Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /** @file sp_executor.cpp Execute transitions in a timed generator */
3 /*
4  FAU Discrete Event Systems Library (libfaudes)
6  Copyright (C) 2007 Ruediger Berndt
7  Copyright (C) 2007, 2010, 2024 Thomas Moor
8  Exclusive copyright is granted to Klaus Schmidt
10 */
13 #include "sp_executor.h"
15 namespace faudes {
17 // std faudes type
21 // Executor(void)
23  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::Executor()");
24  InsInitState("init");
25  Compile();
26 }
28 // Exector(rGen)
30  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::Executor(rGen)");
31  Assign(rGen);
32 }
34 // Exector(filename)
35 Executor::Executor(const std::string& rFileName) : TimedGenerator() {
36  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::Executor("<< rFileName <<")");
37  Read(rFileName);
38 }
40 // Generator()
42  return *this;
43 }
45 // Generator(rGen)
47  FD_DX("Executor::Generator(" << &rGen << ")");
48  Assign(*this);
49 }
52 // Compile()
53 void Executor::Compile(void) {
54  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::Compile()");
55  // throw exception on non deterministic generator
56  if(!IsDeterministic() || InitState()==0) {
57  std::stringstream errstr;
58  errstr << "nondeterministic generator in simulation" << std::endl;
59  throw Exception("Executor::Compile", errstr.str(), 501);
60  }
61  // compile guards
63  for(tit=TransRelBegin(); tit!= TransRelEnd(); tit++) {
64  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::Compile(): trans " << TStr(*tit));
65  TimeConstraint guard=Guard(*tit);
66  std::map<Idx,TimeInterval> guardtime;
67  ClockSet aclocks=guard.ActiveClocks();
68  ClockSet::Iterator cit;
69  for(cit=aclocks.Begin(); cit!= aclocks.End(); cit++)
70  guardtime[*cit]=guard.Interval(*cit);
71  mTransClockIntervalMap[*tit]=guardtime;
72  }
73  // compile invariants
74  StateSet::Iterator sit;
75  for(sit=StatesBegin(); sit!= StatesEnd(); sit++) {
76  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::Compile(): state " << SStr(*sit));
77  TimeConstraint invariant=Invariant(*sit);
78  std::map<Idx,TimeInterval> invtime;
79  ClockSet aclocks=invariant.ActiveClocks();
80  ClockSet::Iterator cit;
81  for(cit=aclocks.Begin(); cit!= aclocks.End(); cit++)
82  invtime[*cit]=invariant.Interval(*cit);
83  mStateClockIntervalMap[*sit]=invtime;
84  }
85  // get ready
86  Reset();
87  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::Compile(): done");
88 }
90 // Clear()
91 void Executor::Clear(void) {
92  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::Clear(): invalid executor");
96  mCurrentTime=0;
97  mCurrentStep=0;
98  mEValid=false;
99 }
101 // Reset()
102 void Executor::Reset(void) {
105  ClockSet::Iterator cit;
106  for(cit=GlobalAttribute().mClocks.Begin(); cit!=GlobalAttribute().mClocks.End(); cit++)
108  mCurrentTime=0;
109  mCurrentStep=0;
110  mEValid=false;
111 }
114 // DoRead(rTr)
115 void Executor::DoRead(TokenReader& rTr, const std::string& rLabel, const Type* pContext) {
116  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::DoRead(rTr)");
117  TimedGenerator::DoRead(rTr,rLabel,pContext);
118  Compile();
119 }
121 // DoWrite(rTr)
122 void Executor::DoWrite(TokenWriter& rTw,const std::string& rLabel, const Type* pContext) const {
123  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::DoWrite(rTw)");
124  TimedGenerator::DoWrite(rTw,rLabel,pContext);
125 }
127 // DoAssign
128 void Executor::DoAssign(const Executor& rSrc) {
129  // call base
131  // fox my data
132  Compile();
133 }
137 // ComputeEnabled() fake const
138 void Executor::ComputeEnabled(void) const {
139  Executor* fakeconst = const_cast<Executor*>(this);
140  fakeconst->ComputeEnabledNonConst();
141 }
143 // ComputeEnabledNoneConst()
145  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::ComputeEnabled()");
146  // time is up: clear all
147  if(mCurrentTime>=Time::Max()) {
148  mAEvents.Clear();
149  mATrans.Clear();
150  mETime.SetEmpty();
152  mEEvents.Clear();
153  mDEvents=Alphabet();
154  mEGuardInterval.clear();
155  mEValid=true;
156  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::ComputeEnabled(): time is up");
157  return;
158  }
159  // set active events/transitions
162  // hypothesis: all time can pass [0,inf)
165  // hypothesis: no events can occur
166  mEEvents.Clear();
167  mDEvents=Alphabet();
168  mEGuardInterval.clear();
169  // inspect invariant to restrict enabled time
170  std::map<Idx,TimeInterval> clockintervalmap=mStateClockIntervalMap[mCurrentTimedState.State];
171  std::map<Idx,TimeInterval>::const_iterator cit;
172  for(cit=clockintervalmap.begin(); cit!=clockintervalmap.end(); cit++) {
173  Idx clock = cit-> first;
174  Time::Type clockvalue = mCurrentTimedState.ClockValue[clock];
175  TimeInterval interval = cit->second;
176  // if a clock violates an invariant constraint return deadlock
177  if(! interval.In( clockvalue ) ) {
178  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::ComputeEnabled(): clock " << CStr(cit->first)
179  << " at " << clockvalue << " violates invariant condition " << interval.Str() );
180  mETime.SetEmpty();
181  mEValid=true;
182  return;
183  }
184  // left shift interval by clock value to obtain an interval relative to current time
185  interval.PositiveLeftShift(clockvalue);
186  // intersect with enabled time
187  mETime.Intersect(interval);
188  }
189  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::ComputeEnabled(): invariant is satisfied for "
190  << mETime.Str() );
191  // no events for all time that can pass to begin with ...
192  mEEvents.Clear();
193  mEEvents.Name("EnabledEvents");
194  mDEvents=Alphabet();
195  mDEvents.Name("DisabledEvents");
197  // iterate over all transitions and check guards
198  TransSet::Iterator tit;
199  for(tit=mATrans.Begin(); tit!= mATrans.End(); tit++) {
200  // hypothesis: transition is enabled for all time
201  bool enabled=true;
202  TimeInterval enabledtime;
203  enabledtime.SetPositive();
204  // check all clocks
205  std::map<Idx,TimeInterval> clockintervalmap=mTransClockIntervalMap[*tit];
206  std::map<Idx,TimeInterval>::const_iterator cit;
207  for(cit=clockintervalmap.begin(); cit!=clockintervalmap.end(); cit++) {
208  Idx clock = cit->first;
209  Time::Type clockvalue = mCurrentTimedState.ClockValue[clock];
210  TimeInterval interval = cit->second;
211  // reject transition if a clock violates a guard constraint
212  if(! interval.In(clockvalue) ) enabled=false;
213  // left shift interval by clock value to obtain an interval relative to current time
214  interval.PositiveLeftShift(clockvalue);
215  // intersect with enabled interval
216  enabledtime.Intersect(interval);
217  }
218  // record guard interval
219  mEGuardInterval[tit->Ev]=enabledtime;
220  // intersect with invariant
221  enabledtime.Intersect(mETime);
222  // intersect with time hypothesis
223  if(enabled) {
224  // easy: intersect enabledtime with mEInterval
225  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::ComputeEnabled(): event " << EStr(tit->Ev)
226  << " is enabled for " << enabledtime.Str());
227  mEEvents.Insert(tit->Ev);
228  mDEvents.Erase(tit->Ev);
229  mEInterval.Intersect(enabledtime);
230  } else {
231  // first compute disabledtime, then intersect
232  TimeInterval disabledtime;
233  disabledtime.SetPositive();
234  if(!enabledtime.Empty()) {
235  disabledtime.UB(enabledtime.LB());
236  disabledtime.UBincl(!enabledtime.LBincl());
237  }
238  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::ComputeEnabled(): event " << EStr(tit->Ev)
239  << " is disabled for " << disabledtime.Str() << " and enabled for " << enabledtime.Str());
240  mEInterval.Intersect(disabledtime);
241  }
242  } // loop transitions
243  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::ComputeEnabled(): e/d status constant on "
244  << mEInterval.Str() );
245  mEValid=true;
246 }
248 // EnabledTime(void)
250  if(!mEValid) ComputeEnabled();
251  return mETime;
252 }
254 // EnabledEvents(void)
255 const EventSet& Executor::EnabledEvents(void) const {
256  if(!mEValid) ComputeEnabled();
257  return mEEvents;
258 }
260 // DisabledEvents(void)
261 const EventSet& Executor::DisabledEvents(void) const {
262  if(!mEValid) ComputeEnabled();
263  return mDEvents;
264 }
266 // EnabledInterval(void)
268  if(!mEValid) ComputeEnabled();
269  return mEInterval;
270 }
272 // ActiveEventSet(void)
273 const EventSet& Executor::ActiveEventSet(void) const {
274  if(!mEValid) ComputeEnabled();
275  return mAEvents;
276 }
278 // ActiveTransSet(void)
279 const TransSet& Executor::ActiveTransSet(void) const {
280  if(!mEValid) ComputeEnabled();
281  return mATrans;
282 }
284 // EnabledEventInterval(event)
286  if(!mEValid) ComputeEnabled();
287  TimeInterval res;
288  std::map<Idx,TimeInterval>::const_iterator eit;
289  eit=mEGuardInterval.find(event);
290  if(eit!= mEGuardInterval.end()) {
291  res = eit->second;
292  res.Intersect(mETime);
293  return res;
294  }
295  if(Alphabet().Exists(event)) {
296  res.SetEmpty();
297  return res;
298  }
299  res.SetPositive();
300  return res;
301 }
303 // EnabledGuardInterval(event)
305  if(!mEValid) ComputeEnabled();
306  std::map<Idx,TimeInterval>::const_iterator eit;
307  eit=mEGuardInterval.find(event);
308  if(eit!= mEGuardInterval.end()) return eit->second;
309  TimeInterval res;
310  res.SetEmpty();
311  if(Alphabet().Exists(event)) return res;
312  res.SetPositive();
313  return res;
314 }
316 // ExecuteTime(time)
318  if(mCurrentTime>=Time::Max()) return false;
319  if(!mEValid) ComputeEnabled();
320  if(!mETime.In(time) && !((time==Time::Max()) && mETime.UBinf()) ) {
321  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::ExecuteTime: execution of " << time
322  << " conflicts with enabled status " );
323  return false;
324  }
325  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::ExecuteTime(" << time << ")");
326  // progress current time
327  mCurrentTime += time;
328  // progres clocks
329  ClockSet::Iterator cit;
330  for(cit=ClocksBegin(); cit!=ClocksEnd(); cit++)
332  // fix infinity
333  if(time==Time::Max()) {
335  for(cit=ClocksBegin(); cit!=ClocksEnd(); cit++)
337  mEValid=false;
338  }
339  // progress enabled interval or invalidate enabled status
340  if(mEInterval.In(time) && mEValid) {
343  std::map<Idx,TimeInterval>::iterator iit;
344  for(iit=mEGuardInterval.begin();iit != mEGuardInterval.end(); iit++) {
345  iit->second.PositiveLeftShift(time);
346  }
347  } else {
348  mEValid=false;
349  }
350  return true;
351 }
353 // ExecuteEvent(event)
355  if(mCurrentTime>=Time::Max()) return false;
356  if(!mEValid) ComputeEnabled();
357  if(!mEEvents.Exists(event)) {
358  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::ExecuteEvent: execution of event " << EStr(event)
359  << " conflicts with enabled status " );
360  return false;
361  }
362  FD_DX("Executor(" << this << ")::ExecuteEvent(" << EStr(event) << ")");
363  // pick transition
365  // TODO: invalid iterator error
366  // execute resets
367  ClockSet resets=Resets(*tit);
368  ClockSet::Iterator cit;
369  for(cit = resets.Begin(); cit!=resets.End(); cit++)
371  // progress state
372  mCurrentTimedState.State=tit->X2;
373  // progress current time
374  mCurrentStep += 1;
375  // invalidate
376  mEValid=false;
377  return true;
378 }
381 // CurrentTimedState(tstate)
383  // test consitency
384  if(!ExistsState(tstate.State)) return false;
385  if(tstate.ClockValue.size()!=ClocksSize()) return false;
386  std::map<Idx,Time::Type>::const_iterator cvit;
387  for(cvit=tstate.ClockValue.begin(); cvit!=tstate.ClockValue.end(); cvit++)
388  if(!ExistsClock(cvit->first)) return false;
389  // set state
390  mCurrentTimedState=tstate;
391  mEValid=false;
392  return true;
393 }
395 // CurrentTimedState()
397  return mCurrentTimedState;
398 }
400 // CurrentState(idx)
402  if(!ExistsState(index)) return false;
404  mEValid=false;
405  return true;
406 }
408 // CurrentState()
410  return mCurrentTimedState.State;
411 }
413 // CurrentClockValue(idx,time)
415  if(!ExistsClock(index)) return false;
416  mCurrentTimedState.ClockValue[index]=time;
417  mEValid=false;
418  return true;
419 }
421 // CurrentClockValue(idx)
423  std::map<Idx,Time::Type>::const_iterator cvit;
424  cvit=mCurrentTimedState.ClockValue.find(index);
425  if(cvit==mCurrentTimedState.ClockValue.end()) {}; // todo: error
426  return cvit->second;
427 }
429 // CurrentTime(time)
431  mCurrentTime=time;
432  mEValid=false;
433 }
435 // CurrentTime()
437  return mCurrentTime;
438 }
440 // CurrentStep(time)
441 void Executor::CurrentStep(int step) {
442  mCurrentStep=step;
443  mEValid=false;
444 }
446 // CurrentStep()
447 int Executor::CurrentStep(void) const {
448  return mCurrentStep;
449 }
451 // IsDeadlocked()
452 bool Executor::IsDeadlocked(void) const {
453  if(!mEValid) ComputeEnabled();
454  if(!mEEvents.Empty()) return false;
455  if(!(mETime.UB()<=0)) return false;
456  return true;
457 }
459 // TSStr(tstate)
460 std::string Executor::TSStr(const TimedState& tstate) const {
461  std::stringstream res;
462  res << "(state " << SStr(tstate.State);
463  if(Generator().ExistsMarkedState(tstate.State)) res << " [marked]";
464  res << ") (clocks";
465  ClockSet::Iterator cit;
466  for(cit=ClocksBegin();cit!=ClocksEnd();cit++){
467  res << " " << CStr(*cit) << "=";
468  std::map<Idx,Time::Type>::const_iterator cvit=tstate.ClockValue.find(*cit);
469  if(cvit!=tstate.ClockValue.end())
470  res << cvit->second;
471  else
472  res << "undef";
473  }
474  res << ")";
475  return res.str();
476 }
478 // CurrentTimedStateStr()
479 std::string Executor::CurrentTimedStateStr(void) const {
480  return TSStr(mCurrentTimedState);
481 }
483 // TEStr(tevent)
484 std::string Executor::TEStr(const TimedEvent& tevent) const {
485  std::stringstream res;
486  res << "(" << EStr(tevent.mEvent) << " at " << tevent.mTime << ")";
487  return res.str();
488 }
490 // EStr(event)
491 std::string Executor::EStr(Idx event) const {
492  return TimedGenerator::EStr(event);
493 }
495 // CStr(clock)
496 std::string Executor::CStr(Idx clock) const {
497  return TimedGenerator::CStr(clock);
498 }
500 // SStr(clock)
501 std::string Executor::SStr(Idx state) const {
502  return TimedGenerator::SStr(state);
503 }
506 } // namespace faudes
#define FAUDES_TYPE_IMPLEMENTATION(ftype, ctype, cbase)
faudes type implementation macros, overall
Definition: cfl_types.h:946
Container class to model a set of clocks.
Faudes exception class.
An Executor is a timed generator that maintains a current state.
Definition: sp_executor.h:93
bool mEValid
Validity flag for the above data.
Definition: sp_executor.h:517
const TimeInterval & EnabledTime() const
Get maximal interval of time that can pass without executing an event.
std::string EStr(Idx idx) const
Pretty printable string of event.
EventSet mDEvents
Record disabled events.
Definition: sp_executor.h:508
const TimedGenerator & Generator(void) const
Reference to the internal generator for inspection.
Definition: sp_executor.cpp:41
Creates an emtpy Executer.
Definition: sp_executor.cpp:22
bool ExecuteTime(Time::Type time)
Let time pass.
const EventSet & EnabledEvents() const
Get set of events that are enabled at current (timed) state.
void Compile(void)
Prepare internal data structurs from generator.
Definition: sp_executor.cpp:53
std::map< Idx, TimeInterval > mEGuardInterval
Record interval in which each guard is enabled
Definition: sp_executor.h:505
Time::Type CurrentTime(void) const
Get current time.
Idx CurrentState(void) const
Get discrete state.
std::string SStr(Idx idx) const
Pretty printable string of state.
const EventSet & ActiveEventSet(void) const
Get set of events that are active at current (untimed) state.
Time::Type mCurrentTime
Current clock time.
Definition: sp_executor.h:481
virtual void DoWrite(TokenWriter &rTw, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const
Writes configuration to TokenWriter, see Type for public wrappers.
EventSet mAEvents
Record active events (ie regardles time)
Definition: sp_executor.h:511
std::map< Transition, std::map< Idx, TimeInterval > > mTransClockIntervalMap
Compiled generator data: map transition to clock to interval constraint.
Definition: sp_executor.h:520
bool ExecuteEvent(Idx event)
Execute transition.
void Clear(void)
Clear all data incl TimedGenerator.
Definition: sp_executor.cpp:91
void ComputeEnabled(void) const
Compute enabled events and enabled interval (fake const)
std::map< Idx, std::map< Idx, TimeInterval > > mStateClockIntervalMap
Compiled generator data: map state to clock to interval constraint.
Definition: sp_executor.h:523
TimeInterval EnabledEventTime(Idx event) const
Get interval on which an active event is enabled.
std::string TSStr(const TimedState &tstate) const
Pretty printable string of timed state.
std::string CStr(Idx idx) const
Pretty printable string of clock name.
const TransSet & ActiveTransSet(void) const
Get set of transitions that are active at current (untimed) state.
const TimeInterval & EnabledInterval() const
Get maximal interval on which set of enabled events is constant.
const EventSet & DisabledEvents() const
Get set of events that are disabled at current (timed) state.
bool CurrentClockValue(Idx clock, Time::Type time)
Set value of clock variable.
TimeInterval mETime
Record enabled time.
Definition: sp_executor.h:496
virtual void DoRead(TokenReader &rTr, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0)
Reads configuration from TokenReader, see Typefor public wrappers.
std::string TEStr(const TimedEvent &tevent) const
Pretty printable string of timed event.
TimeInterval mEInterval
Record rime on shich mEEvents is constant
Definition: sp_executor.h:502
void Reset()
Reset all clocks and assign initial state.
const TimedState & CurrentTimedState(void) const
Get timed state.
bool IsDeadlocked() const
Returns true if timed generator is in a deadlocked state.
TimedState mCurrentTimedState
Current state incl clock values.
Definition: sp_executor.h:478
TimeInterval EnabledGuardTime(Idx event) const
Get interval on which an active event satisfies its guard.
void DoAssign(const Executor &rSrc)
Assignment method.
int CurrentStep(void) const
Get logic time ie numer of transitions so far.
std::string CurrentTimedStateStr(void) const
Pretty printable string of current state.
EventSet mEEvents
Record enabled events.
Definition: sp_executor.h:499
void ComputeEnabledNonConst(void)
Compute enabled core routine (non const)
TransSet mATrans
Record active transitions (regardles time)
Definition: sp_executor.h:514
int mCurrentStep
Current logic time.
Definition: sp_executor.h:484
Set of indices with symbolic names.
Definition: cfl_nameset.h:69
bool Exists(const Idx &rIndex) const
Test existence of index.
bool Insert(const Idx &rIndex)
Add an element by index.
virtual bool Erase(const Idx &rIndex)
Delete element by index.
Iterator Begin(void) const
Iterator to begin of set.
Iterator End(void) const
Iterator to end of set.
TBaseSet< Transition, TransSort::X1EvX2 >::Iterator Iterator
Iterator on transition.
Definition: cfl_transset.h:273
const GlobalAttr & GlobalAttribute(void) const
Get global attribute ref.
virtual void Clear(void)
Clear generator data.
const TaEventSet< EventAttr > & Alphabet(void) const
Return const reference to alphabet.
void DoAssign(const TaGenerator &rGen)
virtual TcGenerator & Assign(const Type &rSource)
Assignment method.
A TimeConstraint is a set of elementary clock constraints.
TimeInterval Interval(Idx clockindex) const
Given a clock, compute the timeinterval in which the constraint is satisfied.
ClockSet ActiveClocks(void) const
Returns a Clockset containing all clocks used by the TimeConstraint.
Model of a time interval.
void LB(Time::Type time)
Set the lower bound to a given value.
void SetPositive(void)
Set to positive [0, inf)
void PositiveLeftShift(Time::Type time)
Transform by left shift and intersection with [0, inf)
bool UBinf(void) const
Test for upper bound infinity.
bool In(Time::Type time) const
Test whether a point satisfies interval.
std::string Str(void) const
Pretty printable string.
void UBincl(bool incl)
Configures the upper bound to be inclusive.
void LBincl(bool incl)
Configures the lower bound to be inclusive.
void UB(Time::Type time)
Set the upper bound to a given value.
void SetEmpty(void)
Set to empty (1, -1)
bool Empty(void) const
Test interval for empty set.
void Intersect(const TimeInterval &rOtherInterval)
Intersect this interval with other interval.
Int Type
Datatype for point on time axis.
static Type Max(void)
Maximum time, associated with infinitiy.
Global Tyoedefs.
Definition: sp_executor.h:53
Time::Type mTime
Definition: sp_executor.h:56
A TokenReader reads sequential tokens from a file or string.
A TokenWriter writes sequential tokens to a file, a string or stdout.
Generator with timing extensions.
Idx ClocksSize(void) const
Number of clocks in mClocks.
const TimeConstraint & Invariant(Idx idx) const
Get invariant of state by index.
bool ExistsClock(Idx index) const
Test existence of clock in mClocks.
ClockSet::Iterator ClocksEnd(void) const
Iterator to End() of mClocks.
ClockSet::Iterator ClocksBegin(void) const
Iterator to Begin() of mClocks.
void Resets(const Transition &rTrans, const ClockSet &rResets)
Sets Resets of a transition.
void Guard(const Transition &rTrans, const TimeConstraint &rGuard)
Sets Guard of a transition.
std::string CStr(Idx index) const
Return pretty printable clock name for index.
Base class of all libFAUDES objects that participate in the run-time interface.
Definition: cfl_types.h:239
void Read(const std::string &rFileName, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0)
Read configuration data from file with label specified.
Definition: cfl_types.cpp:261
StateSet::Iterator StatesBegin(void) const
Iterator to Begin() of state set.
StateSet::Iterator InitStatesBegin(void) const
Iterator to Begin() of mInitStates.
EventSet ActiveEventSet(Idx x1) const
Return active event set at state x1.
TransSet::Iterator TransRelBegin(void) const
Iterator to Begin() of transition relation.
virtual void DoWrite(TokenWriter &rTw, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const
Write generator to TokenWriter, see Type::Write for public wrappers.
TransSet ActiveTransSet(Idx x1) const
Return active transition set at state x1.
bool ExistsState(Idx index) const
Test existence of state in state set.
virtual void DoRead(TokenReader &rTr, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0)
Read generator object from TokenReader, see Type::Read for public wrappers.
std::string TStr(const Transition &rTrans) const
Return pretty printable transition (eg for debugging)
StateSet::Iterator StatesEnd(void) const
Iterator to End() of state set.
TransSet::Iterator TransRelEnd(void) const
Iterator to End() of transition relation.
bool IsDeterministic(void) const
Check if generator is deterministic.
std::string EStr(Idx index) const
Pretty printable event name for index (eg for debugging).
Idx InitState(void) const
Return initial state.
std::string SStr(Idx index) const
Return pretty printable state name for index (eg for debugging)
bool ExistsMarkedState(Idx index) const
Test existence of state in mMarkedStates.
bool Empty(void) const
Test whether if the TBaseSet is Empty.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1833
virtual void Clear(void)
Clear all set.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1911
Iterator End(void) const
Iterator to the end of set.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1905
Iterator Begin(void) const
Iterator to the begin of set.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1900
const std::string & Name(void) const
Return name of TBaseSet.
Definition: cfl_baseset.h:1764
libFAUDES resides within the namespace faudes.
uint32_t Idx
Type definition for index type (allways 32bit)
TtGenerator< AttributeTimedGlobal, AttributeTimedState, AttributeCFlags, AttributeTimedTrans > TimedGenerator
Convenience typedef for std TimedGenerator.
Execute transitions in a timed generator
#define FD_DX(message)
Definition: sp_executor.h:27
Typedef for timed state.
Definition: sp_executor.h:101
std::map< Idx, Time::Type > ClockValue
Definition: sp_executor.h:103

libFAUDES 2.32f --- 2024.12.22 --- c++ api documentaion by doxygen