CompileDES  3.13
Executable-Code Generation from Synchronised libFAUDES Automata


./compiledes> ./build/compiledes -t k20 -o out.c ./examples/blink/blink_k20.cgc


% Example Configuration of Code Generator
% This example configures the code generator to compile
% a variation of the u-controller hello-world example "blink".
% It has been validated to compile with "arm-none-eabi-gcc",
% version 4.8.4, from the Arduino/Teensy toolchain. Additional
% support files "mk20dx256.c/h/ld" required for Teensy 3.2 board
% setup and linking.
<CodeGenerator name="Blink_K20_2017_03">
% 1. Specify generators
% The Generators section lists relevant generators to compile.
% You may use either file names with paths relative to this
% configuration file or explicit Generator sections.
<Generator name="Blink3">
<States> Idle sA sAB sABC 10 dAB dA </States>
Idle OnLedA sA
sA OnLedB sAB
sABC Beep 10
10 OffLedA dAB
dAB OffLedB dA
dA OffLedC Idle
<InitStates> Idle </InitStates>
<Generator name="Delay">
1 OnLedA 2
1 OnLedB 2
1 OnLedC 2
1 OffLedA 2
1 OffLedB 2
1 OffLedC 2
2 Tick 1
<InitStates> 1 </InitStates>
<Generator name="WaitButton">
1 PushButton 3
1 OffLedC 1
3 PushButton 3
3 OffLedC 1
3 OnLedA 3
<InitStates> 1 </InitStates>
% 2. Specify event execution semantics
% Output events to turn on/off LEDs
% We have three LEDs connected to PORTB0, PORTD1 and PORTC0,
% aka Pin 14, 15, 16 on a Teensey 3.2 board.
% For the K20 target, Set/Clr-actions directly refer to
% digital IO pins. Here the address must be in the format
% PORTxn where x is a letter ranging from 'A' to 'E' and n is a
% bit address ranging from '0' to '31'. Exe-actions are the
% same as with EmbeddedC and take any literal expression including
% assignments and functioncalls.
<Event name="OnLedA">
<Priority val="20"/>
<Actions> PORTB0 +Set+ </Actions>
<Event name="OnLedB">
<Priority val="20"/>
<Actions> PORTD1 +Set+ </Actions>
<Event name="OnLedC">
<Priority val="20"/>
<Actions> PORTC0 +Set+ </Actions>
<Event name="OffLedA">
<Priority val="20"/>
<Actions> PORTB0 +Clr+ </Actions>
<Event name="OffLedB">
<Priority val="20"/>
<Actions> PORTD1 +Clr+ </Actions>
<Event name="OffLedC">
<Priority val="20"/>
<Actions> PORTC0 +Clr+ </Actions>
<Event name="Beep">
<Priority val="20"/>
<Actions> "beep(100)" +Execute+ </Actions>
% Input event to sense a keyswitch
% We use PORTC7 aka Pin 11 on Teensy board and sense negative edges.
% For the K20 target, the abstract address provided for
% an edge trigger must either be a boolean expression or
% literaly represent a port bit in the notation PORTxn with x
% indicating a port 'A' - 'E' and the n specifying the bit on
% that port. Value-triggers behave as with the EmbeddedC target
% and specify an expression that evaluates to a boolean value.
<Event name="PushButton">
<Priority val="10"/>
<Triggers> PORTC7 +NegEdge+ +Static+ </Triggers>
% Internal timer event Tick
% Generated timer code is implemented as integer typed
% counters with one increment interpreted as one faudes-time
% unit [ftu]. Target specific code is meant to relate ftu
% to some physical time unit by calling the generated
% function "timerdec(int elapsed_ftu)" on a regular basis.
% For the K20 target, the below sample code uses a 32bit
% timer running at bus-clock to sense the elapsed time
% once per cycle. In this particular configuration, one
% ftu amounts to 10ms.
<Event name="Tick">
<Priority val="0"/>
<Timer val="25ftu"> % initial value [25ftu=250ms]
OnLedA OnLedB OnLedC OffLedA OffLedB OffLedC
OnLedA OnLedB OnLedC OffLedA OffLedB OffLedC
% 3. Target configuration parameters
% Prefix to all generated symbols to mimique a namespace
<Prefix val="FCG"/>
% Elementary data type for words of bits; the Kinetis code
% generator currently needs 32bit for internal implementation
% reasons
<WordType val="uint32_t"/>
<WordSize val="32" />
% Elementary data type for indices; must be a signed type
% and must at least distinguish all present events and all
% timer states; i.e. 8bit would be fine for this example.
% Note that code options may impose further restrictions on
% adequate data types.
<IntegerType val="int16_t"/>
<IntegerSize val="16"/>
% Use arrays of words to represent bitarrays. If not set,
% individual words will be used instead.
<ArrayForBitarray val="true"/>
% Conversion of an event bitaddress to a word-index and a bitmask
% can be done by look-up tabes (ArrayForBitmasks) or bit-shift
% arithmetic.
<ArrayForBitmasks val="false"/>
<BitAddressArithmetic val="true"/>
% Precompile transition relations to arrays of integers.
% The size of the array for a transition relation is given by
% "n + 2m" with "n" the number of states and "m" the number
% of transitions. The arrays must be addressable by the integer
% data type. For this hello world example, 8bit integers would do,
% however, typically this option requires at least 16bit integers.
<ArrayForTransitions val="true"/>
% Loop over all pending input events until none can be
% executed. This option may circumvent issues caused by slow i/o
% or degraded overalll performance due to competing tasks.
<LoopPendingInputs val="true"/>
% Generate an name lookup tables. The EmbeddeC target will
% set up global const arrays with event and state names to
% convert internal event inducees to string references.
<EventNameLookup val="true"/>
<StateNameLookup val="true"/>
% Specify a function that will be called after event execution.
% The function must take the target event index as the only argument.
<EventExecutionHook val="report_event"/>
% For the Kinetis K20 MCU, we configure outputs with slow edge
% and high level driver.
<KinetisOutputControl val="PORT_PCR_SRE | PORT_PCR_DSE"/>
% For the Kinetis K20 MCU, we configure inputs with pullup
% and low-pass filter.
<KinetisInputControl val="PORT_PCR_PFE | PORT_PCR_PE | PORT_PCR_PS"/>
% The below code snippets tailors the overall output to include
% a main function to go with the Teensy 3.2 board. This is for convenience
% only: you may likewise have an externally maintained application that
% includes the generated code and invokes the functions FCG_cyclic() and
% FCG_timerdec() in a cyclic fashion.
// validated to compile with arm-none-eabi-gcc
// using "-Os -mmcu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -nostdlib -MMD -D__MK20DX256__ -DF_CPU=72000000 "
// std k20 includes (need to link with mk20dx256.o/usb_serial.o)
#include "mk20dx256.h"
#include "usb_serial.h"
// forward declaration of lookup tables
const char* FCG_event_lookup[];
const char* FCG_state_lookup_0[];
// diagnosis support: print string
void print_str(const char* str) {
while(*str) usb_serial_putchar(*(str++));
// diagnosis support: print int (max 32bit, signed)
void print_int(long int num) {
char sig= num<0;
if(sig) num *= -1;
char str[12];
int i=12;
do {
unsigned char digit= num % 10;
str[--i]= digit + '0';
num = num/10;
} while((num>0) && (i>1));
if(sig) str[--i]='-';
// diagnosis: event execution hook
void report_event(int16_t tidx) {
print_str("ev [");
// dummy actuator "beep"
void beep(int dt) {
(void) dt;
// initialise monitor pio
void init_mpio(void) {
//PC5, output, red led on Teensy
GPIOC_PDDR |= (1 << 5);
//PC6, input with internal pullup, right keyswitch on FGDES board
// initialise timer3 (run at F_BUS=36MHz with 20sec period)
void init_timer3(void) {
PIT_MCR = 0x00;
PIT_LDVAL3 = 20L * F_BUS; // 20sec overflow
PIT_TCTRL3 |= 0x01; // start Timer 3
// elapsed time in ticks (F_BUS ticks at 36MHz)
inline unsigned long time_elapsed3(void) {
static unsigned long recent = 0 ;
unsigned long now = PIT_CVAL3;
if(recent < now) recent += 20L * F_BUS;
unsigned int inc = recent - now;
recent = now;
return inc;
// elapsed time in 10ms ticks
inline unsigned long time_elapsed10ms(void) {
static unsigned long recent = 0 ;
unsigned long now = PIT_CVAL3;
unsigned long inc = 0;
if(recent < now) recent += 20L * F_BUS;
if(recent - now >= (F_BUS / 100)) {
recent -= inc * (F_BUS / 100);
return inc;
// entry point
int main(void) {
// init support
// init payload
// system-time to operate with 10ms ticks and an intended overflow at 24h
unsigned long systime = 0;
const unsigned long systime_sup = 100L*3600L*24L;
// min/max performance monitor
long max_c=-1;
long min_c=-1;
// loop forever
while(1) {
// track performance in timer3 ticks (F_BUS=36MHz)
unsigned int elapsed = time_elapsed3();
if( (elapsed < min_c) || (min_c==0) ) min_c=elapsed;
if( (elapsed > max_c) && (max_c>=0) ) max_c=elapsed;
if(min_c<0) min_c=0;
if(max_c<0) max_c=0;
// update faudes 100Hz timers and systime
unsigned int elapsed10ms = time_elapsed10ms();
if(elapsed10ms) {
systime -= systime_sup;
// systime flash on Teensy led at 1Hz
if(systime % 100 < 5) {
GPIOC_PSOR = (1 << 5);
} else {
GPIOC_PCOR = (1 << 5);
// payload
// report state on (potential) change
if(FCG_recent_event>0) {
print_str("st [");
// trigger monitor output
int monitor_trigger=0;
// trigger by negative edge on keyswitch PC6 with 2ms debounce
static int keyswitch_lowcyc=0;
int keyswitch_line= GPIOC_PDIR & ( 1L << 6 );
if(keyswitch_line) keyswitch_lowcyc=0;
if( (!keyswitch_line) && (keyswitch_lowcyc>=0) ) keyswitch_lowcyc+=elapsed10ms;
if(keyswitch_lowcyc>2) monitor_trigger=1;
if(monitor_trigger) keyswitch_lowcyc=-1;
// trigger periodically everey 10 secs
static unsigned long monitor_scheduled=0;
if(systime >= monitor_scheduled) {
if(systime+10*100 < monitor_scheduled)
monitor_scheduled -= systime_sup;
// no monitor
if(!monitor_trigger) continue;
// monitor
print_str("monitor: systime=");
if(max_c>0) {
print_str(" cycletime=");
print_str("[min/max usecs]");
// never get here
return 0;
% End of CodeGenerator section