Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /** @file simfaudes.cpp Simple simulator application for faudes generators
3 This tutorial demonstrates how to build a simulator application from
4 the class faudes::ProposingExecutor. When compiled with the
5 IO device plugin, the faudes::DeviceExecutor is used to run a
6 hardware-in-the-loop simulation.
8 @code
9 ~/libfaudes/plugins/simulator/tutorial> ./simfaudes -?
11 simfaudes: usage:
13  simfaudes [-q][-v][-i][-bc] [-bt <nnn>][-bs <nnn>] [-l <logfile>] [-ls] [-le] [-lt] <simfile>
15 where
16  <simfile>: simulation configuration file or generator file
18  -q: less console output
19  -qq: absolutely no console output
20  -v: more console output
21  -vv: even more console output
22  -i: interactive mode
24  -bc: break on condition
25  -bt <nnn>: break on time <nnn>
26  -bs <nnn>: break on step <nnn>
28  -l <logfile>: log to <logfile>
29  -ls: log states
30  -le: log events
31  -lt: log time
32  -la: log all
33  -t <nnn>: fifo trace buffer length <nnn>
35  -d <devfile>: use io device configured from file
36  -dt <nnn>: tolerance in time synchronisation
37  -dr: executer reset on device request
38 @endcode
41 You may test the simulator with the examples provided in the data
42 directory:
44 @code
46 ~/libfaudes/plugins/simulator/tutorial>./simfaudes -bs 5 data/gausstest.sim
47 % simfaudes: ========================================= current state:
48 <DiscreteState> "idle" </DiscreteState>
49 % simfaudes: ========================================= current time:
50 <Time> 0 </Time>
51 % simfaudes: ========================================= proposed action:
52 <ProposedTime> 205 </ProposedTime>
53 <ProposedEvent> "alpha" </ProposedEvent>
54 % simfaudes: ========================================= execute event:
55 <ExecutedEvent> "alpha" </ExecutedEvent>
56 % simfaudes: ========================================= current state:
57 <DiscreteState> "busy" </DiscreteState>
58 % simfaudes: ========================================= current time:
59 <Time> 205 </Time>
60 % simfaudes: ========================================= found conditions satisfied:
61 <SatisfiedConditions> "BusyCond" </SatisfiedConditions>
62 % simfaudes: ========================================= proposed action:
63 <ProposedTime> 51 </ProposedTime>
64 % simfaudes: ========================================= current state:
65 <DiscreteState> "busy" </DiscreteState>
66 % simfaudes: ========================================= current time:
67 <Time> 256 </Time>
68 % simfaudes: ========================================= found conditions satisfied:
69 <SatisfiedConditions> "BusyCond" </SatisfiedConditions>
70 % simfaudes: ========================================= proposed action:
71 <ProposedTime> 39 </ProposedTime>
72 <ProposedEvent> "beta" </ProposedEvent>
73 % simfaudes: ========================================= execute event:
74 <ExecutedEvent> "beta" </ExecutedEvent>
75 % simfaudes: ========================================= current state:
76 <DiscreteState> "idle" </DiscreteState>
77 % simfaudes: ========================================= current time:
78 <Time> 295 </Time>
79 % simfaudes: ========================================= found conditions satisfied:
80 <SatisfiedConditions> "IdleCond" </SatisfiedConditions>
81 % simfaudes: ========================================= proposed action:
82 <ProposedTime> 191 </ProposedTime>
83 <ProposedEvent> "alpha" </ProposedEvent>
84 % simfaudes: ========================================= execute event:
85 <ExecutedEvent> "alpha" </ExecutedEvent>
86 % simfaudes: ========================================= current state:
87 <DiscreteState> "busy" </DiscreteState>
88 % simfaudes: ========================================= current time:
89 <Time> 486 </Time>
90 % simfaudes: ========================================= found conditions satisfied:
91 <SatisfiedConditions> "BusyCond" </SatisfiedConditions>
92 % simfaudes: ========================================= proposed action:
93 <ProposedTime> 51 </ProposedTime>
94 % simfaudes: ========================================= end simulation
96 @endcode
98 The code is straight forward: after some command line parsing
99 for behavioural configuration, it reads a proposing executor from file
100 and loops to execute the proposed transitions.
103 @ingroup Tutorials
105 @include simfaudes.cpp
107 */
110 #include "libfaudes.h"
111 #include <signal.h>
114 using namespace faudes;
117 // global vars used in exit handler
120 std::string mMark="% simfaudes: ========================================= ";
122 // simulator clean-up on exit
123 void simfaudes_exit(void);
125 // signal handler to stop devices
126 void catch_termsignal(int sig) {
127  // report
128  std::cout << std::endl;
129  std::cout << mMark << "simfaudes: signal " << faudes_strsignal(sig) << std::endl;
130  // clean up
131  simfaudes_exit();
132  // re-install default handler
133  signal(sig, SIG_DFL);
134  // pass on
135  raise(sig);
136 }
138 // clean-up on exit
139 void simfaudes_exit(void) {
140  // clean up only once
141  static sig_atomic_t exit_in_progress = 0;
142  if(exit_in_progress>0) return;
143  exit_in_progress++;
144  std::cout << mMark << "simfaudes: exit handler" << std::endl;
146  // report device performance
147  if(vDevice* dev=mExecutor.Devicep()) {
148  dev->WritePerformance();
149  }
150  // stop all devices
152 #endif
153  // report statistics
154  if(mConsoleOut>=-1) {
155  std::cout << mMark << " end simulation #" << mExecutor.Size() << std::endl;
157  cit!=mExecutor.ConditionsEnd(); cit++) {
158  if(!mExecutor.Condition(*cit).Enabled()) continue;
159  std::cout << mMark << "statistics for simulation condition \"" <<
160  mExecutor.Conditions().SymbolicName(*cit) << "\"" << std::endl;
162  std::cout << mExecutor.Condition(*cit).mSamplesPeriod.Str();
164  std::cout << mExecutor.Condition(*cit).mSamplesDuration.Str() << std::endl;
165  }
166  }
167  // close log file
169  // reset incl device if such
170  mExecutor.Reset();
171 }
173 // print usage info and exit
174 void usage_exit(const std::string& message="") {
175  if(message!="") {
176  std::cout << "simfaudes: " << message << std::endl;
177  std::cout << "" << std::endl;
178  exit(-1);
179  }
180  std::cout << "simfaudes: version " << VersionString() << std::endl;
181  std::cout << "" << std::endl;
182  std::cout << "simfaudes: usage: " << std::endl;
183  std::cout << " simfaudes [-q][-v][-i][-bc] [-bt <nnn>][-bs <nnn>] [-l <logfile>] [-ls] [-le] [-lt] <simfile> " << std::endl;
184  std::cout << "where " << std::endl;
185  std::cout << " <simfile>: simulation configuration file" << std::endl;
186  std::cout << "" << std::endl;
187  std::cout << " -q: less console output " << std::endl;
188  std::cout << " -qq: absolutely no console output " << std::endl;
189  std::cout << " -v: more console output" << std::endl;
190  std::cout << " -vv: even more console output" << std::endl;
191  std::cout << " -i: interactive mode " << std::endl;
192  std::cout << "" << std::endl;
193  std::cout << " -bc: break on condition" << std::endl;
194  std::cout << " -bt <nnn>: break on time <nnn> " << std::endl;
195  std::cout << " -bs <nnn>: break on step <nnn> " << std::endl;
196  std::cout << "" << std::endl;
197  std::cout << " -l <logfile>: log to <logfile> " << std::endl;
198  std::cout << " -ls: log states" << std::endl;
199  std::cout << " -le: log events" << std::endl;
200  std::cout << " -lt: log time" << std::endl;
201  std::cout << " -la: log all" << std::endl;
202  std::cout << " -t <nnn>: fifo trace buffer length <nnn> " << std::endl;
204  std::cout << "" << std::endl;
205  std::cout << " -d <devfile>: use io device configured from file" << std::endl;
206  std::cout << " -dt <nnn>: tolerance in time synchronisation" << std::endl;
207  std::cout << " -dr: executer reset on device request" << std::endl;
208 #endif
209  std::cout << "" << std::endl;
210  std::cout << "" << std::endl;
211  exit(-1);
212 }
214 // parse commandline, read executor and run executor
215 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
216 {
218  // install my signal handler
221  // install my exit fnct
222  atexit(simfaudes_exit);
224  // default behaviour
225  mConsoleOut=0;
226  bool mInteractive=false;
227  std::string mSimFile="";
228  std::string mDevFile="";
229  Time::Type mTolerance=-1;
230  bool mBreakCondition=false;
231  Time::Type mBreakTime=Time::Max();
232  int mBreakStep=-1;
233  std::string mLogFile="";
234  int mLogMode=0;
235  int mTraceLength=5;
236  bool mResetRequest=false;
238  // primitive commad line parsing
239  for(int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
240  std::string option(argv[i]);
241  // option: quiet
242  if((option=="-q") || (option=="--quiet")) {
243  mConsoleOut=-1;
244  continue;
245  }
246  // option: more quiet
247  if((option=="-qq") || (option=="--quietquiet")) {
248  mConsoleOut=-2;
249  continue;
250  }
251  // option: verbose
252  if((option=="-v") || (option=="--verbose")) {
253  mConsoleOut=1;
254  continue;
255  }
256  // option: more verbose
257  if((option=="-vv") || (option=="--verboseverbose")) {
258  mConsoleOut=2;
259  continue;
260  }
261  // option: interactive
262  if((option=="-i") || (option=="--interactive")) {
263  mInteractive=true;
264  continue;
265  }
266  // option: io device
267  if((option=="-d") || (option=="--device")) {
268  i++; if(i>=argc) usage_exit();
269  mDevFile=argv[i];
270  continue;
271  }
272  // option: io device tolerance
273  if((option=="-dt") || (option=="--tolerance")) {
274  i++; if(i>=argc) usage_exit();
275  mTolerance=(Time::Type) ToIdx(argv[i]);
276  continue;
277  }
278  // option: io device reset request
279  if((option=="-dr") || (option=="--resetrequest")) {
280  mResetRequest=true;
281  continue;
282  }
283  // option: break condition
284  if((option=="-bc") || (option=="--breakcondition")) {
285  mBreakCondition=true;
286  continue;
287  }
288  // option: break time
289  if((option=="-bt") || (option=="--breaktime")) {
290  i++; if(i>=argc) usage_exit();
291  mBreakTime=(Time::Type) ToIdx(argv[i]);
292  continue;
293  }
294  // option: break step
295  if((option=="-bs") || (option=="--breakstep")) {
296  i++; if(i>=argc) usage_exit();
297  mBreakStep=(int) ToIdx(argv[i]);
298  continue;
299  }
300  // option: log file
301  if((option=="-l") || (option=="--logfile")) {
302  i++; if(i>=argc) usage_exit();
303  mLogFile=argv[i];
304  continue;
305  }
306  // option: log states
307  if((option=="-ls") || (option=="--logstates")) {
308  mLogMode |= LoggingExecutor::LogStates;
309  continue;
310  }
311  // option: log events
312  if((option=="-le") || (option=="--logevents")) {
313  mLogMode |= LoggingExecutor::LogEvents;
314  continue;
315  }
316  // option: log time
317  if((option=="-lt") || (option=="--logtime")) {
318  mLogMode |= LoggingExecutor::LogTime;
319  continue;
320  }
321  // option: log all
322  if((option=="-la") || (option=="--logall")) {
323  mLogMode |= 0xff;
324  continue;
325  }
326  // option: trace
327  if((option=="-t") || (option=="--trace")) {
328  i++; if(i>=argc) usage_exit();
329  mTraceLength=(int) ToIdx(argv[i]);
330  continue;
331  }
332  // option: help
333  if((option=="-?") || (option=="--help")) {
334  usage_exit();
335  continue;
336  }
337  // option: unknown
338  if(option.c_str()[0]=='-') {
339  usage_exit("unknown option "+ option);
340  continue;
341  }
342  // filename
343  if(mSimFile!="")
344  usage_exit("more than one filname specified" );
345  mSimFile=option;
346  }
348  // insist in filename
349  if(mSimFile=="")
350  usage_exit("you must specify a filename" );
352  // dont have both, interactive and sync physics
353  if(mDevFile!="" && mInteractive)
354  usage_exit("you must not specify both interactive and synchrone mode");
356  // mute libFAUDES console out
357  if(mConsoleOut<0)
358  ConsoleOut::G()->Mute(true);
360  try{
362  // relaxed read configuration: test for generator file
363  bool gfile=false;
364  TokenReader* tr = new TokenReader(mSimFile);
365  Token token;
366  tr->Peek(token);
367  if(token.Type()==Token::Begin)
368  if(token.StringValue()=="Generator")
369  gfile=true;
370  // read configuration
371  if(gfile) {
372  mExecutor.Insert(mSimFile);
373  mExecutor.Reset();
374  } else {
375  mExecutor.Read(mSimFile);
376  mExecutor.Reset();
377  }
379  } catch(const Exception& fe) {
380  std::cout << std::flush;
381  std::cerr << "simfaudes: caught [[" << fe.Message() << "]]" << std::endl;
382  std::cerr << "simfaudes: presumably missing/missformed configuration file" << std::endl;
383  return 1;
384  }
386  // report configuration
387  if(mConsoleOut>=1) {
388  std::cout << mMark << "dumping configuration" << std::endl;
389  // generators
390  for(Idx i=0; i< mExecutor.Size(); i++) {
391  std::cout << mMark << "found generator #" << i+1 <<
392  ": " << mExecutor.At(i).Generator().Name() << std::endl;
393  }
394  // event attributes
395  for(EventSet::Iterator eit=mExecutor.Alphabet().Begin();
396  eit!=mExecutor.Alphabet().End(); eit++) {
397  std::cout << mMark << "found event attributes for \"" <<
398  mExecutor.EventName(*eit) << "\"" << std::endl;
399  std::cout << mExecutor.Alphabet().Attribute(*eit).ToString() << std::endl;
400  }
401  // conditions
403  cit!=mExecutor.ConditionsEnd(); cit++) {
404  std::cout << mMark << "found simulation condition \"" <<
405  mExecutor.Conditions().SymbolicName(*cit) << "\"" << std::endl;
406  std::cout << mExecutor.Condition(*cit).ToString() << std::endl;
407  }
408  }
410  // report generators (disabled, max output level is 2)
411  if(mConsoleOut>=3) {
412  // generators
413  for(Idx i=0; i< mExecutor.Size(); i++) {
414  std::cout << mMark << "generator #" << i+1 << std::endl;
415  mExecutor.At(i).Generator().DWrite();
416  }
417  }
419  // initialze log file
420  if(mLogFile!="") {
421  mExecutor.LogOpen(mLogFile,mLogMode | LoggingExecutor::LogStatistics);
422  }
423  if(mLogFile=="" && mLogMode!=0) {
426  }
428  // set trace buffer
429  mExecutor.TraceClear(mTraceLength);
431  // ************************************************ synchronous prep
432  if(mDevFile!="") {
435  // create device from file
436  vDevice* dev;
437  try {
438  dev=vDevice::FromFile(mDevFile);
439  } catch(const Exception& fe) {
440  std::cout << std::flush;
441  std::cerr << "simfaudes: [[" << fe.Message() << "]]" << std::endl;
442  std::cerr << "simfaudes: presumably missing/missformed configuration file" << std::endl;
443  return 1;
444  }
449  // initialise winsocks
450  if(mConsoleOut>=0)
451  std::cout << mMark << "Initialze network" << std::endl;
452  WSADATA wsaData;
453  if(WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData)!=0) {
454  usage_exit("cannot start winsock (network error)");
455  }
456 #endif
457 #endif
459  // report
460  if(mConsoleOut>=0)
461  std::cout << mMark << "Execute via IO device: \""<< dev->Name() << "\"" << std::endl;
463  // set tolerance
464  if(mTolerance!=-1) mExecutor.ToleranceTime(mTolerance);
466  // assign device to executor and wait for startup to complete
467  mExecutor.Devicep(dev);
468  mExecutor.Reset();
469  if(mBreakTime==Time::UnDef()) mBreakTime=Time::Max();
471  while(dev->Status()!=vDevice::Up) {
472  std::cout << mMark << "Starting IO device \""<< dev->Name() << "\" Status: " << dev->StatusString() << std::endl;
473  faudes_sleep(1);
474  }
475  dev->CurrentTime(0); // sync time; dont use reset, since we would loose events
476  std::cout << mMark << "IO device \""<< dev->Name() << "\" is Up" << std::endl;
477 #else
478  // cannot run device without plugin
479  usage_exit("cannot load device \""+mDevFile+"\": device plugin not present");
480 #endif
482  }
485  // ************************************************* interactive loop
486  std::cout << mMark << " begin simulation #" << mExecutor.Size() << std::endl;
487  bool mRunning=true;
488  bool mInterTemp=mInteractive;
489  SimConditionSet mSatisfied;
490  mSatisfied.Name("SatisfiedConditions");
491  while(mRunning) {
492  // report current state
493  if(mConsoleOut>=2) {
494  std::cout << mMark << "current state:" << std::endl;
495  std::cout << mExecutor.CurrentParallelTimedState().ToString("TimedState",&mExecutor) << std::endl;
496  std::cout << mMark << "marking reached:" << std::endl;
497  for(Idx i=0; i<mExecutor.Size(); i++) {
498  if(mExecutor.At(i).Generator().ExistsMarkedState( mExecutor.At(i).CurrentState() ))
499  std::cout << mExecutor.At(i).Name() << ": marked" << std::endl;
500  }
501  }
502  // report current state
503  if(mConsoleOut>=0 && mConsoleOut<2) {
504  std::cout << mMark << "current state:" << std::endl;
505  std::cout << mExecutor.CurrentParallelTimedState().ToString("DiscreteState",&mExecutor) << std::endl;
506  }
507  // report current time
508  if(mConsoleOut>=1) {
509  std::cout << mMark << "current time:" << std::endl;
510  std::cout << "<Time> " << mExecutor.CurrentTime() << " </Time>" << std::endl;
511  std::cout << "<Step> " << mExecutor.CurrentStep() << " </Step>" << std::endl;
512  }
513  // report current time
514  if(mConsoleOut==0) {
515  std::cout << mMark << "current time:" << std::endl;
516  std::cout << "<Time> " << mExecutor.CurrentTime() << " </Time>" << std::endl;
517  }
518  // report satisfied conditions
519  if(mConsoleOut>=0) {
520  mSatisfied.Clear();
522  cit!=mExecutor.ConditionsEnd(); cit++) {
523  if(mExecutor.Condition(*cit).Satisfied()) mSatisfied.Insert(*cit);
524  }
525  if(mSatisfied.Size()>0) {
526  std::cout << mMark << "found conditions satisfied:" << std::endl;
527  std::cout << mSatisfied.ToString() << std::endl;
528  }
529  }
530  // report internal state
531  if(mConsoleOut>=2) {
532  std::cout << mMark << "simulation event states:" << std::endl;
533  std::cout << mExecutor.EventStatesToString() << std::endl;
534  }
535  // report enables per component
536  if(mConsoleOut>=2 && mExecutor.Size()>1) {
537  std::cout << mMark << "disabled events (per component):" << std::endl;
538  for(Idx i=0; i<mExecutor.Size(); i++) {
539  std::string enevs = mExecutor.At(i).DisabledEvents().ToString();
540  std::cout << mExecutor.At(i).Name() << ": " << enevs << std::endl;
541  }
542  }
543  // report enabled transitions
544  if(mConsoleOut>=1) {
545  std::cout << mMark << "enabled events:" << std::endl;
546  std::cout << mExecutor.EnabledEvents().ToString() << std::endl;
547  std::cout << mMark << "enabled interval:" << std::endl;
548  std::cout << mExecutor.EnabledInterval().Str() << std::endl;
549  std::cout << mMark << "enabled time:" << std::endl;
550  std::cout << mExecutor.EnabledTime().Str() << std::endl;
551  }
552  // test break: time up
553  if(mExecutor.CurrentTime() >= Time::Max()) {
554  if(mConsoleOut>=-1) std::cout << mMark << "time is up" << std::endl;
555  mInterTemp=false;
556  mRunning=false;
557  break;
558  }
559  // test break: condition
560  if(mExecutor.BreakCondition() && (mBreakCondition || mInteractive)) {
561  if(mConsoleOut>=-1) std::cout << mMark << "break condition triggered" << std::endl;
562  mInterTemp=mInteractive;
563  mRunning=mInteractive;
564  }
565  // test break: time
566  if(mBreakTime!=Time::UnDef())
567  if(mExecutor.CurrentTime() >= mBreakTime) {
568  if(mConsoleOut>=-1) std::cout << mMark << "break time reached" << std::endl;
569  mInterTemp=mInteractive;
570  mRunning=mInteractive;
571  }
572  // test break: step
573  if(mBreakStep>=0)
574  if(mExecutor.CurrentStep() >= mBreakStep) {
575  if(mConsoleOut>=-1) std::cout << mMark << "break step reached" << std::endl;
576  mInterTemp=mInteractive;
577  mRunning=mInteractive;
578  }
579  // test break: synchronous device
580  if(!mExecutor.IsSynchronous()) {
581  if(mConsoleOut>=-1) std::cout << mMark << "device out of sync" << std::endl;
582  mInterTemp=false;
583  mRunning=false;
584  break;
585  }
586  // proposed action
588  if(mConsoleOut>=0) {
589  std::cout << mMark << "proposed action:" << std::endl;
590  if(mPropTrans.mTime>0)
591  std::cout << "<ProposedTime> " << ToStringInteger(mPropTrans.mTime) << " </ProposedTime>" << std::endl;
592  if(mPropTrans.mEvent!=0)
593  std::cout << "<ProposedEvent> \"" << mExecutor.EventName(mPropTrans.mEvent) << "\" </ProposedEvent>" << std::endl;
594  if((mPropTrans.mTime<=0) && (mPropTrans.mEvent==0) )
595  std::cout << "+DeadLock+" << std::endl;
596  }
597  // record transition
598  Idx mEvent=0;
599  // ask choice
600  while(mInterTemp) {
601  // get user input
602  std::cout << mMark << "enter command:" << std::endl;
603  std::string line;
604  std::getline(std::cin,line);
605  // separate cmd from arg
606  std::string choice;
607  std::string param;
608  std::istringstream sline(line);
609  sline >> choice;
610  sline >> param;
611  // convert to int
612  int ichoice =-1;
613  std::istringstream schoice(choice);
614  schoice >> ichoice;
615  if(!schoice) ichoice=-1;
616  int iparam =-1;
617  std::istringstream sparam(param);
618  sparam >> iparam;
619  if(!sparam) iparam=-1;
620  // convert to symbol
621  std::string nchoice=choice;
622  if(choice.length()>2)
623  if('"' && '"')
624  nchoice=choice.substr(1,choice.length()-2);
625  // switch cases
626  bool err=false;
627  if(choice=="x" || choice == "exit") {
628  mRunning=false;
629  } else
630  if(choice=="p" || choice=="proposal" || choice=="") {
631  mExecutor.ExecuteTime(mPropTrans.mTime);
632  if(mExecutor.ExecuteEvent(mPropTrans.mEvent))
633  mEvent=mPropTrans.mEvent;
634  } else
635  if(choice=="r" || choice=="run") {
636  mInterTemp=false;
637  } else
638  if(choice=="v" || choice=="revert") {
639  int step = mExecutor.CurrentStep()-1;
640  if(iparam!=-1) step=iparam;
641  std::cout << mMark << "revert to step " << step << std::endl;
642  mExecutor.RevertToStep(step);
643  } else
644  if(choice=="t" || choice=="trace") {
645  std::cout << mMark << "system trace" << std::endl;
647  continue;
648  } else
649  if(ichoice>0) {
650  mExecutor.ExecuteTime(ichoice);
651  } else
652  if(mExecutor.Alphabet().Exists(nchoice)) {
654  mEvent=mExecutor.EventIndex(nchoice);
655  } else {
656  std::cout << mMark << "simfaudes interactive mode" << std::endl;
657  std::cout << "%" << std::endl;
658  std::cout << "% execute time and/or transitions" << std::endl;
659  std::cout << "% * <nn> to pass a specified duration <nn> (excl brackets)" << std::endl;
660  std::cout << "% * \"event\" to execute an event (incl quotes)" << std::endl;
661  std::cout << "% * [P] or [Ret] to execute the recent proPosal " << std::endl;
662  std::cout << "%" << std::endl;
663  std::cout << "% show trace and revert" << std::endl;
664  std::cout << "% * [T] to show a Trace of recent events and states" << std::endl;
665  std::cout << "% * [V] <nn> to reVert to step <nn> (obmit <nn> for one step backward) "<< std::endl;
666  std::cout << "%" << std::endl;
667  std::cout << "% other" << std::endl;
668  std::cout << "% * [X] to eXit" << std::endl<< std::endl;
669  err=true;
670  }
671  if(!err) break;
672  }
673  // execute proposal
674  if(!mInterTemp && mDevFile=="") {
675  mExecutor.ExecuteTime(mPropTrans.mTime);
676  if(mExecutor.ExecuteEvent(mPropTrans.mEvent))
677  mEvent=mPropTrans.mEvent;
678  }
680  // sync step
681  if(mDevFile!="") {
682  // reset request ?
683  bool rr= mExecutor.DeviceResetRequest();
684  if(rr && mConsoleOut>=0 && !mResetRequest) {
685  std::cout << mMark << "ignoring reset request" << std::endl;
686  rr=false;
687  }
688  if(rr && mConsoleOut>=0)
689  std::cout << mMark << "reset on request" << std::endl;
690  if(rr)
691  mExecutor.Reset();
692  // sync proposal
693  if(!rr) {
694  if(mConsoleOut>=0 && mPropTrans.mTime>0)
695  std::cout << mMark << "sync wait" << std::endl;
696  mEvent=mExecutor.SyncStep();
698  }
699  }
700 #endif
701  // report event
702  if(mConsoleOut>=0 && mEvent!=0) {
703  std::cout << mMark << "execute event:" << std::endl;
704  std::cout << "<ExecutedEvent> \"" << mExecutor.EventName(mEvent) << "\" </ExecutedEvent>"
705  << std::endl;
706  }
708  } // loop: while mRunning
710  // done
711  return 0;
712 }
const char * faudes_strsignal(int sig)
void faudes_termsignal(void(*sighandler)(int))
void faudes_sleep(long int sec)
bool Enabled(void) const
Test whether condition is enabled.
SampledDensityFunction mSamplesDuration
Sampled durations, for which this condition remains satisfied.
bool Satisfied(void) const
Test whether the condition is currently satisfied.
SampledDensityFunction mSamplesPeriod
Sampled period, at which this condition becomes satisfied.
static ConsoleOut * G(void)
Acess static instance.
Definition: cfl_utils.cpp:415
void Mute(bool on)
Definition: cfl_utils.h:332
Executer with IO device to handle external/physical events.
bool ExecuteEvent(Idx event)
Execute event.
void Devicep(vDevice *dev)
Set device.
bool IsSynchronous(void) const
Test Syncronisation.
bool SyncTime(void)
Execute generator clock time to sync with device time.
void DeviceStart(void)
Convenience: Start the device.
Idx SyncStep(Time::Type duration=Time::Max())
Execute one transition with synchronous physical signals.
virtual bool DeviceResetRequest(void)
Query the device whther it has received an external reset request.
void ToleranceTime(Time::Type maxgap)
Set tolerance for time synchonisation.
virtual void Reset(long int seed=0)
Reset the DeviceExecutor.
std::string Str(void) const
Faudes exception class.
virtual const char * Message() const
Returns error description.
bool CurrentState(Idx index)
Set discrete state.
const std::string & Name(void) const
Generator name (for convenience)
Definition: sp_executor.h:161
void Generator(const TimedGenerator &rGen)
Initialise from TimedGenerator.
Definition: sp_executor.cpp:46
const EventSet & DisabledEvents() const
Get set of events that are disabled at current (timed) state.
void TraceClear(int length=-2)
Clear buffer and set max buffer.
bool BreakCondition(void) const
Simulation state: true if some break condition is currently satisfied.
void TraceWrite(TokenWriter &rTw, const TraceSample &sample) const
Access buffer: tokenwriter output.
ConditionIterator ConditionsEnd(void) const
Condition iterator: end
const SimConditionSet & Conditions(void) const
Read-only access to simulation conditions.
SimConditionSet::Iterator ConditionIterator
Condition iterator: typedef.
int CurrentStep(void) const
Get logical time, ie number of transitions so far,.
void LogOpen(TokenWriter &rTw, int mode)
Start logging to TokenWriter.
Time::Type CurrentTime(void) const
Get clock time.
ConditionIterator ConditionsBegin(void) const
Condition iterator: begin.
bool CurrentParallelTimedState(const ParallelTimedState &ptstate)
Set current state of the ParallelExecutor.
const AttributeSimCondition & Condition(const std::string &rName) const
Read-only access to a simulation condition by name.
void LogClose(void)
Stop logging.
void SymbolicName(Idx index, const std::string &rName)
Set new name for existing index.
Idx Size(void) const
Number of TimedGenerators.
const EventSet & EnabledEvents() const
Get events that are enabled at current (timed) state.
Idx EventIndex(const std::string &rName) const
Event index lookup.
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:197
void Insert(const std::string &rFileName)
Add a TimedGenerator from file.
const TimeInterval & EnabledInterval() const
Get an interval on which the set of enabled events is constant.
const TimeInterval & EnabledTime() const
Get maximal duration that can pass without executing an event.
std::string EventName(Idx index) const
Event name lookup.
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:210
const Executor & At(int i) const
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:183
void Alphabet(const sEventSet &rAlphabet)
Set all simulation event attributes.
bool ExecuteTime(Time::Type duration)
Execute time duration.
bool RevertToStep(Idx step)
Revert executor to past step.
std::string EventStatesToString(void) const
Inspect stochastic event states (debugging)
const TimedEvent & ProposeNextTransition()
Propose next transition.
Set of simulation named conditions.
virtual bool Insert(const Idx &rIndex)
Add an element by index.
Definition: cfl_nameset.h:993
std::string Str(void) const
Pretty printable string.
static Type UnDef(void)
Undefined time value.
Int Type
Datatype for point on time axis.
static Type Max(void)
Maximum time, associated with infinitiy.
Global Tyoedefs.
Definition: sp_executor.h:53
Time::Type mTime
Definition: sp_executor.h:56
A TokenReader reads sequential tokens from a file or string.
bool Peek(Token &token)
Peek next token.
A TokenWriter writes sequential tokens to a file, a string or stdout.
Tokens model atomic data for stream IO.
Definition: cfl_token.h:54
const std::string & StringValue(void) const
Get string value of a name token.
Definition: cfl_token.cpp:178
@ Begin
<label> (begin of section)
Definition: cfl_token.h:84
TokenType Type(void) const
Get token Type.
Definition: cfl_token.cpp:199
void Read(const std::string &rFileName, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0)
Read configuration data from file with label specified.
Definition: cfl_types.cpp:261
std::string ToString(const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const
Write configuration data to a string.
Definition: cfl_types.cpp:169
Virtual base class to define the interface for event io.
Definition: iop_vdevice.h:261
virtual std::string StatusString(void)
Get status as infromal string.
static void StopAll(void)
Stop all devices.
virtual DeviceState Status(void)
Get status.
Definition: iop_vdevice.h:486
static vDevice * FromFile(const std::string &rFileName)
Construct on heap from file.
void Name(const std::string &rName)
Set the device name.
virtual Time::Type CurrentTime(void)
Report physical time in ftu.
virtual void Clear(void)
Clear all set.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1911
const std::string & Name(void) const
Return name of TBaseSet.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1764
Idx Size(void) const
Get Size of TBaseSet.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1828
Includes all libFAUDES headers, incl plugings
libFAUDES resides within the namespace faudes.
uint32_t Idx
Type definition for index type (allways 32bit)
std::string VersionString()
Return FAUDES_VERSION as std::string.
Definition: cfl_utils.cpp:131
Idx ToIdx(const std::string &rString)
Convert a string to Idx.
Definition: cfl_utils.cpp:100
std::string ToStringInteger(Int number)
integer to string
Definition: cfl_utils.cpp:43
void catch_termsignal(int sig)
Definition: simfaudes.cpp:126
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: simfaudes.cpp:215
int mConsoleOut
Definition: simfaudes.cpp:119
DeviceExecutor mExecutor
Definition: simfaudes.cpp:118
void simfaudes_exit(void)
Definition: simfaudes.cpp:139
std::string mMark
Definition: simfaudes.cpp:120
void usage_exit(const std::string &message="")
Definition: simfaudes.cpp:174

libFAUDES 2.32f --- 2024.12.22 --- c++ api documentaion by doxygen