Registering a lua script with the libFAUDES run-time interface. More... #include "libfaudes.h" Go to the source code of this file.
Detailed DescriptionRegistering a lua script with the libFAUDES run-time interface. This tutorial loads a luascript from file an registers it with the libFAUDES run-time interface. Thus, the script can be invoked by an application in the same way as built in functions. /** @file lbp_1_extension.cpp
Registering a lua script with the libFAUDES run-time interface
This tutorial loads a luascript from file an registers it
with the libFAUDES run-time interface. Thus, the script can be
invoked by an application in the same way as built in functions.
@ingroup Tutorials
@include lbp_1_extension.cpp
// libfaudes include
#include "libfaudes.h"
// we make the faudes namespace available to our program
using namespace faudes;
// main program
// ******************** load/inspect lua function definition
// load std registry for data types
// initialize a lua function definition from file
LuaFunctionDefinition lfdef1;
// report to console
std::cout << "################################\n";
std::cout << "# lua extension from rti file\n";
std::cout << "################################\n";
// run syntax check on script
std::string err=lfdef1.SyntaxCheck();
std::cout << "script seems ok\n";
else {
std::cout << err << "\n";
return 1;
// test faudes type interface (assignment/equality)
LuaFunctionDefinition lfdef2;
lfdef2 = lfdef1;
if(lfdef2!=lfdef1) {
std::cout << "# ERR: the two definitions should be equal\n";
// report to console
std::cout << "################################\n";
std::cout << "# copy of lua extension\n";
std::cout << "################################\n";
// ******************** execute lua function via rti
// instantiate a function object
faudes::Function* fnct = lfdef2.NewFunction();
// prepare arguments
Integer cntq=10;
Integer cnts=5;
Generator gres;
// set argumants
// execute lua script
// report statistics on result
std::cout << "################################\n";
std::cout << "# statistics \n";
std::cout << "################################\n";
// report test case
FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("large gen",gres);
// ******************** execute lua function via rti
// load/execute another function definition from file
NameSet sres;
LuaFunctionDefinition lfdef3;
faudes::Function* fnct3 = lfdef3.NewFunction();
// on result
std::cout << "################################\n";
std::cout << "# alphabet \n";
std::cout << "################################\n";
// report test case
// ******************** advanced: C++ rtti / vtables / multiple inheritance
// experiment with compiler's memory layout (base matches void, intermediate cast is fine)
Type* vgen_ftype = ((Type*)(vgen_vgen));
void* vgen_void = ((void*)(vgen_vgen));
void* vgen_void_ftype = ((void*)(vgen_ftype));
std::cout << "C++ casting of a Generator: " <<
" vgen at " << &vgen_vgen << ", ftype at " << vgen_ftype << ", void at " << vgen_void <<
", void via ftype at " << vgen_void_ftype << "\n";
// experiment with compiler's memory layout (base does not match void for multiple inheritance)
Type* cevs_ftype = ((Type*)(cevs_cevs));
void* cevs_void = ((void*)(cevs_cevs));
void* cevs_void_ftype = ( (void*)(cevs_ftype));
void* cevs_dvoid_ftype = ( dynamic_cast<void*>(cevs_ftype));
std::cout << "C++ casting a Alphabet: " <<
" cevs at " << &cevs_cevs << ", ftype at " << cevs_ftype << ", void at " << cevs_void <<
", void via ftype at " << cevs_void_ftype <<
", dynamic-void via ftype at " << cevs_dvoid_ftype << "\n";
// conclusion: depending on the compiler, casting to void* via different paths may
// very well lead to a different result; when using dynamic_cast however, the compiler
// has a chance and (at least) gcc manages; thus, dynamic cast is not only for down casts,
// but also for up casts.
// record test case
FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("dynamic up-cast (a)", vgen_void_ftype== vgen_void);
FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("dynamic up-cast (a)", cevs_dvoid_ftype== cevs_void);
// delete my objects
delete vgen_vgen;
delete cevs_cevs;
#define FAUDES_TEST_DUMP(mes, dat) Test protocol record macro ("mangle" filename for platform independance) Definition: cfl_utils.h:478 A faudes-function hosts parameter values of some faudes type and provides a method to perform an oper... Definition: cfl_functions.h:720 void ParamValue(int n, Type *param) Set parameter at certain position. Definition: cfl_functions.cpp:674 TaNameSet< AttributeCFlags > Alphabet Convenience typedef for event sets with controllability attributes. Definition: cfl_cgenerator.h:245 vGenerator Generator Plain generator, api typedef for generator with no attributes. Definition: cfl_generator.h:3240 void LoadRegistry(const std::string &rPath) Load all registered types and functions. Definition: cfl_registry.cpp:616 Includes all libFAUDES headers, incl plugings Definition in file lbp_1_extension.cpp. Function Documentation◆ main()
Definition at line 29 of file lbp_1_extension.cpp. libFAUDES 2.32f --- 2024.12.22 --- c++ api documentaion by doxygen |