Misc Functions on Generators


Set generator to mark empty language.


EmptyLanguage(+In+ EventSet Sigma, +Out+ Generator GRes)

Detailed description:

Returns a generator G with the specified alphabet Sigma, no states and no transitions; i.e., we have Lm(G) = L(G) = 0.

Parameter Conditions:

The empty language generator is deterministic.


Test Generator G for empty marked language Lm(G).


IsEmptyLanguage(+In+ Generator GArg, +Out+ Boolean BRes)

Parameter Conditions:

The argument may be non-deterministic.


Convert generator to formal automaton.


Automaton(+InOut+ Generator GArg)

Automaton(+InOut+ Generator GArg, +In+ EventSet Sigma)

Detailed description:

Converts the given generator G to a formal automaton that generates the same marked language Lm(G) while accepting any input string, i.e. L(G) = Sigma*. This is achieved by introducing a dump state to represent Sigma*-Closure(Lm(G)).

G GRes
Parameter Conditions:

The provided generator is assumed to be deterministic. The resulting generator is guaranteed to be deterministic.


Tests a language for being prefix-closed.


IsPrefixClosed(+In+ Generator G, +Out+ Boolean BRes)

Detailed description:

A language L is prefix-closed if for each string  L all prefixes r ≤ s are also element of L:

 L and r ≤ s        r  L.

The function IsPrefixClosed tests whether the language Lm(G) marked by the specified generator G is prefix-closed. It does so by testing whether any state that is accessible and co-accessible also is marked. For deterministic generators, this condition is sufficient and necessary. In general, it is only sufficient.


The language Lm(G) marked by the above generator is not prefix-closed, since the states 1, 2 and 4 are accessible and co-accessible but not marked. For example, the string ac  Lm(G) is a prefix of acbb  Lm(G).


Compute prefix closure for given language.


PrefixClosure(+InOut+ Generator GArg)

Detailed description:

For any language L there exists a smallest prefix-closed superset, the so-called prefix-closure of L:

Closure(L) := {r  Sigma*|  s  L : r ≤ s}.

This function computes a realisation of the prefix-closure of Lm(GArg) by first erasing all states that are not co-accessible and then marking the remaining states.

G GRes


Tests a language for being omega-closed.


IsOmegaClosed(+In+ Generator G, +Out+ Boolean BRes)

Detailed description:

A omega-language  Sigma^w is omega-closed if any strictly increasing sequence of prefixes from L converges to an omega-string in L, i.e. if

L = B(Prefix(L)),

where Prefix(L)  Sigma* denotes the set of all finite prefixes from L and B(.) is the adherence operator.

The function IsOmegaClosed tests for the specified generator G whether Bm(G) is omega-closed. The implementation first computes the omega-trim state set. If within this set there exists an SCC with no marked states the function returns false. Else it returns true.


The language Bm(G) realized by the above generator is not omega-closed. The states 6 and 7 constitute an SCC when restricting G to the omega-trim state set {1,2,4,6,7}. Thus, the limit of the sequence a d (a b)^i is in B(Prefix(L)) but not in B(L). The function IsOmegaClosed returns false.

Parameter Conditions:

The argument must be deterministic.


Compute omega closure for given language.


OmegaClosure(+InOut+ Generator GArg)

Detailed description:

For any omega-language  Sigma^w there exists a smallest omega-closed superset, the so-called omega-closure or topological closure of L:

Closure(L) = B(Prefix(L))  Sigma^w,

where Prefix(H)  Sigma* denotes the set of all finite prefixes from H and B(.) is the limit operator ; see also IsOmegaClosed.

The function OmegaClosure computes a realisation of the the omega-closure for the specified omega language Bm(GArg). It first invokes OmegaTrim and then markes all states. Thus, Closure(Bm(GArg)) = B(GRes) = Bm(GRes) and Prefix(Bm(GArg)) = L(GRes) = Lm(GRes).

G GRes

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