Tutorial, implementing generator algorithms. More... #include "corefaudes.h" Go to the source code of this file.
Detailed DescriptionTutorial, implementing generator algorithms. The example function provides an alternative implementation of the Accessible() method of the Generator class, that removes all states from the Generator which are not accessible through a transition path from an initial state. /** @file 6_algorithm.cpp
Tutorial, implementing generator algorithms.
The example function provides an
alternative implementation of the Accessible() method of the Generator
class, that removes all states from the Generator which are not accessible
through a transition path from an initial state.
@ingroup Tutorials
@include 6_algorithm.cpp
#include "corefaudes.h"
// for simplicity we make the faudes namespace available to our program
using namespace faudes;
// Example algorithm
// create a todo stack for state indices
std::stack<Idx> todo;
// create a empty StateSet for the set of accessible state
StateSet accessible_states;
// iterator for a StateSet
StateSet::Iterator sit;
// initialize the algorithm by pushing all initial states on the todo stack
for(sit = rGen.InitStatesBegin(); sit != rGen.InitStatesEnd(); ++sit) {
// process the todo stack until it's empty
while(!todo.empty()) {
// get the next state index from the todo stack
const Idx current = todo.top();
// delete the top element
// insert the current state in the set of accessible states
// create transition iterator for the states of the current state
TransSet::Iterator tit = rGen.TransRelBegin(current);
TransSet::Iterator tit_end = rGen.TransRelEnd(current);
while (tit != tit_end) {
// push successor states ton todo stack if not already discovered
if(!accessible_states.Exists(tit->X2)) {
// increment the transition iterator
// delete the states and transitions which are not accessible
rGen.DelStates(rGen.States() - accessible_states);
// main program
int main() {
// create a Generator
Generator g1;
// do some random "user interaction" stuff with the Generator g1
g1.SetTransition("s1", "a", "s2");
g1.SetTransition("s2", "a", "s3");
g1.SetTransition("s3", "b", "s1");
// write Generator to console in debugging mode
// we call our example function "AlternativeAccessible", that makes the Generator's
// set of states accessible
// write Generator to console in debugging mode
return 0;
TBaseSet< Transition, TransSort::X1EvX2 >::Iterator Iterator Iterator on transition. Definition: cfl_transset.h:273 Includes all libFAUDES headers, no plugins. void AlternativeAccessible(Generator &rGen) Alternative accessibility algorithm. Definition: pex_altaccess.cpp:12 vGenerator Generator Plain generator, api typedef for generator with no attributes. Definition: cfl_generator.h:3240 Definition in file 6_algorithm.cpp. Function Documentation◆ AlternativeAccessible()
Definition at line 30 of file 6_algorithm.cpp. ◆ main()
Definition at line 93 of file 6_algorithm.cpp. libFAUDES 2.32f --- 2024.12.22 --- c++ api documentaion by doxygen |