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2 Functions to check a system's diagnosability with respect to failure events (diagnosability and I-diagnosability) and computation of an event-diagnoser.
25 Standard diagnosability of a plant is validated with respect to a given failure %partition. According to: "A Polynomial Algorithm for Testing Diagnosability of Discrete Event Systems" by Shengbing Jiang, Zhongdong Huang, Vigyan Chandra, and Ratnesh Kumar.
34 extern FAUDES_API bool IsEventDiagnosable(const System& rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap& rFailureTypeMap, std::string& rReportString);
39 Validates I-Diagnosability with respect to a given failure and indicator %partition. The algorithm is a modification of IsDiagnosable().
48 extern FAUDES_API bool IsIndicatorEventDiagnosable(const System& rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap& rFailureTypeMap, std::string& rReportString);
51 Check if a generator meets the general assumptions of diagnosability as required by IsDiagnosable(const System&, const AttributeFailureTypeMap&, std::string&) and IsIndicatorDiagnosable(const System&, const AttributeFailureTypeMap&, std::string&).
72 extern FAUDES_API bool MeetsDiagnosabilityAssumptions(const System& rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap& rFailureTypeMap, std::string& rReportString);
84 extern FAUDES_API void ConvertParallelCompositionMap( const std::map<std::pair<Idx,Idx>,Idx>& rReverseCompositionMap,
120 extern FAUDES_API bool FailuresUnobservable(const System& rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap& rFailureTypeMap, std::string& rReport);
134 Auxiliary function for ExistsCycle(const System&, std::string&). Starting from a state currState, this function makes a depth-first-search through the generator rGen.
148 extern FAUDES_API bool ExistsCycleSearch(const System& rGen, StateSet& rTodo, Idx currState, StateSet statesOnPath, std::string& rReport);
160 Auxiliary function for CycleStartStates(). Parses through the active event set of the current state and checks whether any of the successor states already occurred on the path to current state (then a cycle is found).
172 extern FAUDES_API void CycleStartStatesSearch(const System& rGen, StateSet& rTodo, Idx currState, StateSet statesOnPath, StateSet& rCycleOriginStates);
175 Remove states with same failure labels from rGd and from rReverseCompositionMap and perform cycle detection.
189 extern FAUDES_API bool ExistsViolatingCyclesInGd(System& rGd, const Diagnoser& rGobs, std::map<std::pair<Idx,Idx>,Idx>& rReverseCompositionMap, const std::string& rFailureType, std::string& rReportString);
194 Input generator, which is a model of the original plant containing the relevant failures events.
202 extern FAUDES_API void ComputeGobs(const System& rOrigGen, const std::string& rFailureType, const EventSet& rFailureEvents, Diagnoser& rGobs);
207 Input generator, which is a model of the original plant containing the relevant failures events.
215 extern FAUDES_API void ComputeGobs(const System& rOrigGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap& rAttrFTMap, Diagnoser& rGobs);
218 Compute the diagnosability testing generator G_d as a parallel composition of G_o with itself (according to Jiang).
226 extern FAUDES_API void ComputeGd(const Diagnoser& rGobs, std::map<std::pair<Idx,Idx>,Idx>& rReverseCompositionMap, System& rGd);
229 Extract all traces of a generator G_d that start with an indicator event that follows a failure event of a certain failure type.
241 extern FAUDES_API void TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGd(System& rGd, const Diagnoser& rGobs, const Idx rFailureType,
242 const EventSet& rIndicatorEvents, const std::map<std::pair<Idx,Idx>,Idx>& rReverseCompositionMap);
245 Auxiliary function for TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGd(). Parse through active transition set of the current state and delete transitions if occurring event is not an indicator event or there did not occur a failure before the indicator.
261 extern FAUDES_API void TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGdRecursive(System& rGd, const Diagnoser& rGobs, const Idx rFailureType,
266 Compute the reachability from a given generator state through a trace that consists of arbitrarily many unobservable events followed by one observable event.
278 Output variable for the reachability. Maps occurring observable events to the reachable generator states and the corresponding failure types that occurred within the unobservable part of the trace.
280 extern FAUDES_API void ComputeReachability(const System& rGen, const EventSet& rUnobsEvents, const EventSet& rFailures, Idx State,
281 const AttributeFailureTypeMap& rAttrFTMap, std::map<Idx,std::multimap<Idx,DiagLabelSet> >& rReachabilityMap);
284 Auxiliary function for ComputeReachability(const System&, const EventSet&, const EventSet&, Idx, const AttributeFailureTypeMap&, std::map<Idx,std::multimap<Idx,DiagLabelSet>>&). Is recursively called for every occurring state on the trace (that consists of arbitrarily many unobservable events followed by one observable event).
296 Output variable for the reachability. Maps occurring observable events to the reachable generator states and the coresponing failure types that occurred within the unobservable part of the trace.
300 extern FAUDES_API void ComputeReachabilityRecursive(const System& rGen, const EventSet& rUnobsEvents,
302 std::map<Idx,std::multimap<Idx,DiagLabelSet> >& rReachabilityMap, const DiagLabelSet FToccurred);
325 extern FAUDES_API void EventDiagnoser(const System& rOrigGen, const std::map<std::string,EventSet>& rFailureTypeMap, Diagnoser& rDiagGen);
342 extern FAUDES_API void EventDiagnoser(const System& rOrigGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap& rAttrFTMap, Diagnoser& rDiagGen);
347 Generate a new label. From the last label and the failure types that occurred on the way, the new label is generated.
355 extern FAUDES_API void LabelPropagation(const DiagLabelSet& lastLabel, const DiagLabelSet& failureTypes, DiagLabelSet& newLabel);
364 extern FAUDES_API void LabelCorrection(const std::multimap<Idx,DiagLabelSet>& mm, AttributeDiagnoserState& attr);
369 extern FAUDES_API bool IsEventDiagnosable(const System& rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap& rFailureTypeMap);
375 extern FAUDES_API bool IsIndicatorEventDiagnosable(const System& rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap& rFailureTypeMap);
Implements state estimates for the current status of the generator. Definition: diag_attrdiagstate.h:21 Partitions the failure and indicator events. Definition: diag_attrfailuretypes.h:25 Implements the label representation for state estimates. Definition: diag_attrlabelset.h:19 Provides the structure and methods to build and handle diagnosers. Definition: diag_generator.h:26 Includes all libFAUDES headers, no plugins. State estimates for the current status of the generator (as state attributes). Failure and indicator events for a common failure type. Contains the failure and indicator partition for a system (used as global attribute). Label representation for state estimates. Includes debugging to diagnosis plug-in. Structure of diagnosers and methods to handle them. void ConvertParallelCompositionMap(const map< pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, map< Idx, pair< Idx, Idx > > &rCompositionMap) Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:210 bool ExistsViolatingCyclesInGd(System &rGd, const Diagnoser &rGobs, map< pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, const string &rFailureType, string &rReportString) Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:380 bool FailuresUnobservable(const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap, string &rReport) Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:265 void ComputeGd(const Diagnoser &rGobs, map< pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, System &rGd) Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:588 TransSet ActiveBackwardTransSet(const System &rGen, Idx state) Obtain all transitions from other states into a given state of a generator. Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:802 bool ExistsCycleSearch(const System &rGen, StateSet &rTodo, Idx currState, StateSet statesOnPath, string &rReport) Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:306 bool IsIndicatorEventDiagnosable(const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap, string &rReportString) Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:85 bool ExistsCycle(const System &rGen, string &rReport) Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:283 void CycleStartStatesSearch(const System &rGen, StateSet &rTodo, Idx currState, StateSet statesOnPath, StateSet &rCycleOriginStates) Auxiliary function for CycleStartStates(). Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:354 void CycleStartStates(const System &rGen, StateSet &rCycleOrigins) Find all start/end states of cycles of unobservable events in a generator. Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:334 void TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGd(System &rGd, const Diagnoser &rGobs, const Idx rFailureType, const EventSet &rIndicatorEvents, const map< pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap) Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:606 bool IsLive(const System &rGen, string &rReport) Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:225 bool IsEventDiagnosable(const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap, string &rReportString) Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:13 void ComputeReachability(const System &rGen, const EventSet &rUnobsEvents, const EventSet &rFailures, Idx State, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rAttrFTMap, map< Idx, multimap< Idx, DiagLabelSet > > &rReachabilityMap) Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:703 void EventDiagnoser(const System &rOrigGen, const map< string, EventSet > &rFailureTypeMap, Diagnoser &rDiagGen) Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:816 void LabelPropagation(const DiagLabelSet &lastLabel, const DiagLabelSet &failureTypes, DiagLabelSet &newLabel) Generate a new label. Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:1020 void ComputeReachabilityRecursive(const System &rGen, const EventSet &rUnobsEvents, const EventSet &rFailures, Idx State, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rAttrFTMap, map< Idx, multimap< Idx, DiagLabelSet > > &rReachabilityMap, const DiagLabelSet FToccurred) Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:729 bool CycleOfUnobsEvents(const System &rGen, string &rReport) Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:241 bool MeetsDiagnosabilityAssumptions(const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap, string &rReportString) Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:160 void TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGdRecursive(System &rGd, const Diagnoser &rGobs, const Idx rFailureType, const EventSet &rIndicatorEvents, map< Idx, pair< Idx, Idx > > &rCompositionMap, Idx state, StateSet &rStatesDone) Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:618 void LabelCorrection(const multimap< Idx, DiagLabelSet > &mm, AttributeDiagnoserState &attr) Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:1047 void ComputeGobs(const System &rOrigGen, const string &rFailureType, const EventSet &rFailureEvents, Diagnoser &rGobs) Definition: diag_eventdiagnosis.cpp:423 libFAUDES 2.32f --- 2024.12.22 --- c++ api documentaion by doxygen |