luafaudes Tutorial: 1_containers.luaTo run the below Lua script, cd to the tutorial section of the respective plug-in and enter luafaudes 1_containers.lua at the command prompt. The script will read input data from ./tutorial/data/. -- Test/demonstrate basic faudes containers -- Turn on debugging messages -- faudes.Mute(false) -- ------------------------------------------ -- Plain index set (eg StateSet) -- ------------------------------------------ -- Announce print("################# Set of indicees") -- Create plain set of indices iset = faudes.IndexSet() -- Have a name iset:Name("PlainIndexContainer") -- Insert some indicees iset:Insert(2) iset:Insert(4) iset:Insert(8) iset:Insert(10) -- Print the set via lua string conversion print(iset) -- Access via iterator print("Iterating over IndexSet:",iset:Name()) iit=iset:Begin() while iit~=iset:End() do -- Dereference iterator print(iit:Index()) -- Increment iterator iit:Inc() end -- Simple assignment gives a reference, not a copy isetR = iset -- To create a copy, use copy constructor or copy method i2set = faudes.IndexSet(iset) i3set = iset:Copy() -- Manipulate the original iset ... iset:Erase(10) -- ... which affects isetR, but not i2set and i3set print(i2set) print(i3set) print(isetR) -- Record test case FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("iset orig",iset) FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("iset ref",isetR) FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("iset copy 2",i2set) FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("iset copy 3",i3set) -- ------------------------------------------ -- Set of indicees with symbolic names -- ------------------------------------------ -- Announce print("################# Set of symbols") -- Create the set nset = faudes.EventSet() -- Have a name nset:Name("SymbolicIndiceesContainer") -- Insert some elements nset:Insert("alpha") nset:Insert("beta") -- Print the set print(nset) -- Symbol lookup idx=nset:Index("beta") name=nset:SymbolicName(idx) print(name, " has index ", idx) -- Iterate print("Iterating over EventSet",nset:Name()) nit=nset:Begin() while nit~=nset:End() do -- Variants of deref print("Element: ", nit:Index(), nit:Name(), nset:SymbolicName(nit), nset:Str(nit)) -- Increment nit:Inc() end -- Erase an element nset:Erase("beta") -- Create a copy of the set n2set = nset:Copy() -- Write to file n2set:Write("tmp_nameset.txt") -- ------------------------------------------ -- Boolean operations on sets -- ------------------------------------------ print("################# Boolean operations") aset=faudes.EventSet() bset=faudes.EventSet() aset:FromString('<A> "a" "b" "c" </A>') bset:FromString('<B> "c" "d" "e" </B>') print(aset) print(bset) -- Union print(aset+bset) -- Intersection print(aset*bset) -- Difference print(aset-bset) -- Inclusion if aset <= aset + bset then print("a <= a+b --- OK") end -- Equality if aset ~= bset then print("a ~= b --- OK") end -- ------------------------------------------ -- Set of events with control-system attribute -- ------------------------------------------ -- Announce print("################# Set of events with control-system attribute") -- Create the set eg from the above set eset = faudes.Alphabet(nset) -- Have a name eset:Name("Alphabet") -- Insert some more elements eset:Insert("beta") eset:Insert("lambda") -- Set event to be controllabel eset:Attribute("alpha"):SetControllable() -- Insert with an attribute prepared cattr=faudes.AttributeCFlags() cattr:SetControllable() eset:Insert("mue",cattr) -- Set attribute of element eset:Attribute("lambda",cattr) -- Print the set print(eset) -- Iterate print("Iterating over alphabet",eset:Name()) eit=eset:Begin() while eit~=eset:End() do -- Variants of deref print("Element: ", eit:Index(), eit:Name(), eset:Str(eit), eset:Attribute(eit)) -- Increment eit:Inc() end -- ------------------------------------------ -- Boolean operations on sets with attributes -- ------------------------------------------ print("################# Boolean operations incl attributes") aset=faudes.Alphabet() bset=faudes.Alphabet() aset:FromString('<A> "a" +C+ "b" +o+ "c" +o+ </A>') bset:FromString('<B> "c" +o+ "d" "e" +CF+ </B>') cset=faudes.Alphabet(aset); cset:Attribute("a"):ClrControllable() print(aset) print(bset) print(cset) -- The operators *, + and - return plain event sets print("Operators swallow attributes:") print(aset + bset) print(aset - bset) print(aset * bset) -- Set comaprison operators (attributes ignored) sle1 = (aset <= cset) if sle1 then print("a <= c --- OK") end seq1 = (aset == cset) if seq1 then print("a == c --- OK") end -- Set comparison methods (when types don't match) sle2 = faudes.AlphabetInclusion(aset, aset + bset) if sle2 then print("a <= a + b --- OK") end seq2 = faudes.AlphabetEquality(aset - bset + aset,aset) if seq2 then print("a - b + a == a --- OK") end -- Technical detail. By std. Lua semantics, the order operators "==", "<=" -- and "<" do not allow for overloading with mixed types. E.g., no matter -- what comparison function we implement, "==" is meant to insist in a -- matching type. It is only due to a rather crude hack that the below -- code fragment evaluates as the one may expect. We recommend that you -- avoid the issue alltogether and use the above functions. sle3 = (aset <= aset + bset) -- avoid this: types dont match if sle3 then print("a <= a + b --- OK") end seq3 = (aset == aset - bset + aset ) -- avoid this: types dont match if seq3 then print("a == a - b + a --- OK") end -- Union, maintain attributes union=faudes.Alphabet() faudes.AlphabetUnion(aset,bset,union) print("AlphabetUnion(...) maintains attributes"); print(union) -- Intersection, maintain attributes intersection=faudes.Alphabet() faudes.AlphabetIntersection(aset,bset,intersection) print("AlphabetIntersection(...) maintains attributes"); print(intersection) -- Difference, maintain attributes difference=faudes.Alphabet() faudes.AlphabetDifference(aset,bset,difference) print("AlphabetDifference(...) maintains attributes"); print(difference) -- Record test case FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("union with attrib.",union) FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("intersection with attrib.",intersection) FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("difference with attrib.",difference) FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("inclusion with attrib.",sle1) FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("equality with attrib.",seq1) FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("inclusion with attrib.",sle2) FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("equality with attrib.",seq2) FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("inclusion with attrib.",sle3) FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("equality with attrib.",seq3) -- ------------------------------------------ -- Transitions relations -- ------------------------------------------ -- Announce print("################# Set of transitions") -- Create the set tset = faudes.TransSet() -- Have a name tset:Name("TransitionRelation") -- Insert some transitions: by component tset:Insert(1,"alpha",2) tset:Insert(2,"beta",1) tset:Insert(2,"mue",3) -- Insert some transitions: prepared trans = faudes.Transition(3,"lambda",1) tset:Insert(trans) -- Print the set tset:Write() -- Iterate print("Iterating over transition set",tset:Name()) tit=tset:Begin() while tit~=tset:End() do -- Variants of deref print("Element: ", tit:Transition(), tset:Str(tit)) -- Increment tit:Inc() end -- Sort in X2-Ev-X1 order trset = faudes.TransSetX2EvX1() trset:Name("ReverseTransitionSet") tset:ReSort(trset) -- Print the set print("Transitionset in reverse order") trset:Write() -- ------------------------------------------ -- Vectors -- ------------------------------------------ -- Announce print("################# Vector of alphabets") -- Create a vector of alphabets -- Note: corefaudes also provides vectors of event sets, generators and systems avec = faudes.AlphabetVector() -- Append alphabet to the vector (takes a copy) avec:PushBack(aset) avec:PushBack(bset) -- Access entries (provides reference) avec[0]:Insert("alpha") avec[0]:Attribute("alpha"):SetControllable() -- Access entries (yes, the [] operator does provide a reference) aset=avec[0] aset:Insert("beta") -- Access entries (fine for function arguments, too) faudes.AlphabetUnion(avec[0], avec[1], avec[2]) faudes.AlphabetIntersection(avec[0], avec[1], avec[3]) -- Set entries assignment (takes a copy) avec[4]=aset avec[5]=avec[2] -- Explicit resize (here: extend) avec:Size(8) -- Report avec:Write() -- Record test case FAUDES_TEST_DUMP("vect test",avec) -- Validate FAUDES_TEST_DIFF()
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