Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /** @file tp_tparallel.h Parallel composition for timed automata */
3 /* Timeplugin for FAU Discrete Event Systems Library (libfaudes)
5  Copyright (C) 2007 Thomas Moor
6  Exclusive copyright is granted to Klaus Schmidt
8 */
11 // TODO: this code needs testing!
12 // TODO: use cparallel for contr. attribs
17 #include "tp_tgenerator.h"
19 namespace faudes {
22 // convenience defs for template functions
23 #define TEMP template < \
24  class GlobalAttr1, class StateAttr1, class EventAttr1, class TransAttr1, \
25  class GlobalAttr2, class StateAttr2, class EventAttr2, class TransAttr2, \
26  class GlobalAttrR, class StateAttrR, class EventAttrR, class TransAttrR >
28 #define TGEN1 TtGenerator<GlobalAttr1,StateAttr1,EventAttr1,TransAttr1>
29 #define TGEN2 TtGenerator<GlobalAttr2,StateAttr2,EventAttr2,TransAttr2>
30 #define TGENR TtGenerator<GlobalAttrR,StateAttrR,EventAttrR,TransAttrR>
33 /**
34  * Parallel composition of timed generators.
35  * Arguments rGen1 and rGen2 are assumed to have disjoind clocksets.
36  * This implementation considers accessible states only.
37  *
38  * Technically, this function is a template, but timed attribute interfaces
39  * are assumed.
40  *
41  * @param rGen1
42  * First generator
43  * @param rGen2
44  * Second generator
45  * @param rResGen
46  * Reference to resulting parallel composition generator
47  *
48  * @ingroup TimedPlugin
49  */
50 TEMP void TParallel(const TGEN1& rGen1, const TGEN2& rGen2, TGENR& rResGen);
53 /**
54  * Parallel composition of timed generators.
55  * Arguments rGen1 and rGen2 are assumed to have disjoind clocksets.
56  * This implementation considers accessible states only.
57  *
58  * Technically, this function is a template, but timed attribute interfaces
59  * are assumed. This version fills given reverse composition map with indices.
60  *
61  * @param rGen1
62  * First generator
63  * @param rGen2
64  * Second generator
65  * @param rReverseCompositionMap
66  * Reverse composition map (map< pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx>)
67  * @param rResGen
68  * Reference to resulting parallel composition generator
69  *
70  * @ingroup TimedPlugin
71  * @ingroup TimedPlugin
72  */
73 TEMP void TParallel(
74  const TGEN1& rGen1, const TGEN2& rGen2,
75  std::map< std::pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx>& rReverseCompositionMap,
76  TGENR& rResGen);
80 /*
81  **************************************************************************************
82  **************************************************************************************
83  implementation
84  **************************************************************************************
85  **************************************************************************************
86  */
89 // TParallel(rGen1, rGen2, res) (wrapper)
90 TEMP void TParallel(const TGEN1& rGen1, const TGEN2& rGen2, TGENR& rResGen) {
91  std::map< std::pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx> rcmap;
92  TParallel(rGen1, rGen2, rcmap, rResGen);
93 }
96 // TParallel(rGen1, rGen2, rReverseCompositionMap, res)
98  const TGEN1& rGen1, const TGEN2& rGen2,
99  std::map< std::pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx>& rReverseCompositionMap,
100  TGENR& rResGen)
101 {
102  FD_DF("TParallel(" << &rGen1 << "," << &rGen2 << ")");
103  // todo: exception for non-disjoint clocksets
104  // call untimed parallel composition, incl virtual clear
105  Parallel( rGen1, rGen2, rReverseCompositionMap, rResGen);
106  // 1. union clockset
107  ClockSet clocks12;
108  clocks12.InsertSet(rGen1.Clocks());
109  clocks12.InsertSet(rGen2.Clocks());
110  FD_DF("TParallel(" << &rGen1 << "," << &rGen2 << "): clocks:" << clocks12.ToString());
111  FD_DF("TParallel(" << &rGen1 << "," << &rGen2 << "): clocks:" << rGen1.Clocks().ToString());
112  rResGen.InjectClocks(clocks12);
113  // 2. intersect invariants
114  std::map< std::pair<Idx,Idx>, Idx>::const_iterator rcit;
115  for(rcit=rReverseCompositionMap.begin(); rcit!=rReverseCompositionMap.end(); rcit++) {
116  Idx x1=rcit->first.first;
117  Idx x2=rcit->first.second;
118  Idx x12=rcit->second;
119  if(!rResGen.ExistsState(x12)) continue;
120  TimeConstraint invariant12;
121  invariant12 << rGen1.Invariant(x1);
122  invariant12 << rGen2.Invariant(x2);
123  FD_DF("TParallel(" << &rGen1 << "," << &rGen2 << "): invariant " << x1 << "|" << x2
124  << " :" << invariant12.ToString());
125  rResGen.Invariant(x12,invariant12);
126  }
127  // 3. set up composition map (todo: avoid this)
128  std::map< Idx, std::pair<Idx,Idx> > compositionmap;
129  for(rcit=rReverseCompositionMap.begin(); rcit!=rReverseCompositionMap.end(); rcit++)
130  compositionmap[rcit->second]=rcit->first;
131  // 4. resets and guards
132  TransSet::Iterator tit;
133  for(tit=rResGen.TransRelBegin(); tit!=rResGen.TransRelEnd(); tit++) {
134  // hypothesis: unconstraint guard, no resets
135  TimeConstraint guard;
136  ClockSet resets;
137  // if event is in Gen1, intersect with gurad of Gen1
138  if(rGen1.ExistsEvent(tit->Ev)) {
139  Transition t1;
140  t1.X1=compositionmap[tit->X1].first;
141  t1.Ev=tit->Ev;
142  t1.X2=compositionmap[tit->X2].first;
143  FD_DF("TParallel(" << &rGen1 << "," << &rGen2 << "): guard/resets in Gen1 for " << t1.Str());
144  guard.Insert(rGen1.Guard(t1));
145  resets.InsertSet(rGen1.Resets(t1));
146  }
147  // if event is in Gen2, intersect with gurad of Gen2
148  if(rGen2.ExistsEvent(tit->Ev)) {
149  Transition t2;
150  t2.X1=compositionmap[tit->X1].second;
151  t2.Ev=tit->Ev;
152  t2.X2=compositionmap[tit->X2].second;
153  FD_DF("TParallel(" << &rGen1 << "," << &rGen2 << "): guard/resets in Gen2 for " << t2.Str());
154  guard.Insert(rGen2.Guard(t2));
155  resets.InsertSet(rGen2.Resets(t2));
156  }
157  FD_DF("TParallel(" << &rGen1 << "," << &rGen2 << "): guard " << tit->Str()
158  << " :" << guard.ToString());
159  rResGen.Guard(*tit,guard);
160  FD_DF("TParallel(" << &rGen1 << "," << &rGen2 << "): resets " << tit->Str()
161  << " :" << resets.ToString());
162  rResGen.Resets(*tit,resets);
163  }
164  FD_DF("TParallel: done ");
165 }
170 #undef TEMP
171 #undef GEN1
172 #undef GEN2
173 #undef GENR
176 } // namespace faudes
178 #endif
#define FD_DF(message)
Debug: optional report on user functions.
Container class to model a set of clocks.
virtual void InsertSet(const NameSet &rOtherSet)
Inserts all elements of rOtherSet.
TBaseSet< Transition, TransSort::X1EvX2 >::Iterator Iterator
Iterator on transition.
Definition: cfl_transset.h:273
A TimeConstraint is a set of elementary clock constraints.
std::string ToString(void) const
Write to a std::string.
Iterator Insert(const ElemConstraint &rElemConstr)
Adds an elementary clock constraint to the time constraint.
Triple (X1,Ev,X2) to represent current state, event and next state.
Definition: cfl_transset.h:57
Idx X1
Current state.
Definition: cfl_transset.h:99
std::string Str(void) const
Pretty print to string.
Definition: cfl_transset.h:111
Idx X2
Next state.
Definition: cfl_transset.h:108
std::string ToString(const std::string &rLabel="", const Type *pContext=0) const
Write configuration data to a string.
Definition: cfl_types.cpp:169
void Parallel(const Generator &rGen1, const Generator &rGen2, Generator &rResGen)
Parallel composition.
void TParallel(const TGEN1 &rGen1, const TGEN2 &rGen2, TGENR &rResGen)
Parallel composition of timed generators.
Definition: tp_tparallel.h:90
libFAUDES resides within the namespace faudes.
uint32_t Idx
Type definition for index type (allways 32bit)
Timed generator class TtGenerator.
#define TEMP
Definition: tp_tparallel.h:23
#define TGEN2
Definition: tp_tparallel.h:29
#define TGEN1
Definition: tp_tparallel.h:28
#define TGENR
Definition: tp_tparallel.h:30

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