mtc_supcon.h File Reference

Supremal controllable sublanguage and controllablity. More...

#include "corefaudes.h"
#include "mtc_generator.h"
#include "mtc_project.h"
#include "mtc_parallel.h"
#include <stack>

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 libFAUDES resides within the namespace faudes.


void faudes::mtcSupConNB (const MtcSystem &rPlantGen, const MtcSystem &rSpecGen, MtcSystem &rResGen)
 Nonblocking Supremal Controllable Sublanguage (wrapper function) More...
void faudes::mtcSupConNB (const MtcSystem &rPlantGen, const MtcSystem &rSpecGen, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, MtcSystem &rResGen)
 Nonblocking Supremal Controllable Sublanguage. More...
void faudes::mtcSupConClosed (const MtcSystem &rPlantGen, const MtcSystem &rSpecGen, MtcSystem &rResGen)
 Supremal Controllable Sublanguage (wrapper function) More...
void faudes::mtcSupConClosed (const MtcSystem &rPlantGen, const MtcSystem &rSpecGen, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, MtcSystem &rResGen)
 Supremal Controllable Sublanguage. More...
void faudes::mtcSupConParallel (const MtcSystem &rPlantGen, const MtcSystem &rSpecGen, const EventSet &rUAlph, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, MtcSystem &rResGen)
 Fast parallel composition for computation for the mtcSupConNB. More...
void faudes::mtcSupConUnchecked (const MtcSystem &rPlantGen, const EventSet &rCAlph, MtcSystem &rSupGen)
 Supremal Controllable Sublangauge (Real SupCon function; unchecked) More...

Detailed Description

Supremal controllable sublanguage and controllablity.

Definition in file mtc_supcon.h.

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