FGDES provides a number of software tools to facilitate practical experiments in the field of discrete-event systems and supervisory control. We appreciate that our tools have been used and extended by several third parties. On this download page, we distribute out software as precompiled binaries and, where applicable, as source code. For selected tools the latter can also be found on GitHub.
The libFAUDES source code is licensed under conditions of the LGPL.
All other software or documents in the FAUDES archive are subject to copyright and licensing as individually stated. In particular, earlier versions of projects with a graphical user interface are bundled with Qt libraries in an Academic License version and therefore are limited to educational, non-commercial research and/or administrative purposes. Let us know, if you have other license requirements.
libFAUDES - Sources & Linux Executables
[Download>>] the most recent version of libFAUDES. The package contains the sources of the library, standard plug-ins and a collection of tutorials. Also provided is a set of relevant command line tools as precompiled Linux binaries, incl. the interpreter luafaudes and the simulator simfaudes. Depending on your Linux distribution you may need to recompile the binaries (see the build system documentation).
libFAUDES - MS Windows Executables
[Download>>] a recent libFAUDES as MS Windows Installer. The package containers header files, the compiled libFAUDES library and executables from the tutorial section, incl. the simulator simfaudes and the interpreter luafaudes. Due to limited resources, the MS Windows versions of libFAUDES and friends are less tested and may be slightly outdated. Please contact us if you require a MS Windows executable of a particular libFAUDES version or with particular compile-time options.
DESTool - Synthesis and Analysis of Discrete-Event Systems
DESTool is a graphical user interface (GUI) that transparently passes on faudes-types and faudes-functions from the libFAUDES run-time-interface. Regarding code maturity, the current version of DESTool is quite usable but far from finished. Precompiled binaries are distributed [here].
FlexFact - Flexible Manufacturing System Simulator
The plant simulator FlexFact mimics the dynamical behaviour of various electro-mechanical components, like conveyor belts and processing machines, as used in the LRT laboratory model of a flexible manufacturing system. The external interface includes MODBUS TCP and SimpleNet for interconnection with a controller, e.g., a PLC or libFAUDES/DESTool. FlexFact is distributed as an executable within the bundle faudes_applications_* from the below archive.
CompileDES - Code Generator
The CompileDES project is a re-design from sratch and aims to concentrate the experiences gathered in a serious of predecessors in a uniform and systematic way. We have used CompileDES is experiments of relevant scale including a real world application with an external partner. Rhe source archieve faudes_compiledes_*.tar.gz can also serve as template on how to organise libFAUDES based applications in general. It includes instructions for application development with plain Makefiles, the Qt Creator IDE and MS Visual Studio IDE.
The below archive provides the sources and the input data used for participation at the WODES 2008 benchmark libFAUDES – An Open Source C++ Library for Discrete Event Systems, Moor/Schmidt/Perk, and for the application case study Applied Supervisory Control for a Flexible Manufacturing System, by Moor/Schmidt/Perk, presented at WODES 2010. By now, the actual source code is somewhat outdated and it is provided for easy reference only. [packages WODES 2008, WODES 2010]