Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /** @file tp_timeinterval.h Class TimeInterval */
4 /*
5  Time plug-in for FAU Discrete Event Systems Library (libfaudes)
7  Copyright (C) 2007 Ruediger Berndt
8  Copyright (C) 2007 Thomas Moor
9  Exclusive copyright is granted to Klaus Schmidt
11 */
16 #include "corefaudes.h"
17 #include <cstdlib>
18 #include <cstring>
19 #include <cfloat>
20 #include <limits>
21 #include <iostream>
24 namespace faudes {
26 /**
27  * Type to represent time.
28  *
29  * The time plugin will compile with integer or float time type. However,
30  * we insist in discrete time in the sense that there is a smallest
31  * time step. So float time would be cosmetic only.
32  *
33  * Note that timed generators do not explicitely refer to a physical time unit like e.g.
34  * hours or seconds. However, it is assumed, that a fixed conversion factor
35  * from values of type Time to some physical unit exists. Thus, we say Time
36  * variables hold time in faudes-time units. We feel that this is consistent with
37  * Alur's timed automata.
38  *
39  * @ingroup TimedPlugin
40  */
42  public:
43  /** Datatype for point on time axis */
44  typedef Int Type;
45  /** Maximum time, associated with infinitiy */
46  static Type Max(void) {return std::numeric_limits<Int>::max();};
47  /** Minimum time, associated with minus infinitiy */
48  static Type Min(void) {return std::numeric_limits<Int>::min()+1;};
49  /** Undefined time value */
50  static Type UnDef(void) {return std::numeric_limits<Int>::min();};
51  /** Smallest representable time step */
52  static Type Step(void) {return 1;};
53  /** Discretize (when using cosmetic float time: "step*(round(t/step))" */
54  static Type Quantize(Float x) {return (Type)(x+0.5);};
55  /** Convert From float (for convenient token-reading only) */
56  static Float FromFloat(Float x) {
57  if(x<=std::numeric_limits<Float>::min()) return Min();
58  if(x>=std::numeric_limits<Float>::max()) return Max();
59  return (Int) (x+0.5);
60  }
61  /** convert to string */
62  std::string static Str(Type time) {
63  if(time == UnDef()) return "undef";
64  if(time < Min()) return "err";
65  if(time == Min()) return "-inf";
66  if(time > Max()) return "err";
67  if(time == Max()) return "inf";
68  return ToStringInteger(time);
69  };
70 };
75 /**
76  * Model of a time interval. An interval consisits of a lower and upper bound,
77  * plus flags to indicate whether the bounds are inclusive or not.
78  * The maximum and minimum values of the time data tyle are interpreted as infinity.
79  *
80  *
81  * @ingroup TimedPlugin
82  */
85  public:
87  /**
88  * Default constructor - sets time interval to (-inf; +inf)
89  */
90  TimeInterval(void) {SetFull();};
92  /**
93  * Default destructor
94  */
95  ~TimeInterval(void) {};
97  /**
98  * Set the lower bound to a given value.
99  * If the value is minus infinity, it is set exclusive. Otherwise,
100  * the exclusive/inclusive flag is kept.
101  *
102  * @param time
103  * The new value of lower bound
104  */
105  void LB(Time::Type time) {
106  if(time <= Time::Min()) time=Time::Min();
107  if(time >= Time::Max()) time=Time::Max();
108  mstLB=time;
109  if(mstLB==Time::Min()) mbLBincl=false;
110  }
113  /**
114  * Set the upper bound to a given value.
115  * If the value is infinity, it is set exclusive. Otherwise,
116  * the exclusive/inclusive flag is kept.
117  *
118  * @param time
119  * The new value of upper bound
120  */
121  void UB(Time::Type time) {
122  if(time <= Time::Min()) time=Time::Min();
123  if(time >= Time::Max()) time=Time::Max();
124  mstUB=time;
125  if(mstUB==Time::Max()) mbUBincl=false;
126  }
129  /**
130  * Configures the upper bound to be inclusive.
131  * If the upper bound is infinity, it stays exclusive.
132  *
133  * @param incl
134  */
135  void UBincl(bool incl) {
136  mbUBincl=incl;
137  if(mstUB>=Time::Max()) mbUBincl=false;
138  }
141  /**
142  * Configures the lower bound to be inclusive.
143  * If the lower bound is minus infinity, it stays exclusive.
144  *
145  * @param incl
146  */
147  void LBincl(bool incl) {
148  mbLBincl=incl;
149  if(mstLB<=Time::Min()) mbLBincl=false;
150  }
153  /**
154  * Set upper bound to infinity
155  */
156  void setUBinf(void) {
157  mstUB=Time::Max(); mbUBincl=false; }
159  /**
160  * Set lower bound to infinity
161  */
162  void setLBinf(void) {
163  mstLB=Time::Min(); mbLBincl=false; }
165  /**
166  * Return upper bound.
167  *
168  * @return upper bound
169  */
170  Time::Type UB(void) const {return mstUB;}
172  /**
173  * Return lower bound.
174  *
175  * @return lower bound
176  */
177  Time::Type LB(void) const {return mstLB;}
179  /**
180  * Test for lower bound inclusive
181  *
182  * @return true for inclusive
183  */
184  bool LBincl(void) const {return mbLBincl;}
186  /**
187  * Test for upper bound inclusive
188  *
189  * @return true for inclusive
190  */
191  bool UBincl(void) const {return mbUBincl;}
193  /**
194  * Test for lower bound infinity
195  *
196  * @return true for infinity
197  */
198  bool LBinf(void) const {return mstLB == Time::Min(); }
200  /**
201  * Test for upper bound infinity
202  *
203  * @return true for infinity
204  */
205  bool UBinf(void) const {return mstUB == Time::Max();}
208  /**
209  * Convert to canonical representation.
210  *
211  * Uses Time::Step to convert to aleft closed / right opened
212  * representation
213  */
214  void Canonical(void);
216  /**
217  * Set to full (-inf, +inf)
218  */
219  void SetFull(void) {
220  mstUB=Time::Max(); mstLB=Time::Min(); mbUBincl=false; mbLBincl=false; };
222  /**
223  * Set to empty (1, -1)
224  */
225  void SetEmpty(void) {
226  mstUB=-1; mstLB=1; mbUBincl=false; mbLBincl=false; };
228  /**
229  * Set to positive [0, inf)
230  */
231  void SetPositive(void) {
232  mstUB=Time::Max(); mstLB=0; mbUBincl=false; mbLBincl=true; };
235  /**
236  * Set to negative (-inf, 0]
237  */
238  void SetNegative(void) {
239  mstLB=Time::Min(); mstUB=0; mbUBincl=false; mbLBincl=true; };
241  /**
242  * Test whether interval is full
243  *
244  * @return
245  * True if interval is (-inf,+inf)
246  */
247  bool Full(void) const { return (mstUB==Time::Max()) && (mstLB==Time::Min()) ;};
249  /**
250  * Test interval for empty set
251  *
252  * @return
253  * True if interval is empty
254  */
255  bool Empty(void) const;
257  /**
258  * Test whether interval includes [0,inf)
259  *
260  * @return
261  * True if interval includes [0,inf)
262  */
263  bool IncludesPositive(void) const {
264  return ( (mstLB<0) || ((mstLB ==0) && mbLBincl) ) && (mstUB==Time::Max());};
266  /**
267  * Test whether interval includes (-inf,0]
268  *
269  * @return
270  * True if interval includes (-inf,0]
271  */
272  bool IncludesNegative(void) const {
273  return ( (mstUB>0) || ((mstUB ==0) && mbUBincl) ) && (mstLB==Time::Min());};
275  /**
276  * Test whether a point satisfies interval
277  * @return
278  * True if interval includes the point
279  */
280  bool In(Time::Type time) const;
283  /**
284  * Test whether two intervals are equal.
285  *
286  * Note that the test is strictly based on the
287  * internal representation, ie [0,10] is not equal to [0,11). This
288  * may change in future implementations to consider the Time::TypeStep
289  *
290  * @return
291  * True on equality
292  */
293  bool operator == (const TimeInterval& rOtherInterval) const {
294  if(mstUB!=rOtherInterval.mstUB) return false;
295  if(mstLB!=rOtherInterval.mstLB) return false;
296  if(mbUBincl!=rOtherInterval.mbUBincl) return false;
297  if(mbLBincl!=rOtherInterval.mbLBincl) return false;
298  return true;
299  }
301  /**
302  * Test whether two intervals not equal.
303  *
304  * Note that the test is strictly based on the
305  * internal representation, ie [0,10] is not equal to [0,11). This
306  * may change in future implementations to consider the Time::TypeStep
307  *
308  * @return
309  * False on equality
310  */
311  bool operator != (const TimeInterval& rOtherInterval) const {
312  return ! (*this == rOtherInterval) ;
313  }
315  /**
316  * Transform by left shift and intersection with [0, inf)
317  * @param time
318  * Amount to shift left
319  *
320  */
321  void PositiveLeftShift(Time::Type time);
323  /**
324  * Intersect this interval with other interval
325  *
326  * @param rOtherInterval
327  *
328  */
329  void Intersect(const TimeInterval& rOtherInterval);
331  /**
332  * Intersection of two time intervals.
333  *
334  * @param rInterval1
335  * Reference of first time interval
336  * @param rInterval2
337  * Reference of second time interval
338  *
339  * @return Intersection of both intervals.
340  */
341  static TimeInterval Intersect(const TimeInterval& rInterval1, const TimeInterval& rInterval2);
344  /**
345  * Merge this interval with other interval.
346  * I.e. find smallest superset of the union of the two intervals.
347  *
348  * @param rOtherInterval
349  * Reference to other time interval
350  *
351  */
352  void Merge(const TimeInterval& rOtherInterval);
354  /**
355  * Merge this interval with other interval.
356  * I.e. find smallest superset of the union of the two intervals.
357  *
358  * @param rInterval1
359  * Reference of first time interval
360  * @param rInterval2
361  * Reference of second time interval
362  *
363  * @return Superset of both intervals.
364  */
365  static TimeInterval Merge(const TimeInterval& rInterval1, const TimeInterval& rInterval2);
367  /**
368  * Pretty printable string.
369  *
370  * @return printable string.
371  */
372  std::string Str(void) const;
375  private:
377  /** Upper bound */
380  /** Lower bound */
383  /** Flag to indicate that the upper bound is part of the interval */
384  bool mbUBincl;
386  /** Flag to indicate that lower boundary is part of the interval. */
387  bool mbLBincl;
389 };
392 } // end namespace faudes
395 #endif
#define FAUDES_API
Interface export/import symbols: windows.
Definition: cfl_platform.h:80
Model of a time interval.
bool IncludesNegative(void) const
Test whether interval includes (-inf,0].
void LB(Time::Type time)
Set the lower bound to a given value.
void SetPositive(void)
Set to positive [0, inf)
Time::Type LB(void) const
Return lower bound.
Time::Type mstLB
Lower bound.
bool LBincl(void) const
Test for lower bound inclusive.
Time::Type UB(void) const
Return upper bound.
bool IncludesPositive(void) const
Test whether interval includes [0,inf)
bool UBinf(void) const
Test for upper bound infinity.
void SetNegative(void)
Set to negative (-inf, 0].
Time::Type mstUB
Upper bound.
void setLBinf(void)
Set lower bound to infinity.
bool UBincl(void) const
Test for upper bound inclusive.
void setUBinf(void)
Set upper bound to infinity.
bool Full(void) const
Test whether interval is full.
void UBincl(bool incl)
Configures the upper bound to be inclusive.
Default destructor.
void LBincl(bool incl)
Configures the lower bound to be inclusive.
void UB(Time::Type time)
Set the upper bound to a given value.
bool mbUBincl
Flag to indicate that the upper bound is part of the interval.
void SetEmpty(void)
Set to empty (1, -1)
void SetFull(void)
Set to full (-inf, +inf)
bool LBinf(void) const
Test for lower bound infinity.
bool mbLBincl
Flag to indicate that lower boundary is part of the interval.
Default constructor - sets time interval to (-inf; +inf)
Type to represent time.
static Type Min(void)
Minimum time, associated with minus infinitiy.
static Type UnDef(void)
Undefined time value.
Int Type
Datatype for point on time axis.
static Type Quantize(Float x)
Discretize (when using cosmetic float time: "step*(round(t/step))".
static std::string Str(Type time)
convert to string
static Type Step(void)
Smallest representable time step.
static Type Max(void)
Maximum time, associated with infinitiy.
static Float FromFloat(Float x)
Convert From float (for convenient token-reading only)
Includes all libFAUDES headers, no plugins.
libFAUDES resides within the namespace faudes.
double Float
Type definition for real type.
std::string ToStringInteger(Int number)
integer to string
Definition: cfl_utils.cpp:43
long int Int
Type definition for integer type (let target system decide, minimum 32bit)

libFAUDES 2.32f --- 2024.12.22 --- c++ api documentaion by doxygen