luafaudes Tutorial: 6_algorithm.luaTo run the below Lua script, cd to the tutorial section of the respective plug-in and enter luafaudes 6_algorithm.lua at the command prompt. The script will read input data from ./tutorial/data/. -- Demo for implementing synthesis algorithms in luaFAUDES, tmoor, 2024 -- This script implements a variation of the common synthesis algorithm -- to address event priorities. For each event, we associate a priority -- by which it is executed in closed-loop configuration. Specifically, -- uncontrollable events will be preempted by events with higher priority, -- so by enabeling a high priority event we can effectively disable a low -- priority cuncontrollable event. function faudes.SupPconNB(GPlant,ACtrl,TPrios,GSpec,GLoop) -- Parameters -- GPlant plant model -- ACtrl controllable events -- TPrios table of event priorities -- GSpec specification -- GLoop closed-loop behaviour (result) -- Parameter Conditions -- GPlant and GSpec must be deterministic, and so will be the result -- TPrios is a Lua table to map events to a non-negative integer priority, -- (events not listed in the priorities table default to priority 0) -- prepare result local plant = GPlant:Copy() local spec = GSpec:Copy() local sigma_f = plant:Alphabet() + spec:Alphabet() faudes.InvProject(plant, sigma_f) faudes.InvProject(spec, sigma_f) -- closed-loop candidate local pcmap=faudes.ProductCompositionMap() faudes.Product(GPlant,GSpec,pcmap,GLoop) -- iteratively delete undesired states local delstates=faudes.IndexSet() repeat -- loop all candidate states delstates:Clear() local sit = GLoop:StatesBegin() local sit_end = GLoop:StatesEnd() while sit ~= sit_end do -- get both plant and loop indicees local lx = sit:Index() local px = pcmap:Arg1State(lx) print("testing loop state", GLoop:StateName(lx)) sit:Inc() -- figure highest priority of event enabled in loop candidate local lenabled=faudes.EventSet() local lmaxp=-1 local lmaxe=nil local tit = GLoop:TransRelBegin(lx) local tit_end = GLoop:TransRelEnd(lx) while tit ~= tit_end do local ev= GLoop:EventName(tit:Ev()) lenabled:Insert(ev) local p = TPrios[ev] if p == nil then p=0 end if p > lmaxp then lmaxp=p lmaxe=ev end tit:Inc() end print("highest priority loop event:",lmaxe,lmaxp) -- figure highest priority uncontrollable event disabled by loop candidate local pmaxp= -1 local pmaxe=nil local tit = GPlant:TransRelBegin(px) local tit_end = GPlant:TransRelEnd(px) while tit ~= tit_end do local ev= GPlant:EventName(tit:Ev()) if not lenabled:Exists(ev) then if not ACtrl:Exists(ev) then local p = TPrios[ev] if p == nil then p=0 end if p > pmaxp then pmaxp=p pmaxe=ev end end end tit:Inc() end print("highest priority disabled uncontrollabe event:",pmaxe,pmaxp) -- remove the loop state if disabled unctrollable events are not preempted if pmaxp >= 0 and lmaxp < pmaxp then print("schedule delete",GLoop:StateName(lx)) delstates:Insert(lx) end end -- delete states and unblock GLoop:DelStates(delstates) GLoop:Trim() -- terminate on fixpoint until delstates:Empty() end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Example: -- Elevate a cabin (m_on) until the keyswitch in 1st floor becomes active (c_ar), -- and stop (m_off) before the keyswitch becomes passive (c_lv); the actuator events -- m_on and m_moff will be executed with higher priority and thus preempt the sensor -- events c_ar and c_lv. Specifically, after c_ar we can preempt c_lv by m_off. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- plant model: motor can be on or off, cabin can be in basement, first or second floor ElePlant=faudes.Generator() ElePlant:FromString([[ <Generator> "Elevator" <Alphabet> mon moff car clv </Alphabet> <States> OFF_0 ON_0 OFF_1 ON_1 OFF_2 ON_2 </States> <TransRel> OFF_0 mon ON_0 ON_0 moff OFF_0 OFF_1 mon ON_1 ON_1 moff OFF_1 OFF_2 mon ON_2 ON_2 moff OFF_2 ON_0 car ON_1 ON_1 clv ON_2 </TransRel> <InitStates> OFF_0 </InitStates> <MarkedStates> OFF_0 OFF_1 OFF_2 </MarkedStates> </Generator> ]]) -- specification: do whatever it needs to arrive in first floor EleSpec=faudes.Generator() EleSpec:FromString([[ <Generator> "MoveToFloor1" <Alphabet> mon moff car clv </Alphabet> <States> ANY DONE </States> <TransRel> GO mon GO GO moff GO GO clv GO GO car OK OK moff OK </TransRel> <InitStates> GO </InitStates> <MarkedStates> OK </MarkedStates> </Generator> ]]) -- controllable events aka actuators EleCntrl=faudes.EventSet() EleCntrl:FromString([[ <Alphabet> mon moff </Alphabet> ]]) -- priorities such that actuators preempt sensors ElePrio={['mon']=1, ['moff']=1} -- run example EleLoop=faudes.Generator() faudes.SupPconNB(ElePlant, EleCntrl, ElePrio, EleSpec, EleLoop) EleLoop:Write()
libFAUDES 2.32f --- 2024.12.22 --- with "synthesis-observer-observability-diagnosis-hiosys-iosystem-multitasking-coordinationcontrol-timed-simulator-iodevice-luabindings-hybrid-example-pybindings" |