HioSys I/O TestsThe data-types HioPlant, HioController, HioEnvironment and HioConstraint model specific I/O systems, which impose certain conditions on the discrete event dynamic. The below test functions verify these conditions. They also set state attributes to represent the I/O form state decomposition. Hence, the argument is of type +InOut+. IsHioPlantFormTest for dynamics compatible with the formal definition of I/O plants. Signature:IsHioPlantForm(+InOut+ HioPlant GArg, +Out+ String ReportStr, +Out+ Boolean BRes) IsHioPlantForm(+InOut+ HioPlant GArg, +Out+ Boolean BRes) IsHioPlantForm(+InOut+ HioPlant GArg, +Out+ StateSet QYpYe, +Out+ StateSet QUp, +Out+ StateSet QUe, +Out+ EventSet ErrEv, +Out+ TransSet ErrTr, +Out+ StateSet ErrSt, +Out+ String ReportStr, +Out+ Boolean BRes) IsHioControllerFormTest for dynamics compatible the formal definition of I/O controllers. Signature:IsHioControllerForm(+InOut+ HioController GArg, +Out+ Boolean BRes) IsHioEnvironmentFormTest for dynamics compatible the formal definition of the I/O environments. Signature:IsHioEnvironmentForm(+InOut+ HioEnvironment GArg, +Out+ Boolean BRes) IsHioConstraintFormTest for dynamics compatible with the formal definition of I/O constraints. Signature:IsHioConstraintForm(+InOut+ HioConstraint GArg, +Out+ Boolean BRes) HioFreeInputEnforces free input for I/O dynamics by adding error behaviour. Signature:HioFreeInput(+InOut+ HioPlant GArg) HioFreeInput(+InOut+ HioController GArg) HioFreeInput(+InOut+ HioEnvironment GArg) HioFreeInput(+InOut+ HioConstraint GArg) HioFreeInput(+In+ Generator GArg, +In+ EventSet U, +In+ EventSet Y, +Out+ Generator GRes, +In+ String StrErr1, +In+ String StrErr2) libFAUDES 2.32f --- 2024.12.22 --- with "synthesis-observer-observability-diagnosis-hiosys-iosystem-multitasking-coordinationcontrol-timed-simulator-iodevice-luabindings-hybrid-example-pybindings" |