mtc_parallel.cpp File Reference

Methods for parallel composition of multitasking generators. More...

#include "mtc_parallel.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


 libFAUDES resides within the namespace faudes.


void faudes::mtcParallel (const MtcSystem &rGen1, const MtcSystem &rGen2, MtcSystem &rResGen)
 Parallel composition of two colored marking generators, controllability status is observed. More...
void faudes::mtcParallel (const MtcSystem &rGen1, const MtcSystem &rGen2, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, MtcSystem &rResGen)
 Parallel composition of two MtcSystems. More...
void faudes::ComposedColorSet (const MtcSystem &rGen1, const Idx stdidx1, ColorSet &colors1, const MtcSystem &rGen2, const Idx stdidx2, ColorSet &colors2, ColorSet &composedSet)
 Compose the color set for a state combined from two states in two distinct automata. More...

Detailed Description

Methods for parallel composition of multitasking generators.

Definition in file mtc_parallel.cpp.

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