HioSys I/O Systems
The data-type HioPlant is a Generator that is suited to model the I/O-system I/O plant.
An I/O plant S_PE = (Sigma_PE,L_PE) describes a process (or process component) as a mechanism,
by which an operator can manipulate the environment of the process (component).
Hence, an I/O plant is a discrete event system with two plant-I/O ports
to interact with an operator
and its environment, respectively. The event sets are denoted
Up and Yp for operator interaction and
Ue and Ye for environment interaction. Thus,
the overall alphabet is composed as disjoint union
Sigma = Up∪Yp∪Ue∪Ye.
I/O plant: Definition
An I/O plant is a tuple S_PE = (U_P,Y_P,U_E,Y_E,L_PE), where
Sigma_PE is an alphabet with
Sigma_PE := Sigma_P∪Sigma_E,
L_PE is a language over Sigma_PE, and
(U_P,Y_P) and (U_E,Y_E) are plant-I/O ports of S_PE.
As a consequence of its definition, an I/O plant has the language format L_PE ⊆ Closure((Y_PU_P+Y_EU_E)*) and thus exhibits
alternation of input and output and interaction with either the operator or the environment.
By the function IsHioPlantForm, an HioPlant generator can be tested for compatibility with the above definition.
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