op_observercomputation.cpp File Reference

Methods to compute natural projections that exhibit the obsrver property. More...

#include "op_observercomputation.h"
#include "cfl_localgen.h"

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 libFAUDES resides within the namespace faudes.


void faudes::calculateDynamicSystemClosedObs (const Generator &rGen, EventSet &rHighAlph, Generator &rGenDyn)
 Computation of the dynamic system for Delta_sigma (reachable states after the occurrence of one high-level event). More...
void faudes::calculateDynamicSystemObs (const Generator &rGen, EventSet &rHighAlph, Generator &rGenDyn)
 Computation of the dynamic system for Delta_obs (local reachability of a marked state). More...
void faudes::calculateDynamicSystemMSA (const Generator &rGen, EventSet &rHighAlph, Generator &rGenDyn)
 Computation of the dynamic system for Delta_msa (local fulfillment of the msa-observer property). More...
bool faudes::recursiveCheckMSAForward (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rHighAlph, Idx currentState, StateSet &rDoneStates)
 Check if the msa-observer conditions is fulfilled for a given state. More...
bool faudes::recursiveCheckMSABackward (const Generator &rGen, const TransSetX2EvX1 &rRevTransSet, const EventSet &rHighAlph, Idx currentState, StateSet &rDoneStates)
 Check if the msa-observer conditions is fulfilled for a given state. More...
void faudes::calculateDynamicSystemLCC (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rControllableEvents, const EventSet &rHighAlph, Generator &rGenDyn)
 Computation of the dynamic system for Delta_lcc (fulfillment of the local control consistency property). More...
void faudes::recursiveCheckLCC (const TransSetX2EvX1 &rRevTransSet, const EventSet &rControllableEvents, const EventSet &rHighAlph, Idx currentState, StateSet &rDoneStates)
 Find states that fulfill the lcc condition. More...
Idx faudes::calcClosedObserver (const Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph)
 L(G)-observer computation by adding events to the high-level alphabet. More...
Int faudes::calcNaturalObserver (const Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph)
 Lm(G)-observer computation by adding events to the high-level alphabet. More...
Int faudes::calcNaturalObserverLCC (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph)
 Lm(G)-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC) by adding events to the high-level alphabet. More...
Int faudes::calcMSAObserver (const Generator &rGen, EventSet &rHighAlph)
 MSA-observer computation by adding events to the high-level alphabet. More...
Int faudes::calcMSAObserverLCC (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph)
 MSA-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC) by adding events to the high-level alphabet. More...
void faudes::ExtendHighAlphabet (const Generator &rGen, EventSet &rHighAlph, map< Idx, Idx > &rMapStateToPartition)
 Extension of the high-level alphabet to achieve the Lm-observer property. More...
bool faudes::CheckSplit (const Generator &rGen, const EventSet &rSplitAlphabet, const vector< pair< StateSet, Idx > > &rNondeterministicStates, Idx entryState)
void faudes::calcAbstAlphClosed (System &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents)
 L(G)-observer computation. More...
void faudes::calcAbstAlphClosed (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents)
 L(G)-observer computation. More...
void faudes::calcAbstAlphClosed (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans)
 L(G)-observer computation. More...
void faudes::calcAbstAlphObs (System &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents)
 Lm-observer computation. More...
void faudes::calcAbstAlphObs (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents)
 Lm-observer computation. More...
void faudes::calcAbstAlphObs (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans)
 Lm-observer computation. More...
void faudes::calcAbstAlphMSA (System &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents)
 MSA-observer computation. More...
void faudes::calcAbstAlphMSA (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents)
 MSA-observer computation. More...
void faudes::calcAbstAlphMSA (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans)
 MSA-observer computation. More...
void faudes::backwardReachabilityObsOCC (const TransSetX2EvX1 &rTransSetX2EvX1, const EventSet &rControllableEvents, const EventSet &rHighAlph, Idx exitState, Idx currentState, bool controllablePath, map< Idx, map< Idx, bool > > &rExitLocalStatesMap, StateSet &rDoneStates)
void faudes::calcAbstAlphObsLCC (System &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents)
 Lm-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC). More...
void faudes::calcAbstAlphObsLCC (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans)
 Lm-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC). More...
void faudes::calcAbstAlphMSALCC (System &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents)
 MSA-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC). More...
void faudes::calcAbstAlphMSALCC (Generator &rGenObs, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans)
 MSA-observer computation including local control consistency (LCC). More...
bool faudes::relabel (Generator &rGenRelabel, EventSet &rControllableEvents, EventSet &rHighAlph, map< Idx, Idx > &rMapStateToPartition, map< Transition, Transition > &rMapChangedTransReverse, map< Transition, Idx > &rMapChangedTrans, map< Idx, EventSet > &rMapRelabeledEvents)
 Relabeling algorithm for the computation of an Lm-observer. More...
void faudes::insertRelabeledEvents (System &rGenPlant, const map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents, Alphabet &rNewEvents)
 Convenience function for relabeling events in a given generator. More...
void faudes::insertRelabeledEvents (Generator &rGenPlant, const map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents, EventSet &rNewEvents)
 Convenience function for relabeling events in a given generator. More...
void faudes::insertRelabeledEvents (System &rGenPlant, const map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents)
 Convenience function for relabeling events in a given generator. More...
void faudes::insertRelabeledEvents (Generator &rGenPlant, const map< Idx, set< Idx > > &rMapRelabeledEvents)
 Convenience function for relabeling events in a given generator. More...
void faudes::calcAbstAlphObs (System &rGenObs, EventSet &rHighAlph, EventSet &rNewHighAlph, EventRelabelMap &rMapRelabeledEvents)
 Rti convenience wrapper. More...
void faudes::insertRelabeledEvents (Generator &rGenPlant, const EventRelabelMap &rMapRelabeledEvents, EventSet &rNewEvents)
 Rti convenience wrapper. More...
void faudes::insertRelabeledEvents (Generator &rGenPlant, const EventRelabelMap &rMapRelabeledEvents)
 Rti convenience wrapper. More...

Detailed Description

Methods to compute natural projections that exhibit the obsrver property.

The observer algorithm is elaborated in K. C. Wong and W. M. Wonham, "On the Computation of Observers in Discrete Event Systems," Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 55-107, 2004. In addition, methods to compute natural projections that exhibit output control consistency (OCC) and local control consistency (LCC) are provided. See for example K. Schmidt and C. Breindl, "On Maximal Permissiveness of Hierarchical and Modular Supervisory Control Approaches for Discrete Event Systems," Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 2008. Furthermore, an algorithm for computing natural observers without changing event labels as presented in Lei Feng; Wonham, W.M., "On the Computation of Natural Observers in Discrete-Event Systems," Decision and Control, 2006 45th IEEE Conference on , vol., no., pp.428-433, 13-15 Dec. 2006 is implemented.

Definition in file op_observercomputation.cpp.

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