void | DoAssign (const Executor &rSrc) |
| Assignment method. More...
virtual void | DoRead (TokenReader &rTr, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) |
| Reads configuration from TokenReader, see Typefor public wrappers. More...
virtual void | DoWrite (TokenWriter &rTw, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Writes configuration to TokenWriter, see Type for public wrappers. More...
| TtGenerator (void) |
| Constructor. More...
| TtGenerator (const TtGenerator &rOtherGen) |
| Copy constructor. More...
| TtGenerator (const vGenerator &rOtherGen) |
| Copy constructor (no attributes) More...
TtGenerator & | operator= (const TtGenerator &rOtherGen) |
| Assignment operator (uses Assign) Note: you must reimplement this operator in derived classes in order to handle internal pointers correctly. More...
| TtGenerator (const std::string &rFileName) |
| Construct from file. More...
TtGenerator * | New (void) const |
| Construct on heap. More...
TtGenerator * | Copy (void) const |
| Construct copy on heap. More...
virtual const Type * | Cast (const Type *pOther) const |
| Type test. More...
TtGenerator | NewTGen (void) const |
| Construct on stack. More...
SymbolTable * | ClockSymbolTablep (void) const |
| Get Pointer to mpClockSymbolTable. More...
void | ClockSymbolTablep (SymbolTable *pClockSymTab) |
| Set ClockSymbolTable. More...
Idx | ClocksSize (void) const |
| Number of clocks in mClocks. More...
const ClockSet & | Clocks (void) const |
| Get clockset as const reference. More...
ClockSet * | Clocksp (void) |
| Get clockset as pointer. More...
void | InjectClocks (const ClockSet &newclocks) |
| Overwrites mClocks with newclocks without consistency check. More...
std::string | ClockName (Idx index) const |
| Looks up clock name for given index. More...
Idx | ClockIndex (const std::string &rName) const |
| Looks up clock index for given name. More...
bool | InsClock (Idx index) |
| Add an existing clock to mClcoks by index. More...
Idx | InsClock (const std::string &rName) |
| Add named clock to generator. More...
void | InsClocks (const ClockSet &rClockSet) |
| Add new named clocks to generator. More...
bool | DelClock (Idx index) |
| Delete clock from generator by index. More...
bool | DelClock (const std::string &rName) |
| Delete clock from generator by name. More...
void | DelClocks (const ClockSet &rClocks) |
| Delete a set of clocks from generator. More...
bool | ExistsClock (Idx index) const |
| Test existence of clock in mClocks. More...
bool | ExistsClock (const std::string &rName) const |
| Test existence of clock in mClock. More...
ClockSet::Iterator | FindClock (Idx index) const |
| Returns a niterator to clock index in mClock. More...
ClockSet::Iterator | FindClock (const std::string &rName) const |
| Returns an iterator to clock index in mClock. More...
ClockSet | ActiveClocks (void) const |
| Returns all clocks used by all TimeConstraints and Resets. More...
ClockSet | InactiveClocks (void) const |
| Returns all clocks not used by any TimeConstraints or Reset. More...
void | InsActiveClocks (void) |
| Update Clocks to include all active clocks. More...
void | DelInactiveClocks (void) |
| Update Clocks not to include any inactive clocks. More...
ClockSet::Iterator | ClocksBegin (void) const |
| Iterator to Begin() of mClocks. More...
ClockSet::Iterator | ClocksEnd (void) const |
| Iterator to End() of mClocks. More...
void | ConsistentTimeConstraint (const TimeConstraint &rTimeConstr) const |
| Throw exception if timeconstraint refers to clocks not in clockset or symboltable mismatch. More...
void | ConsistentClocks (const ClockSet &rClocks) const |
| Throw exception if clocksset contains clocks not in generators clockset or symboltable mismatch. More...
const TimeConstraint & | Invariant (Idx idx) const |
| Get invariant of state by index. More...
TimeConstraint * | Invariantp (Idx idx) |
| Get invariant of state by index. More...
const TimeConstraint & | Invariant (const std::string &name) const |
| Get invariant of state by name. More...
TimeConstraint * | Invariantp (const std::string &name) |
| Get invariant of state by name. More...
void | Invariant (Idx index, const TimeConstraint &rConstraints) |
| Set invariant of state by index. More...
void | Invariant (const std::string &name, const TimeConstraint &rConstraints) |
| Set invariant of state by name. More...
void | InsInvariant (const std::string &name, const TimeConstraint &rConstraints) |
| Ins invariant of state by name. More...
void | InsInvariant (Idx index, const TimeConstraint &rConstraints) |
| Ins invariant of state by name. More...
void | ClrInvariant (Idx idx) |
| Clear invariant of state by index. More...
void | ClrInvariant (const std::string &name) |
| Clear invariant of state by name. More...
void | ClearInvariants (void) |
| Clear all invariants. More...
bool | SetTransition (Idx x1, Idx ev, Idx x2) |
| Add a transition to generator by indices. More...
bool | SetTransition (const std::string &rX1, const std::string &rEv, const std::string &rX2) |
| Add a transition to generator by names. More...
bool | SetTransition (const Transition &rTransition, const TransAttr &rAttr) |
| Add a transition with attribute to generator. More...
bool | SetTransition (const Transition &rTrans, const TimeConstraint &rGuard=TimeConstraint(), const ClockSet &rResets=ClockSet()) |
| Inserts new TimedTransition constructed from parameters. More...
bool | SetTransition (Idx x1, Idx ev, Idx x2, const TimeConstraint &rguard, const ClockSet &rResetClocks=ClockSet()) |
| Inserts new TimedTransition constructed from parameters. More...
bool | SetTransition (const std::string &rX1, const std::string &rEv, const std::string &rX2, const TimeConstraint &rGuard=TimeConstraint(), const ClockSet &rResets=ClockSet()) |
| Inserts new TimedTransition constructed from parameters. More...
void | Guard (const Transition &rTrans, const TimeConstraint &rGuard) |
| Sets Guard of a transition. More...
void | InsGuard (const Transition &rTrans, const TimeConstraint &rConstraints) |
| adds constraints to Guard of a transition More...
const TimeConstraint & | Guard (const Transition &rTrans) const |
| Gets Guard refernce of a transition. More...
TimeConstraint * | Guardp (const Transition &rTrans) |
| Gets Guard pointer of ransition. More...
void | ClrGuard (const Transition &rTrans) |
| Clears Guard of a transition. More...
void | Resets (const Transition &rTrans, const ClockSet &rResets) |
| Sets Resets of a transition. More...
void | InsResets (const Transition &rTrans, const ClockSet &rMoreResets) |
| adds Resets of a transition More...
const ClockSet & | Resets (const Transition &rTrans) const |
| Gets Resets refernce of a transition. More...
ClockSet * | Resetsp (const Transition &rTrans) |
| Gets Resets pointer of ransition. More...
void | ClrResets (const Transition &rTrans) |
| Clears Resets of a transition. More...
std::string | CStr (Idx index) const |
| Return pretty printable clock name for index. More...
virtual bool | UpdateAttributes (void) |
| Updates internal attributes. More...
| TcGenerator (void) |
| Creates an emtpy System object. More...
| TcGenerator (const vGenerator &rOtherGen) |
| System from a std Generator. More...
| TcGenerator (const TcGenerator &rOtherGen) |
| System from a System. More...
| TcGenerator (const std::string &rFileName) |
| construct a System from file More...
TcGenerator | NewCGen (void) const |
| Construct on stack. More...
TcGenerator & | operator= (const TcGenerator &rOtherGen) |
| Assignment operator (uses Assign) More...
virtual TcGenerator & | Assign (const Type &rSource) |
| Assignment method. More...
void | InsControllableEvent (Idx index) |
| Add an existing controllable event to generator. More...
Idx | InsControllableEvent (const std::string &rName) |
| Add new named controllable event to generator. More...
void | InsUncontrollableEvent (Idx index) |
| Add an existing uncontrollable event to generator. More...
Idx | InsUncontrollableEvent (const std::string &rName) |
| Add new named uncontrollable event to generator. More...
void | SetControllable (Idx index) |
| Mark event controllable (by index) More...
void | SetControllable (const std::string &rName) |
| Mark event controllable (by name) More...
void | SetControllable (const EventSet &rEvents) |
| Mark set of events controllable (by index) More...
void | ClrControllable (Idx index) |
| Mark event uncontrollable (by index) More...
void | ClrControllable (const std::string &rName) |
| Mark event uncontrollable (by name) More...
void | ClrControllable (const EventSet &rEvents) |
| Mark set of events uncontrollable (by index) More...
bool | Controllable (Idx index) const |
| Is event controllable (by index) More...
bool | Controllable (const std::string &rName) const |
| Is event controllable (by name) More...
EventSet | ControllableEvents (void) const |
| Get EventSet with controllable events. More...
EventSet | UncontrollableEvents (void) const |
| Get EventSet with uncontrollable events. More...
void | InsObservableEvent (Idx index) |
| Add an existing observable event to generator. More...
Idx | InsObservableEvent (const std::string &rName) |
| Add new named observable event to generator. More...
void | InsUnobservableEvent (Idx index) |
| Add an existing unobservable event to generator. More...
Idx | InsUnobservableEvent (const std::string &rName) |
| Add new named unobservable event to generator. More...
void | SetObservable (Idx index) |
| Mark event observable (by index) More...
void | SetObservable (const std::string &rName) |
| Mark event observable (by name) More...
void | SetObservable (const EventSet &rEvents) |
| Mark set of events observable. More...
void | ClrObservable (Idx index) |
| Mark event unobservable (by index) More...
void | ClrObservable (const std::string &rName) |
| Mark event unobservable (by name) More...
void | ClrObservable (const EventSet &rEvents) |
| Mark set of events unobservable. More...
bool | Observable (Idx index) const |
| Is event observable (by index) More...
bool | Observable (const std::string &rName) const |
| Is event observable (by name) More...
EventSet | ObservableEvents (void) const |
| Get EventSet with observable events. More...
EventSet | UnobservableEvents (void) const |
| Get EventSet with unobservable events. More...
void | InsForcibleEvent (Idx index) |
| Add an existing forcible event to generator. More...
Idx | InsForcibleEvent (const std::string &rName) |
| Add new named forcible event to generator. More...
void | InsUnforcibleEvent (Idx index) |
| Add an existing unforcible event to generator. More...
Idx | InsUnforcibleEvent (const std::string &rName) |
| Add new named unforcible event to generator. More...
void | SetForcible (Idx index) |
| Mark event forcible (by index) More...
void | SetForcible (const std::string &rName) |
| Mark event forcible (by name) More...
void | SetForcible (const EventSet &rEvents) |
| Mark set of events forcible. More...
void | ClrForcible (Idx index) |
| Mark event unforcible (by index) More...
void | ClrForcible (const std::string &rName) |
| Mark event unforcible (by name) More...
void | ClrForcible (const EventSet &rEvents) |
| Mark set of events unforcible. More...
bool | Forcible (Idx index) const |
| Is event forcible (by index) More...
bool | Forcible (const std::string &rName) const |
| Is event forcible (by name) More...
EventSet | ForcibleEvents (void) const |
| Get EventSet with forcible events. More...
EventSet | UnforcibleEvents (void) const |
| Get EventSet with unforcible events. More...
void | InsHighlevelEvent (Idx index) |
| Add an existing abstraction event to generator. More...
Idx | InsHighlevelEvent (const std::string &rName) |
| Add new named abstraction event to generator. More...
void | InsLowlevelEvent (Idx index) |
| Add an existing low-level event to generator. More...
Idx | InsLowlevelEvent (const std::string &rName) |
| Add new named low-level event to generator. More...
void | SetHighlevel (Idx index) |
| Mark event as highlevel event (by index) More...
void | SetHighlevel (const std::string &rName) |
| Mark event as highlevel event (by name) More...
void | SetHighlevel (const EventSet &rEvents) |
| Mark set of events as high-level events. More...
void | SetLowlevel (Idx index) |
| Mark event as low-level event (by index) More...
void | SetLowlevel (const std::string &rName) |
| Mark event as low-level event (by name) More...
void | SetLowlevel (const EventSet &rEvents) |
| Mark set of events as low-level events. More...
bool | Highlevel (Idx index) const |
| Test for high-level event (by index) More...
bool | Highlevel (const std::string &rName) const |
| Test for high-level event (by name) More...
bool | Lowlevel (Idx index) const |
| Test for low-level event (by index) More...
bool | Lowlevel (const std::string &rName) const |
| Test for low-level event (by name) More...
EventSet | HighlevelEvents (void) const |
| Get EventSet of all high-level events. More...
EventSet | LowlevelEvents (void) const |
| Get EventSet of all low-level events. More...
virtual void | NewCore (void) |
| Allocate my heap members (attribute dependent types) More...
virtual void | UpdateCore (void) |
| Update my secondary pointers for new core. More...
void | DoAssign (const TaGenerator &rGen) |
| Assignment. More...
| TaGenerator (void) |
| Construct an emtpy Generator. More...
| TaGenerator (const TaGenerator &rOtherGen) |
| Copy-constructor (from TaGenerator, incl attributes) More...
| TaGenerator (const vGenerator &rOtherGen) |
| Copy-constructor (from vGenerator, set attributes to default) More...
| TaGenerator (const std::string &rFileName) |
| Construct from file. More...
virtual TaGenerator | NewAGen (void) const |
| Construct on stack. More...
virtual | ~TaGenerator (void) |
| Destructor. More...
TaGenerator & | operator= (const TaGenerator &rOtherGen) |
| Assignment operator (uses Assign(Generator&) ) More...
virtual void | Move (TaGenerator &rGen) |
| Destructive copy to other TaGenerator Copy method with increased performance at the cost of invalidating the source data. More...
virtual void | Move (Generator &rGen) |
| Destructive copy to other Generator. More...
const TaEventSet< EventAttr > & | Alphabet (void) const |
| Return const reference to alphabet. More...
const TaStateSet< StateAttr > & | States (void) const |
| Return reference to state set. More...
const ATransSet & | TransRel (void) const |
| Return reference to transition relation. More...
void | TransRel (TransSetX1EvX2 &res) const |
| Get copy of trantision relation sorted by other compare operator, e.g. More...
void | TransRel (TransSetEvX1X2 &res) const |
void | TransRel (TransSetEvX2X1 &res) const |
void | TransRel (TransSetX2EvX1 &res) const |
void | TransRel (TransSetX2X1Ev &res) const |
void | TransRel (TransSetX1X2Ev &res) const |
bool | InsEvent (Idx index) |
| Add an existing event to alphabet by index. More...
Idx | InsEvent (const std::string &rName) |
| Add named event to generator. More...
bool | InsEvent (Idx index, const EventAttr &rAttr) |
| Add an existing event to alphabet by index, incl. More...
Idx | InsEvent (const std::string &rName, const EventAttr &rAttr) |
| Add named event with attribute to generator. More...
void | InjectAlphabet (const EventSet &rNewalphabet) |
| Set mpAlphabet without consistency check. More...
void | InjectAlphabet (const TaEventSet< EventAttr > &rNewalphabet) |
| Set mpAlphabet without consistency check. More...
Idx | InsState (void) |
| Add new anonymous state to generator. More...
Idx | InsState (const StateAttr &attr) |
| Add new anonymous state with attribute to generator. More...
bool | InsState (Idx index) |
| Add (perhaps new) state to generator. More...
Idx | InsState (const std::string &rName) |
| Add new named state to generator. More...
Idx | InsState (const std::string &rName, const StateAttr &attr) |
| Add new named state with attribute to generator. More...
bool | InsState (Idx index, const StateAttr &attr) |
| Add (perhaps new) state with attribute to generator. More...
void | InjectStates (const StateSet &rNewStates) |
| Inject a complete state set without consistency checks. More...
void | InjectStates (const TaStateSet< StateAttr > &rNewStates) |
| Inject a complete state set without consistency checks. More...
bool | SetTransition (Idx x1, Idx ev, Idx x2) |
| Add a transition to generator by indices. More...
bool | SetTransition (const std::string &rX1, const std::string &rEv, const std::string &rX2) |
| Add a transition to generator by names. More...
bool | SetTransition (const Transition &rTransition) |
| Add a transition to generator. More...
bool | SetTransition (const Transition &rTransition, const TransAttr &rAttr) |
| Add a transition with attribute to generator. More...
void | InjectTransRel (const TransSet &rNewtransrel) |
| Set transition relation without consistency check. More...
void | InjectTransRel (const ATransSet &rNewtransrel) |
| Set transition relation without consistency check. More...
void | EventAttribute (Idx index, const EventAttr &rAttr) |
| Set attribute for existing event. More...
void | EventAttribute (Idx index, const Type &rAttr) |
| Set attribute for existing event. More...
const EventAttr & | EventAttribute (Idx index) const |
| Event attribute lookup. More...
const EventAttr & | EventAttribute (const std::string &rName) const |
| Event attribute lookup. More...
EventAttr * | EventAttributep (Idx index) |
| Event attribute pointer (to access Attribute methods) note: may insert explicit default attribute. More...
EventAttr * | EventAttributep (const std::string &rName) |
| Event attribute pointer (to access Attribute methods) note: may insert explicit default attribute. More...
void | StateAttribute (Idx index, const StateAttr &rAttr) |
| Set attribute for existing state. More...
void | StateAttribute (Idx index, const Type &rAttr) |
| Set attribute for existing state. More...
const StateAttr & | StateAttribute (Idx index) const |
| State attribute lookup. More...
StateAttr * | StateAttributep (Idx index) |
| State attribute pointer (to access Attribute methods) note: may insert explicit default attribute. More...
void | TransAttribute (const Transition &rTrans, const TransAttr &rAttr) |
| Set attribute for existing transition. More...
void | TransAttribute (const Transition &rTrans, const Type &rAttr) |
| Set attribute for existing transition. More...
const TransAttr & | TransAttribute (const Transition &rTrans) const |
| Get attribute for existing transition. More...
TransAttr * | TransAttributep (const Transition &rTrans) |
| Get attribute pointer for existing transition note: may insert explicit default attribute. More...
void | GlobalAttribute (const GlobalAttr &rAttr) |
| Set global attribute. More...
void | GlobalAttribute (const Type &rAttr) |
| Set global attribute. More...
const GlobalAttr & | GlobalAttribute (void) const |
| Get global attribute ref. More...
GlobalAttr * | GlobalAttributep (void) |
| Get global attribute pointer. More...
virtual void | DeleteCore (void) |
| Free my heap members (attribute dependent types) More...
void | ConfigureAttributeTypes (const AttributeVoid *pNewGlobalPrototype, const StateSet *pNewStatesPrototype, const EventSet *pNewAlphabetPrototype, const TransSet *pNewTransRelPrototype) |
| Configure attribute types. More...
void | DoAssign (const vGenerator &rSrc) |
| Assignment for matching type. More...
virtual void | DoDWrite (TokenWriter &rTw, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write generator in debugging format to TokenWriter, see Type::DWrite for public wrappers. More...
virtual void | DoSWrite (TokenWriter &rTw) const |
| Write generator statistics as comment to TokenWriter, see Type::SWrite for public wrappers. More...
virtual void | DoXWrite (TokenWriter &rTw, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write generator to TokenWriter, see Type::XWrite for public wrappers. More...
void | ReadAlphabet (TokenReader &rTr) |
| Read the generator's alphabet from a TokenReader. More...
void | WriteStates (TokenWriter &rTw) const |
| Write generators stateset to TokenWriter. More...
void | ReadStates (TokenReader &rTr) |
| Read the generator's stateset from a TokenReader. More...
void | XReadStateSet (TokenReader &rTr, StateSet &rStateSet, const std::string &rLabel="") const |
| Read a stateset from TokenReader in XML format. More...
void | ReadTransRel (const std::string &rFileName) |
| Read the generator's transition relation from a file. More...
void | ReadTransRel (TokenReader &rTr) |
| Read the generator's transition relation from a TokenReader. More...
void | XReadTransRel (TokenReader &rTr) |
| Read the generator's transition relation from a TokenReader. More...
void | XWriteStateSet (TokenWriter &rTw, const StateSet &rStateSet, const std::string &rLabel="") const |
| Write a stateset to TokenWriter in XML format. More...
void | XWriteTransRel (TokenWriter &rTw) const |
| Write transition relation to tokenwriter in XML format. More...
| vGenerator (void) |
| Default constructor. More...
| vGenerator (const vGenerator &rOtherGen) |
| Copy-constructror. More...
| vGenerator (const std::string &rFileName) |
| Construct from file. More...
virtual | ~vGenerator (void) |
| Destructor. More...
virtual vGenerator & | AssignWithoutAttributes (const vGenerator &rGen) |
| Copy from other vGenerator, ignore attributes. More...
vGenerator & | operator= (const vGenerator &rOtherGen) |
| Assignment operator (uses Assign method) More...
virtual void | Version (const std::string &rVersion, vGenerator &rResGen) const |
| Create another version of this generator. More...
virtual void | Version (Idx version, vGenerator &rResGen) const |
| Create another version of this generator. More...
virtual void | Version (const std::string &rPattern, const std::string &rReplacement, vGenerator &rResGen) const |
| Create another version of this generator. More...
void | Name (const std::string &rName) |
| Set the generator's name. More...
void | ClearStates (void) |
| Clear all states and transitions, maintain alphabet. More...
Idx | AlphabetSize (void) const |
| Get number of events in alphabet. More...
Idx | Size (void) const |
| Get generator size (number of states) More...
Idx | TransRelSize (void) const |
| Get number of transitions. More...
Idx | InitStatesSize (void) const |
| Get number of initial states. More...
Idx | MarkedStatesSize (void) const |
| Get number of marked states. More...
bool | Empty (void) const |
| Check if generator is empty (no states) More...
bool | AlphabetEmpty (void) const |
| Check if alphabet is Empty. More...
bool | TransRelEmpty (void) const |
| Check if transition relation is empty. More...
bool | InitStatesEmpty (void) const |
| Check if set of initial states are empty. More...
bool | MarkedStatesEmpty (void) const |
| Check if set of marked states are empty. More...
SymbolTable * | EventSymbolTablep (void) const |
| Get Pointer to EventSymbolTable currently used by this vGenerator. More...
virtual void | EventSymbolTablep (SymbolTable *pSymTab) |
| Set EventSymbolTable to be used by this vGenerator. More...
virtual void | EventSymbolTablep (const vGenerator &rOtherGen) |
| Set EventSymbolTable as given by rOtherGen. More...
EventSet | NewEventSet (void) const |
| Create EventSet with generator's EventSymbolTable (on stack). More...
EventSet * | NewEventSetp (void) const |
| Create EventSet with generator's EventSymbolTable (on heap). More...
Idx | EventIndex (const std::string &rName) const |
| Event index lookup. More...
std::string | EventName (Idx index) const |
| Event name lookup. More...
void | EventName (Idx index, const std::string &rName) |
| Set name for existing event. More...
std::string | UniqueEventName (const std::string &rName) const |
| Create a new unique symbolic event name. More...
bool | EventRename (Idx event, const std::string &rNewName) |
| Rename event in this generator. More...
bool | EventRename (const std::string &rOldName, const std::string &rNewName) |
| Rename event in this generator. More...
const SymbolTable & | StateSymbolTable (void) const |
| Get StateSymbolTable. More...
void | StateSymbolTable (const SymbolTable &rSymTab) |
| Set StateSymbolTable. More...
Idx | StateIndex (const std::string &rName) const |
| State index lookup. More...
std::string | StateName (Idx index) const |
| State name lookup. More...
void | StateName (Idx index, const std::string &rName) |
| Set name of state. More...
void | ClearStateNames (void) |
| Remove all names from generator's StateSymbolTable. More...
void | ClrStateName (Idx index) |
| Clear name for individual state. More...
void | ClrStateName (const std::string &rName) |
| Clear name for individual state. More...
bool | StateNamesEnabled (void) const |
| Whether libFAUEDS functions are requested to generate state names. More...
void | StateNamesEnabled (bool flag) |
| Enable/disable libFAUEDS functions to automatically generate state names. More...
void | SetDefaultStateNames (void) |
| Assign each state a default name based on its index. More...
void | EnforceStateNames (const std::string &rTemplate) |
| For all states without a symbolic name, assign a name based on suggested template and the index. More...
std::string | UniqueStateName (const std::string &rName) const |
| Create a new unique symbolic state name. More...
EventSet::Iterator | AlphabetBegin (void) const |
| Iterator to Begin() of alphabet. More...
EventSet::Iterator | AlphabetEnd (void) const |
| Iterator to End() of alphabet. More...
bool | ExistsEvent (Idx index) const |
| Test existence of event in alphabet. More...
bool | ExistsEvent (const std::string &rName) const |
| Test existence of event in alphabet. More...
EventSet::Iterator | FindEvent (Idx index) const |
| Returns a iterator to event index in alphabet. More...
EventSet::Iterator | FindEvent (const std::string &rName) const |
| Returns a iterator to event index in alphabet. More...
const EventSet & | Alphabet (void) const |
| Return const reference to alphabet. More...
StateSet::Iterator | StatesBegin (void) const |
| Iterator to Begin() of state set. More...
StateSet::Iterator | StatesEnd (void) const |
| Iterator to End() of state set. More...
bool | ExistsState (Idx index) const |
| Test existence of state in state set. More...
bool | ExistsState (const std::string &name) const |
| Test existence of state in state set. More...
StateSet::Iterator | FindState (Idx index) const |
| Returns a iterator to state index in state set. More...
StateSet::Iterator | FindState (const std::string &rName) const |
| Returns a iterator to state with specified name. More...
const StateSet & | States (void) const |
| Return reference to state set. More...
Idx | InitState (void) const |
| Return initial state. More...
StateSet::Iterator | InitStatesBegin (void) const |
| Iterator to Begin() of mInitStates. More...
StateSet::Iterator | InitStatesEnd (void) const |
| Iterator to End() of mInitStates. More...
bool | ExistsInitState (Idx index) const |
| Test existence of state in mInitStates. More...
StateSet::Iterator | FindInitState (Idx index) const |
| Iterator to state index in mInitStates. More...
const StateSet & | InitStates (void) const |
| Const ref to initial states. More...
StateSet::Iterator | MarkedStatesBegin (void) const |
| Iterator to Begin() of mMarkedStates. More...
StateSet::Iterator | MarkedStatesEnd (void) const |
| Iterator to End() of mMarkedStates. More...
bool | ExistsMarkedState (Idx index) const |
| Test existence of state in mMarkedStates. More...
StateSet::Iterator | FindMarkedState (Idx index) const |
| Returns a iterator to state index in mMarkedStates. More...
const StateSet & | MarkedStates (void) const |
| Return const ref of marked states. More...
TransSet::Iterator | TransRelBegin (void) const |
| Iterator to Begin() of transition relation. More...
TransSet::Iterator | TransRelEnd (void) const |
| Iterator to End() of transition relation. More...
TransSet::Iterator | TransRelBegin (Idx x1) const |
| Iterator to begin of transitions with x1 as predecessor state. More...
TransSet::Iterator | TransRelEnd (Idx x1) const |
| iterator to end of transitions with x1 as predecessor state. More...
TransSet::Iterator | TransRelBegin (Idx x1, Idx ev) const |
| iterator to begin of transitions with x1 as predecessor state and event ev. More...
TransSet::Iterator | TransRelEnd (Idx x1, Idx ev) const |
| Iterator to end of transitions with x1 as predecessor state and event ev. More...
TransSet::Iterator | FindTransition (const std::string &rX1, const std::string &rEv, const std::string &rX2) const |
| iterator to transition given by x1, ev, x2 More...
TransSet::Iterator | FindTransition (Idx x1, Idx ev, Idx x2) const |
| Iterator to transition given by x1, ev, x2. More...
TransSet::Iterator | FindTransition (const Transition &rTrans) const |
| Iterator to transition. More...
bool | ExistsTransition (const std::string &rX1, const std::string &rEv, const std::string &rX2) const |
| Test for transition given by x1, ev, x2. More...
bool | ExistsTransition (Idx x1, Idx ev, Idx x2) const |
| Test for transition given by x1, ev, x2. More...
bool | ExistsTransition (const Transition &rTrans) const |
| test for transition More...
bool | ExistsTransition (Idx x1, Idx ev) const |
| Test for transition given by x1, ev. More...
bool | ExistsTransition (Idx x1) const |
| Test for transition given by x1. More...
const TransSet & | TransRel (void) const |
| Return reference to transition relation. More...
void | TransRel (TransSetX1EvX2 &res) const |
| Get copy of trantision relation sorted by other compare operator, e.g. More...
void | TransRel (TransSetEvX1X2 &res) const |
void | TransRel (TransSetEvX2X1 &res) const |
void | TransRel (TransSetX2EvX1 &res) const |
void | TransRel (TransSetX2X1Ev &res) const |
void | TransRel (TransSetX1X2Ev &res) const |
Transition | TransitionByNames (const std::string &rX1, const std::string &rEv, const std::string &rX2) const |
| Convebience function. More...
bool | InsEvent (Idx index) |
| Add an existing event to alphabet by index. More...
Idx | InsEvent (const std::string &rName) |
| Add named event to generator. More...
void | InsEvents (const EventSet &events) |
| Add new named events to generator. More...
bool | DelEvent (Idx index) |
| Delete event from generator by index. More...
bool | DelEvent (const std::string &rName) |
| Delete event from generator by name. More...
void | DelEvents (const EventSet &rEvents) |
| Delete a set of events from generator. More...
bool | DelEventFromAlphabet (Idx index) |
| Delete event from alphabet without consistency check. More...
void | InjectAlphabet (const EventSet &rNewalphabet) |
| Set mpAlphabet without consistency check. More...
void | RestrictAlphabet (const EventSet &rNewalphabet) |
| Restricts mpAlphabet incl removing resp. More...
Idx | InsState (void) |
| Add new anonymous state to generator. More...
bool | InsState (Idx index) |
| Add (perhaps new) state to generator. More...
Idx | InsState (const std::string &rName) |
| Add new named state to generator. More...
void | InsStates (const StateSet &rStates) |
| Add anonymous states to generator. More...
bool | DelState (Idx index) |
| Delete a state from generator by index. More...
bool | DelState (const std::string &rName) |
| Delete a state from generator by name. More...
void | DelStates (const StateSet &rDelStates) |
| Delete a set of states Cleans mpStates, mInitStates, mMarkedStates, mpTransrel, and mpStateSymboltable. More...
bool | DelStateFromStates (Idx index) |
| Delete a state from generator without consistency check. More...
StateSet::Iterator | DelStateFromStates (StateSet::Iterator pos) |
| Delete a state from generator without consistency check. More...
void | RestrictStates (const StateSet &rStates) |
| Restrict states Cleans mpStates, mInitStates, mMarkedStates, mpTransrel, and mpStateSymboltable. More...
void | InjectState (Idx index) |
| Inject an existing state index into generators mStates Use with care! For use in performance optimized functions. More...
void | InjectStates (const StateSet &rNewStates) |
| Inject a complete state set without consistency checks (without attributes) More...
Idx | InsInitState (void) |
| Create new anonymous state and set as initial state. More...
bool | InsInitState (Idx index) |
| Add (perhaps new) state to generator and turn it into a initial state. More...
Idx | InsInitState (const std::string &rName) |
| Create a new named state and set as initial state. More...
void | InsInitStates (const StateSet &rStates) |
| Add (perhaps new) anonymous initial states to generator
Idx | InsMarkedState (void) |
| Create new anonymous state and set as marked state. More...
bool | InsMarkedState (Idx index) |
| Add (perhaps new) state to generator and turn it into a marked state. More...
Idx | InsMarkedState (const std::string &rName) |
| Create a new named state and set as marked state. More...
void | InsMarkedStates (const StateSet &rStates) |
| Add (perhaps new) anonymous initial states to generator
void | SetInitState (Idx index) |
| Set an existing state as initial state by index. More...
void | SetInitState (const std::string &rName) |
| Set an existing state as initial state by name. More...
void | InjectInitStates (const StateSet &rNewInitStates) |
| Replace mInitStates with StateSet given as parameter without consistency checks. More...
void | ClrInitState (Idx index) |
| Unset an existing state as initial state by index. More...
void | ClrInitState (const std::string &rName) |
| Unset an existing state as initial state by name. More...
StateSet::Iterator | ClrInitState (StateSet::Iterator pos) |
| Unset an existing state as initial state by iterator. More...
void | ClearInitStates (void) |
| Clear all mInitStates. More...
void | SetMarkedState (Idx index) |
| Set an existing state as marked state by index. More...
void | SetMarkedState (const std::string &rName) |
| Set an existing state as marked state by name. More...
void | ClrMarkedState (Idx index) |
| Unset an existing state as marked state by index. More...
void | ClrMarkedState (const std::string &rName) |
| Unset an existing state as marked state by name. More...
StateSet::Iterator | ClrMarkedState (StateSet::Iterator pos) |
| Unset an existing state as marked state by iterator. More...
void | ClearMarkedStates (void) |
| Clear all marked states. More...
void | InjectMarkedStates (const StateSet &rNewMarkedStates) |
| Replace mMarkedStates with StateSet given as parameter without consistency checks. More...
bool | SetTransition (Idx x1, Idx ev, Idx x2) |
| Add a transition to generator by indices. More...
bool | SetTransition (const std::string &rX1, const std::string &rEv, const std::string &rX2) |
| Add a transition to generator by names. More...
bool | SetTransition (const Transition &rTransition) |
| Add a transition to generator. More...
void | ClrTransition (Idx x1, Idx ev, Idx x2) |
| Remove a transition by indices. More...
void | ClrTransition (const Transition &rTrans) |
| Remove a transition by transition object. More...
TransSet::Iterator | ClrTransition (TransSet::Iterator it) |
| Remove a transition by iterator. More...
void | ClrTransitions (Idx x1, Idx ev) |
| Remove a transitions by state and event. More...
void | ClrTransitions (Idx x1) |
| Remove a transitions by state. More...
void | ClearTransRel (void) |
| Clear all transitions. More...
void | InjectTransition (const Transition &rTrans) |
| Set transition without consistency check. More...
void | InjectTransRel (const TransSet &rNewtransrel) |
| Set transition relation without consistency check (no attributes) More...
virtual void | ClearAttributes (void) |
| Clear Attributes. More...
virtual void | ClearEventAttributes (void) |
| Clear event attributes. More...
virtual void | ClrEventAttribute (Idx index) |
| Clear attribute for existing event. More...
virtual void | EventAttributes (const EventSet &rEventSet) |
| Set attributes for existing events. More...
virtual void | ClearStateAttributes (void) |
| Clear state attributes. More...
virtual void | ClrStateAttribute (Idx index) |
| Clear attribute for existing state. More...
virtual void | ClearTransAttributes (void) |
| Clear transition attributes. More...
virtual void | ClrTransAttribute (const Transition &rTrans) |
| Clear attribute for existing transition. More...
virtual void | ClearGlobalAttribute (void) |
| Clear global attribute. More...
virtual void | GlobalAttributeTry (const Type &rAttr) |
| Set global attribute. More...
StateSet | AccessibleSet (void) const |
| Compute set of accessible states. More...
bool | Accessible (void) |
| Make generator accessible. More...
bool | IsAccessible (void) const |
| Check if generator is accessible. More...
StateSet | CoaccessibleSet (void) const |
| Compute set of Coaccessible states. More...
bool | Coaccessible (void) |
| Make generator Coaccessible. More...
bool | IsCoaccessible (void) const |
| Check if generator is Coaccessible. More...
StateSet | BlockingStates (void) const |
| Compute set of blocking states. More...
StateSet | TerminalStates (void) const |
| Compute set of terminal states. More...
StateSet | TerminalStates (const StateSet &rStates) const |
| Compute set of terminal states. More...
bool | IsComplete (void) const |
| Check if generator is complete. More...
bool | IsComplete (const StateSet &rStates) const |
| Check if generator is complete. More...
bool | IsComplete (const EventSet &rSigmaO) const |
| Check if generator is complete w.r.t. More...
bool | Complete (void) |
| Make generator Complete. More...
bool | Complete (const EventSet &rSigmaO) |
| Make generator Complete w.r.t. More...
StateSet | TrimSet (void) const |
| Compute set of trim states. More...
bool | Trim (void) |
| Make generator trim. More...
bool | IsTrim (void) const |
| Check if generator is trim. More...
bool | OmegaTrim (void) |
| Make generator omega-trim. More...
bool | IsOmegaTrim (void) const |
| Check if generator is omega-trim. More...
EventSet | UsedEvents (void) const |
| Return used events (executed in transitions) More...
EventSet | UnusedEvents (void) const |
| Return unused events. More...
void | MinimizeAlphabet (void) |
| Set the alphabet to used events. More...
EventSet | ActiveEventSet (Idx x1) const |
| Return active event set at state x1. More...
TransSet | ActiveTransSet (Idx x1) const |
| Return active transition set at state x1. More...
StateSet | TransRelStates (void) const |
| Return the states covered by transitions. More...
Idx | SuccessorState (Idx x1, Idx ev) const |
| Return the successor state of state x1 with event ev. More...
StateSet | SuccessorStates (Idx x1) const |
| Return the successor states of state x1. More...
StateSet | SuccessorStates (Idx x1, Idx ev) const |
| Return the successor states of state x1 with event ev. More...
bool | IsDeterministic (void) const |
| Check if generator is deterministic. More...
void | SetMinStateIndexMap (void) const |
| Set minimal index map for file io of generator states. More...
void | ClearMinStateIndexMap (void) const |
| Clear minimal index map for 1:1 file io. More...
Idx | MinStateIndex (Idx index) const |
| Get state index as is it will be written to file. More...
void | MinStateIndex (void) |
| Re-enumerate states. More...
Idx | MaxStateIndex (void) const |
| Get maximum state index used in this generator. More...
const std::map< Idx, Idx > & | MinStateIndexMap (void) const |
| Get state index translation map. More...
std::string | EStr (Idx index) const |
| Pretty printable event name for index (eg for debugging). More...
std::string | SStr (Idx index) const |
| Return pretty printable state name for index (eg for debugging) More...
std::string | TStr (const Transition &rTrans) const |
| Return pretty printable transition (eg for debugging) More...
void | GraphWrite (const std::string &rFileName, const std::string &rOutFormat="", const std::string &rDotExec="dot") const |
| Produce graphical representation of this generator. More...
bool | operator< (const vGenerator &rOtherGen) const |
| Order for sorting containers of generators. More...
void | WriteAlphabet (void) const |
| Write generators alphabet to console. More...
std::string | AlphabetToString (void) const |
| Write generators alphabet to string. More...
void | WriteAlphabet (TokenWriter &rTw) const |
| Write generators alphabet to tokenwriter. More...
void | WriteStateSet (const StateSet &rStateSet) const |
| Write a stateset to console (no re-indexing). More...
std::string | StateSetToString (const StateSet &rStateSet) const |
| Write a stateset to string (no re-indexing). More...
std::string | StateSetToText (const StateSet &rStateSet) const |
| Write a stateset to formated text (no re-indexing). More...
void | WriteStateSet (TokenWriter &rTw, const StateSet &rStateSet) const |
| Write a stateset to TokenWriter. More...
void | DWriteStateSet (TokenWriter &rTw, const StateSet &rStateSet) const |
| Write a stateset to TokenWriter (debug version, no re-indexing) More...
std::string | StatesToString (void) const |
| Write stateset of this generator to a string (no re-indexing) More...
std::string | StatesToText (void) const |
| Write stateset of this generator to formated text (no re-indexing) More...
std::string | MarkedStatesToString (void) const |
| Write set of marked states to a string (no re-indexing) More...
std::string | InitStatesToString (void) const |
| Write set of initial states to a string (no re-indexing) More...
void | WriteTransRel (void) const |
| Write transition relation to console (no re-indexing) More...
std::string | TransRelToString (void) const |
| Write transition relation to string (no re-indexing) More...
std::string | TransRelToText (void) const |
| Write transition relation to formated text (no re-indexing) More...
void | WriteTransRel (TokenWriter &rTw) const |
| Write transition relation to tokenwriter. More...
void | DWriteTransRel (TokenWriter &rTw) const |
| Write transition relation to tokenwriter (debug version) More...
virtual void | DotWrite (const std::string &rFileName) const |
| Writes generator to dot input format. More...
virtual void | DDotWrite (const std::string &rFileName) const |
| Writes generator to dot input format (no re-indexing). More...
virtual void | XDotWrite (const std::string &rFileName) const |
| Writes generator to dot input format for export to VioLib. More...
void | ReadStateSet (TokenReader &rTr, const std::string &rLabel, StateSet &rStateSet) const |
| Read a state set. More...
bool | ReindexOnWrite (void) const |
| Test whether file-i/o uses minimal state indicees. More...
void | ReindexOnWrite (bool flag) |
| Enable/disable minimal state indicees for file-i/o. More...
void | DoAssign (const Type &rSrc) |
| Assign configuration data from other object. More...
bool | DoEqual (const Type &rOther) const |
| Test equality of configuration data. More...
virtual const TypeDefinition * | TypeDefinitionp (void) const |
| Get objects's type definition. More...
virtual Token | XBeginTag (const std::string &rLabel="", const std::string &rFallbackLabel="") const |
| Type (void) |
| Constructor. More...
| Type (const Type &rType) |
| Copy constructor. More...
virtual | ~Type (void) |
| Destructor. More...
Type & | operator= (const Type &rSrc) |
| Assign configurationdata from other object. More...
virtual bool | Equal (const Type &rOther) const |
| Test equality of configuration data. More...
bool | operator== (const Type &rOther) const |
| Test equality of configuration data. More...
bool | operator!= (const Type &rOther) const |
| Test equality of configuration data. More...
virtual const std::string & | TypeName (void) const |
| Get objects's type name. More...
void | Write (const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write configuration data to console. More...
void | Write (const std::string &pFileName, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0, std::ios::openmode openmode=std::ios::out|std::ios::trunc) const |
| Write configuration data to a file. More...
void | Write (const std::string &pFileName, std::ios::openmode openmode) const |
| Write configuration data to a file. More...
void | Write (TokenWriter &rTw, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write configuration data to TokenWriter. More...
virtual void | XWrite (const std::string &pFileName, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write configuration data to an XML file. More...
void | XWrite (const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write configuration data in XML format to concole Note: this write function uses the virtual function DoXWrite(), to be reimplemented by derived classes. More...
void | XWrite (TokenWriter &rTw, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write configuration data in XML format to TokenWriter. More...
std::string | ToString (const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write configuration data to a string. More...
std::string | ToText (const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write configuration data to a formated string. More...
void | DWrite (const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write configuration data to console, debugging format. More...
void | DWrite (const std::string &pFileName, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0, std::ios::openmode openmode=std::ios::out|std::ios::trunc) const |
| Write configuration data to a file, debugging format. More...
void | DWrite (TokenWriter &rTw, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const |
| Write configuration data in debug format to TokenWriter. More...
void | SWrite (TokenWriter &rTw) const |
| Write statistics comment to TokenWriter. More...
void | SWrite (void) const |
| Write statistics comment to console. More...
std::string | ToSText (void) const |
| Write statistics to a string. More...
void | Read (const std::string &rFileName, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) |
| Read configuration data from file with label specified. More...
void | FromString (const std::string &rString, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) |
| Read configuration data from a string. More...
void | Read (TokenReader &rTr, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) |
| Read configuration data from TokenReader with label sepcified. More...