = rGen.ObservableEvents();
32  obsEvents.DWrite();
33 #endif
34  Generator verifier; // Graph for co-diagnosability verification
35  Idx nullEvent = verifier.InsEvent("nullEvent"); // event that corresponds to the value 0
36  Idx negEvent = verifier.InsEvent("negEvent"); // event that corresponds to the value -1
37  Generator verifierTest; // verifier with eeent information
38  verifierTest.InjectAlphabet(rGen.Alphabet() ); // FIXME remove this.
39  verifierTest.InsEvent(nullEvent);
40  map<Idx, CoVerifierState> stateToVerifierMap;
41  map<CoVerifierState, Idx> verifierToStateMap;
42  stack<pair<Idx, CoVerifierState> > waitingStates;
43  StateSet doneStates;
44  // initialize the algorithm
45  EventSet fullAlphabet = rGen.Alphabet();
46  EventSet::Iterator eIt, eEndIt;
47  eEndIt = fullAlphabet.End();
48  Idx newState = verifier.InsInitState();
49  verifierTest.InsInitState(newState);
50  CoVerifierState newVerifierState = CoVerifierState(rAlphabets.size(), rSpec.InitState(), rGen.InitState(),NORMAL);
51  for(Idx i = 0; i < rAlphabets.size(); i++) // all decentralized versions of the specification are initialized
52  newVerifierState.mSpec1State[i] = rSpec.InitState();
54  stateToVerifierMap[newState] = newVerifierState;
55  verifierToStateMap[newVerifierState ] = newState;
56  waitingStates.push(make_pair(newState, newVerifierState) );
57  // extend the verifier graph until no new nodes can be added
58  pair<Idx, CoVerifierState> currentState;
59  Idx blockingState; // = verifier.InsMarkedState();
61  map<CoVerifierState, Idx>::const_iterator vsIt;
62  Idx X2;
63  bool block = false; // set to true if the BLOCK state is reachable
64  FD_DD("Main loop");
65  while(waitingStates.empty() == false){
66  // take the first element from the stack
67  currentState = waitingStates.top();
68  waitingStates.pop();
69  doneStates.Insert(currentState.first);
71  std::cout << "currentState: " << ToStringInteger(currentState.first) << " VerifierState: (";
72  for(unsigned k = 0; k < currentState.second.mSpec1State.size(); k++)
73  cout << rSpec.StateName(currentState.second.mSpec1State.at(k)) << " ";
74  cout << rSpec.StateName(currentState.second.mSpec2State) << " " << rGen.StateName(currentState.second.mPlantState) << " " << currentState.second.mLabel << ")" << endl;
75  #endif
76  // go over all possible events
77  eIt = fullAlphabet.Begin();
78  for(; eIt != eEndIt; eIt++){
79  // if the event is not observable, the specifications and the plant can evolve independently
80  if(obsEvents.Exists(*eIt) == false){
81  for(Idx i = 0; i < rAlphabets.size(); i++){
82  tIt = rSpec.TransRelBegin(currentState.second.mSpec1State.at(i),*eIt);
83  // transition in decentralized version of Spec for component i exists
84  if(tIt != rSpec.TransRelEnd(currentState.second.mSpec1State.at(i),*eIt) ){
85  newVerifierState = CoVerifierState(rAlphabets.size(), currentState.second.mSpec2State, currentState.second.mPlantState, NORMAL);
86  for(Idx j = 0; j < rAlphabets.size(); j++){ // determine new verifier state
87  if(j == i)
88  newVerifierState.mSpec1State[j] = tIt->X2;
89  else
90  newVerifierState.mSpec1State[j] = currentState.second.mSpec1State.at(j);
91  }
92  if(currentState.second.mLabel == CONFUSED ) // transition in spec1 from normal state// transition in spec1 from confused state
93  newVerifierState.mLabel = CONFUSED;
94  // check if the new VerifierState already exist snd insert new transitions (rule 1 and 4)
96  vsIt = verifierToStateMap.find(newVerifierState);
97  // a new state is inserted into the verifier
98  if(vsIt == verifierToStateMap.end() ){
100  newState = verifier.InsState();
101  verifierTest.InsState(newState);
102  verifier.SetTransition(currentState.first,nullEvent,newState);
103  verifierTest.SetTransition(currentState.first,*eIt,newState);
104  verifierToStateMap[newVerifierState] = newState;
105  stateToVerifierMap[newState] = newVerifierState;
106  if(doneStates.Exists(newState) == false)
107  waitingStates.push(make_pair(newState,newVerifierState) );
108  }
109  // a transition to the existing state is added
110  else{
111  verifierTest.SetTransition(currentState.first,*eIt,vsIt->second);
112  verifier.SetTransition(currentState.first,nullEvent,vsIt->second);
114  }
115  }
116  }// for(Idx i = 0...
117  tIt = rGen.TransRelBegin(currentState.second.mPlantState,*eIt);
118  // transition in plant exists
119  if(tIt != rGen.TransRelEnd(currentState.second.mPlantState,*eIt) ){
120  X2 = tIt->X2;
121  newVerifierState = CoVerifierState(rAlphabets.size(), currentState.second.mSpec2State, X2, NORMAL); // prepare the new verifier state
122  newVerifierState.mSpec1State = currentState.second.mSpec1State;
123  if(currentState.second.mLabel == CONFUSED)
124  newVerifierState.mLabel = CONFUSED;
125  else{ // current state is NORMAL
126  tIt = rSpec.TransRelBegin(currentState.second.mSpec2State,*eIt);
127  if(tIt == rSpec.TransRelEnd(currentState.second.mSpec2State,*eIt) ){ // violation of the specification
128  newVerifierState.mLabel = CONFUSED;
129  }
130  else{ // correct behavior
131  newVerifierState.mSpec2State = tIt->X2;
132  }
133  }
134  // check if a new state has to be inserted into the verifier
135  vsIt = verifierToStateMap.find(newVerifierState);
136  // a new state is inserted into the verifier
137  if(vsIt == verifierToStateMap.end() ){
138  newState = verifier.InsState();
139  verifierTest.InsState(newState);
140  verifierToStateMap[newVerifierState] = newState;
141  stateToVerifierMap[newState] = newVerifierState;
142  if(doneStates.Exists(newState) == false)
143  waitingStates.push(make_pair(newState,newVerifierState) );
144  }
145  else
146  newState = vsIt->second;
147  // new transition in the verifier
148  if(newVerifierState.mLabel == NORMAL || (currentState.second.mLabel == CONFUSED && newVerifierState.mPlantState == currentState.second.mPlantState) ){ // normal behavior or confused behavior extended in the specification (rule 3 or 4)
149  verifierTest.SetTransition(currentState.first,*eIt,newState);
150  verifier.SetTransition(currentState.first,nullEvent,newState);
151  }
152  else{ // faulty behavior extended in the plant (rule 5)
153  verifierTest.SetTransition(currentState.first,*eIt,newState);
154  verifier.SetTransition(currentState.first,negEvent,newState);
155  }
156  }
157  }// (obsEvents.Exists(*eIt) == false)
158  else{
159  CoVerifierState unobsVerifierState; // new verifier state in case of unobservable events
160  bool allSpecsParticipate = true; // indicates if the plant can proceed together with all specs that have the current event
161  TransSet::Iterator plantIt, specIt;
162  plantIt= rGen.TransRelBegin(currentState.second.mPlantState, *eIt);
163  specIt = rSpec.TransRelBegin(currentState.second.mSpec2State, *eIt);
164  if(plantIt != rGen.TransRelEnd(currentState.second.mPlantState, *eIt) ){// there plant has a transition with *eIt
165  // the new state is confused
166  if(specIt == rSpec.TransRelEnd(currentState.second.mSpec2State, *eIt) || currentState.second.mLabel == CONFUSED){
167  newVerifierState = CoVerifierState(rAlphabets.size(), currentState.second.mSpec2State, plantIt->X2, CONFUSED);
168  }
169  else{// the new state is normal (spec follows plant)
170  newVerifierState = CoVerifierState(rAlphabets.size(), specIt->X2, plantIt->X2, NORMAL);
171  }
172  // the state only exists if all specifications that observe *eIt can follow
173  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < rAlphabets.size(); i++){
174  if(rAlphabets.at(i)->Exists(*eIt) == true){ // check if transition exists
175  tIt = rSpec.TransRelBegin(currentState.second.mSpec1State.at(i), *eIt);
176  if(tIt == rSpec.TransRelEnd(currentState.second.mSpec1State.at(i), *eIt) ){
177  allSpecsParticipate = false; // this subsystem can detect that there is a deviationfrom the specification
178  break;
179  }
180  else{ // execute the transition in the respective specification
181  newVerifierState.mSpec1State[i] = tIt->X2;
182  }
183  }
184  else
185  newVerifierState.mSpec1State[i] = currentState.second.mSpec1State.at(i);
186  }
187  if(allSpecsParticipate == true){ // a new state has to be inserted in the verifier
188  // check if a new state has to be inserted into the verifier
189  vsIt = verifierToStateMap.find(newVerifierState);
190  // a new state is inserted into the verifier
191  if(vsIt == verifierToStateMap.end() ){
192  newState = verifier.InsState();
193  verifierTest.InsState(newState);
194  verifierToStateMap[newVerifierState] = newState;
195  stateToVerifierMap[newState] = newVerifierState;
196  if(doneStates.Exists(newState) == false)
197  waitingStates.push(make_pair(newState,newVerifierState) );
198  }
199  else
200  newState = vsIt->second;
201  // new transition in the verifier
202  if(newVerifierState.mLabel == NORMAL){ // normal behavior
203  verifierTest.SetTransition(currentState.first,*eIt,newState);
204  verifier.SetTransition(currentState.first,nullEvent,newState);
205  }
206  else{ // faulty behavior extended in the plant and unnoticed by the specification
207  verifierTest.SetTransition(currentState.first,*eIt,newState);
208  verifier.SetTransition(currentState.first,negEvent,newState);
209  }
210  }
211  }
212  // go through all specifications and execute locally unobservable transitions
213  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < rAlphabets.size(); i++){
214  if(rAlphabets.at(i)->Exists(*eIt) == false){
215  tIt = rSpec.TransRelBegin(currentState.second.mSpec1State.at(i), *eIt);
216  if(tIt != rSpec.TransRelEnd(currentState.second.mSpec1State.at(i), *eIt) ){
217  newVerifierState = currentState.second;
218  newVerifierState.mSpec1State[i] = tIt->X2;
219  // check if a new state has to be inserted into the verifier
220  vsIt = verifierToStateMap.find(newVerifierState);
221  // a new state is inserted into the verifier
222  if(vsIt == verifierToStateMap.end() ){
223  newState = verifier.InsState();
224  verifierTest.InsState(newState);
225  verifierToStateMap[newVerifierState] = newState;
226  stateToVerifierMap[newState] = newVerifierState;
227  if(doneStates.Exists(newState) == false)
228  waitingStates.push(make_pair(newState,newVerifierState) );
229  }
230  else
231  newState = vsIt->second;
233  verifierTest.SetTransition(currentState.first,*eIt,newState);
234  verifier.SetTransition(currentState.first,nullEvent,newState);
235  }
236  }
237  }
238  }
239  }// for(; *eIt ...)
240  // check if the Block state is reachable
241  if(rGen.TransRelBegin(currentState.second.mPlantState) == rGen.TransRelEnd(currentState.second.mPlantState) && currentState.second.mLabel == CONFUSED){
242  blockingState = verifier.InsMarkedState();
243  verifier.SetTransition(currentState.first,nullEvent,blockingState);
244  verifierTest.InsMarkedState(blockingState);
245  verifierTest.SetTransition(currentState.first,nullEvent,blockingState);
246  FD_DD("Blocking State Reachable");
247  block = true;
248  }
249  } // while(waiting...)
251  if(verifier.Size() < 200){
252  verifier.GraphWrite("data/verifier.png");
253  verifierTest.GraphWrite("data/verifierTest.png");
254  }
255  #endif
256  //verifierTest.GraphWrite("data/verifierTest.png");
257  // Seach for cycles with "-1"-transitions (negEvent) in the verifier
258  list<StateSet> sccList;
259  StateSet rootSet;
260  // compute the strongly connected components in the verifier
261  ComputeScc(verifier,sccList,rootSet);
262  // Check if there is a "-1"-transition in any of the SCCs
263  list<StateSet>::const_iterator sccIt, sccEndIt;
264  sccIt = sccList.begin();
265  sccEndIt = sccList.end();
266  StateSet::Iterator stIt, stEndIt;
267  bool existsCycle = false;
268  for( ; sccIt != sccEndIt; sccIt++){
270  sccIt->Write();
271 #endif
272  stIt = sccIt->Begin();
273  stEndIt = sccIt->End();
274  for(; stIt != stEndIt; stIt++){// check all states in the SCC
275  tIt = verifier.TransRelBegin(*stIt, negEvent);
276  if(tIt != verifier.TransRelEnd(*stIt, negEvent) && sccIt->Exists(tIt->X2) ){ // there is a transition with negEvent within the SCC
277  FD_DD("Confused Cycle Found");
278  existsCycle = true;
279  break;
280  }
281  }
282  if(existsCycle == true)
283  break;
284  }
285  if(block == true || existsCycle == true)
286  return false;
287  else
288  return true;
289 }
292 // DecentralizedDiagnoser(rGsubs, rKsubs, rDiagsubs, rReportString)
293 bool DecentralizedDiagnoser(const System& rGen, const Generator& rSpec, const std::vector<const EventSet*>& rAlphabets, std::vector<Diagnoser*>& rDiags, std::string& rReportString){
295  FD_DD("DecentralizedDiagnoser()");
296  System copyGen = rGen;
297  rDiags.clear();
298  Diagnoser *newGen;
299  // clear report
300  rReportString.clear();
301  // Verify Codiagnosability
302  bool diagnosable = IsCoDiagnosable(rGen,rSpec,rAlphabets,rReportString);
303  // Compute diagnoser for each local site
304  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < rAlphabets.size(); i++){
305  // modify observable events of copyGen according to the local observation
306  copyGen.ClrObservable(copyGen.Alphabet() );
307  copyGen.SetObservable(*rAlphabets.at(i) );
308  newGen = new Diagnoser;
309  rDiags.push_back(newGen );
310  LanguageDiagnoser(copyGen,rSpec,*rDiags[i]);
311  }
313  return diagnosable;
314 }
316 // DecentralizedDiagnoser(rGsubs, rKsubs, rDiagsubs, rReportString)
317 void DecentralizedModularDiagnoser(const std::vector<const System*>& rGens, const Generator& rSpec, std::vector<Diagnoser*>& rDiags, std::string& rReportString){
318  Generator projSpec;
319  Diagnoser *newGen;
320  // clear report
321  rReportString.clear();
322  // Compute diagnoser for each local site
323  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < rGens.size(); i++){
324  // generate local versioin of the specification
325  Project(rSpec,rGens.at(i)->Alphabet(),projSpec);
326  newGen = new Diagnoser;
327  rDiags.push_back(newGen);
328  LanguageDiagnoser(*rGens.at(i),projSpec,*rDiags[i]);
329  }
330 }
332 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
333 // RTI wrapper
334 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
336 // IsCoDiagnosable()
337 bool IsCoDiagnosable(const System& rGen, const Generator& rSpec, const EventSetVector& rAlphabets){
338  std::string ignore;
339  // reorganize as std vector
340  std::vector<const EventSet*> alphabets;
341  Idx i;
343  for(i = 0; i < rAlphabets.Size(); ++i)
344  alphabets.push_back(&rAlphabets.At(i));
345  return IsCoDiagnosable(rGen, rSpec, alphabets, ignore);
346 }
348 // DecentralizedDiagnoser()
349 bool DecentralizedDiagnoser(const System& rGen, const Generator& rSpec, const EventSetVector& rAlphabets, GeneratorVector& rDiags){
350  std::string ignore;
351  // reorganize as std vector
352  std::vector<const EventSet*> alphabets;
353  std::vector<Diagnoser*> diags;
354  Idx i;
356  for(i = 0; i < rAlphabets.Size(); ++i)
357  alphabets.push_back(&rAlphabets.At(i));
359  bool ok = DecentralizedDiagnoser(rGen,rSpec,alphabets,diags,ignore);
360  for(i = 0; i < rAlphabets.Size(); ++i)
361  rDiags.Append(diags.at(i) );
362  rDiags.TakeOwnership();
364  return ok;
365 }
367 void DecentralizedModularDiagnoser(const SystemVector& rGens, const Generator& rSpec, GeneratorVector& rDiags){
368  std::string ignore;
369  // reorganize as std vector
370  std::vector<const System*> generators;
371  std::vector<Diagnoser*> diags;
372  Idx i;
374  for(i = 0; i < rGens.Size(); ++i)
375  generators.push_back(&rGens.At(i));
377  DecentralizedModularDiagnoser(generators,rSpec,diags,ignore);
378  for(i = 0; i < rGens.Size(); ++i)
379  rDiags.Append(diags.at(i) );
380  rDiags.TakeOwnership();
381 }
385 } // namespace faudes
Set of indices.
Definition: cfl_indexset.h:78
Idx Insert(void)
Insert new index to set.
Set of indices with symbolic names.
Definition: cfl_nameset.h:69
bool Exists(const Idx &rIndex) const
Test existence of index.
Vector template.
virtual const T & At(const Position &pos) const
Access element.
TBaseSet< Transition, TransSort::X1EvX2 >::Iterator Iterator
Iterator on transition.
Definition: cfl_transset.h:273
const TaEventSet< EventAttr > & Alphabet(void) const
Return const reference to alphabet.
Generator with controllability attributes.
void ClrObservable(Idx index)
Mark event unobservable (by index)
void SetObservable(Idx index)
Mark event observable (by index)
EventSet ObservableEvents(void) const
Get EventSet with observable events.
Provides the structure and methods to build and handle diagnosers.
void DWrite(const Type *pContext=0) const
Write configuration data to console, debugging format.
Definition: cfl_types.cpp:225
void TakeOwnership(void)
Take ownership of all entries.
virtual void Append(const Type &rElem)
Append specified entry.
Idx Size(void) const
Get size of vector.
Base class of all FAUDES generators.
bool SetTransition(Idx x1, Idx ev, Idx x2)
Add a transition to generator by indices.
const EventSet & Alphabet(void) const
Return const reference to alphabet.
Idx InsMarkedState(void)
Create new anonymous state and set as marked state.
TransSet::Iterator TransRelBegin(void) const
Iterator to Begin() of transition relation.
std::string StateName(Idx index) const
State name lookup.
TransSet::Iterator TransRelEnd(void) const
Iterator to End() of transition relation.
Idx InsState(void)
Add new anonymous state to generator.
Idx InitState(void) const
Return initial state.
Idx InsInitState(void)
Create new anonymous state and set as initial state.
bool InsEvent(Idx index)
Add an existing event to alphabet by index.
void GraphWrite(const std::string &rFileName, const std::string &rOutFormat="", const std::string &rDotExec="dot") const
Produce graphical representation of this generator.
Idx Size(void) const
Get generator size (number of states)
void InjectAlphabet(const EventSet &rNewalphabet)
Set mpAlphabet without consistency check.
#define FD_DD(message)
Definition: diag_debug.h:13
Functions to check a system's decentralized diagnosability.
bool Exists(const T &rElem) const
Test existence of element.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:2124
Iterator End(void) const
Iterator to the end of set.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1905
Iterator Begin(void) const
Iterator to the begin of set.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1900
void LanguageDiagnoser(const System &rGen, const System &rSpec, Diagnoser &rDiagGen)
Compute a standard diagnoser from an input generator and a specification.
bool ComputeScc(const Generator &rGen, const SccFilter &rFilter, std::list< StateSet > &rSccList, StateSet &rRoots)
Compute strongly connected components (SCC)
void Project(const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rProjectAlphabet, Generator &rResGen)
Deterministic projection.
libFAUDES resides within the namespace faudes.
uint32_t Idx
Type definition for index type (allways 32bit)
TdiagGenerator< AttributeFailureTypeMap, AttributeDiagnoserState, AttributeCFlags, AttributeVoid > Diagnoser
bool DecentralizedDiagnoser(const System &rGen, const Generator &rSpec, const EventSetVector &rAlphabets, GeneratorVector &rDiags)
Function definition for run-time interface.
bool IsCoDiagnosable(const System &rGen, const Generator &rSpec, const EventSetVector &rAlphabets)
Function definition for run-time interface.
std::string ToStringInteger(Int number)
integer to string
Definition: cfl_utils.cpp:43
void DecentralizedModularDiagnoser(const SystemVector &rGens, const Generator &rSpec, GeneratorVector &rDiags)
Function definition for run-time interface.

libFAUDES 2.32f --- 2024.12.22 --- c++ api documentaion by doxygen