luafaudes Tutorial: hio_3_hiofunctions.luaTo run the below Lua script, cd to the tutorial section of the respective plug-in and enter luafaudes hio_3_hiofunctions.lua at the command prompt. The script will read input data from ./tutorial/data/. -- hio_3_hiofunctions.lua -- report print('hiosys: lua tutorial 3 - functions') -- -- Simple machine example for hiosys-tutorial: -- Machine sends YP-event 'A_wait' to operator: -- Does nothing after UP-event 'A_stp', or executes -- the process 'A_do', which requires a shared -- resource from the environment, modelled by -- 'A_req': The environment may provide or -- deny access to the resource ('A_pack' or -- 'A_nack', respectively): -- -- read plant A model plantA = faudes.HioPlant('data/3_hiofunctions/hio_simplemachine_A.gen') plantA:GraphWrite('tmp_hio_simplemachine_A.png') -- must be in I/O plant form b=faudes.IsHioPlantForm(plantA) if not b then print("Error: plantA not in HioPlantForm") end -- -- Environment constraint: -- Resources are always provided as requested -- -- read plant A environment constraint SeA=faudes.HioConstraint('data/3_hiofunctions/hio_simpleEnvConstr_A.gen') --should be in I/O constraint form: b=faudes.IsHioConstraintForm(SeA) if not b then print('Warning: environment constraint A not in I/O constraint form:') end SeA:GraphWrite('tmp_hio_simpleEnvConstr_A.png') -- -- Operator constraint: -- simple machine is complete and YP-life wrt: to the -- environment constraint and a minimal operator -- constraint, which - for convenience - can be -- modelled by an epsilon language HioConstraint: -- -- construct epsilon language operator constraint SpA=faudes.HioConstraint() init=SpA:InsInitState() SpA:SetMarkedState(init) --============================================================================ --================ CONTROLLER SYNTHESIS FOR MONOLITHIC PLANT A =============== --============================================================================ -- report print('hiosys: controller synthesis for plant a') -- -- Specification: -- Send YC-event 'A_READY' as feedback to operator: -- Accept UC-events 'A_STANDBY' or 'A_OPERATE' as -- operator inputs: -- Command 'A_STANDBY': do nothing: -- Command 'A_OPERATE': Process two resources: -- specA=faudes.HioPlant('data/3_hiofunctions/hio_simplespec_A.gen') specA:GraphWrite('tmp_hio_simplespec_A.png') -- -- external operator constraint: -- also specification A is complete and YP-life wrt: to the -- environment constraint and a minimal operator -- constraint: -- -- construct epsilon language external operator constraint ScA=faudes.HioConstraint() init=ScA:InsInitState() ScA:SetMarkedState(init) -- run controller synthesis algorithm controllerA=faudes.HioController() faudes.HioSynthMonolithic(plantA,specA,ScA,SpA,SeA,controllerA) FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("HioSynthMonolithic",controllerA) controllerA:Write('tmp_hio_simpleController_A.gen') controllerA:GraphWrite('tmp_hio_simpleController_A.png') --============================================================================ --===================== HIERARCHICAL CONTROLLER SYNTHESIS FOR PLANTS AND B === --============================================================================ -- report print('hiosys: setup plant b data') -- -- Machine B Sends YP-event 'B_wait' to operator: -- Does nothing after UP-event 'B_stp', or executes -- the process 'B_do', which produces a shared -- resource provided to the environment, modelled -- by 'B_prov': The environment may or may not -- accept the resource ('B_pack' or 'B_nack', -- respectively): -- -- read plant B model plantB=faudes.HioPlant('data/3_hiofunctions/hio_simplemachine_B.gen') plantB:GraphWrite('tmp_hio_simplemachine_B.png') -- must be in I/O plant form b=faudes.IsHioPlantForm(plantB) if not b then print("Error: plantB not in HioPlantForm") end -- -- Environment constraint: -- Resources are always provided as requested: -- -- read plant A environment constraint SeB=faudes.HioConstraint('data/3_hiofunctions/hio_simpleEnvConstr_B.gen') b=faudes.IsHioConstraintForm(SeB) if not b then print('Warning: environment constraint B not in I/O constraint form.') end SeB:GraphWrite('tmp_hio_simpleEnvConstr_B.png') -- -- Operator constraint: -- simple machine B is complete and YP-life wrt: to the -- environment constraint and a minimal operator -- constraint, which - for convenience - can be -- modelled by an epsilon language HioConstraint: -- -- construct epsilon language operator constraint SpB=faudes.HioConstraint() init=SpB:InsInitState() SpB:SetMarkedState(init) --=============================================== --I/O SHUFFLE OF PLANT A AND PLANT B --=============================================== -- report print('hiosys: shuffle plant a and b') ioShuffleAB=faudes.HioPlant() faudes.HioShuffle(plantA,plantB,ioShuffleAB) FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("HioShuffle",ioShuffleAB) ioShuffleAB:Write('tmp_hio_simpleHioShuffle_AB.gen') ioShuffleAB:GraphWrite('tmp_hio_simpleHioShuffle_AB.png') -- combined constraints of plant A and B: -- Internal constraint for plant A and B: -- Combination of constraints of plant A and B -- results in the exclusion of A_nack and B_nack intConstrAB=faudes.Generator('data/3_hiofunctions/hio_simpleIntConstr_AB.gen') --=============================================== --ENVIRONMENT MODEL FOR PLANT AB --=================================================-- -- -- Simple machine example for hiosys-tutorial: -- Environment: -- A request of machine A (A_req) for a resource is -- denied (A_nack) until machine B provides it -- (B_prov, B_pack): Then, machine A has to request -- the resource until machine B can provide the next -- one: A resource provided by machine B and -- requested by machine A is readily processed -- and can be provided to the external -- environment (AB_prov), which may or may not -- accept the processed resource (AB_pack, -- AB_nack): -- envAB=faudes.HioEnvironment('data/3_hiofunctions/hio_simpleenvironment_AB.gen') envAB:GraphWrite('tmp_hio_simpleenvironment_AB.png') -- -- Environment constraint: -- Processed resources are always accepted as provided: -- -- read plant A environment constraint SlAB=faudes.HioConstraint('data/3_hiofunctions/hio_simpleEnvConstr_AB.gen') b=faudes.IsHioConstraintForm(SlAB) if not b then print('Warning: environment constraint AB not in I/O constraint form.') end SlAB:GraphWrite('tmp_hio_simpleEnvConstr_AB.png') --==================================================== --SPECIFICATION AND EXTERNAL OPERATOR CONSTRAINT --======================================================-- -- -- Simple machine example for hiosys-tutorial: -- Specification: -- Send YC-event 'AB_READY' as feedback to operator: -- Accept UC-events 'AB_STANDBY' or 'AB_OPERATE' as -- operator inputs: -- Command 'AB_STANDBY': do nothing: -- Command 'AB_OPERATE': Provide processed resource (AB_prov): -- specAB=faudes.HioPlant('data/3_hiofunctions/hio_simplespec_AB.gen') specAB:GraphWrite('tmp_hio_simplespec_AB.png') -- -- external operator constraint: -- also specification AB is complete and YP-life wrt: to the -- environment constraint and a minimal operator -- constraint: -- -- construct epsilon language external operator constraint ScAB=faudes.HioConstraint() init=ScAB:InsInitState() ScAB:SetMarkedState(init) -- report print('hiosys: controller synthesis for plants a and b') -- run controller synthesis algorithm controllerAB=faudes.HioController() faudes.HioSynthHierarchical(ioShuffleAB,envAB,specAB,intConstrAB,ScAB,SlAB,controllerAB) FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("HioSynthHierarchical",controllerAB) controllerAB:Write('tmp_hio_simpleController_AB.gen') controllerAB:GraphWrite('tmp_hio_simpleController_AB.png') -- report print('statistics:') controllerAB:SWrite()
libFAUDES 2.32f --- 2024.12.22 --- with "synthesis-observer-observability-diagnosis-hiosys-iosystem-multitasking-coordinationcontrol-timed-simulator-iodevice-luabindings-hybrid-example-pybindings" |