1_generator.cpp File Reference

Tutorial, Generator methods. More...

#include "libfaudes.h"

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int main ()

Detailed Description

Tutorial, Generator methods.

The Generator class implements the 5-tuple automaton G, consisting of

  • Set of States Q,
  • Alphabet Sigma,
  • Transition Relation Delta,
  • Set of Initial States Qo, and
  • Set of Marked States Qm.

This tutorial demonstrates how to insert/erase states, events and transitions. It also demonstrates file IO.

/** @file 1_generator.cpp
Tutorial, Generator methods.
The Generator class implements the 5-tuple automaton G, consisting of
- Set of States Q,
- Alphabet Sigma,
- Transition Relation Delta,
- Set of Initial States Qo, and
- Set of Marked States Qm.
This tutorial demonstrates how to insert/erase states, events and transitions.
It also demonstrates file IO.
@ingroup Tutorials
@include 1_generator.cpp
#include "libfaudes.h"
// make faudes namespace available
using namespace faudes;
// main program
int main() {
// Constructors (part 1) and filling example
// at first we create an empty Generator object
// do some random "user interaction" stuff with the Generator g1
g1.SetTransition("s1", "a", "s2");
g1.SetTransition("s2", "a", "s3");
g1.SetTransition("s3", "b", "s1");
// inspect result on console
std::cout << "################################\n";
std::cout << "# tutorial, handcraft generator \n";
std::cout << "################################\n";
// record test case
// Constructors (part 2) & Copying and versioning
// Create a 1:1 copy of the Generator with the copy constructor ...
Generator g_copy(g1);
// ... with assignment method, or assignement operator
Generator g3=g2;
// create a Generator copy with versioned events (for testing algorithms):
// versioning by an integer. E.g. for integer 3 events {"a", "b", "c"}
// become {"a_3", "b_3", "c_3"}.
Generator version1;
g3.Version(3, version1);
// versioning by a string. "a" -> "a_versionstring"
Generator version2;
g3.Version("str", version2);
// versioning by replacing a pattern "_str" -> "_machine_3"
Generator version3;
version2.Version("_str", "_machine_3",version3);
// editing by renaming an individual event
// inspect result on console
std::cout << "################################\n";
std::cout << "# tutorial, version of generator \n";
std::cout << "################################\n";
// record test case
FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("generator", version1);
// Methods for Input/Output
// read a Generator from file
// create a Generator by reading a Generator file
Generator g4("data/simplemachine.gen");
// write a Generator to file
// write a Generator to file with re-indexed states
// read back files (testing token io)
// debug output of Generator to console
std::cout << "################################\n";
std::cout << "# tutorial, debug dump \n";
std::cout << "################################\n";
// create dotfile for further processing by graphviz
// (map state indices to begin with 1)
// there also is a convenience method, that runs graphviz to
// generate graphical output; requires "dot" binary in $PATH
try {
} catch(faudes::Exception& exception) {
std::cout << "1_generator: cannot execute graphviz' dot. " << std::endl;
// create a debug string for an event with symbolic name + index
std::string str_singleevent = g1.EStr(2);
// create a debug string for a state with symbolic name + index.
// If there is no symblic name, a symbolic name of the index is constructed.
std::string str_singlestate = g1.SStr(3);
// build string of events in the Generator's alphabet
std::string str_alph = g1.AlphabetToString();
// build string of states in the Generator's set of states
std::string str_states = g1.StatesToString();
// there also are TransRelToString(), InitStatesToString() and MarkedStatesToString()
// Accessing the Generator's Members
// get the Generator's name
std::string str_name = g1.Name();
// set new name for Generator
// the core members alphabet, stateset and transitionrelation may be retrieved
// as const references; ie. they can be inspected freely, but write access is
// exclusively via the provided Generator methods.
// retrieve a const reference to and copy of the Generator's alphabet
const EventSet& eset_ref_alph = g1.Alphabet();
EventSet eset_copy_alph = g1.Alphabet();
// you cannot alter the alphabet of a generator via an alphabet method
// eset_ref_alph.Insert("new_event"); // compile time error!
// however, the copy can be altered, but with no effect on the original generator
if(g1.ExistsEvent("new_event")) std::cout << "### THIS CANNOT HAPPEN ###";
// retrieve a const reference to and copy of the Generator's set of states "mStates"
const StateSet& sset_ref_states = g1.States();
StateSet sset_copy_states = g1.States();
// retrieve a const reference to and a copy of the Generator's transition relation "mTransRel"
const TransSet& tset_ref_trel = g1.TransRel();
TransSet tset_copy_trel = g1.TransRel();
// same with initial states and marked states
const StateSet& sset_ref_istates = g1.InitStates();
StateSet sset_copy_istates = g1.InitStates();
const StateSet& sset_ref_mstates = g1.MarkedStates();
StateSet sset_copy_mstates = g1.MarkedStates();
// Modifying the 5-tuple Generator (X, Sigma, Delta, X0 and Xm)
// insert an event by it's symbolic name in the alphabet
// (if the event is not known so far, a new index for the symbolic name is generated)
// insert an existing event into the Generator's alphabet (mAlphabet)
// (by "existing event" we refer to an event that has been previously inserted to some Generator)
g1.InsEvent(1); // of course index 1 is already in the alphabet here...
// insert a bunch of events (EventSet) and get the integer index if requested
EventSet eset1;
Idx idx_tmp = eset1.Insert("newevent2");
// delete an event from Generator ie delete from alphabet and transition relation
g1.DelEvent("newevent1"); // by symbolic name
g1.DelEvent(idx_tmp); // by index
// delete a bunch of events
// g1.DelEvents(eset1); // .. of course we have already deleted them before...
// insert a new state. The state gets a integer index that is unique within
// the Generator
idx_tmp = g1.InsState(); // anonymous state
idx_tmp = g1.InsState("newstate2"); // named state
idx_tmp = g1.InsState("77"); // named state
// insert a new state as initial state
idx_tmp = g1.InsInitState();
idx_tmp = g1.InsInitState("newinitstate");
// ... same for marked states
idx_tmp = g1.InsMarkedState();
idx_tmp = g1.InsMarkedState("newmarkedstate");
// delete single states from Generator ie stateset and transitionrelation
g1.DelState(idx_tmp); // by index (relatively fast, for algorithms)
g1.DelState("newinitstate"); // by symbolic name, if name assigned
// delete a bunch of states
// (this should be more efficient than deleting states individually)
StateSet stateset1;
// for further proceeding we insert some new states and events...
Idx idx_s10 = g1.InsState("s10");
Idx idx_s11 = g1.InsState("s11");
Idx idx_s12 = g1.InsState("s12");
Idx idx_e10 = g1.InsEvent("e10");
Idx idx_e11 = g1.InsEvent("e11");
// set a state that already exists in Generator as initial state
// set a state that already exists in Generator as marked state
// unset an existing state as initial state (does not remove from mStates)
// unset an existing state as marked state (does not remove from stateset)
// clear all initial states (does not remove from stateset)
// g1.ClrInitStates(); // we do not really do it here, so it's commented
// clear all marked states (mStates stays untouched)
// g1.ClrMarkedStates(); // we do not really do it here, so it's commented
// set a transition for existing states and events
g1.SetTransition(idx_s10, idx_e10, idx_s11); // by indices
g1.SetTransition("s10", "e11", "s10"); // by symbolic names (slow)
// report back to console
std::cout << "################################\n";
std::cout << "# tutorial, on the way ... \n";
std::cout << "################################\n";
// clear a transition (does not touch mStates, mInitStates and mMarkedStates)
g1.ClrTransition(idx_s10, idx_e10, idx_s11); // by index
// transitions can also be cleared by names (slower) or by an assigned
// TransSet::Iterator (faster); use ClearTransRel() to remove all transitions
// clear the symbolic name for a state in the StateSymbolTable
// exists event index/name in mAlphabet?
bool bool_eventexists1 = g1.ExistsEvent("e11");
bool bool_eventexists2 = g1.ExistsEvent(2);
// exists state in mStates?
bool bool_stateexists1 = g1.ExistsState(4);
// check if a state is an initial state
bool bool_initstateexists = g1.ExistsInitState(4);
// check if a state is a marked state
bool bool_ismarkedstate = g1.ExistsMarkedState(4);
// look up event name for index in the EventSymbolTable of the event domain
std::string str_eventname1 = g1.EventName(1);
// look up event index for name in the EventSymbolTable of the event domain
Idx idx_eventindex = g1.EventIndex("e11");
// get symbolic name assigned to state (returns "" if no name assigned).
std::string str_tmp = g1.StateName(idx_s10);
// get index for symbolic state name. only possible for state names of states in
// the Generator
idx_tmp = g1.StateIndex("s12");
// clear Generator (including alphabet)
// get the number of events in the Generator's alphabet
Idx idx_eventnum = g1.AlphabetSize();
// get the number of states
Idx idx_statenum = g1.Size();
// get the number of transitions
Idx idx_transnum = g1.TransRelSize();
// there also are InitStatesSize(), MarkedStatesSize()
// is the alphabet of the Generator empty?
bool bool_alphempty = g1.AlphabetEmpty();
// is the Generator empty (number of states == 0) ?
bool bool_isempty = g1.Empty();
// see also TransRelEmpty, InitStatesEmpty, MarkedStatesEmpty
// insert a small loop
Idx initstate = g1.InsInitState("in");
Idx markedstate = g1.InsMarkedState("out");
// show effect on console
std::cout << "################################\n";
std::cout << "# tutorial, after ins and del \n";
std::cout << "################################\n";
// record test case
FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("g1, edited", g1);
// Iterators
// since the core members are all implemented as sets, iterators
// effectively are const_iterators, i.e. you cannot change the
// current value of an iterator. instead you may remove the value
// and insert the new value.
// iteration over alphabet indices (member "mAlphabet")
std::cout << "################################\n";
std::cout << "# tutorial, iterators 1 \n";
EventSet::Iterator eit;
for (eit = g1.AlphabetBegin(); eit != g1.AlphabetEnd(); ++eit) {
std::cout << "event \"" << g1.EventName(*eit) << "\" with index "<< *eit << std::endl;
std::cout << "################################\n";
// iteration over state indices (member "mStates")
std::cout << "################################\n";
std::cout << "# tutorial, iterators 2 \n";
StateSet::Iterator sit;
for (sit = g1.StatesBegin(); sit != g1.StatesEnd(); ++sit) {
std::cout << *sit << std::endl;
std::cout << "################################\n";
// iteration over complete transition relation (member "mTransRel")
std::cout << "################################\n";
std::cout << "# tutorial, iterators 3 \n";
for (tit = g1.TransRelBegin(); tit != g1.TransRelEnd(); ++tit) {
std::cout << g1.TStr(*tit) << std::endl;
std::cout << "################################\n";
// iteration over transitions from a given state; note that we avoid
// computation of the end of the iteration in every step
std::cout << "################################\n";
std::cout << "# tutorial, iterators 4 \n";
idx_tmp = g1.StateIndex("s1");
tit = g1.TransRelBegin(idx_tmp);
tit_end = g1.TransRelEnd(idx_tmp);
for (; tit != tit_end; ++tit) {
std::cout << g1.TStr(*tit) << std::endl;
std::cout << "################################\n";
// variations: transitions of given state index + given event index:
// TransRelBegin(x1, ev) - TransRelEnd(x1, ev)
// iteration over initial and marked states:
// InitStatesBegin() - InitStatesEnd() (member "mInitStates")
// MarkedStatesBegin() - MarkedStatesEnd() (member "mMarkedStates")
// retrieve copies of the Generator's transition releation
// in different sorting orders than X1 -> Ev -> X2
// note: the availabity of iterator ranges depends on the sorting order;
// eg iteration with specified x2 requires X2->Ev->X1 or X2->X1->Ev sorting.
// retrieve a copy that is sorted by X2 -> Ev -> X1 by the binary
// predicate TransSort::X2EvX1.
TransSetX2EvX1 tset_x2evx1;
// report to console
std::cout << "################################\n";
std::cout << "# tutorial, x2-ev-x1 sorting\n";
for (tit2 = tset_x2evx1.Begin(); tit2 != tset_x2evx1.End(); ++tit2) {
std::cout << g1.TStr(*tit2) << std::endl;
std::cout << "################################\n";
// Convenience Methods
// remove all events from mAlphabet, that do not have a transition in
// mTransRel: g1.MinimizeAlphabet()
// get an EventSet containing all the events that drive some transition
EventSet eset_usedevents = g1.UsedEvents();
// get an EventSet containing all the events that do not drive any transition
EventSet eset_unusedevents = g1.UnusedEvents();
// return the active event set at a given state
EventSet eset_activeeventset = g1.ActiveEventSet(idx_s12);
// return a StateSet containing all the states that are connected by
// some transition
StateSet sset_trel_sspace = g1.TransRelStates();
// return a StateSet containing all the successor states of a given predecessor
// state.
StateSet sset_successors = g1.SuccessorStates(idx_s12);
// note: if you need predecessor states, use a resorted transition relation
// Symbolic state name handling
// are symbolic state names enabled? depending on this boolean value
// library functions like Determine or StateMin may create symbolic
// state names automatically
bool bool_statenamesenabled = g1.StateNamesEnabled();
// disable state name creation in resulting generators for functions in
// the faudes library, that support this feature (nearly all) with
// "false"; enable state name creation with "true".
g1.StateNamesEnabled(true); // anyway .. true is the default value
// clear existing symbolic statenames for states in the Generator
// g1.ClearStateNames();
// set symbolic names for all states in the generator. the symbolic name becomes
// the equivalent string representation of the state's integer index. This is
// only usefull for debugging purposes.
// show effect on console
std::cout << "################################\n";
std::cout << "# tutorial, default names \n";
std::cout << "################################\n";
// Accessible, Coaccessible, Complete, Trim
// read example generator for reachability analysis
Generator greach("data/trimness_nottrim.gen");
std::cout << "################################\n";
std::cout << "# tutorial, reachability test case \n";
std::cout << "# tutorial, reachability relevant sets \n";
StateSet astates = greach.AccessibleSet();
StateSet cstates = greach.CoaccessibleSet();
StateSet tstates = greach.TerminalStates();
std::cout << "# tutorial, reachability analysis \n";
bool isacc = greach.IsAccessible();
std::cout << "accesibility: ok [error]\n";
std::cout << "accesibility: failed [expected]\n";
bool iscoacc = greach.IsCoaccessible();
std::cout << "coaccesibility: ok [error]\n";
std::cout << "coaccesibility: failed [expected]\n";
bool iscompl = greach.IsComplete();
std::cout << "completeness: ok [error]\n";
std::cout << "completeness: failed [expected]\n";
bool istrim = greach.IsTrim();
std::cout << "trimness: ok [error]\n";
std::cout << "trimness: failed [expected]\n";
bool isotrim = greach.IsOmegaTrim();
std::cout << "w-trimness: ok [error]\n";
std::cout << "w-trimness: failed [expected]\n";
std::cout << "################################\n";
// record test case
// Make the Generator accessible by removing transitions and states.
// The routine returns true if the generator has an initial state.
Generator gaccess(greach);
bool bool_hasinit = gaccess.Accessible();
// Make the Generator coaccessible by removing transitions and states.
// The routine returns true if the generator has a marked state.
Generator gcoaccess(greach);
bool bool_hasmarked = gcoaccess.Coaccessible();
// Make the Generator complete by removing transitions and states.
// The routine returns true if the generator has an initial state.
Generator gcompl(greach);
// Make the Generator trim by removing transitions and states.
// The routine returns true if the generator has an initial state
// and a marked state.
Generator gtrim(greach);
bool bool_isnontrivial = gtrim.Trim();
// Make the Generator omega-trim by removing transitions and states.
// The routine returns true if the generator has an initial state
// and a marked state.
Generator gotrim(greach);
// show effect on console
std::cout << "################################\n";
std::cout << "# tutorial, reachability results \n";
std::cout << "################################\n";
// contribute to html docu
// Test protocol
FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("omega trim",gotrim);
// Generalized Completeness
// read example generator for generalized completeness
Generator gsigcomplB("data/trimness_nottrim.gen");
Generator gsigcomplC("data/trimness_nottrim.gen");
EventSet sigoB;
sigoB.FromString("<A> b </A>");
EventSet sigoC;
sigoC.FromString("<A> c </A>");
std::cout << "################################\n";
std::cout << "# tutorial, sigma_o-completeness test case \n";
bool issigcompl = gsigcomplB.IsComplete(sigoB);
std::cout << "completeness: ok [error]\n";
std::cout << "completeness: failed [expected]\n";
// Make the Generator complete by removing transitions and states.
// The routine returns true if the generator has an initial state.
// record test case
// contribute to html docu
// Test case evaluation
return 0;
Test protocol diff macro.
Definition: cfl_utils.h:488
#define FAUDES_TEST_DUMP(mes, dat)
Test protocol record macro ("mangle" filename for platform independance)
Definition: cfl_utils.h:478
Faudes exception class.
Idx Insert(void)
Insert new index to set.
bool Insert(const Idx &rIndex)
Add an element by index.
TBaseSet< Transition, TransSort::X1EvX2 >::Iterator Iterator
Iterator on transition.
Definition: cfl_transset.h:273
void FromString(const std::string &rString, const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0)
Read configuration data from a string.
Definition: cfl_types.cpp:275
void Write(const Type *pContext=0) const
Write configuration data to console.
Definition: cfl_types.cpp:139
virtual vGenerator & Assign(const Type &rSrc)
Copy from other faudes type.
Idx InsState(void)
Add new anonymous state to generator.
virtual void Version(const std::string &rVersion, vGenerator &rResGen) const
Create another version of this generator.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: fts2ftx.cpp:59
IndexSet StateSet
Definition: cfl_indexset.h:273
TTransSet< TransSort::X1EvX2 > TransSet
Type definition for default sorted TTransSet.
Definition: cfl_transset.h:956
TTransSet< TransSort::X2EvX1 > TransSetX2EvX1
Type definition for x2, ev, x1 sorted TTransSet.
Definition: cfl_transset.h:968
NameSet EventSet
Convenience typedef for plain event sets.
Definition: cfl_nameset.h:533
vGenerator Generator
Plain generator, api typedef for generator with no attributes.
Includes all libFAUDES headers, incl plugings
libFAUDES resides within the namespace faudes.
uint32_t Idx
Type definition for index type (allways 32bit)

Definition in file 1_generator.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ main()

int main ( void  )

Definition at line 32 of file 1_generator.cpp.

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