Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /** @file sp_pexecutor.cpp Executor for multiple synchronized timed generators */
3 /*
4  FAU Discrete Event Systems Library (libFAUDES)
6  Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2024 Thomas Moor
7  Copyright (C) 2007 Ruediger Berndt
8  Exclusive copyright is granted to Klaus Schmidt
10 */
13 #include "sp_pexecutor.h"
15 namespace faudes {
18 // std faudes type
19 FAUDES_TYPE_IMPLEMENTATION(ParallelExecutor,ParallelExecutor,Type)
21 // ParallelExecutor(void)
23  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::ParallelExecutor()");
24 }
26 // ParallelExecutor(other)
28  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::ParallelExecutor(other)");
29  Assign(rOther);
30 }
32 // ParallelExecutor(rFileName)
33 ParallelExecutor::ParallelExecutor(const std::string& rFileName) : Type() {
34  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::ParallelExecutor(" << rFileName << ")");
35  Read(rFileName);
36 }
38 // ParallelExecutor(void)
40  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::~ParallelExecutor()");
41 }
43 // DoAssign(other)
45  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::DoAssign(other)");
46  mExecutors=rOther.mExecutors;
48  Compile();
49 }
51 //UpdateParallelTimedState()
55  for(Iterator xit=Begin(); xit!=End(); xit++){
56  mCurrentParallelTimedState.State.push_back(xit->CurrentTimedState().State);
57  mCurrentParallelTimedState.Clock.push_back(xit->CurrentTimedState().ClockValue);
58  }
59 }
61 // Compile()
63  iterator xit;
64  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::Compile(): with #" << Size() << " generators");
65  // reset executors, incl compile
66  for(xit=mExecutors.begin(); xit!=mExecutors.end(); xit++)
67  xit->Reset();
68  // update state
70  // compute alphabet
71  mAlphabet.Clear();
72  mAlphabet.Name("Alphabet");
73  for(xit=mExecutors.begin(); xit!=mExecutors.end(); xit++)
74  mAlphabet.InsertSet(xit->Generator().Alphabet());
75  // reset other members
76  mCurrentTime=0;
77  mCurrentStep=0;
78  mRecentEvent=0;
79  mEValid=false;
80  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::Compile(): done");
81 }
83 // Reset()
85  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::Reset()");
86  // compile includes reset
87  Compile();
88 }
90 // Insert(rFileName)
91 void ParallelExecutor::Insert(const std::string& rFileName) {
92  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::Insert(" << rFileName << ")" );
93  TokenReader tr(rFileName);
94  // create executor and read generator
95  mExecutors.push_back(Executor());
96  mExecutorNames.push_back(rFileName);
97  // read generator
98  mExecutors.back().Read(tr);
99  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::Insert(" << rFileName
100  << "): found " << mExecutors.back().Name());
101  // compile (incl check determinism)
102  Compile();
103 }
105 // Insert(rGen)
107  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::Insert(rGen): " << rGen.Name() << " at #" << Size());
108  mExecutors.push_back(Executor(rGen));
109  mExecutorNames.push_back("");
110  // compile (incl check determinism)
111  Compile();
112 }
114 // Clear()
116  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::Clear()");
117  mExecutors.clear();
118  mExecutorNames.clear();
119  Compile();
120 }
122 // Size()
124  return (Idx) mExecutors.size();
125 }
129 //DoWrite(rTr,rLabel)
130 void ParallelExecutor::DoWrite(TokenWriter& rTw, const std::string& rLabel, const Type* pContext) const {
131  (void) pContext;
132  std::string label=rLabel;
133  if(label=="") label = "Executor";
134  rTw.WriteBegin(label);
135  DoWriteGenerators(rTw);
136  rTw.WriteEnd(label);
137 }
139 // DoXWrite()
140 /*
141 void ParallelExecutor::DoXWrite(TokenWriter& rTw, const std::string& rLabel, const Type* pContext) const {
142  (void) pContext;
143  // Set up outer tag
144  std::string label=rLabel;
145  std::string ftype=TypeName();
146  if(label=="") label="Executor";
147  Token btag;
148  btag.SetBegin(label);
149  if(Name()!=label && Name()!="") btag.InsAttributeString("name",Name());
150  if(ftype!=label && ftype!="") btag.InsAttributeString("ftype",ftype);
151  FD_DG("vGenerator(" << this << ")::DoXWrite(..): section " << btag.StringValue() << " #" << Size());
152  rTw.Write(btag);
153  DoWriteGenerators(rTw);
154  rTw.WriteEnd(label);
155 }
156 */
158 //DoWriteGenerators(rTr,rLabel)
160  rTw.WriteBegin("Generators");
161  for(Idx i=0; i<Size(); i++) {
162  // write filename
163  if(mExecutorNames.at(i)!="") {
164  rTw.WriteString(mExecutorNames.at(i));
165  }
166  // write generator
167  if(mExecutorNames.at(i)=="") {
168  mExecutors.at(i).Write(rTw);
169  }
170  }
171  rTw.WriteEnd("Generators");
172 }
174 //DoRead(rTr,rLabel)
175 void ParallelExecutor::DoRead(TokenReader& rTr, const std::string& rLabel, const Type* pContext) {
176  (void) pContext;
177  // report
178  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::DoRead(tr, " << rLabel << ")");
179  // get my section
180  std::string label=rLabel;
181  if(label=="") label = "Executor";
182  // read section
183  rTr.ReadBegin(label);
184  // read generators
185  DoReadGenerators(rTr);
186  // done
187  rTr.ReadEnd(label);
188  // reset
189  Reset();
190 }
193 //DoReadGenerators(rTr,rLabel)
195  // get relevant directory
196  std::string dirname="";
197  if(rTr.SourceMode()==TokenReader::File)
198  dirname=ExtractDirectory(rTr.FileName());
199  // report
200  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::DoReadGenerators(tr): dirname " << dirname);
201  // read section
202  rTr.ReadBegin("Generators");
203  Token token;
204  while(!rTr.Eos("Generators")) {
205  rTr.Peek(token);
206  // is it a file name?
207  if(token.Type()==Token::String) {
208  Insert(PrependPath(dirname,token.StringValue()));
209  rTr.Get(token);
210  continue;
211  }
212  // is it a generator?
213  if(token.Type()==Token::Begin)
214  if(token.StringValue()=="Generator") {
215  TimedGenerator gen;
216  gen.Read(rTr);
217  Insert(gen);
218  continue;
219  }
220  // else report error
221  std::stringstream errstr;
222  errstr << "Invalid token" << rTr.FileLine();
223  throw Exception("ParallelExecutor::DoReadGenerators", errstr.str(), 502);
224  }
225  rTr.ReadEnd("Generators");
226 }
228 // Alphabet()
230  return mAlphabet;
231 }
233 // ComputeEnabled() fake const
235  ParallelExecutor* fakeconst = const_cast<ParallelExecutor*>(this);
236  fakeconst->ComputeEnabledNonConst();
237 }
239 // ComputeEnabled()
241  iterator xit;
242  // compute members (may remove this)
243  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::ComputeEnabled(): members");
244  for(xit=mExecutors.begin(); xit != mExecutors.end(); xit++)
245  xit->IsDeadlocked();
246  // compute etime
247  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::ComputeEnabled(): time");
249  for(xit=mExecutors.begin(); xit != mExecutors.end(); xit++)
250  mETime.Intersect(xit->EnabledTime());
251  // compute e/d events
252  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::ComputeEnabled(): e/d events");
253  mDEvents.Name("DisabledEvents");
254  mDEvents.Clear();
255  for(xit=mExecutors.begin(); xit != mExecutors.end(); xit++)
256  mDEvents.InsertSet(xit->DisabledEvents());
258  mEEvents.Name("EnabledEvents");
260  // compute einterval // TODO: this is conservative
261  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::ComputeEnabled(): interval");
263  for(xit=mExecutors.begin(); xit != mExecutors.end(); xit++)
264  mEInterval.Intersect(xit->EnabledInterval());
265  // done
266  mEValid=true;
267 }
269 // EnabledTime(void)
271  if(!mEValid) ComputeEnabled();
272  return mETime;
274 }
276 // EnabledEvents(void)
278  if(!mEValid) ComputeEnabled();
279  return mEEvents;
280 }
282 // DisabledEvents(void)
284  if(!mEValid) ComputeEnabled();
285  return mDEvents;
286 }
288 // EnabledInterval(void)
290  if(!mEValid) ComputeEnabled();
291  return mEInterval;
292 }
294 // EnabledEventInterval(event)
296  TimeInterval retInterval;
297  retInterval.SetPositive();
298  Iterator xit;
299  for(xit=Begin(); xit != End(); xit++){
300  retInterval.Intersect(xit->EnabledEventTime(event));
301  }
302  FD_DX("ParalelExecutor(" << this << ")::EnabledEventTime(" << event << "):"<< retInterval.Str());
303  return retInterval;
304 }
306 // EnabledGuardInterval(event)
308  TimeInterval retInterval;
309  retInterval.SetPositive();
310  Iterator xit;
311  for(xit=Begin(); xit != End(); xit++){
312  retInterval.Intersect(xit->EnabledGuardTime(event));
313  }
314  FD_DX("ParalelExecutor(" << this << ")::EnabledGuardTime(" << event << "):"<< retInterval.Str());
315  return retInterval;
316 }
318 //GetCurrentStateVec
321 }
323 // get current state
326 }
328 // set current state
330  FD_DX("ParalelExecutor(" << this << ")::CurrentParallelState(ptstate): set " << PTSStr(ptstate));
331  // prepare
332  if(ptstate.State.size()!=Size()) return false;
333  if(ptstate.Clock.size()!=Size()) return false;
334  bool res=true;
336  // loop and set for all executors
337  int i=0;
338  for(iterator xit=mExecutors.begin(); xit!=mExecutors.end(); xit++, i++){
339  TimedState tstate;
340  tstate.State=ptstate.State[i];
341  tstate.ClockValue=ptstate.Clock[i];
342  res = res && xit->CurrentTimedState(tstate);
343  }
344  // reject
345  if(!res) {
347  return false;
348  }
349  // reset time (dont call the virtual fncts here)
352  // fix state rep
354  // invalidate
355  mEValid=false;
356  mRecentEvent=0;
357  FD_DX("ParalelExecutor(" << this << ")::CurrentParallelState(ptstate): done");
358  return true;
359 }
363 // ExecuteTime(time)
365  if(mCurrentTime>=Time::Max()) return false;
366  if(time==0) return true;
367  if(!mEValid) ComputeEnabled();
368  if(!mETime.In(time) && !((time==Time::Max()) && mETime.UBinf()) ) {
369  FD_DX("ParalelExecutor(" << this << ")::ExecuteTime(time): execution of " << time
370  << " conflicts with enabled status " );
371  return false;
372  }
373  // progress current time
374  mCurrentTime += time;
375  // fix infinity
376  if(time==Time::Max()) mCurrentTime=Time::Max();
377  // progress members
378  bool success=true;
379  for(iterator xit=mExecutors.begin(); xit != mExecutors.end(); xit++)
380  success &= xit->ExecuteTime(time);
381  // update state
383  // indicate invalid (conservative)
384  mEValid=false;
385  return success;
386 }
388 // ExecuteEvent(event)
390  if(!mEValid) ComputeEnabled();
391  if(!mEEvents.Exists(event)) {
392  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::ExecuteEvent(): execution of event " << EStr(event)
393  << " conflicts with enabled status " );
394  return false;
395  }
396  // progress members
397  bool success=true;
398  for(iterator xit=mExecutors.begin(); xit != mExecutors.end(); xit++)
399  if(xit->Generator().ExistsEvent(event))
400  success &= xit->ExecuteEvent(event);
401  if(!success) {
402  // should throw exception
403  FD_DX("ParallelExecutor(" << this << ")::ExecuteEvent(): execution of event " << EStr(event)
404  << " conflicts with internal state data " );
405  return false;
406  }
407  // progress current time
408  mCurrentStep += 1;
409  // update state
411  // record event
412  mRecentEvent=event;
413  // invalidate
414  mEValid=false;
415  return true;
416 }
418 // CurrentTime(time)
420  mCurrentTime=time;
421  for(iterator xit=mExecutors.begin(); xit != mExecutors.end(); xit++)
422  xit->CurrentTime(time);
423  mEValid=false;
424 }
426 // CurrentTime()
428  return mCurrentTime;
429 }
431 // CurrentStep(step)
433  mCurrentStep=step;
434  for(iterator xit=mExecutors.begin(); xit != mExecutors.end(); xit++)
435  xit->CurrentStep(0);
436  mEValid=false;
437 }
439 // CurrentStep()
441  return mCurrentStep;
442 }
444 // IsDeadlocked()
446  if(!mEValid) ComputeEnabled();
447  if(!mEEvents.Empty()) return false;
448  if(!(mETime.UB()<=0)) return false;
449  return true;
450 }
452 // PTSStr(ptstate)
453 std::string ParallelExecutor::PTSStr(const ParallelTimedState& ptstate) const {
454  if(Size()!=ptstate.State.size()) return("(undef)");
455  std::stringstream res;
456  res << "(state ";
457  for(unsigned int i=0; i< Size(); i++){
458  res << mExecutors[i].Generator().SStr(ptstate.State[i]);
459  if(i+1<Size()) res << " x ";
460  }
461  res << ") (clocks (";
462  for(unsigned int i=0; i< Size(); i++){
463  const Executor* execp=&mExecutors[i];
464  ClockSet::Iterator cit;
465  for(cit=execp->Generator().ClocksBegin();cit!=execp->Generator().ClocksEnd();cit++){
466  if(cit!=execp->Generator().ClocksBegin()) res << " ";
467  res << CStr(*cit) << "=";
468  std::map<Idx,Time::Type>::const_iterator cvit=ptstate.Clock[i].find(*cit);
469  if(cvit!=ptstate.Clock[i].end()) res << cvit->second;
470  else res << "undef";
471  }
472  res<<")";
473  if(i+1<Size()) res << " x (";
474  }
475  res << ")";
476  return res.str();
477 }
479 // PSStr(pstate)
480 std::string ParallelExecutor::PSStr(const ParallelState& pstate) const {
481  if(Size()!=pstate.size()) return("(undef)");
482  std::stringstream res;
483  res << "(state ";
484  for(unsigned int i=0; i< Size(); i++){
485  res << mExecutors[i].Generator().SStr(pstate[i]);
486  if(i+1<Size()) res << " x ";
487  }
488  res << ")";
489  return res.str();
490 }
492 // TEStr(tevent)
493 std::string ParallelExecutor::TEStr(const TimedEvent& tevent) const {
494  if(Size()==0) return "(undef)";
495  return Begin()->TEStr(tevent);
496 }
498 // EStr(event)
499 std::string ParallelExecutor::EStr(Idx event) const {
500  if(Size()==0) return "(undef)";
501  return Begin()->EStr(event);
502 }
504 // CStr(clock)
505 std::string ParallelExecutor::CStr(Idx clock) const {
506  if(Size()==0) return "(undef)";
507  return Begin()->CStr(clock);
508 }
510 // CurrentParallelTimedStateStr()
513 }
515 // CurrentParallelTimedStateStr()
518 }
520 //ActiveEventSet
522  EventSet retEventSet=Alphabet();
523  Iterator xit;
524  int i;
525  for(i=0, xit=Begin(); xit!=End(); xit++, i++) {
526  retEventSet.EraseSet( xit->Generator().Alphabet() - xit->Generator().ActiveEventSet(stateVec[i]));
527  }
528  return retEventSet;
529 }
531 //Active(Idx)
534 }
536 //Active(Idx, ParallelState)
537 bool ParallelExecutor::Active(Idx ev, const ParallelState& stateVec) const {
538  Iterator xit;
539  int i;
540  for(xit=Begin(), i=0; xit!=End(); ++xit, i++){
541  if(xit->Generator().Alphabet().Exists(ev))
542  if(xit->Generator().TransRelBegin(stateVec[i],ev)
543  == xit->Generator().TransRelEnd(stateVec[i],ev))
544  return false;
545  }
546  return true;
547 }
550 //DoWrite(rTr,rLabel,pContext)
551 void ParallelExecutor::ParallelTimedState::DoWrite(TokenWriter& rTw, const std::string& rLabel, const Type* pContext) const {
552  // allow for two versions only
553  std::string label=rLabel;
554  if(label!="DiscreteState")
555  if(label!="TimedState")
556  label="TimedState";
557  FD_DC("ParallelExecutor::ParallelTimedState::DoWrite(): section " << rLabel << " context " << pContext);
558  // figure context
559  const ParallelExecutor* exe=dynamic_cast<const ParallelExecutor*>(pContext);
560  if(exe) if(exe->Size()!=State.size()) exe=0;
561  if(exe) if(exe->Size()!=Clock.size()) exe=0;
562  // do write
563  if(rLabel=="TimedState") rTw.WriteBegin("TimedState");
564  // discrete state
565  rTw.WriteBegin("DiscreteState");
566  for(unsigned int i=0; i< State.size(); i++) {
567  std::string name="";
568  if(exe) name=exe->At(i).StateName(State.at(i));
569  if(name!="") rTw.WriteString(name);
570  else rTw.WriteInteger(State.at(i));
571  };
572  rTw.WriteEnd("DiscreteState");
573  // figure whether to write clocks
574  bool doclocks=false;
575  if(rLabel=="TimedState")
576  for(unsigned int i=0; i< Clock.size(); i++)
577  if(Clock.at(i).size()>0) doclocks=true;
578  // write clocks
579  if(doclocks) {
580  rTw.WriteBegin("ClockMaps");
581  for(unsigned int i=0; i< Clock.size(); i++) {
582  rTw.WriteBegin("ClockMap");
583  std::map<Idx,Time::Type>::const_iterator cit;
584  for(cit=Clock.at(i).begin(); cit!=Clock.at(i).end(); cit++) {
585  std::string name="";
586  if(exe) name=exe->At(i).Generator().ClockName(cit->first);
587  if(name!="") rTw.WriteString(name);
588  else rTw.WriteInteger(cit->first);
589  rTw.WriteInteger(cit->second);
590  }
591  rTw.WriteEnd("ClockMap");
592  }
593  rTw.WriteEnd("ClockMaps");
594  }
595  // do write end
596  if(rLabel=="TimedState") rTw.WriteEnd("TimedState");
597 }
599 //DoRead(rTr,rLabel,pContext)
600  void ParallelExecutor::ParallelTimedState::DoRead(TokenReader& rTr, const std::string& rLabel, const Type* pContext) {
601  (void) rLabel; (void) pContext; (void) rTr;
602  FD_DC("ParallelExecutor::ParallelTimedState::DoRead()");
603 }
606 } // namespace faudes
#define FD_DC(message)
Debug: optional report on container operations.
#define FAUDES_TYPE_IMPLEMENTATION(ftype, ctype, cbase)
faudes type implementation macros, overall
Definition: cfl_types.h:946
Faudes exception class.
An Executor is a timed generator that maintains a current state.
Definition: sp_executor.h:93
void Generator(const TimedGenerator &rGen)
Initialise from TimedGenerator.
Definition: sp_executor.cpp:46
std::string StateName(Idx idx) const
State name (for convenience)
Definition: sp_executor.h:167
Set of indices with symbolic names.
Definition: cfl_nameset.h:69
bool Exists(const Idx &rIndex) const
Test existence of index.
virtual void InsertSet(const NameSet &rOtherSet)
Inserts all elements of rOtherSet.
void EraseSet(const NameSet &rOtherSet)
Erase elements specified by rOtherSet.
Typedef for parallel timed state, incl token io.
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:76
virtual void DoWrite(TokenWriter &rTw, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const
Write configuration data of this object to TokenWriter.
virtual void DoRead(TokenReader &rTr, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0)
Read configuration data of this object from TokenReader.
Synchronized parallel execution of TimedGenerators.
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:64
std::string TEStr(const TimedEvent &tevent) const
Pretty printable string of timed event.
virtual void DoWrite(TokenWriter &rTw, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const
Write to TokenWriter, see also public wrappers Write() in faudes::Type.
std::vector< Executor >::iterator iterator
Internal non-const iterator.
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:578
Time::Type CurrentTime(void) const
Get clock time.
Idx Size(void) const
Number of TimedGenerators.
void ComputeEnabledNonConst(void)
Compute enabled core routine (non const)
bool mEValid
validity flag for fevents and ftime
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:602
std::string PSStr(const ParallelState &pstate) const
Pretty printable string of parallel state.
const EventSet & EnabledEvents() const
Get events that are enabled at current (timed) state.
const ParallelState & CurrentParallelState(void) const
Get current discrete state vector of the ParallelExecutor.
void ComputeEnabled(void) const
Compute enabled events and enabled interval (fake const)
EventSet mAlphabet
overall alphabet
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:581
EventSet mEEvents
enabled events
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:593
virtual void Compile()
compile internal data (eg overall alphabet)
TimeInterval mEInterval
enabled interval
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:599
virtual bool ExecuteTime(Time::Type duration)
Let time pass without executing a transition.
Idx mRecentEvent
recent event
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:567
virtual void DoRead(TokenReader &rTr, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0)
Reads parallel executor from TokenReader, see also public wrappers Read() in faudes::Type.
EventSet ActiveEventSet(const ParallelState &stateVec) const
Get events that are active in all TimedGenerators.
const ParallelTimedState & CurrentParallelTimedState(void) const
Get current state of the ParallelExecutor.
int CurrentStep(void) const
Get logical time, ie number of transitions so far,.
Time::Type mCurrentTime
global time (real)
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:584
std::string PTSStr(const ParallelTimedState &ptstate) const
Pretty printable string of timed parallel state.
void Insert(const std::string &rFileName)
Add a TimedGenerator from file.
std::vector< Executor >::const_iterator Iterator
Read-only access to individual executors.
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:180
bool Active(Idx ev, const ParallelState &stateVec) const
Test whether an event is active in a given discrete state.
ParallelTimedState mCurrentParallelTimedState
current state
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:605
std::vector< Idx > ParallelState
Typedef for parallel discrete state.
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:70
bool IsDeadlocked() const
Test for deadlocked.
const TimeInterval & EnabledInterval() const
Get an interval on which the set of enabled events is constant.
const EventSet & DisabledEvents() const
Get events that are disabled at current (timed) state.
Iterator Begin(void) const
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:181
std::string CurrentParallelTimedStateStr(void) const
Pretty printable string of current state.
Construct an emtpy ParallelExecuter.
virtual void DoWriteGenerators(TokenWriter &rTw) const
Write generator files section to TokenWriter.
std::vector< Executor > mExecutors
list of executors
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:572
const TimeInterval & EnabledTime() const
Get maximal duration that can pass without executing an event.
TimeInterval mETime
enabled time
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:590
TimeInterval EnabledGuardTime(Idx event) const
Get interval on which the respective guard is satisfied.
virtual void Clear(void)
Clear all data.
virtual bool ExecuteEvent(Idx event)
Execute transition.
void UpdateParallelTimedState(void)
update parallel timed state()
virtual ~ParallelExecutor(void)
Explicit destructor.
std::vector< std::string > mExecutorNames
list of executors
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:575
virtual void Reset(void)
Goto initial state.
std::string EStr(Idx event) const
Pretty printable string of event.
int mCurrentStep
global time (step)
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:587
std::string CurrentParallelStateStr(void) const
Pretty printable string of parallel state
EventSet mDEvents
disabled events
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:596
virtual void DoReadGenerators(TokenReader &rTr)
Reads generator files section from TokenReader.
Iterator End(void) const
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:182
const EventSet & Alphabet(void) const
Overall alphabet.
std::string CStr(Idx clock) const
Pretty printable string of clock name.
void DoAssign(const ParallelExecutor &rSrc)
Assignment method.
TimeInterval EnabledEventTime(Idx event) const
Get interval on which the specified event is enabled.
const Executor & At(int i) const
Definition: sp_pexecutor.h:183
Model of a time interval.
void SetPositive(void)
Set to positive [0, inf)
bool UBinf(void) const
Test for upper bound infinity.
bool In(Time::Type time) const
Test whether a point satisfies interval.
std::string Str(void) const
Pretty printable string.
void UB(Time::Type time)
Set the upper bound to a given value.
void Intersect(const TimeInterval &rOtherInterval)
Intersect this interval with other interval.
Int Type
Datatype for point on time axis.
static Type Max(void)
Maximum time, associated with infinitiy.
Global Tyoedefs.
Definition: sp_executor.h:53
A TokenReader reads sequential tokens from a file or string.
std::string FileLine(void) const
Return "filename:line".
bool Eos(const std::string &rLabel)
Peek a token and check whether it ends the specified section.
void ReadEnd(const std::string &rLabel)
Close the current section by matching the previous ReadBegin().
void ReadBegin(const std::string &rLabel)
Open a section by specified label.
bool Get(Token &token)
Get next token.
bool Peek(Token &token)
Peek next token.
std::string FileName(void) const
Access the filename.
Mode SourceMode(void) const
Access stream mode.
A TokenWriter writes sequential tokens to a file, a string or stdout.
void WriteString(const std::string &rString)
Write string.
void WriteEnd(const std::string &rLabel)
Write end label.
void WriteInteger(Idx index)
Write non negative integer.
void WriteBegin(const std::string &rLabel)
Write begin label.
Tokens model atomic data for stream IO.
Definition: cfl_token.h:54
const std::string & StringValue(void) const
Get string value of a name token.
Definition: cfl_token.cpp:178
@ Begin
<label> (begin of section)
Definition: cfl_token.h:84
@ String
any string, space separated or quoted, must start with a letter
Definition: cfl_token.h:86
TokenType Type(void) const
Get token Type.
Definition: cfl_token.cpp:199
Generator with timing extensions.
Base class of all libFAUDES objects that participate in the run-time interface.
Definition: cfl_types.h:239
void Read(const std::string &rFileName, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0)
Read configuration data from file with label specified.
Definition: cfl_types.cpp:261
virtual Type & Assign(const Type &rSrc)
Assign configuration data from other object.
Definition: cfl_types.cpp:77
void Name(const std::string &rName)
Set the generator's name.
bool Empty(void) const
Test whether if the TBaseSet is Empty.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1833
virtual void Clear(void)
Clear all set.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1911
const std::string & Name(void) const
Return name of TBaseSet.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1764
libFAUDES resides within the namespace faudes.
uint32_t Idx
Type definition for index type (allways 32bit)
std::string ExtractDirectory(const std::string &rFullPath)
Extract directory from (full) path; i.e., remove the last separator and anything thereafer.
Definition: cfl_utils.cpp:256
std::string PrependPath(const std::string &rLeft, const std::string &rRight)
Prepend one path before another.
Definition: cfl_utils.cpp:303
#define FD_DX(message)
Definition: sp_executor.h:27
Executor for multiple synchronized timed generators
Typedef for timed state.
Definition: sp_executor.h:101
std::map< Idx, Time::Type > ClockValue
Definition: sp_executor.h:103

libFAUDES 2.32f --- 2024.12.22 --- c++ api documentaion by doxygen