mtc_redundantcolors.h File Reference

Methods for removing redundant colors for the supervisor synthesis from MtcSystems. More...

#include "corefaudes.h"
#include "mtc_observercomputation.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


 libFAUDES resides within the namespace faudes.


void faudes::SearchScc (const Idx state, int &rCount, const Generator &rGen, StateSet &rNewStates, std::stack< Idx > &rSTACK, StateSet &rStackStates, std::map< const Idx, int > &rDFN, std::map< const Idx, int > &rLOWLINK, std::set< StateSet > &rSccSet, StateSet &rRoots)
 Search for strongly connected components (SCC)*** This function partitions the stateset of a generator into equivalence classes such that states x1 and x2 are equivalent iff there is a path from x1 to x2 AND a path from x2 to x1. More...
bool faudes::ComputeSCC (const Generator &rGen, std::set< StateSet > &rSccSet, StateSet &rRoots)
 Computes the strongly connected components (SCCs) of an automaton. More...
void faudes::ColoredSCC (MtcSystem &rGen, ColorSet &rColors, std::set< StateSet > &rColoredSCCs)
 Compute all strongly connected components (SCCs) in a colored marking generator (CMG) that are marked with a given set of colors. More...
bool faudes::CheckRedundantColor (MtcSystem rGen, Idx redundantColor)
 Check if a color in a colored marking generator is redundant for the supervisor synthesis. More...
void faudes::OptimalColorSet (const MtcSystem &rGen, ColorSet &rOptimalColors, EventSet &rHighAlph)
 Compute an optimal subset of the colors that should be removed. More...
void faudes::rec_OptimalColorSet (const MtcSystem &rGen, const std::vector< Idx > &rColorVector, Idx colorNumber, ColorSet &rOptimalColors, Idx &rOptimalNumberStates, Idx &rOptimalNumberColors, const EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rOptimalHighAlph)
 Recursively find an optimal set of colors to be removed. More...

Detailed Description

Methods for removing redundant colors for the supervisor synthesis from MtcSystems.

Definition in file mtc_redundantcolors.h.

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