Functions to check a system's diagnosability with respect to failure events (diagnosability and I-diagnosability) and computation of an event-diagnoser.
FAUDES_API void | faudes::ConvertParallelCompositionMap (const std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, std::map< Idx, std::pair< Idx, Idx > > &rCompositionMap) |
| Convert the reverse composition map of Parallel() by switching first and second entry. More...
FAUDES_API bool | faudes::IsLive (const System &rGen, std::string &rReport) |
| Test if a generator is live. More...
FAUDES_API bool | faudes::CycleOfUnobsEvents (const System &rGen, std::string &rReport) |
| Test if there exist any cycles of unobservable events in a generator. More...
FAUDES_API bool | faudes::FailuresUnobservable (const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap, std::string &rReport) |
| Check if all failure events are unobservable events in a generator's alphabet. More...
FAUDES_API bool | faudes::ExistsCycle (const System &rGen, std::string &rReport) |
| Test if there exist any cycles in a generator. More...
FAUDES_API bool | faudes::ExistsCycleSearch (const System &rGen, StateSet &rTodo, Idx currState, StateSet statesOnPath, std::string &rReport) |
| Auxiliary function for ExistsCycle(const System&, std::string&). More...
void | faudes::CycleStartStates (const System &rGen, StateSet &rCycleOrigins) |
| Find all start/end states of cycles of unobservable events in a generator. More...
void | faudes::CycleStartStatesSearch (const System &rGen, StateSet &rTodo, Idx currState, StateSet statesOnPath, StateSet &rCycleOriginStates) |
| Auxiliary function for CycleStartStates(). More...
FAUDES_API bool | faudes::ExistsViolatingCyclesInGd (System &rGd, const Diagnoser &rGobs, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, const std::string &rFailureType, std::string &rReportString) |
| Remove states with same failure labels from rGd and from rReverseCompositionMap and perform cycle detection. More...
FAUDES_API void | faudes::ComputeGobs (const System &rOrigGen, const std::string &rFailureType, const EventSet &rFailureEvents, Diagnoser &rGobs) |
| Compute G_o for a single failure type of a generator. More...
void | faudes::ComputeGobs (const System &rOrigGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rAttrFTMap, Diagnoser &rGobs) |
| Compute G_o for a given generator with a given failure partition (according to Jiang). More...
FAUDES_API void | faudes::ComputeGd (const Diagnoser &rGobs, std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap, System &rGd) |
| Compute the diagnosability testing generator G_d as a parallel composition of G_o with itself (according to Jiang). More...
FAUDES_API void | faudes::TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGd (System &rGd, const Diagnoser &rGobs, const Idx rFailureType, const EventSet &rIndicatorEvents, const std::map< std::pair< Idx, Idx >, Idx > &rReverseCompositionMap) |
| Extract all traces of a generator G_d that start with an indicator event that follows a failure event of a certain failure type. More...
FAUDES_API void | faudes::TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGdRecursive (System &rGd, const Diagnoser &rGobs, const Idx rFailureType, const EventSet &rIndicatorEvents, std::map< Idx, std::pair< Idx, Idx > > &rCompositionMap, Idx state, StateSet &rStatesDone) |
| Auxiliary function for TrimNonIndicatorTracesOfGd(). More...
FAUDES_API void | faudes::ComputeReachability (const System &rGen, const EventSet &rUnobsEvents, const EventSet &rFailures, Idx State, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rAttrFTMap, std::map< Idx, std::multimap< Idx, DiagLabelSet > > &rReachabilityMap) |
| Compute the reachability from a given generator state through a trace that consists of arbitrarily many unobservable events followed by one observable event. More...
FAUDES_API void | faudes::ComputeReachabilityRecursive (const System &rGen, const EventSet &rUnobsEvents, const EventSet &rFailures, Idx State, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rAttrFTMap, std::map< Idx, std::multimap< Idx, DiagLabelSet > > &rReachabilityMap, const DiagLabelSet FToccurred) |
| Auxiliary function for ComputeReachability(const System&, const EventSet&, const EventSet&, Idx, const AttributeFailureTypeMap&, std::map<Idx,std::multimap<Idx,DiagLabelSet>>&). More...
TransSet | faudes::ActiveBackwardTransSet (const System &rGen, Idx state) |
| Obtain all transitions from other states into a given state of a generator. More...
FAUDES_API void | faudes::EventDiagnoser (const System &rOrigGen, const std::map< std::string, EventSet > &rFailureTypeMap, Diagnoser &rDiagGen) |
| Compute a standard diagnoser from an input generator and a failure partition. More...
void | faudes::LabelPropagation (const DiagLabelSet &lastLabel, const DiagLabelSet &failureTypes, DiagLabelSet &newLabel) |
| Generate a new label. More...
FAUDES_API void | faudes::LabelCorrection (const std::multimap< Idx, DiagLabelSet > &mm, AttributeDiagnoserState &attr) |
| Perform label correction on propagated failure type labels. More...
bool | faudes::IsEventDiagnosable (const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap) |
| Function definition for run-time interface. More...
bool | faudes::IsIndicatorEventDiagnosable (const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap) |
| Function definition for run-time interface. More...
FAUDES_API bool | faudes::IsEventDiagnosable (const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap, std::string &rReportString) |
| Test a system's diagnosability with respect to a given failure partition. More...
FAUDES_API bool | faudes::IsIndicatorEventDiagnosable (const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap, std::string &rReportString) |
| Test a system's I-diagnosability with respect to a given failure partition. More...
FAUDES_API bool | faudes::MeetsDiagnosabilityAssumptions (const System &rGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rFailureTypeMap, std::string &rReportString) |
| Check if a generator meets the general assumptions of diagnosability as required by IsDiagnosable(const System&, const AttributeFailureTypeMap&, std::string&) and IsIndicatorDiagnosable(const System&, const AttributeFailureTypeMap&, std::string&). More...
void | faudes::EventDiagnoser (const System &rOrigGen, const AttributeFailureTypeMap &rAttrFTMap, Diagnoser &rDiagGen) |
| Compute a standard diagnoser from an input generator and a failure partition. More...
Functions to check a system's diagnosability with respect to failure events (diagnosability and I-diagnosability) and computation of an event-diagnoser.
Definition in file diag_eventdiagnosis.h.